[arch-commits] Commit in kdegraphics/trunk (4 files)

Pierre Schmitz pierre at archlinux.org
Wed Jul 23 23:38:50 UTC 2008

    Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @ 19:38:50
  Author: pierre
Revision: 6143

upgpkg: kdegraphics 4.1.0-1
    updating to 4.1.0


 PKGBUILD                    |   58 ++++++------------
 kamera.patch                |   33 ----------
 kpdf-font.patch             |   10 ---
 post-3.5.5-kdegraphics.diff |  134 ------------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2008-07-23 23:37:58 UTC (rev 6142)
+++ PKGBUILD	2008-07-23 23:38:50 UTC (rev 6143)
@@ -1,42 +1,28 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+# $ Id: $
+# Maintainer: Pierre Schmitz <pierre at archlinux.de>
-kdever=3.5.9 # if minor 0, then without .0
-pkgdesc="KDE Graphics Programs"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+pkgdesc="KDE Graphics is a collection of graphic oriented applications:"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'FDL')
-makedepends=('libusb' 'tetex' 'pkgconfig')
-depends=('kdelibs>=3.5.9' 'imlib' 'poppler-qt3>=0.6' 'glut' 'sane' 'libgphoto2' 'lcms' 'fribidi' 'ghostscript' 't1lib' 'xorg-server-utils')
+depends=('kdelibs' 'poppler-qt' 'libspectre' 'exiv2' 'sane' 'chmlib' 'libdjvu' 'lcms' 'qca' 'qimageblitz' 'ebook-tools')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'cmake' 'automoc4')
+replaces=('gwenview' 'gwenview-i18n')
-# for easier build, just uncomment the mirror you want to use
-  mirror="ftp.solnet.ch/mirror/KDE"         # updated every 2 hours, very fast for Europe
-# mirror="ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/"             # main server
-# mirror="ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/kde/"     # ibiblio mirror
-source=(ftp://$mirror/stable/$kdever/src/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2 \
-	kamera.patch)
 build() {
-  # Source the QT and KDE profile
-  [ "$QTDIR" = "" ] && source /etc/profile.d/qt3.sh 
-  [ "$KDEDIR" = "" ] && source /etc/profile.d/kde.sh
-  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
-  ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-kpdf-drm --enable-final\
-  -with-gphoto2-includes=/usr/include/gphoto2 --with-gphoto2-libraries=/usr/lib/ --enable-gcc-hidden-visibility\
-  --enable-multithreaded-kpdf 
-  #           --enable-final # remove this if you build with < 512mb ram.
-  # fix kamera compilation
-  patch -Np2 -i ../kamera.patch || return 1
-  make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
+	cd $srcdir
+	mkdir build
+	cd build
+	cmake ../${pkgname}-${pkgver} \
+	make
+	make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
-         '6ade32b438c26cd06e8fac6bd9505357')

Deleted: kamera.patch
--- kamera.patch	2008-07-23 23:37:58 UTC (rev 6142)
+++ kamera.patch	2008-07-23 23:38:50 UTC (rev 6143)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
---- src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/kcontrol/Makefile.old	2005-09-14 14:05:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/kcontrol/Makefile	2005-09-14 14:06:58.000000000 +0200
-@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
- GLLIB = -lGLU -lGL $(LIB_X11)
- GMSGFMT = /usr/bin/msgfmt
- GPHOTO2_INCS = -I/usr/include/gphoto2
--GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2
-+GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port
- GREP = /bin/grep
---- src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/Makefile.old	2005-09-14 14:11:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/Makefile	2005-09-14 14:11:53.000000000 +0200
-@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
- GLLIB = -lGLU -lGL $(LIB_X11)
- GMSGFMT = /usr/bin/msgfmt
- GPHOTO2_INCS = -I/usr/include/gphoto2
--GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2
-+GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2 -lgphoto_port
- GREP = /bin/grep
---- src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/kioslave/Makefile.old	2005-09-14 14:12:29.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/kdegraphics-3.4.91/kamera/kioslave/Makefile	2005-09-14 14:12:46.000000000 +0200
-@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
- GLLIB = -lGLU -lGL $(LIB_X11)
- GMSGFMT = /usr/bin/msgfmt
- GPHOTO2_INCS = -I/usr/include/gphoto2
--GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2
-+GPHOTO2_LIBS = -L/usr/lib/ -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port
- GREP = /bin/grep

Deleted: kpdf-font.patch
--- kpdf-font.patch	2008-07-23 23:37:58 UTC (rev 6142)
+++ kpdf-font.patch	2008-07-23 23:38:50 UTC (rev 6143)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdegraphics/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cc	2005/10/22 22:02:46	473205
-+++ branches/KDE/3.5/kdegraphics/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cc	2006/09/09 19:15:14	582558
-@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
-   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1",
-   "/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript",
-   "/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts",
-+  "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/",
-   NULL
- };
- #endif

Deleted: post-3.5.5-kdegraphics.diff
--- post-3.5.5-kdegraphics.diff	2008-07-23 23:37:58 UTC (rev 6142)
+++ post-3.5.5-kdegraphics.diff	2008-07-23 23:38:50 UTC (rev 6143)
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
---- kfile-plugins/jpeg/exif.h
-+++ kfile-plugins/jpeg/exif.h
-@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
-     int Get32s(void * Long);
-     unsigned Get32u(void * Long);
-     double ConvertAnyFormat(void * ValuePtr, int Format);
--    void ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength);
-+    void ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength,
-+            unsigned NestingLevel);
-     void process_COM (const uchar * Data, int length);
-     void process_SOFn (const uchar * Data, int marker);
-     int Get16m(const void * Short);
---- kfile-plugins/jpeg/exif.cpp
-+++ kfile-plugins/jpeg/exif.cpp
-@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Process one of the nested EXIF directories.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--void ExifData::ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength)
-+void ExifData::ProcessExifDir(unsigned char * DirStart, unsigned char * OffsetBase, unsigned ExifLength, unsigned NestingLevel)
- {
-     int de;
-     int a;
-@@ -454,6 +454,9 @@
-     unsigned ThumbnailOffset = 0;
-     unsigned ThumbnailSize = 0;
-+    if ( NestingLevel > 4)
-+        throw FatalError("Maximum directory nesting exceeded (corrupt exif header)");
-     NumDirEntries = Get16u(DirStart);
-     #define DIR_ENTRY_ADDR(Start, Entry) (Start+2+12*(Entry))
-@@ -476,7 +479,7 @@
-     for (de=0;de<NumDirEntries;de++){
-         int Tag, Format, Components;
-         unsigned char * ValuePtr;
--        int ByteCount;
-+        unsigned ByteCount;
-         char * DirEntry;
-         DirEntry = (char *)DIR_ENTRY_ADDR(DirStart, de);
-@@ -489,6 +492,11 @@
-             throw FatalError("Illegal format code in EXIF dir");
-         }
-+        if ((unsigned)Components > 0x10000) {
-+            throw FatalError("Illegal number of components for tag");
-+            continue;
-+        }
-         ByteCount = Components * BytesPerFormat[Format];
-         if (ByteCount > 4){
-@@ -517,11 +525,11 @@
-         switch(Tag){
-             case TAG_MAKE:
--                ExifData::CameraMake = QString((char*)ValuePtr);
-+                ExifData::CameraMake = QString::fromLatin1((const char*)ValuePtr, 31);
-                 break;
-             case TAG_MODEL:
--                ExifData::CameraModel = QString((char*)ValuePtr);
-+                ExifData::CameraModel = QString::fromLatin1((const char*)ValuePtr, 39);
- 		break;
-             case TAG_ORIENTATION:
-@@ -529,7 +537,7 @@
-                 break;
-             case TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL:
--		DateTime = QString((char*)ValuePtr);
-+		DateTime = QString::fromLatin1((const char*)ValuePtr, 19);
-                 break;
-             case TAG_USERCOMMENT:
-@@ -550,14 +558,12 @@
-                         int c;
-                         c = (ValuePtr)[a];
-                         if (c != '\0' && c != ' '){
--                            //strncpy(ImageInfo.Comments, (const char*)(a+ValuePtr), 199);
--                            UserComment.sprintf("%s", (const char*)(a+ValuePtr));
-+                            UserComment = QString::fromLatin1((const char*)(a+ValuePtr), 199);
-                             break;
-                         }
-                     }
-                 }else{
--                    //strncpy(ImageInfo.Comments, (const char*)ValuePtr, 199);
--                    UserComment.sprintf("%s", (const char*)ValuePtr);
-+                    UserComment = QString::fromLatin1((const char*)ValuePtr, 199);
-                 }
-                 break;
-@@ -676,10 +682,10 @@
-         if (Tag == TAG_EXIF_OFFSET || Tag == TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET){
-             unsigned char * SubdirStart;
-             SubdirStart = OffsetBase + Get32u(ValuePtr);
--            if (SubdirStart < OffsetBase || SubdirStart > OffsetBase+ExifLength){
-+            if (SubdirStart <= OffsetBase || SubdirStart >= OffsetBase+ExifLength){
-                 throw FatalError("Illegal subdirectory link");
-             }
--            ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength);
-+            ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength, NestingLevel+1);
-             continue;
-         }
-     }
-@@ -709,7 +715,7 @@
-                     }
-                 }else{
-                     if (SubdirStart <= OffsetBase+ExifLength){
--                        ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength);
-+                        ProcessExifDir(SubdirStart, OffsetBase, ExifLength, NestingLevel+1);
-                     }
-                 }
-             }
-@@ -719,7 +725,7 @@
-     }
-     if (ThumbnailSize && ThumbnailOffset){
--        if (ThumbnailSize + ThumbnailOffset <= ExifLength){
-+        if (ThumbnailSize + ThumbnailOffset < ExifLength){
-             // The thumbnail pointer appears to be valid.  Store it.
- 	    Thumbnail.loadFromData(OffsetBase + ThumbnailOffset, ThumbnailSize, "JPEG");
-         }
-@@ -810,7 +816,7 @@
-     LastExifRefd = CharBuf;
-     // First directory starts 16 bytes in.  Offsets start at 8 bytes in.
--    ProcessExifDir(CharBuf+16, CharBuf+8, length-6);
-+    ProcessExifDir(CharBuf+16, CharBuf+8, length-6, 0);
-     // This is how far the interesting (non thumbnail) part of the exif went.
-     ExifSettingsLength = LastExifRefd - CharBuf;

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