On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:30:53PM -0400, Storm Dragon via aur-general wrote:
Howdy, I have no clue how it got set to crlf. I made this in Vim on Arch lol. I guess the original was from a template with the wrong format. This is fixed now, however. I also think I have a working fix for the version issue. This really does compile on any architecture, including ARMv7 etc.
'any' is for packages that can be installed unchanged on any architecture (think of python or perl scripts, or just data with no binary program). A compiled program must use an explicit array of architectures, not 'any'.
I applied your patch and did a pull request, thanks so much for providing that. Also, thank you for the tips. Storm
On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 08:05:43PM -0300, Rafael Fontenelle wrote:
2016-07-12 19:55 GMT-03:00 Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@gnome.org>:
2016-07-12 13:01 GMT-03:00 Storm Dragon via aur-general < aur-general@archlinux.org>:
Howdy, I am working on a PKGBUILD for a new GNU Social client called GnuSocialShell. I made one for the git version, because this is being rapidly developed, and I don't believe there is an actual release yet anyway. The problem is, it haults with an error when trying to copy files in place, and I'm not sure why. I have gone over this file and can't find anything wrong with it. It's probably something simple I'm just overlooking though. Thanks for any help :) Storm
Hello there.
My comments on this situation and your PKGBUILD:
1st - The PKGBUILD has CRLF. You need to format it to Unix (use 'dos2unix' command)
2nd - Your command line to get version doesn't seem to be correct. 'Main.c' reports current version 0.8, just like 'git shortlog' history shows. But you've got '1' from what doesn't look to be a version. Please review that.
3rd - Not the main issue, but remember to set arch (don't use 'any')
4th - Makefile is copying files to directly to '/etc' and '/usr', instead of allowing fakeroot to work with a variable like $(DESTDIR) before that path. That's an upstream bug, that can be fixed with the attached patch
5th - Makefile tries to copy to directories without making sure they exist. Again, upstream bug fixed with my patch.
My suggestion is to fix yourself the first 3 issues and file a bug report for the last 2.
Best regards, Rafael Fontenelle
Now with attachment.
Rafael Fontenelle