[arch-general] pacman segfault problem
Hey alltogether Unfortunatelly I ran into some really strange pacman problem. While performing an normal system update, my computer froze (due to some incorrect overclocking settings). After correcting the settings and rebooting, I tried to run the Upgrade again, and got this (after manually removing the lock file): error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate. Afterwards I ran the pacman with --debug switch. Since the ouptut is rather long, I have attached it to the end of the mail. Unfortunatelly, gdb wasn't very helpfull, just showing 0x00007ffff78d8c96 in strcmp () from /lib/libc.so.6 If any one has any idea of how to replace the broken pacman with a new pacman or of how to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate to hear from you. Thanks in advance Benedikt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.conf debug: config: new section 'options' debug: config: HoldPkg: pacman debug: config: HoldPkg: glibc debug: config: SyncFirst: pacman debug: config: architecture: x86_64 debug: config: new section 'core' debug: registering sync database 'core' debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 66: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.archlinux.org/core/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/archlinux/core/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://mirrors2.portafixe.com/archlinux/core/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://ftp.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de/mirrors/archlinux/core/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/x86_64 debug: setlibpaths() called debug: option 'cachedir' = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: new section 'extra' debug: registering sync database 'extra' debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 70: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.archlinux.org/extra/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://mirrors2.portafixe.com/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://ftp.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de/mirrors/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/archlinux/extra/os/x86_64 debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: new section 'community' debug: registering sync database 'community' debug: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 78: including /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://ftp.hosteurope.de/mirror/ftp.archlinux.org/community/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/archlinux/community/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://mirrors2.portafixe.com/archlinux/community/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://ftp.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de/mirrors/archlinux/community/os/x86_64 debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/archlinux/community/os/x86_64 debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.conf debug: registering local database :: Synchronizing package databases... debug: destfile found, using mtime only debug: using 'core.db.tar.gz' for download progress debug: HTTP_PROXY: (null) debug: http_proxy: (null) debug: FTP_PROXY: (null) debug: ftp_proxy: (null) debug: ust.mtime: 1280144323 local_time: 1280144323 compare: 0 debug: ust.size: 36270 local_size: 36270 compare: 0 debug: files are identical, skipping core.db.tar.gz core is up to date debug: destfile found, using mtime only debug: using 'extra.db.tar.gz' for download progress debug: HTTP_PROXY: (null) debug: http_proxy: (null) debug: FTP_PROXY: (null) debug: ftp_proxy: (null) debug: ust.mtime: 1280495099 local_time: 1280495099 compare: 0 debug: ust.size: 466248 local_size: 466248 compare: 0 debug: files are identical, skipping extra.db.tar.gz extra is up to date debug: destfile found, using mtime only debug: using 'community.db.tar.gz' for download progress debug: HTTP_PROXY: (null) debug: http_proxy: (null) debug: FTP_PROXY: (null) debug: ftp_proxy: (null) debug: ust.mtime: 1280495442 local_time: 1280495442 compare: 0 debug: ust.size: 398411 local_size: 398411 compare: 0 debug: files are identical, skipping community.db.tar.gz community is up to date debug: loading package cache for repository 'local' debug: database path for tree local set to /var/lib/pacman/local/ debug: loading package cache for repository 'core' debug: database path for tree core set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/core/ :: Starting full system upgrade... debug: checking for package upgrades debug: loading package cache for repository 'extra' debug: database path for tree extra set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra/ debug: loading package cache for repository 'community' debug: database path for tree community set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/community/ debug: new version of 'autoconf' found (2.65-2 => 2.66-2) debug: adding package autoconf-2.66-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'avidemux-cli' found (2.5.3-2 => 2.5.3-3) debug: adding package avidemux-cli-2.5.3-3 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'cabextract' found (1.2-2 => 1.3-1) debug: adding package cabextract-1.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'chromium' found (5.0.375.99-1 => 5.0.375.125-1) debug: adding package chromium-5.0.375.125-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'cpufrequtils' found (007-1 => 008-1) debug: adding package cpufrequtils-008-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'cryptsetup' found (1.1.2-1 => 1.1.3-1) debug: adding package cryptsetup-1.1.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'dhclient' found (4.1.1.p1-1 => 4.2.0-1) debug: adding package dhclient-4.2.0-1 to the transaction targets warning: evolution: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra (2.30.2-1) warning: evolution-data-server: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra ( debug: new version of 'ffmpeg' found (23619-4 => 24460-1) debug: adding package ffmpeg-24460-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'firefox' found (3.6.6-1 => 3.6.8-1) debug: adding package firefox-3.6.8-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'freetype2' found (2.3.12-1 => 2.4.1-1) debug: adding package freetype2-2.4.1-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'git' found ( => debug: adding package git- to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'glew' found (1.5.4-1 => 1.5.5-1) debug: adding package glew-1.5.5-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'gtk-aurora-engine' found (1.5.1-1 => 1.5.1-2) debug: adding package gtk-aurora-engine-1.5.1-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'gtk-candido-engine' found (0.9.1-3 => 0.9.1-4) debug: adding package gtk-candido-engine-0.9.1-4 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'gtk-engine-murrine' found (0.90.3-1 => 0.90.3-2) debug: adding package gtk-engine-murrine-0.90.3-2 to the transaction targets warning: gtkhtml: local (3.31.2-1) is newer than extra (3.30.2-1) debug: new version of 'hunspell' found (1.2.11-1 => 1.2.12-1) debug: adding package hunspell-1.2.12-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'imagemagick' found ( => debug: adding package imagemagick- to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'inkscape' found (0.47-3 => 0.47-4) debug: adding package inkscape-0.47-4 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'ktoblzcheck' found (1.21-1 => 1.27-1) debug: adding package ktoblzcheck-1.27-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'lib32-freetype2' found (2.3.12-1 => 2.4.1-1) debug: adding package lib32-freetype2-2.4.1-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'lib32-glibc' found (2.12-4 => 2.12-5) debug: adding package lib32-glibc-2.12-5 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'lib32-libtool' found (2.2.8-1 => 2.2.10-2) debug: adding package lib32-libtool-2.2.10-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'lib32-pulseaudio' found (0.9.21-7 => 0.9.21-8) debug: adding package lib32-pulseaudio-0.9.21-8 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libgcrypt' found (1.4.5-2 => 1.4.6-1) debug: adding package libgcrypt-1.4.6-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libgdiplus' found (2.6.4-1 => 2.6.7-1) debug: adding package libgdiplus-2.6.7-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libmcs' found (0.7.1-1 => 0.7.2-1) debug: adding package libmcs-0.7.2-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libmowgli' found (0.7.0-1 => 0.7.1-1) debug: adding package libmowgli-0.7.1-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libquicktime' found (1.1.5-4 => 1.1.5-5) debug: adding package libquicktime-1.1.5-5 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'libwebkit' found (1.2.2-1 => 1.2.3-1) debug: adding package libwebkit-1.2.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'lua' found (5.1.4-5 => 5.1.4-6) debug: adding package lua-5.1.4-6 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'module-init-tools' found (3.11.1-2 => 3.12-1) debug: adding package module-init-tools-3.12-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'mono' found (2.6.4-2 => 2.6.7-1) debug: adding package mono-2.6.7-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'mplayer' found (31630-1 => 31774-1) debug: adding package mplayer-31774-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'orc' found (0.4.4-1 => 0.4.6-1) debug: adding package orc-0.4.6-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'p7zip' found (9.13-1 => 9.13-2) debug: adding package p7zip-9.13-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'perl-tree-dag-node' found (1.06-1 => 1.06-2) debug: adding package perl-tree-dag-node-1.06-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'php' found (5.3.2-6 => 5.3.3-1) debug: adding package php-5.3.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'php-apache' found (5.3.2-6 => 5.3.3-1) debug: adding package php-apache-5.3.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'pkg-config' found (0.25-1 => 0.25-2) debug: adding package pkg-config-0.25-2 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'pulseaudio' found (0.9.21-7 => 0.9.21-8) debug: adding package pulseaudio-0.9.21-8 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'pycups' found (1.9.50-1 => 1.9.51-1) debug: adding package pycups-1.9.51-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'sqlite3' found ( => 3.7.0-1) debug: adding package sqlite3-3.7.0-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'system-config-printer-common' found (1.2.2-1 => 1.2.3-1) debug: adding package system-config-printer-common-1.2.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'system-config-printer-gnome' found (1.2.2-1 => 1.2.3-1) debug: adding package system-config-printer-gnome-1.2.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'thunderbird' found (3.1-2 => 3.1.1-1) debug: adding package thunderbird-3.1.1-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'transcode' found (1.1.5-3 => 1.1.5-4) debug: adding package transcode-1.1.5-4 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'transmission-gtk' found (2.01-1 => 2.03-1) debug: adding package transmission-gtk-2.03-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'ttf-liberation' found ( => debug: adding package ttf-liberation- to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'vlc' found (1.1.0-3 => 1.1.2-1) debug: adding package vlc-1.1.2-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'vte' found (0.24.2-1 => 0.24.3-1) debug: adding package vte-0.24.3-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'x264' found (20100607-1 => 20100722-1) debug: adding package x264-20100722-1 to the transaction targets debug: new version of 'xulrunner' found ( => debug: adding package xulrunner- to the transaction targets error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
On 30.07.2010 21:00, b1 wrote:
Hey alltogether
Unfortunatelly I ran into some really strange pacman problem. While performing an normal system update, my computer froze (due to some incorrect overclocking settings). After correcting the settings and rebooting, I tried to run the Upgrade again, and got this (after manually removing the lock file):
error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
Afterwards I ran the pacman with --debug switch. Since the ouptut is rather long, I have attached it to the end of the mail.
Unfortunatelly, gdb wasn't very helpfull, just showing 0x00007ffff78d8c96 in strcmp () from /lib/libc.so.6
If any one has any idea of how to replace the broken pacman with a new pacman or of how to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
You should try to manually get the package from the ftp, unpack it and overwrite the pacman binary manually. Then perform a full system reinstallation using pacman -Sy $(pacman -Qq) since you cannot know whether other binaries are also affected. -- Sven-Hendrik
On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 21:06 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
On 30.07.2010 21:00, b1 wrote:
Hey alltogether
Unfortunatelly I ran into some really strange pacman problem. While performing an normal system update, my computer froze (due to some incorrect overclocking settings). After correcting the settings and rebooting, I tried to run the Upgrade again, and got this (after manually removing the lock file):
error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
Afterwards I ran the pacman with --debug switch. Since the ouptut is rather long, I have attached it to the end of the mail.
Unfortunatelly, gdb wasn't very helpfull, just showing 0x00007ffff78d8c96 in strcmp () from /lib/libc.so.6
If any one has any idea of how to replace the broken pacman with a new pacman or of how to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
You should try to manually get the package from the ftp, unpack it and overwrite the pacman binary manually. Then perform a full system reinstallation using pacman -Sy $(pacman -Qq) since you cannot know whether other binaries are also affected.
-- Sven-Hendrik
Thanks for your reply, especially for the reinstallation of all packages. I wouldn't have thought of that. However unfortunatelly the problem persists. pacman -Syu produces the exactly same output as before. However based on your suggestions I ran the following commands after replacing the pacman binary... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sudo pacman -U ftp://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/pacman-3.4.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.4.0-2-x86_64 658.3K 335.7K/s 00:00:02 [######################] 100% resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... Targets (1): pacman-3.4.0-2 Total Download Size: 0.00 MB Total Installed Size: 2.23 MB Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking package integrity... (1/1) checking for file conflicts [######################] 100% (1/1) upgrading pacman [######################] 100% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b1 ~: sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qq) warning: a52dec-0.7.4-4 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: aalib-1.4rc5-6 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: abs- is up to date -- reinstalling warning: acl-2.2.49-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alacarte-0.13.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-lib-1.0.23-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-plugins-1.0.23-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-utils-1.0.23-2 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: apache-2.2.15-2 is up to date -- reinstalling [...] warning: zenity-2.30.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: zlib-1.2.5-2 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: zvbi-0.2.33-2 is up to date -- reinstalling error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b1 ~: sudo pacman -Syu:: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... warning: evolution: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra (2.30.2-1) warning: evolution-data-server: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra ( warning: gtkhtml: local (3.31.2-1) is newer than extra (3.30.2-1) error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Benedikt
On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 22:27 +0200, b1 wrote:
On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 21:06 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
On 30.07.2010 21:00, b1 wrote:
Hey alltogether
Unfortunatelly I ran into some really strange pacman problem. While performing an normal system update, my computer froze (due to some incorrect overclocking settings). After correcting the settings and rebooting, I tried to run the Upgrade again, and got this (after manually removing the lock file):
error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
Afterwards I ran the pacman with --debug switch. Since the ouptut is rather long, I have attached it to the end of the mail.
Unfortunatelly, gdb wasn't very helpfull, just showing 0x00007ffff78d8c96 in strcmp () from /lib/libc.so.6
If any one has any idea of how to replace the broken pacman with a new pacman or of how to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate to hear from you.
Thanks in advance
You should try to manually get the package from the ftp, unpack it and overwrite the pacman binary manually. Then perform a full system reinstallation using pacman -Sy $(pacman -Qq) since you cannot know whether other binaries are also affected.
-- Sven-Hendrik
Thanks for your reply, especially for the reinstallation of all packages. I wouldn't have thought of that. However unfortunatelly the problem persists. pacman -Syu produces the exactly same output as before. However based on your suggestions I ran the following commands after replacing the pacman binary...
sudo pacman -U ftp://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/pacman-3.4.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.4.0-2-x86_64 658.3K 335.7K/s 00:00:02 [######################] 100% resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts...
Targets (1): pacman-3.4.0-2
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB Total Installed Size: 2.23 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n] checking package integrity... (1/1) checking for file conflicts [######################] 100% (1/1) upgrading pacman [######################] 100%
b1 ~: sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qq) warning: a52dec-0.7.4-4 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: aalib-1.4rc5-6 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: abs- is up to date -- reinstalling warning: acl-2.2.49-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alacarte-0.13.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-lib-1.0.23-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-plugins-1.0.23-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: alsa-utils-1.0.23-2 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: apache-2.2.15-2 is up to date -- reinstalling [...] warning: zenity-2.30.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: zlib-1.2.5-2 is up to date -- reinstalling warning: zvbi-0.2.33-2 is up to date -- reinstalling error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
b1 ~: sudo pacman -Syu:: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... warning: evolution: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra (2.30.2-1) warning: evolution-data-server: local (2.31.2-1) is newer than extra ( warning: gtkhtml: local (3.31.2-1) is newer than extra (3.30.2-1) error: segmentation fault Internal pacman error: Segmentation fault. Please submit a full bug report with --debug if appropriate.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry for posting again, but I had the idea of checking whether aurbuild would be working. However it doesn't. It tells me: aurbuild -s vlc-pulse [...] - pkgconfig: missing [M] list index out of range I dont know, but could this be related? I definitely have pkg-config installed (double checked it). Thanks for every hint Benedikt
On 30.07.2010 22:27, b1 wrote:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use the Arch install medium and its working pacman and set the install dir to your system. Assume your pacman database is corrupt as well so discard it. Reinstall at least base and base-devel into your mounted system from the live medium and copy the resulting db. This will only make pacman recognize packages contained in base and base-devel when you're booting back into your system but at least pacman will be working again. -- Sven-Hendrik
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 01:50 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
On 30.07.2010 22:27, b1 wrote:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use the Arch install medium and its working pacman and set the install dir to your system. Assume your pacman database is corrupt as well so discard it. Reinstall at least base and base-devel into your mounted system from the live medium and copy the resulting db. This will only make pacman recognize packages contained in base and base-devel when you're booting back into your system but at least pacman will be working again.
-- Sven-Hendrik
Hello Sven Thanks for your reply. I did what you suggested. I bootet the Arch linux live cd, removed the old databse, installed base and base-devel, copied the resulting db and rebooting. After readding users, adapting rc.conf and another reboot, I was able to log in. Now pacman -Syu works without errors (However has nothing to update at the moment, so I cant really tell). However I also saved a complete list of packages before doing the live-cd thing, in order to restore them now. Unfortunatelly I once again ran into the problem. Many packages work just fine, however a pacman -S pulseaudio segfaults again, with the already known error message. Therefore I assumed it had something to do with my package cache. I did a pacman -Scc However no success. Still getting the segfault. Is there any other place pacman keeps information about packages like pulseaudio? Any ideas what I could do? Anyone having any idea, what the problem might be? Again every hint is very appreciated. Thanks Benedikt
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 11:14 AM, b1 <forum@b1online.de> wrote:
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 11:06 -0700, b1 wrote:
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 01:50 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
On 30.07.2010 22:27, b1 wrote:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use the Arch install medium and its working pacman and set the install dir to your system. Assume your pacman database is corrupt as well so discard it. Reinstall at least base and base-devel into your mounted system from the live medium and copy the resulting db. This will only make pacman recognize packages contained in base and base-devel when you're booting back into your system but at least pacman will be working again.
-- Sven-Hendrik
Hello Sven
Thanks for your reply. I did what you suggested. I bootet the Arch linux live cd, removed the old databse, installed base and base-devel, copied the resulting db and rebooting. After readding users, adapting rc.conf and another reboot, I was able to log in. Now pacman -Syu works without errors (However has nothing to update at the moment, so I cant really tell).
However I also saved a complete list of packages before doing the live-cd thing, in order to restore them now. Unfortunatelly I once again ran into the problem. Many packages work just fine, however a
pacman -S pulseaudio
segfaults again, with the already known error message. Therefore I assumed it had something to do with my package cache. I did a
pacman -Scc
However no success. Still getting the segfault. Is there any other place pacman keeps information about packages like pulseaudio? Any ideas what I could do?
Anyone having any idea, what the problem might be? Again every hint is very appreciated.
Ok, I nearly managed to restore all packages, however the following packages cause the segfault:
gstreamer0.10-pulse lib32-pulseaudio libquicktime pavucontrol pavumeter pulseaudio ttf-liberation
Interestingly the installation via pacman -fU URL succeeds and with pacman -fS PACKAGE fails.
Is there some debugging version of pacman? For use with gdb to track down the problem. Or do I have to compile it from source and if so, what flags do I have to set?
Compiling it from source is the easiest way. For flags, I'd use the PKGBUILD as an example of what you should pass to configure. Once built you can run it from the source tree (./src/pacman/pacman). -Dan
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 11:06 -0700, b1 wrote:
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 01:50 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
On 30.07.2010 22:27, b1 wrote:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use the Arch install medium and its working pacman and set the install dir to your system. Assume your pacman database is corrupt as well so discard it. Reinstall at least base and base-devel into your mounted system from the live medium and copy the resulting db. This will only make pacman recognize packages contained in base and base-devel when you're booting back into your system but at least pacman will be working again.
-- Sven-Hendrik
Hello Sven
Thanks for your reply. I did what you suggested. I bootet the Arch linux live cd, removed the old databse, installed base and base-devel, copied the resulting db and rebooting. After readding users, adapting rc.conf and another reboot, I was able to log in. Now pacman -Syu works without errors (However has nothing to update at the moment, so I cant really tell).
However I also saved a complete list of packages before doing the live-cd thing, in order to restore them now. Unfortunatelly I once again ran into the problem. Many packages work just fine, however a
pacman -S pulseaudio
segfaults again, with the already known error message. Therefore I assumed it had something to do with my package cache. I did a
pacman -Scc
However no success. Still getting the segfault. Is there any other place pacman keeps information about packages like pulseaudio? Any ideas what I could do?
Anyone having any idea, what the problem might be? Again every hint is very appreciated.
Ok, I nearly managed to restore all packages, however the following packages cause the segfault: gstreamer0.10-pulse lib32-pulseaudio libquicktime pavucontrol pavumeter pulseaudio ttf-liberation Interestingly the installation via pacman -fU URL succeeds and with pacman -fS PACKAGE fails. Is there some debugging version of pacman? For use with gdb to track down the problem. Or do I have to compile it from source and if so, what flags do I have to set? Thanks Benedikt
participants (3)
Dan McGee
Sven-Hendrik Haase