I've been looking, but I haven't yet found a utility like cpan2aur or gem2arch, etc for Python 'eggs' or whatever they're called ;-) I use cpan2aur ( well it's underlying module parent ) rather prolifically maintaining my Perl AUR PKGBUILDs, I eventually would like to utilize gem2arch, nodejs-npm2aur etc to take on even more responsibility to ensure that Arch Linux is the home of language library usability awesomeness. Even though I don't like the Python paradigm, I can not be ignorant to the fact that people use it; even if it makes me sad to know people are using it. That said, is anyone aware of, or have plans to make, a pypi2aur like utility ? I'm just planning long term right now, until I perfect my Perl PKGBUILD build server, I won't bite off anything more, but eventually that will reach a mature status and my interests will soon change focus for the other languages. -- Thanks, John D Jones III UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover unixgeek1972@gmail.com jnbek1972@gmail.com http://zoelife4u.org/