[arch-general] X fails to start after editing ~/.xinitrc
I have a new arch install with basic X environment added and successfully tested. Following instructions here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fonts I installed "terminus" fonts, created ~/.xinitrc file and added to it the following lines as advised: xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local xset fp rehash After this X fails to start with error: "/usr/bin/startx: Line 127: hostname: command not found" When ~/.xinitrc file deleted, X starts as before just fine. Could somebody help me to figure out what am I doing wrong, please?
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Juan R. de Silva <juan.r.d.silva@gmail.com> wrote:
You don't have 'hostname' installed. hostname, is available in net-tools - which has been deprecated. net-tools from testing don't provide hostname anymore http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2011-August/021397.ht... Next time, install pkgtools package and run 'pkgfile foo' where 'foo' is the file or command you want to find.
On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 03:37:58 +0200, Karol Blazewicz wrote:
Sorry but this creates more questions then helps. :-( See below...
1. My net-tools package is not from testing but from core. Could I conclude from what you've said above that my net-tools still provides hostname? 2. Sincerely I do not understand what hostname has to do with the attempted procedure at all and why X without ~/.xinitrc file does not require hostname and needs it when ~/.xinitrc file is present? 3. In case net-tools package from core does not provide hostname any more as well, what would be a solution then for one that would like to use "terminus" fonts which by default installed into /usr/share/fonts/local?
Next time, install pkgtools package and run 'pkgfile foo' where 'foo' is the file or command you want to find.
Thank you for this I'll use it certainly.
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 4:16 AM, Juan R. de Silva <juan.r.d.silva@gmail.com> wrote:
I've never had any problems with Terminus being added to fontpath in .xinitrc but you can use xorg.conf for that too. If you have net-tools installed, you shouldn't be getting errors about hostname being missing. hostname will be provided by inetutils, as was explained in the mailing list message I linked to. I'm currently running testing and I have no problems with X, hostname does its job (whatever that might be ;P), I'm using Terminus and have 'xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local &; in my .xinirtc - all seems to work. When I downgrade to [core] (i.e. I'm not using [testing] anymore), things still work, so the current net-tools should be all you need.
On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 04:45:49 +0200, Karol Blazewicz wrote:
To use xorg.conf I would need first to create one, since my system works without it so far. Unless I really must to create it I would prefer to leave things as their are for now.
If you have net-tools installed, you shouldn't be getting errors about hostname being missing.
Yes, net-tools is installed. However the error is as I said.
You typed above: 'xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local &; Is it a typo or you meant to say your .xinitrc has line like this? 'xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local &' - with ampersand at the end If the last is true then it differs from my entry, which is 'xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local' - without ampersand. Does it make sense to add it?..
When I downgrade to [core] (i.e. I'm not using [testing] anymore), things still work, so the current net-tools should be all you need.
Here a snippet I found in 'man xset': [ fp rehash: The rehash argument resets the font path to its current value, causing the server to reread the font databases in the current font path. This is generally only used when adding new fonts to a font directory (after running mkfontdir to recreate the font database). ] I actually never run 'mkfontdir' after Terminus fonts were installed since the Fonts Installation wiki page I referred to mentions that executing 'mkfontscale' and then 'mkfontdir' is needed only for "older applications that do not support fontconfig". Do you think this might be a problem?
participants (2)
Juan R. de Silva
Karol Blazewicz