[arch-commits] CVS update of arch/build/lib/gtk2 (2 files)

Jan de Groot jgc at archlinux.org
Sun Aug 5 12:29:24 UTC 2007

    Date: Sunday, August 5, 2007 @ 08:29:24
  Author: jgc
    Path: /home/cvs-arch/arch/build/lib/gtk2

Modified: PKGBUILD (1.96 -> 1.97)
 Removed: gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch (1.2)

upgpkg: gtk2 2.10.14-1

 PKGBUILD                              |    8 
 gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch |  547 --------------------------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 551 deletions(-)

Index: arch/build/lib/gtk2/PKGBUILD
diff -u arch/build/lib/gtk2/PKGBUILD:1.96 arch/build/lib/gtk2/PKGBUILD:1.97
--- arch/build/lib/gtk2/PKGBUILD:1.96	Wed Jun 13 13:02:15 2007
+++ arch/build/lib/gtk2/PKGBUILD	Sun Aug  5 08:29:24 2007
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.96 2007/06/13 17:02:15 jgc Exp $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.97 2007/08/05 12:29:24 jgc Exp $
 # Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
 pkgdesc="The GTK+ Toolkit (v2)"
 arch=(i686 x86_64)
-depends=('atk>=1.18.0-2' 'pango>=1.16.4' 'libxcursor' 'libxinerama' 'libxrandr>=1.2.1' 'libxi' 'libcups')
+depends=('atk>=1.18.0-2' 'pango>=1.16.5' 'libxcursor' 'libxinerama' 'libxrandr>=1.2.1' 'libxi' 'libcups')
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 build() {
   cd ${startdir}/src/gtk+-${pkgver}
Index: arch/build/lib/gtk2/gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch
diff -u arch/build/lib/gtk2/gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch:1.2 arch/build/lib/gtk2/gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch:removed
--- arch/build/lib/gtk2/gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch:1.2	Fri Jun  1 06:25:56 2007
+++ arch/build/lib/gtk2/gtk2-2.10.12-filechooser-sizing.patch	Sun Aug  5 08:29:24 2007
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-Index: gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.c
---- gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.c	(revision 17866)
-+++ gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.c	(revision 17867)
-@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
- static void delegate_get_default_size         (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
- 					       gint                *default_width,
- 					       gint                *default_height);
--static void delegate_get_resizable_hints      (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--					       gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--					       gboolean            *resize_vertically);
-+static gboolean delegate_get_resizable        (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- static gboolean delegate_should_respond       (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- static void delegate_initial_focus            (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- static void delegate_default_size_changed     (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
-@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@
- _gtk_file_chooser_embed_delegate_iface_init (GtkFileChooserEmbedIface *iface)
- {
-   iface->get_default_size = delegate_get_default_size;
--  iface->get_resizable_hints = delegate_get_resizable_hints;
-+  iface->get_resizable = delegate_get_resizable;
-   iface->should_respond = delegate_should_respond;
-   iface->initial_focus = delegate_initial_focus;
- }
-@@ -96,13 +94,11 @@
- {
-   _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_default_size (get_delegate (chooser_embed), default_width, default_height);
- }
--static void
--delegate_get_resizable_hints (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--			      gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--			      gboolean            *resize_vertically)
-+static gboolean
-+delegate_get_resizable (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed)
- {
--  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable_hints (get_delegate (chooser_embed), resize_horizontally, resize_vertically);
-+  return _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable (get_delegate (chooser_embed));
- }
- static gboolean
-@@ -208,14 +204,10 @@
-   GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED_GET_IFACE (chooser_embed)->initial_focus (chooser_embed);
- }
--_gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable_hints (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--					     gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--					     gboolean            *resize_vertically)
-+_gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed)
- {
--  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (chooser_embed));
--  g_return_if_fail (resize_horizontally != NULL);
--  g_return_if_fail (resize_vertically != NULL);
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (chooser_embed), FALSE);
--  GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED_GET_IFACE (chooser_embed)->get_resizable_hints (chooser_embed, resize_horizontally, resize_vertically);
-+  return GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED_GET_IFACE (chooser_embed)->get_resizable (chooser_embed);
- }
-Index: gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.h
---- gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.h	(revision 17866)
-+++ gtk/gtkfilechooserembed.h	(revision 17867)
-@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@
-   void (*get_default_size)        (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
- 				   gint                *default_width,
- 				   gint                *default_height);
--  void (*get_resizable_hints)     (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--				   gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--				   gboolean            *resize_vertically);
-+  gboolean (*get_resizable)       (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
-   gboolean (*should_respond)      (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
-@@ -61,10 +59,7 @@
- void  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_default_size    (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
- 						   gint                *default_width,
- 						   gint                *default_height);
--void  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable_hints (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--						   gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--						   gboolean            *resize_vertically);
-+gboolean _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable  (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- gboolean _gtk_file_chooser_embed_should_respond (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- void _gtk_file_chooser_embed_initial_focus (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
-Index: gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c
---- gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c	(revision 17866)
-+++ gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c	(revision 17867)
-@@ -87,10 +87,6 @@
- 								   GtkFileChooserDialogPrivate);
-   dialog->priv = priv;
--  dialog->priv->default_width = -1;
--  dialog->priv->default_height = -1;
--  dialog->priv->resize_horizontally = TRUE;
--  dialog->priv->resize_vertically = TRUE;
-   dialog->priv->response_requested = FALSE;
-   gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FALSE);
-@@ -151,25 +147,6 @@
- }
- static void
--file_chooser_widget_update_hints (GtkFileChooserDialog *dialog,
--				  gint                  width)
--  GtkFileChooserDialogPrivate *priv;
--  GdkGeometry geometry;
--  geometry.min_width = (!priv->resize_horizontally ? width : -1);
--  geometry.min_height = -1;
--  geometry.max_width = (priv->resize_horizontally?G_MAXSHORT:-1);
--  geometry.max_height = (priv->resize_vertically?G_MAXSHORT:-1);
--  gtk_window_set_geometry_hints (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), NULL,
--				 &geometry,
--static void
- clamp_to_screen (GtkWidget *widget,
- 		 gint      *width,
- 		 gint      *height)
-@@ -193,131 +170,57 @@
- }
- static void
--file_chooser_widget_default_realized_size_changed (GtkWidget            *widget,
--						   GtkFileChooserDialog *dialog)
-+file_chooser_widget_default_size_changed (GtkWidget            *widget,
-+					  GtkFileChooserDialog *dialog)
- {
-   GtkFileChooserDialogPrivate *priv;
--  gint width;
--  gint height;
-+  gint width, height;
-   gint default_width, default_height;
--  GtkRequisition req;
--  gboolean resize_horizontally;
--  gboolean resize_vertically;
--  gboolean update_hints;
--  gint dx = 0, dy = 0;
--  gint cur_width, cur_height;
-+  GtkRequisition req, widget_req;
-+  gboolean resizable;
--  /* Force a size request of everything before we start.  This will make sure
--   * that widget->requisition is meaningful. */
--  gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), &req);
--  gtk_window_get_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), &cur_width, &cur_height);
--  width = GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->requisition.width - priv->widget->requisition.width;
--  height = GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->requisition.height - priv->widget->requisition.height;
--  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_default_size (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget),
--					    &default_width, &default_height);
-+  /* Unset any previously set size */
-+  gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), -1, -1);
--  /* Ideal target size modulo any resizing */
--  width = default_width + width;
--  height = default_height + height;
--  /* Now, we test for resizability */
--  update_hints = FALSE;
--  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable_hints (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget),
--					       &resize_horizontally,
--					       &resize_vertically);
--  resize_vertically = (!! resize_vertically);     /* normalize */
--  resize_horizontally = (!! resize_horizontally);
--  if (resize_horizontally && priv->resize_horizontally)
-+  if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget))
-     {
--      dx = default_width - priv->default_width;
--      priv->default_width = default_width;
--    }
--  else if (resize_horizontally && ! priv->resize_horizontally)
--    {
--      /* We restore to the ideal size + any change in default_size (which is not
--       * expected).  It would be nicer to store the older size to restore to in
--       * the future. */
--      dx = default_width - priv->default_width;
--      dx += width - cur_width;
--      priv->default_width = default_width;
--      update_hints = TRUE;
--    }
--  else
--    {
--      update_hints = TRUE;
--    }
-+      /* Force a size request of everything before we start.  This will make sure
-+       * that widget->requisition is meaningful. */
-+      gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), &req);
-+      gtk_widget_size_request (widget, &widget_req);
--  if (resize_vertically && priv->resize_vertically)
--    {
--      dy = default_height - priv->default_height;
--      priv->default_height = default_height;
-+      width = req.width - widget_req.width;
-+      height = req.height - widget_req.height;
-     }
--  else if (resize_vertically && ! priv->resize_vertically)
--    {
--      dy = default_height - priv->default_height;
--      dy += height - cur_height;
--      priv->default_height = default_height;
--      update_hints = TRUE;
--    }
-   else
-     {
--      update_hints = TRUE;
-+      width = GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->allocation.width - widget->allocation.width;
-+      height = GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->allocation.height - widget->allocation.height;
-     }
--  priv->resize_horizontally = resize_horizontally;
--  priv->resize_vertically = resize_vertically;
--  if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
--    {
--      gint new_width = cur_width + dx;
--      gint new_height = cur_height + dy;
--      clamp_to_screen (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), &new_width, &new_height);
--      gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), new_width, new_height);
--    }
--  /* Only store the size if we can resize in that direction. */
--  if (update_hints)
--    file_chooser_widget_update_hints (dialog, width);
--static void
--file_chooser_widget_default_unrealized_size_changed (GtkWidget            *widget,
--						     GtkFileChooserDialog *dialog)
--  GtkFileChooserDialogPrivate *priv;
--  GtkRequisition req;
--  gint width, height;
--  gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), &req);
--  _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable_hints (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget),
--					       &(priv->resize_horizontally),
--					       &(priv->resize_vertically));
-+  resizable = _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_resizable (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget));
-   _gtk_file_chooser_embed_get_default_size (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget),
--					    &(priv->default_width), &(priv->default_height));
--  /* Determine how much space the rest of the dialog uses compared to priv->widget */
--  width = priv->default_width + GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->requisition.width - priv->widget->requisition.width;
--  height = priv->default_height + GTK_WIDGET (dialog)->requisition.height - priv->widget->requisition.height;
-+					    &default_width, &default_height);
--  gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), width, height);
--  file_chooser_widget_update_hints (dialog, width);
-+  /* Ideal target size plus any extra size */
-+  width = default_width + width + (2 * GTK_CONTAINER (dialog)->border_width);
-+  height = default_height + height + (2 * GTK_CONTAINER (dialog)->border_width);
--static void
--file_chooser_widget_default_size_changed (GtkWidget            *widget,
--					  GtkFileChooserDialog *dialog)
-   if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (dialog))
--    file_chooser_widget_default_realized_size_changed (widget, dialog);
-+    clamp_to_screen (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), &width, &height);
-+  if (resizable)
-+    {
-+      gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), resizable);
-+      gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), width, height);
-+    }
-   else
--    file_chooser_widget_default_unrealized_size_changed (widget, dialog);
-+    {
-+      gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), width, -1);
-+      gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), resizable);
-+    }
- }
- static void
-@@ -487,6 +390,7 @@
-   if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (priv->widget))
-     gtk_widget_map (priv->widget);
-+  file_chooser_widget_default_size_changed (priv->widget, dialog);
-   _gtk_file_chooser_embed_initial_focus (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (priv->widget));
-   GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_file_chooser_dialog_parent_class)->map (widget);
-Index: gtk/gtkfilechooserdefault.c
---- gtk/gtkfilechooserdefault.c	(revision 17866)
-+++ gtk/gtkfilechooserdefault.c	(revision 17867)
-@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@
- 							 GtkStyle              *previous_style);
- static void     gtk_file_chooser_default_screen_changed (GtkWidget             *widget,
- 							 GdkScreen             *previous_screen);
-+static void     gtk_file_chooser_default_size_allocate  (GtkWidget             *widget,
-+							 GtkAllocation         *allocation);
- static gboolean       gtk_file_chooser_default_set_current_folder 	   (GtkFileChooser    *chooser,
- 									    const GtkFilePath *path,
-@@ -310,9 +312,7 @@
- static void           gtk_file_chooser_default_get_default_size       (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
- 								       gint                *default_width,
- 								       gint                *default_height);
--static void           gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable_hints    (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--								       gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--								       gboolean            *resize_vertically);
-+static gboolean       gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable          (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- static gboolean       gtk_file_chooser_default_should_respond         (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
- static void           gtk_file_chooser_default_initial_focus          (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed);
-@@ -423,8 +423,8 @@
- static void location_button_toggled_cb (GtkToggleButton *toggle,
- 					GtkFileChooserDefault *impl);
- static void location_switch_to_path_bar (GtkFileChooserDefault *impl);
-+static void settings_load               (GtkFileChooserDefault *impl);
- /* Drag and drop interface declarations */
-@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@
-   widget_class->hierarchy_changed = gtk_file_chooser_default_hierarchy_changed;
-   widget_class->style_set = gtk_file_chooser_default_style_set;
-   widget_class->screen_changed = gtk_file_chooser_default_screen_changed;
-+  widget_class->size_allocate = gtk_file_chooser_default_size_allocate;
-   signals[LOCATION_POPUP] =
-     _gtk_binding_signal_new (I_("location-popup"),
-@@ -665,7 +666,7 @@
- gtk_file_chooser_embed_default_iface_init (GtkFileChooserEmbedIface *iface)
- {
-   iface->get_default_size = gtk_file_chooser_default_get_default_size;
--  iface->get_resizable_hints = gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable_hints;
-+  iface->get_resizable = gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable;
-   iface->should_respond = gtk_file_chooser_default_should_respond;
-   iface->initial_focus = gtk_file_chooser_default_initial_focus;
- }
-@@ -4998,6 +4999,7 @@
- 	      }
- 	    impl->action = action;
- 	    update_appearance (impl);
-+	    settings_load (impl);
- 	  }
-       }
-       break;
-@@ -5419,6 +5421,37 @@
-   profile_end ("end", NULL);
- }
-+static void
-+gtk_file_chooser_default_size_allocate (GtkWidget     *widget,
-+					GtkAllocation *allocation)
-+  GtkFileChooserDefault *impl;
-+  impl = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_DEFAULT (widget);
-+  GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (_gtk_file_chooser_default_parent_class)->size_allocate (widget, allocation);
-+  if (!gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_EMBED (impl)))
-+    {
-+      /* The dialog is not resizable, we shouldn't
-+       * trust in the size it has in this stage
-+       */
-+      return;
-+    }
-+  impl->default_width = allocation->width;
-+  impl->default_height = allocation->height;
-+  if (impl->preview_widget_active &&
-+      impl->preview_widget &&
-+      GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (impl->preview_widget))
-+    impl->default_width -= impl->preview_widget->allocation.width + PREVIEW_HBOX_SPACING;
-+  if (impl->extra_widget &&
-+      GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (impl->extra_widget))
-+    impl->default_height -= GTK_BOX (widget)->spacing + impl->extra_widget->allocation.height;
- static gboolean
- get_is_file_filtered (GtkFileChooserDefault *impl,
- 		      const GtkFilePath     *path,
-@@ -7186,49 +7219,35 @@
- 			   gint      *height)
- {
-   GtkFileChooserDefault *impl;
--  gint default_width, default_height;
-   int font_size;
--  GtkRequisition req;
-   GdkScreen *screen;
-   double resolution;
-   g_assert (widget->style != NULL);
-   impl = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_DEFAULT (widget);
--  screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
--  if (screen)
-+  if (impl->default_width == 0 &&
-+      impl->default_height == 0)
-     {
--      resolution = gdk_screen_get_resolution (screen);
--      if (resolution < 0.0) /* will be -1 if the resolution is not defined in the GdkScreen */
--	resolution = 96.0;
--    }
--  else
--    resolution = 96.0; /* wheeee */
-+      screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
-+      if (screen)
-+	{
-+	  resolution = gdk_screen_get_resolution (screen);
-+	  if (resolution < 0.0) /* will be -1 if the resolution is not defined in the GdkScreen */
-+	    resolution = 96.0;
-+	}
-+      else
-+	resolution = 96.0; /* wheeee */
--  font_size = pango_font_description_get_size (widget->style->font_desc);
--  font_size = PANGO_PIXELS (font_size) * resolution / 72.0;
-+      font_size = pango_font_description_get_size (widget->style->font_desc);
-+      font_size = PANGO_PIXELS (font_size) * resolution / 72.0;
--  default_width = font_size * NUM_CHARS;
--  default_height = font_size * NUM_LINES;
--  if (impl->preview_widget_active && impl->preview_widget)
--    {
--      gtk_widget_size_request (impl->preview_box, &req);
--      default_width += PREVIEW_HBOX_SPACING + req.width;
-+      impl->default_width = font_size * NUM_CHARS;
-+      impl->default_height = font_size * NUM_LINES;
-     }
--  if (impl->extra_widget)
--    {
--      gtk_widget_size_request (impl->extra_align, &req);
--      default_height += GTK_BOX (widget)->spacing + req.height;
--    }
--  gtk_widget_size_request (widget, &req);
--  default_width = MAX (default_width, req.width);
--  default_height = MAX (default_height, req.height);
--  *width = default_width;
--  *height = default_height;
-+  *width = impl->default_width;
-+  *height = impl->default_height;
- }
- static void
-@@ -7237,35 +7256,37 @@
- 					   gint                *default_height)
- {
-   GtkFileChooserDefault *impl;
-+  GtkRequisition req;
-   impl = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_DEFAULT (chooser_embed);
-   find_good_size_from_style (GTK_WIDGET (chooser_embed), default_width, default_height);
-+  if (impl->preview_widget_active &&
-+      impl->preview_widget &&
-+      GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (impl->preview_widget))
-+    {
-+      gtk_widget_size_request (impl->preview_box, &req);
-+      *default_width += PREVIEW_HBOX_SPACING + req.width;
-+    }
-+  if (impl->extra_widget &&
-+      GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (impl->extra_widget))
-+    {
-+      gtk_widget_size_request (impl->extra_align, &req);
-+      *default_height += GTK_BOX (chooser_embed)->spacing + req.height;
-+    }
- }
--static void
--gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable_hints (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed,
--					      gboolean            *resize_horizontally,
--					      gboolean            *resize_vertically)
-+static gboolean
-+gtk_file_chooser_default_get_resizable (GtkFileChooserEmbed *chooser_embed)
- {
-   GtkFileChooserDefault *impl;
--  g_return_if_fail (resize_horizontally != NULL);
--  g_return_if_fail (resize_vertically != NULL);
-   impl = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_DEFAULT (chooser_embed);
--  *resize_horizontally = TRUE;
--  *resize_vertically = TRUE;
--  if (impl->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE ||
--    {
--      if (! gtk_expander_get_expanded (GTK_EXPANDER (impl->save_expander)))
--	{
--	  *resize_horizontally = FALSE;
--	  *resize_vertically = FALSE;
--	}
--    }
-+  return (impl->action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN ||
-+	  gtk_expander_get_expanded (GTK_EXPANDER (impl->save_expander)));
- }
- struct switch_folder_closure {
-Index: gtk/gtkfilechooserprivate.h
---- gtk/gtkfilechooserprivate.h	(revision 17866)
-+++ gtk/gtkfilechooserprivate.h	(revision 17867)
-@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@
-   char *file_system;
-   /* for use with GtkFileChooserEmbed */
--  gint default_width;
--  gint default_height;
--  gboolean resize_horizontally;
--  gboolean resize_vertically;
-   gboolean response_requested;
- };
-@@ -254,6 +250,9 @@
-   GSource *shortcuts_drag_outside_idle;
- #endif
-+  gint default_width;
-+  gint default_height;
-   /* Flags */
-   guint local_only : 1;

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