When running "pacman -Ss pacman", what is the advantage to every colour apart from the bold package name and the installed highlight?
As I've said from the start: "The main purpose of having the extra colours is to make it easier for the brain to pick out the important bits". Lets start with the version. The version information is not important
and always directly beside the highlighted package name. Are you ever looking for the version when you run a search? What functionality is there to justify the version being highlighted?
If you can justify the need for the version to be green in the -s or -o output, I'd really like to hear it.
You might not be interested in the version when running a search, but I am (probably 20% of the time). Due to my above quotation, I want it to remain green-coloured. For the same reason, I want proper colourisation in the -Si and -Qi operations as well. I don't think Andrew had issues with my patch(es) after I made the changes he suggested. Similarly, I don't know why anyone wouldn't want the green to remain in -Xs and -Xo. It's not like the extra colours make extracting the relevant information more difficult for the brain.