[arch-commits] CVS update of extra/daemons/pidentd (PKGBUILD identd identd.conf)

Eric Belanger eric at archlinux.org
Sun Jan 20 01:33:41 UTC 2008

    Date: Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 20:33:41
  Author: eric
    Path: /home/cvs-extra/extra/daemons/pidentd

 Removed: PKGBUILD (1.12) identd (1.1) identd.conf (1.1)

extra repo cleanup. Moved to unsupported.

 PKGBUILD    |   28 ---------------------
 identd      |   35 ---------------------------
 identd.conf |   74 ----------------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 137 deletions(-)

Index: extra/daemons/pidentd/PKGBUILD
diff -u extra/daemons/pidentd/PKGBUILD:1.12 extra/daemons/pidentd/PKGBUILD:removed
--- extra/daemons/pidentd/PKGBUILD:1.12	Fri Jul 21 06:54:13 2006
+++ extra/daemons/pidentd/PKGBUILD	Sat Jan 19 20:33:41 2008
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.12 2006/07/21 10:54:13 ganja_guru Exp $:
-# Maintainer: simo <simo at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Tom Newsom <Jeepster at gmx.co.uk>
-pkgdesc="A program that implements the RFC1413 identification server"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
-    identd
-    identd.conf)
-depends=('glibc' 'openssl>=0.9.8b')
-md5sums=('ee8d3608a2590827cf8b55caeb1d7b93' 'fe9c3f11e10314ff44eccd28a08c58b1' \
-    '795fdcbfd10dd4db520f96f01614e59c')
-build() {
-  cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr
-  /usr/bin/make || return 1
-  /usr/bin/make prefix=${startdir}/pkg/usr install
-  /bin/mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/etc/rc.d
-  /bin/install -m644 ${startdir}/src/identd ${startdir}/pkg/etc/rc.d/
-  /bin/install -m644 ${startdir}/src/identd.conf ${startdir}/pkg/etc/
-# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et ft=sh
Index: extra/daemons/pidentd/identd
diff -u extra/daemons/pidentd/identd:1.1 extra/daemons/pidentd/identd:removed
--- extra/daemons/pidentd/identd:1.1	Wed Dec 11 01:28:40 2002
+++ extra/daemons/pidentd/identd	Sat Jan 19 20:33:41 2008
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-. /etc/rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.d/functions
-PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/sbin/identd`
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    stat_busy "Starting identd"
-    [ -z "$PID" ] && /usr/sbin/identd
-    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
-      stat_fail
-    else
-      add_daemon identd
-      stat_done
-    fi
-    ;;
-  stop)
-    stat_busy "Stopping identd"
-    [ ! -z "$PID" ]  && kill $PID &> /dev/null
-    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
-      stat_fail
-    else
-      rm_daemon identd
-      stat_done
-    fi
-    ;;
-  restart)
-    $0 stop
-    $0 start
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"  
-exit 0
Index: extra/daemons/pidentd/identd.conf
diff -u extra/daemons/pidentd/identd.conf:1.1 extra/daemons/pidentd/identd.conf:removed
--- extra/daemons/pidentd/identd.conf:1.1	Tue Apr 12 07:49:41 2005
+++ extra/daemons/pidentd/identd.conf	Sat Jan 19 20:33:41 2008
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# /usr/local/etc/identd.conf - an example configuration file
-#-- The syslog facility for error messages
-# syslog:facility = daemon
-#-- User and group (from passwd database) to run as
-server:user = nobody
-#-- Override the group id
-# server:group = kmem
-#-- What port to listen on when started as a daemon or from /etc/inittab
-# server:port = 113
-#-- The socket backlog limit
-# server:backlog = 256
-#-- Where to write the file containing our process id
-# server:pid-file = "/etc/identd.pid"
-#-- Maximum number of concurrent requests allowed (0 = unlimited)
-server:max-requests = 10
-#-- Enable some protocol extensions like "VERSION" or "QUIT"
-protocol:extensions = enabled
-#-- Allow multiple queries per connection. This slightly breaks RFC1413
-protocol:multiquery = enabled
-#-- Timeout in seconds since connection or last query. Zero = disable
-protocol:timeout = 60
-#-- Maximum number of threads doing kernel lookups
-# kernel:threads = 8
-#-- Maximum number of queued kernel lookup requests
-# kernel:buffers = 32
-#-- Maximum number of time to retry a kernel lookup in case of failure
-# kernel:attempts = 5
-#-- Disable username lookups (only return uid numbers)
-# result:uid-only = no
-#-- Enable the ".noident" file
-# result:noident = enabled
-#-- Charset token to return in replies
-# result:charset = "US-ASCII"
-#-- Opsys token to return in replies
-# result:opsys = "UNIX"
-#-- Log all request replies to syslog (none == don't)
-# result:syslog-level = none
-#-- Enable encryption (only available if linked with a DES library)
-# result:encrypt = no
-#-- Path to the DES key file (only available if linked with a DES library)
-# encrypt:key-file = "/usr/local/etc/identd.key"
-#-- Include a machine local configuration file
-# include = /etc/identd.conf

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