[arch-commits] Commit in gtk2-themes-collection/trunk (LICENSE PKGBUILD)

Thayer Williams thayer at archlinux.org
Thu Dec 4 17:52:34 UTC 2008

    Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008 @ 12:52:33
  Author: thayer
Revision: 20466

upgpkg: gtk2-themes-collection 0.2.0-1
    fixed bug #10215, added license and a few new themes


 LICENSE  |   14 +++++++
 PKGBUILD |  116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

--- LICENSE	                        (rev 0)
+++ LICENSE	2008-12-04 17:52:33 UTC (rev 20466)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+The GTK2 themes installed by this package were created 
+by various artists within the community. The license under
+which a theme is released varies, though all of these licenses 
+grant free use as a minimum and most, if not all grant permission
+to modify and/or redistribute as desired.
+For specific licensing details, refer to the theme's source:

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2008-12-04 16:50:15 UTC (rev 20465)
+++ PKGBUILD	2008-12-04 17:52:33 UTC (rev 20466)
@@ -1,62 +1,82 @@
 # $Id$
-# Maintainer: damir <damir at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: damir <damir at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Thayer Williams <thayer at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Additional GTK2 Themes (and their coresponding metacity themes)"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
-source=(http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/733/GTK2-SnowLight.tar.bz2 \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/598/GTK2-Yattacier3.tar.gz \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/734/GTK2-industrial-myst.tar.bz2 \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/728/GTK2-toolbox-2.0.tar.gz \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/571/GTK2-Glossy_P.tar.gz \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/567/GTK2-Milk-2.0.tar.bz2 \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/712/GTK2-Tenebrific.tar.gz \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/213/GTK2-H2O-default-2.0.tar.gz \
-        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/702/GTK2-Litoral.tar.gz)
-md5sums=('0c0cd466a59a025f403d4b7f6e9c962f' '9697ef94d36747f9ee3503ef59ca044c'\
-         'a42d486927c26f717d3c907914292526' '0bfe75796b04fa6a8d76a6a4fc686fef'\
-         '6abac5e23af652db613fb76f6a8acaa5' 'dd638825e8d2a0ff7ababebbb59619e6'\
-         'f44a8b00620eee82150410cbb10f488f' 'e10b726e4bdb8e69d32d0c2b432fabb9'\
-         '094dffbc797e2d3e3a2c33dae52ef938')
+pkgdesc="Additional GTK2 themes and their respective Metacity themes"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/1065/GTK2-ClearlooksDarkOrange.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/1285/GTK2-Darkilouche.tar.bz2
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/1345/GTK2-Foresight.tar.bz2
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/1284/GTK2-Gilouche.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/571/GTK2-Glossy_P.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/213/GTK2-H2O-default-2.0.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/734/GTK2-industrial-myst.tar.bz2
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/702/GTK2-Litoral.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/567/GTK2-Milk-2.0.tar.bz2
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/733/GTK2-SnowLight.tar.bz2
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/712/GTK2-Tenebrific.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/728/GTK2-toolbox-2.0.tar.gz
+        http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/598/GTK2-Yattacier3.tar.gz
+        LICENSE)
+md5sums=('200e6a847b0b54aef3f8e15bec1bc026' '6676ce2e5e106abb29347030c586457b'
+         '9f00f2419c6bf36966af29862b2345c4' '81ebf09ed6a672695f12070c759b02e1'
+         '1927bab8eb8e059523675b68ef11eee8' '6abac5e23af652db613fb76f6a8acaa5'
+         'e10b726e4bdb8e69d32d0c2b432fabb9' 'a42d486927c26f717d3c907914292526'
+         '094dffbc797e2d3e3a2c33dae52ef938' 'dd638825e8d2a0ff7ababebbb59619e6'
+         '0c0cd466a59a025f403d4b7f6e9c962f' 'f44a8b00620eee82150410cbb10f488f'
+         '0bfe75796b04fa6a8d76a6a4fc686fef' '9697ef94d36747f9ee3503ef59ca044c'
+         '352bf86d1bdd230d932fa9c555f7c037')
 build() {
-rm $startdir/src/*.tar.{gz,bz2}
+    rm $srcdir/*.tar.{gz,bz2}
+    mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/themes
+    cd $srcdir/
-mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
+    # make sure whitespaces are seen as filename parts
+    shopt -s dotglob
-cd $startdir/src/
+    # start of loop
+    for i in * ; do
-# make sure whitespaces are seen as filename parts
-shopt -s dotglob
+        # make sure, the var is in fact a dir
+        if [ -d "$i" ]; then
+            echo "==> $i "
+            cd "$i"
+            # install the gtk2 theme
+            mkdir -p                "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/$i/"
+            cp -r gtk-2.0/          "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/$i/"
-# start of loop
-for i in * ; do
+            # install the metacity theme if present
+            if [ -d metacity-1 ]; then
+                echo        "      has metacity theme ..."
+                mkdir -p            "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/$i/"
+                cp -r metacity-1/   "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/$i/"
+            fi
-    # make sure, the var is in fact a dir
-    if [ -d "$i" ]; then
-      echo "==> $i "
-      cd "$i"
+            # install the theme file if present
+            if [ -e index.theme ]; then
+                echo        "      has index.theme ..."
+                cp index.theme      "$pkgdir/usr/share/themes/$i/index.theme"
+            fi
-      mkdir -p              $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes/$i/
-      mv gtk-2.0            $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes/$i/
+            echo "==> [done] "
+            cd $srcdir/
+            fi
+    done
-      if [ -d metacity-1 ]; then
-        echo "      has metacity theme ..."
-        mkdir -p          "$startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes/$i/"
-        mv metacity-1     "$startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes/$i/"
-      fi
+    # clean up the H2O themes
+    rm $pkgdir/usr/share/themes/H2O-gtk2-*/gtk-2.0/.gtkrc.swp
-      if [ -e index.theme ]; then
-        echo "      has index.theme ..."
-        cp index.theme    "$startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes/$i/index.theme"
-      fi
-      echo "==> [done] "
-      cd $startdir/src/
-    fi
+    # copy license file
+    mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/custom/$pkgname
+    cp LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/custom/$pkgname/

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