Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 21:10:18 +0200 From: To: Subject: [aur-general] pacman4.1 PKGBUILD-git help needed
I've received a comment this morning from
gtmanfred wrote: ' pacman 4.1 supporst git also, patches should be in the prepare() function'
I didn't found an updated PKGBUILD-git.proto nor an example of prepare() for patches. All I had was an example from the VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines to convert PKGBUILD to pacman4.1 standards
Alas, makepkg throws an error;
==> Retrieving sources... ==> ERROR: /src/argotlunar-git/argotlunar is not a clone of git:// Aborting...
What do I missing? Any advice are welcome!
Does /src/argotlunar-git/argotluna exist? If so, get rid of it; makepkg is finding that directory and assuming it's a valid git clone, which doesn't seem to be the case. The URL should end with .git as well, but I don't know if that would cause a problem or not.