[arch-commits] Commit in fontconfig/trunk (6 files)

Jan de Groot jgc at archlinux.org
Sun Jul 6 18:44:33 UTC 2008

    Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 14:44:33
  Author: jgc
Revision: 4342

upgpkg: fontconfig 2.6.0-1
    Update to 2.6.0:
- fix install scriptlet to have the correct conditions
- add new configs
- add hack to delete old configs
- add hack to add configs that should have been added at 2.5.0
- replace bitmap fonts with size-compatible fonts when installed


 30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf         |   14 
 PKGBUILD                             |   17 
 fcvaluesave.patch                    |   10 
 fontconfig-2.3.2-noftinternals.patch |  701 ---------------------------------
 fontconfig.install                   |   58 +-
 local.conf                           |   34 -
 6 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 776 deletions(-)

Modified: 30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf
--- 30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ 30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
         <test name="family" qual="any">
-        <edit mode="assign" name="family" >
+        <edit mode="assign" name="family">
+            <string>Arial</string>
+            <string>Liberation Sans</string>	    
@@ -16,7 +18,9 @@
         <test name="family" qual="any">
-        <edit mode="assign" name="family" >
+        <edit mode="assign" name="family">
+            <string>Courier New</string>
+            <string>Liberation Mono</string>
@@ -24,10 +28,10 @@
         <test name="family" qual="any">
-        <edit mode="assign" name="family" >
+        <edit mode="assign" name="family">
+            <string>Times New Roman</string>
+            <string>Liberation Serif</string>

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ PKGBUILD	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
 # $Id$
 # Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
 pkgdesc="A library for configuring and customizing font access"
 arch=(i686 x86_64)
-depends=('expat>=2.0' 'freetype2>=2.2.1')
+depends=('expat>=2.0' 'freetype2>=2.3.7')
-         'fffc6a49ccf13c3224559b0f41a434e5')
+         'f6b67e8cc79197ed6abd4701911e83da')
 build() {
   cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   # enable Position Independent Code for prelinking
   export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fPIC"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var || return 1
   make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install
+  make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install || return 1
   install -m644 ${startdir}/src/30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf \
       ${startdir}/pkg/etc/fonts/conf.avail || return 1
   rm -f ${startdir}/pkg/etc/fonts/conf.d/*.conf
   #Install license
-  install -Dm0644 $startdir/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/COPYING \
-  		  $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING
+  install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+  install -m644 COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/ || return 1

Deleted: fcvaluesave.patch
--- fcvaluesave.patch	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ fcvaluesave.patch	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- src/fccfg.c~	2005-03-09 04:56:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/fccfg.c	2006-01-02 20:16:00.000000000 +0000
-@@ -774,6 +774,7 @@
- 	r = FcPatternGet (p, e->u.field, 0, &v);
- 	if (r != FcResultMatch)
- 	    v.type = FcTypeVoid;
-+	v = FcValueSave (v);
- 	break;
-     case FcOpConst:
- 	if (FcNameConstant (e->u.constant, &v.u.i))

Deleted: fontconfig-2.3.2-noftinternals.patch
--- fontconfig-2.3.2-noftinternals.patch	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-noftinternals.patch	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcfreetype.c fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcfreetype.c
---- fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcfreetype.c	2005-04-21 14:37:43.000000000 +0200
-+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcfreetype.c	2005-07-07 13:17:32.224401218 +0200
-@@ -50,14 +50,11 @@
- #include "fcint.h"
- #include <ft2build.h>
- #include FT_FREETYPE_H
- #include FT_SFNT_NAMES_H
- #include FT_TRUETYPE_IDS_H
- #include FT_TYPE1_TABLES_H
-+#include "fcftglue.h"
- #include FT_XFREE86_H
- #endif
-@@ -65,8 +62,7 @@
- #include FT_BDF_H
- #include FT_MODULE_H
--#define HAS_BDF_PROPERTY(f) ((f) && (f)->driver && \
--			     (f)->driver->root.clazz->get_interface)
-+#define HAS_BDF_PROPERTY(f) ((f))
- #define MY_Get_BDF_Property(f,n,p) (HAS_BDF_PROPERTY(f) ? \
- 				    FT_Get_BDF_Property(f,n,p) : \
- 				    FT_Err_Invalid_Argument)
-@@ -1559,7 +1555,7 @@
-      */
-     if (FcCharSetCount (cs) == 0)
-     {
--	if (!strcmp(FT_MODULE_CLASS(&face->driver->root)->module_name, "pcf"))
-+	if (!strcmp(FT_Get_X11_Font_Format(face),"PCF"))
- 	    goto bail2;
-     }
-@@ -2706,8 +2702,7 @@
- static FT_Error
- GetScriptTags(FT_Face face, FT_ULong tabletag, FT_ULong **stags, FT_UShort *script_count)
- {
--    FT_ULong         cur_offset, new_offset, base_offset;
--    TT_Face          tt_face = (TT_Face)face;
-+    FT_ULong   cur_offset, new_offset, base_offset;
-     FT_Stream  stream = face->stream;
-     FT_Error   error;
-     FT_UShort          n, p;
-@@ -2716,51 +2711,43 @@
-     if ( !stream )
- 	return TT_Err_Invalid_Face_Handle;
--    if (( error = tt_face->goto_table( tt_face, tabletag, stream, 0 ) ))
-+    if ( (error = fcft_face_goto_table( face, tabletag, stream )) != 0 )
- 	return error;
--    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
-+    base_offset = FCFT_STREAM_POS();
-     /* skip version */
--    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset + 4L ) || FT_FRAME_ENTER( 2L ) )
--	return error;
--    new_offset = FT_GET_USHORT() + base_offset;
--    FT_FRAME_EXIT();
--    cur_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
--    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( new_offset ) != TT_Err_Ok )
--	return error;
--    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
-+    if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset + 4L ) ||
-+         FCFT_READ_USHORT( new_offset )       ) 
-+      return error;
-+    new_offset += base_offset;
-+    cur_offset  = FCFT_STREAM_POS();
--    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 2L ) )
-+    if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( new_offset ) != TT_Err_Ok )
- 	return error;
--    *script_count = FT_GET_USHORT();
-+    base_offset = FCFT_STREAM_POS();
--    FT_FRAME_EXIT();
--    if ( FT_SET_ERROR (FT_MEM_ALLOC_ARRAY( *stags, *script_count, FT_ULong )) )
--	return error;
-+    if ( FCFT_READ_USHORT(*script_count)                         ||
-+         FCFT_MEM_ALLOC_ARRAY( *stags, *script_count, FT_ULong ) )
-+ 	return error;
-     p = 0;
-     for ( n = 0; n < *script_count; n++ )
-     {
--	if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 6L ) )
-+	if ( FCFT_FRAME_ENTER( 6L ) )
- 	    goto Fail;
--	(*stags)[p] = FT_GET_ULONG();
--	new_offset = FT_GET_USHORT() + base_offset;
-+	(*stags)[p] = FCFT_GET_ULONG();
-+	new_offset  = FCFT_GET_USHORT() + base_offset;
--	cur_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();
-+	cur_offset = FCFT_STREAM_POS();
--	if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( new_offset ) )
-+	if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( new_offset ) )
- 	    goto Fail;
- 	if ( error == TT_Err_Ok )
-@@ -2768,7 +2755,7 @@
- 	else if ( error != TTO_Err_Empty_Script )
- 	    goto Fail;
--	(void)FT_STREAM_SEEK( cur_offset );
-+	(void)FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( cur_offset );
-     }
-     if (!p)
-@@ -2784,7 +2771,7 @@
- Fail:
-     *script_count = 0;
--    FT_FREE( *stags );
-+    FCFT_FREE( *stags );
-     return error;
- }
-@@ -2841,7 +2828,7 @@
-     if (FcDebug () & FC_DBG_SCANV)
- 	printf("complex features in this font: %s\n", complex);
- bail:
--    FT_FREE(gsubtags);
--    FT_FREE(gpostags);
-+    FCFT_FREE(gsubtags);
-+    FCFT_FREE(gpostags);
-     return complex;
- }
-diff -urN fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcftglue.c fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcftglue.c
---- fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcftglue.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcftglue.c	2005-07-07 13:34:48.630254000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
-+#include "fcftglue.h"
-+/*****                                                                 *****/
-+/*****                                                                 *****/
-+/*****                                                                 *****/
-+/* only used internall */
-+static FT_Pointer
-+fcft_qalloc( FT_Memory  memory,
-+             FT_ULong   size,
-+             FT_Error  *perror )
-+  FT_Error    error = 0;
-+  FT_Pointer  block = NULL;
-+  if ( size > 0 )
-+  {
-+    block = memory->alloc( memory, size );
-+    if ( !block )
-+      error = FT_Err_Out_Of_Memory;
-+  }
-+  *perror = error;
-+  return block;
-+#define  FCFT_QALLOC(ptr,size)    ( (ptr) = fcft_qalloc( memory, (size), &error ), error != 0 )
-+FCFT_APIDEF( FT_Pointer )
-+fcft_alloc( FT_Memory  memory,
-+            FT_ULong   size,
-+            FT_Error  *perror )
-+  FT_Error    error = 0;
-+  FT_Pointer  block = NULL;
-+  if ( size > 0 )
-+  {
-+    block = memory->alloc( memory, size );
-+    if ( !block )
-+      error = FT_Err_Out_Of_Memory;
-+    else
-+      memset( (char*)block, 0, (size_t)size );
-+  }
-+  *perror = error;
-+  return block;
-+FCFT_APIDEF( FT_Pointer )
-+fcft_realloc( FT_Memory   memory,
-+              FT_Pointer  block,
-+              FT_ULong    old_size,
-+              FT_ULong    new_size,
-+              FT_Error   *perror )
-+  FT_Pointer  block2 = NULL;
-+  FT_Error    error  = 0;
-+  if ( block == NULL )
-+  {
-+    block2 = fcft_alloc( memory, new_size, &error );
-+  }
-+  else if ( new_size <= 0 )
-+  {
-+    fcft_free( memory, block );
-+  }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    block2 = fcft_alloc( memory, new_size, &error );
-+    if ( !error )
-+    {
-+      memcpy( (char*)block2, (const char*)block, (size_t)old_size );
-+      if ( new_size > old_size )
-+        memset( (char*)block2 + old_size, 0, (size_t)(new_size - old_size) );
-+    }
-+  }
-+  if ( !error )
-+    block = block2;
-+  *perror = error;
-+  return block;
-+FCFT_APIDEF( void )
-+fcft_free( FT_Memory   memory,
-+           FT_Pointer  block )
-+  if ( block )
-+    memory->free( memory, block );
-+fcft_stream_pos( FT_Stream   stream )
-+  return stream->pos;
-+fcft_stream_seek( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                  FT_Long     pos )
-+  FT_Error  error = 0;
-+  stream->pos = pos;
-+  if ( stream->read )
-+  {
-+    if ( stream->read( stream, pos, 0, 0 ) )
-+      error = FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation;
-+  }
-+  else if ( pos > stream->size )
-+    error = FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation;
-+  return error;
-+fcft_stream_frame_enter( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                         FT_ULong    count )
-+  FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;
-+  FT_ULong  read_bytes;
-+  if ( stream->read )
-+  {
-+    /* allocate the frame in memory */
-+    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
-+    if ( FCFT_QALLOC( stream->base, count ) )
-+      goto Exit;
-+    /* read it */
-+    read_bytes = stream->read( stream, stream->pos,
-+                               stream->base, count );
-+    if ( read_bytes < count )
-+    {
-+      FCFT_FREE( stream->base );
-+      error = FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation;
-+    }
-+    stream->cursor = stream->base;
-+    stream->limit  = stream->cursor + count;
-+    stream->pos   += read_bytes;
-+  }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    /* check current and new position */
-+    if ( stream->pos >= stream->size        ||
-+         stream->pos + count > stream->size )
-+    {
-+      error = FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation;
-+      goto Exit;
-+    }
-+    /* set cursor */
-+    stream->cursor = stream->base + stream->pos;
-+    stream->limit  = stream->cursor + count;
-+    stream->pos   += count;
-+  }
-+  return error;
-+FCFT_APIDEF( void )
-+fcft_stream_frame_exit( FT_Stream  stream )
-+  if ( stream->read )
-+  {
-+    FT_Memory  memory = stream->memory;
-+    FCFT_FREE( stream->base );
-+  }
-+  stream->cursor = 0;
-+  stream->limit  = 0;
-+fcft_stream_get_byte( FT_Stream  stream )
-+  FT_Byte  result = 0;
-+  if ( stream->cursor < stream->limit )
-+    result = *stream->cursor++;
-+  return result;
-+fcft_stream_get_short( FT_Stream  stream )
-+  FT_Byte*  p;
-+  FT_Short  result = 0;
-+  p = stream->cursor;
-+  if ( p + 2 <= stream->limit )
-+  {
-+    result         = (FT_Short)((p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
-+    stream->cursor = p+2;
-+  }
-+  return result;
-+fcft_stream_get_long( FT_Stream   stream )
-+  FT_Byte*  p;
-+  FT_Long   result = 0;
-+  p = stream->cursor;
-+  if ( p + 4 <= stream->limit )
-+  {
-+    result         = (FT_Long)(((FT_Long)p[0] << 24) |
-+                               ((FT_Long)p[1] << 16) |
-+                               ((FT_Long)p[2] << 8)  |
-+                                         p[3]        );
-+    stream->cursor = p+4;
-+  }
-+  return result;
-+static FT_Error
-+fcft_stream_readp( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                   FT_Byte*   *pbuffer,
-+                   FT_ULong    count )
-+  FT_Error  error = 0;
-+  if ( stream->read )
-+  {
-+    FT_ULong  read_bytes = stream->read( stream, stream->pos, *pbuffer, count );
-+    if ( read_bytes != count )
-+      goto Fail;
-+    stream->pos += count;
-+  }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    if ( stream->pos >= stream->size        ||
-+         stream->pos + count > stream->size )
-+      goto Fail;
-+    *pbuffer     = stream->base + stream->pos;
-+    stream->pos += count;
-+  }
-+  return error;
-+  error = FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Operation;
-+  goto Exit;
-+FCFT_API( FT_Byte )
-+fcft_stream_read_byte( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                       FT_Error   *perror )
-+  FT_Byte   temp[1], *p = temp, result = 0;
-+  FT_Error  error = fcft_stream_readp( stream, &p, 1 );
-+  if ( !error )
-+    result = *p;
-+  return error;
-+FCFT_API( FT_Short )
-+fcft_stream_read_short( FT_Stream  stream,
-+                        FT_Error  *perror )
-+  FT_Byte   temp[2], *p = temp;
-+  FT_Short  result = 0;
-+  FT_Error  error  = fcft_stream_readp( stream, &p, 2 );
-+  if ( !error )
-+    result = (FT_Short)((p[0] << 8) | p[1]);
-+  return error;
-+FCFT_API( FT_Long )
-+fcft_stream_read_long( FT_Stream  stream,
-+                       FT_Error  *perror )
-+  FT_Byte   temp[4], *p = temp;
-+  FT_Long   result = 0;
-+  FT_Error  error  = fcft_stream_readp( stream, &p, 4 );
-+  if ( !error )
-+    result = (FT_Long)((FT_Long)(p[0] << 24) |
-+                       (FT_Long)(p[1] << 16) |
-+                                (p[2] << 8)  |
-+                                 p[3]        );
-+  return error;
-+fcft_face_goto_table( FT_Face    face,
-+                      FT_ULong   the_tag,
-+                      FT_Stream  stream )
-+  FT_Error  error;
-+  if ( !FT_IS_SFNT(face) )
-+    error = FT_Err_Invalid_Face_Handle;
-+  else
-+  {
-+   /* parse the directory table directly, without using
-+    * FreeType's built-in data structures
-+    */
-+    FT_UInt   count, nn;
-+    FT_ULong  offset = 0;
-+    if ( face->num_faces > 1 )
-+    {
-+      /* deal with TrueType collections */
-+      FT_ULong  offset;
-+      if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( 12 + face->face_index*4 ) ||
-+           FCFT_READ_ULONG(offset)                     )
-+        goto Exit;
-+    }
-+    if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( offset+4 ) ||
-+         FCFT_READ_USHORT(count)      )
-+      goto Exit;
-+    if ( FCFT_STREAM_SEEK( offset+12 ) ||
-+         FCFT_FRAME_ENTER( count*16 )  )
-+      goto Exit;
-+    for ( nn = 0; nn < count; nn++ )
-+    {
-+      FT_ULong  tag      = FCFT_GET_TAG();
-+      FT_ULong  checksum = FCFT_GET_ULONG();
-+      FT_ULong  start    = FCFT_GET_ULONG();
-+      FT_ULong  size     = FCFT_GET_ULONG();
-+      FT_UNUSED(checksum);
-+      FT_UNUSED(size);
-+      if ( tag == the_tag )
-+      {
-+        error = fcft_stream_seek( stream, offset+start );
-+        goto FoundIt;
-+      }
-+    }
-+    error = FT_Err_Table_Missing;
-+  FoundIt:
-+  }
-+  return error;
-+#undef FCFT_QALLOC
-diff -urN fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcftglue.h fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcftglue.h
---- fontconfig-2.3.2/src/fcftglue.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/fcftglue.h	2005-07-07 13:15:43.292717000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
-+/* the following contains code used to prevent FontConfig from
-+ * abusing FreeType internals. We simply duplicate some of the FreeType
-+ * functionality using only publicly defined APIs and structures
-+ */
-+#include <ft2build.h>
-+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
-+/* utility macros */
-+#define  FCFT_SET_ERR(c)   ( (error = (c)) != 0 )
-+#ifndef FCFT_API
-+#define FCFT_API(x)  extern x
-+#ifndef FCFT_APIDEF
-+#define FCFT_APIDEF(x)  x
-+/* stream macros used by the OpenType parser */
-+#define  FCFT_STREAM_POS()       fcft_stream_pos( stream )
-+#define  FCFT_STREAM_SEEK(pos)   FCFT_SET_ERR( fcft_stream_seek( stream, pos ) )
-+#define  FCFT_FRAME_ENTER(size)  FCFT_SET_ERR( fcft_stream_frame_enter( stream, size ) )
-+#define  FCFT_FRAME_EXIT()       fcft_stream_frame_exit( stream )
-+#define  FCFT_GET_BYTE()         fcft_stream_get_byte( stream )
-+#define  FCFT_GET_SHORT()        fcft_stream_get_short( stream )
-+#define  FCFT_GET_LONG()         fcft_stream_get_long( stream )
-+#define  FCFT_GET_CHAR()        ((FT_Char)FCFT_GET_BYTE())
-+#define  FCFT_GET_USHORT()      ((FT_UShort)FCFT_GET_SHORT())
-+#define  FCFT_GET_ULONG()       ((FT_ULong)FCFT_GET_LONG())
-+#define  FCFT_GET_TAG()         FCFT_GET_ULONG()
-+#define  FCFT_READ_(val,type,suffix)   \
-+   ( (val) = (type) fcft_stream_read_##suffix (stream, &error), error != 0 )
-+#define  FCFT_READ_BYTE(val)    FCFT_READ_(val,FT_Byte,byte)
-+#define  FCFT_READ_SHORT(val)   FCFT_READ_(val,FT_Short,short)
-+#define  FCFT_READ_LONG(val)    FCFT_READ_(val,FT_Long,long)
-+#define  FCFT_READ_CHAR(val)    FCFT_READ_(val,FT_Char,byte)
-+#define  FCFT_READ_USHORT(val)  FCFT_READ_(val,FT_UShort,short)
-+#define  FCFT_READ_ULONG(val)   FCFT_READ_(val,FT_ULong,long)
-+FCFT_API( FT_Long )
-+fcft_stream_pos( FT_Stream   stream );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Error )
-+fcft_stream_seek( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                  FT_Long     pos );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Error )
-+fcft_stream_frame_enter( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                         FT_ULong    size );
-+FCFT_API( void )
-+fcft_stream_frame_exit( FT_Stream  stream );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Byte )
-+fcft_stream_get_byte( FT_Stream  stream );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Short )
-+fcft_stream_get_short( FT_Stream  stream );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Long )
-+fcft_stream_get_long( FT_Stream   stream );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Byte )
-+fcft_stream_read_byte( FT_Stream   stream,
-+                       FT_Error   *perror );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Short )
-+fcft_stream_read_short( FT_Stream  stream,
-+                        FT_Error  *perror );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Long )
-+fcft_stream_read_long( FT_Stream  stream,
-+                       FT_Error  *perror );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Error )
-+fcft_face_goto_table( FT_Face    face,
-+                      FT_ULong   tag,
-+                      FT_Stream  stream );
-+/* memory macros used by the OpenType parser */
-+#define  FCFT_MEM_ALLOC(_ptr,_size)   \
-+           ( (_ptr) = fcft_alloc( memory, _size, &error ), error != 0 )
-+#define  FCFT_MEM_REALLOC(_ptr,_oldsz,_newsz)  \
-+           ( (_ptr) = fcft_realloc( memory, (_ptr), (_oldsz), (_newsz), &error ), error != 0 )
-+#define  FCFT_FREE(_ptr)               \
-+  FT_BEGIN_STMNT                       \
-+    if ( (_ptr) )                      \
-+    {                                  \
-+      fcft_free( memory, _ptr );       \
-+      _ptr = NULL;                     \
-+    }                                  \
-+#define  FCFT_MEM_ALLOC_ARRAY(_ptr,_count,_type)   \
-+           FCFT_MEM_ALLOC(_ptr,(_count)*sizeof(_type))
-+#define  FCFT_MEM_REALLOC_ARRAY(_ptr,_oldcnt,_newcnt,_type) \
-+           FCFT_MEM_REALLOC(_ptr,(_oldcnt)*sizeof(_type),(_newcnt)*sizeof(_type))
-+FCFT_API( FT_Pointer )
-+fcft_alloc( FT_Memory  memory,
-+            FT_ULong   size,
-+            FT_Error  *perror );
-+FCFT_API( FT_Pointer )
-+fcft_realloc( FT_Memory   memory,
-+              FT_Pointer  block,
-+              FT_ULong    old_size,
-+              FT_ULong    new_size,
-+              FT_Error   *perror );
-+FCFT_API( void )
-+fcft_free( FT_Memory   memory,
-+           FT_Pointer  block );
-+/* */
-+#endif /* __OPENTYPE_FCFT_H__ */
-diff -urN fontconfig-2.3.2/src/Makefile.am fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/Makefile.am
---- fontconfig-2.3.2/src/Makefile.am	2004-12-05 06:49:20.000000000 +0100
-+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/Makefile.am	2005-07-07 13:09:15.416637082 +0200
-@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
- 	fcdefault.c \
- 	fcdir.c \
- 	fcfreetype.c \
-+	fcftglue.c \
- 	fcfs.c \
- 	fcinit.c \
- 	fclang.c \
-diff -urN fontconfig-2.3.2/src/Makefile.in fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/Makefile.in
---- fontconfig-2.3.2/src/Makefile.in	2005-04-27 21:08:51.000000000 +0200
-+++ fontconfig-2.3.2-new/src/Makefile.in	2005-07-07 13:09:15.417636939 +0200
-@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@
- 	fcdefault.c \
- 	fcdir.c \
- 	fcfreetype.c \
-+	fcftglue.c \
- 	fcfs.c \
- 	fcinit.c \
- 	fclang.c \
-@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@
- libfontconfig_la_DEPENDENCIES =
- am_libfontconfig_la_OBJECTS = fcatomic.lo fcblanks.lo fccache.lo \
- 	fccfg.lo fccharset.lo fcdbg.lo fcdefault.lo fcdir.lo \
--	fcfreetype.lo fcfs.lo fcinit.lo fclang.lo fclist.lo fcmatch.lo \
-+	fcfreetype.lo fcftglue.lo fcfs.lo fcinit.lo fclang.lo fclist.lo fcmatch.lo \
- 	fcmatrix.lo fcname.lo fcpat.lo fcstr.lo fcxml.lo
- libfontconfig_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libfontconfig_la_OBJECTS)

Modified: fontconfig.install
--- fontconfig.install	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ fontconfig.install	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-         '20-lohit-gujarati.conf'
-         '30-amt-aliases.conf'
+         '30-metric-aliases.conf'
-         '40-generic.conf'
+         '40-nonlatin.conf'
+         '45-latin.conf'
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-# arg 1:  the new package version
 post_install() {
   echo -n "updating font cache... "
   /sbin/ldconfig -r .
@@ -28,8 +27,6 @@
   echo "done."
-# arg 1:  the new package version
-# arg 2:  the old package version
 post_upgrade() {
   rm -f /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-bitmaps.conf
   cat << _EOF
@@ -45,18 +42,55 @@
-  if [ "`vercmp 2.4.1-1 $2`" != "-1" ] || [ ! -L /etc/fonts/conf.d/30-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf ]; then
+  if [ `vercmp 2.4.1-1 $2` -gt 0 ]; then 
+  # Upgrade from old version, place all symlinks. pre-symlink package version
+    echo -n "Linking configuration files... "
     pushd /etc/fonts/conf.d > /dev/null
     for config in "${configs[@]}"; do
       ln -sf ../conf.avail/${config} .
     popd > /dev/null
+    echo "done."
+  if [ `vercmp 2.6.0-1 $2` -gt 0 ]; then
+  # pre-2.6.0 versions have missing config
+    echo -n "Adding missing configuration files... "
+    pushd /etc/fonts/conf.d > /dev/null
+    ln -sf ../conf.avail/30-metric-aliases.conf .
+    ln -sf ../conf.avail/40-nonlatin.conf .
+    ln -sf ../conf.avail/45-latin.conf .
+    popd > /dev/null
+    echo "done."
+  fi
+  # Remove dead links
+  echo -n "Removing outdated configuration files... "
+  for config in /etc/fonts/conf.d/*; do
+    if [ ! -f ${config} ]; then
+      rm -f ${config}
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "done."
   echo -n "updating font cache... "
   /usr/bin/fc-cache -f
   echo "done."
+pre_upgrade() {
+  # Link new config files not present on system yet
+  echo -n "Symlinking new configuration files... "
+  pushd /etc/fonts/conf.d > /dev/null
+  for config in "${configs[@]}"; do
+    if [ ! -f ../conf.avail/${config} ]; then
+      ln -sf ../conf.avail/${config} .
+    fi
+  done
+  popd > /dev/null
+  echo "done."
 post_remove() {
   pushd /etc/fonts/conf.d > /dev/null
   for config in "${configs[@]}"; do
@@ -64,13 +98,3 @@
   popd > /dev/null
-# arg 1:  the old package version
-pre_remove() {
-  /bin/true
-$op $*

Deleted: local.conf
--- local.conf	2008-07-06 18:42:11 UTC (rev 4341)
+++ local.conf	2008-07-06 18:44:33 UTC (rev 4342)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
-<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
-Use the Auto-Hinter
-	<match target="pattern">
-		<edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
-			<bool>true</bool>
-		</edit>
-	</match>
-Disable anti-aliasing for fonts that are size <=12
-	<match target="pattern">
-		<test qual="any" name="size" compare="less_eq">
-			<int>12</int>
-		</test>
-		<edit name="antialias" mode="assign"><bool>false</bool></edit>
-	</match>
-Enable sub-pixel rendering
-	<match target="font">
-		<test qual="all" name="rgba">
-			<const>unknown</const>
-		</test>
-		<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
-	</match>

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