airport extrem works if you follow thhere steps : 1) iwconfig eth0 down (to close the firts interface) 2) iwconfig eth1 up 3) iwlist eth1 scan 4)iwconfig eth1 <ip> 5) iwconfig eth1 essid <ESSIDOFAP> 6) iwconfig eth1 enc <wepkey> Hope it will be better :) Benoît On Jul 12, 2006, at 8:54 PM, Alexander Baldeck wrote:
Alexander Baldeck wrote:
James Turner wrote:
I was just wondering how the 2.6.17 kernel progress was going. I'm very excited to finally have Airport Extreme support right in the kernel.
2.6.17 is in testing right now and is in the making already. kernel-headers, glibc 2.4 and gcc 4.1.1 were just too much to test at once for just one guy - me - alone, so i put them in testing rather than current. ;) Have fun with kernel26-pmac in testing, if you find issues lemme know.
Alex 2.6.17 along with gcc 4.1.1, glibc 2.4 and all the rest of testing have been moved down to current/extra. You should be able to get the kernel without too much risk... well, you know what I mean. ;)
In any case, as I hear some locals running arch on ppc reporting to me, the Airport Extreme card does not quite work stable yet. There's a few hickups it causes every now and then. For example never try to drive it at any more than 11Mbit/s or it may freeze your machine sooner or later.
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