Am 12.05.20 um 17:53 schrieb Eli Schwartz via aur-general:
I'd generally expect an optdepends for something which the program has a built-in ability to use simply by installing the optdepends.
I'm sorry, but since you came up with the (IMO too clever by half) suggestion to add optdepends, I expected a somewhat more elaborate answer, considering the details of *that* package. The problem I have is this: The package defines a couple of custom commands for compiling (la)tex to PDF and whatnot. (This is IMO a negligibility, because the main purpose of that editor plugin is to provide tools for *editing* latex files, not command suggestions for whatever task the author came up with.) One such command sequence is: rubber [...] --pdf "$filename" gvfs-open "$shortname.pdf" Now, rubber is like make, but for latex. And it's of the same complexity. Please have a glance at the man page. What it does and what programs it calls depends largely on the input (and configuration). Like make it may potentially call a lot of different programs. Even before considering which of these to include in optdepends, I would need to know them. I don't use rubber, and by cursory look I haven't found that information. The rubber package itself does not optdepend on anything. Like the make package. Am I supposed to find out? As the maintainer of an editor plugin? You could depend on texlive, but texlive doesn't contain everything. One surely needs more to compile something other than latex Hello-world. This was the first line. The second is even better. gvfs-open calls the preferred PDF-viewer. Should I decide which? Or suggest all I can find? Don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to your suggestion to include some helpful optdepends. It's just not *that* easy. Arch is not Debian. I haven't looked, but Debian probably has a virtual package for PDF-viewer and a list of candidates. Ubuntu has flavours where someone decided which of these candidates it is. Even if Arch had flavours, an AUR package would not. This was only the first command. There are more. :-) BR