[arch-announce] The Canterbury Project

Arch Linux: Recent news updates: Pierre Schmitz announce at archlinux.org
Thu Mar 31 22:01:12 EDT 2011

Pierre Schmitz wrote:

We are pleased to announce the birth of the Canterbury distribution. Canterbury
is a merge of the efforts of the community distributions formerly known as Arch
Linux, Debian, Gentoo, Grml and openSUSE to produce a really unified effort and
be able to stand up in a combined effort against proprietary operating systems,
to show off that the Free Software community is actually able to work together
for a common goal instead of creating more diversity.

Canterbury will be as technologically simple as Arch, as stable as Debian,
malleable as Gentoo, have a solid Live framework as Grml, and be as open minded
as openSUSE.

Joining the Canterbury Project Arch Linux developer Pierre Schmitz explained:
"Arch Linux has always been about keeping its technology as simple as possible.
Combining efforts into one single distribution will dramatically reduce
complexity for developers, users and of course upstream projects. Canterbury
will be the next evolutionary step of Linux distributions."

Gerfried Fuchs, who gave a talk about Debian at last year's openSUSE conference,
said: "While DEX (Debian Derivatives Exchange) might have been a good idea in
principle, its point of view is too limited. We need to reach out further for
true success."

Robin H. Johnson, lead of the Gentoo Infrastructure team, in a panel of core
Gentoo developers at SCALE9x: "I really hate compiling-induced downtime. I've
been looking forward to installing packages with just a couple of keystrokes. By
building on the efforts of other successful distributions, we can take the
drudgery out of system maintenance."

Michael Prokop, founder of the Grml live CD, can be quoted on the effort that
"we managed to create a universal live build framework with grml-live. Our
vision was always that it will be universally usable to further the spreading of
Free Software."

Last year's openSUSE conference had the topic of "Collaboration Across Borders".
Klaas Freitag, a respected member of the community, mentioned that "the
conference motto was set intentional and actually this is what I had in mind as
a positive outcome for the conference."

Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian Project Leader, comments on the Canterbury
distribution: "during the last year, Debian has worked a lot on the topic of
collaboration with other distributions. Some initiatives have been targeted to
Debian Derivatives Distribution (e.g. the Derivatives Front Desk, DEX, etc.),
but we have also been happy to participate in conferences and panels with other
distributions such as openSUSE and Fedora. We are proud of our recent work on
collaboration and we are now ready, with Canterbury, to push these initiatives
to the next, natural, step: uniting together in the next generation community
distribution. Canterbury shall live long and prosper."

Please be notified that this announce is just the starting point, the necessary
changes will happen in the upcoming days. You can use the #cbproject hashtag to
give us your feedback on [twitter][1] or [identi.ca][2].

You can also use our [forums][3] to leave a comment.

   [1]: http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23cbproject

   [2]: http://identi.ca/tag/cbproject

   [3]: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=116055

URL: http://www.archlinux.org/news/the-canterbury-project/

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