[arch-commits] CVS update of extra/gnome/dasher (4 files)
Jan de Groot
jgc at archlinux.org
Wed Mar 12 23:09:24 UTC 2008
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 19:09:23
Author: jgc
Path: /home/cvs-extra/extra/gnome/dasher
Added: compile-fixes.patch (1.1) gcc-4.3.patch (1.1)
Modified: PKGBUILD (1.23 -> 1.24) dasher.install (1.8 -> 1.9)
upgpkg: dasher 4.7.0-1
GNOME 2.22
PKGBUILD | 35 +-
compile-fixes.patch | 731 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
dasher.install | 21 -
gcc-4.3.patch | 10
4 files changed, 767 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Index: extra/gnome/dasher/PKGBUILD
diff -u extra/gnome/dasher/PKGBUILD:1.23 extra/gnome/dasher/PKGBUILD:1.24
--- extra/gnome/dasher/PKGBUILD:1.23 Fri Oct 19 18:39:46 2007
+++ extra/gnome/dasher/PKGBUILD Wed Mar 12 19:09:23 2008
@@ -1,33 +1,42 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.23 2007/10/19 22:39:46 jgc Exp $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.24 2008/03/12 23:09:23 jgc Exp $
# Maintainer: damir <damir at archlinux.org>
pkgdesc="Information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
-depends=('at-spi>=1.20.1' 'libgnomeui>=2.20.1' 'gnome-speech>=0.4.16')
-makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'perlxml' 'gnome-doc-utils>=0.12.0')
+depends=('at-spi>=1.22.0' 'libgnomeui>=2.22.01' 'gnome-speech>=0.4.18')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'intltool' 'gnome-doc-utils>=0.12.2')
- bgo479524.patch)
- '2493bce498d7b62e26df517335806efb')
+ compile-fixes.patch
+ gcc-4.3.patch)
+ 'c9cef3ddcb3cd4e718464a3b728c03da'
+ '2ef2dc940df24ca9796bbb628967ea56')
build() {
cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- patch -Np0 -i ${startdir}/src/bgo479524.patch || return 1
+ patch -Np0 -i ${startdir}/src/compile-fixes.patch || return 1
+ patch -Np0 -i ${startdir}/src/gcc-4.3.patch || return 1
+ intltoolize --force --copy || return 1
+ gnome-doc-prepare --force || return 1
+ libtoolize --force --copy || return 1
+ aclocal || return 1
+ autoconf || return 1
+ automake || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
- --disable-scrollkeeper --enable-speech
+ --disable-scrollkeeper --enable-speech || return 1
make LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--export-dynamic || return 1
+ make GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install || return 1
- mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas
- gconf-merge-schema ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ${startdir}/pkg/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas
+ install -m755 -d ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas
+ gconf-merge-schema ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ${startdir}/pkg/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas || return 1
rm -f ${startdir}/pkg/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas
Index: extra/gnome/dasher/compile-fixes.patch
diff -u /dev/null extra/gnome/dasher/compile-fixes.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Mar 12 19:09:24 2008
+++ extra/gnome/dasher/compile-fixes.patch Wed Mar 12 19:09:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+Index: configure.in
+--- configure.in (revision 3446)
++++ configure.in (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ AC_PREREQ(2.56)
+ AC_REVISION([$Id: configure.in,v])
+ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([Src/main.cc])
+@@ -362,6 +362,7 @@
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(GNOME_A11Y, test x$WITHA11Y = xtrue)
+@@ -412,9 +413,10 @@
+ if [[ x"$WITHGNOME" = xtrue ]]; then
+ else
++ # Allows compilation if --without-gnome is passed
++ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_SK, test "x$enable_scrollkeeper" = "xyes")
+ fi
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Data/dasher.desktop.in
+Index: Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.h
+--- Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.h (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.h (revision 3447)
+@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
+ class Dasher::GameMode::Level2 : public Dasher::GameMode::Level {
+ public:
+ Level2(CDasherGameMode* pGameParent):Level(pGameParent),
+- oldTime(0), oldNats(0.0), m_dCurrentScore(0), m_iErrorSize(2048),
+- bFixing(false), bMadeError(false), iErrors(0)
++ oldTime(0), m_dCurrentScore(0), oldNats(0.0), iErrors(0),
++ m_iErrorSize(2048), bFixing(false), bMadeError(false)
+ {
+ // In level 2, the flashing arrow is mainly off
+ m_iOscillatorOn=500;
+@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@
+ class Dasher::GameMode::Level1 : public Dasher::GameMode::Level {
+ public:
+ Level1(CDasherGameMode* pGameParent):Level(pGameParent),
+- oldTime(0), oldNats(0.0), m_dCurrentScore(0), m_iErrorSize(2048),
+- bFixing(false), bMadeError(false), iErrors(0)
++ oldTime(0), m_dCurrentScore(0), oldNats(0.0), iErrors(0),
++ m_iErrorSize(2048), bFixing(false), bMadeError(false)
+ {
+ // In Level 1, the flashing arrow is often on
+ m_iOscillatorOn=1000;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/SettingsStore.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/SettingsStore.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/SettingsStore.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
+ #include "Event.h"
+ #include "EventHandler.h"
++#include <cstring>
++#include <cstdlib>
+ #include <iostream>
+ using namespace std;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/DasherGameMode.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/DasherGameMode.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/DasherGameMode.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -772,13 +772,13 @@
+ if(m_Target.iTargetY < a && m_Target.iCenterY < m_iCrossY-defaultlength/2)
+ {
+- myint x = sqrt((double)(r*r-pow((double)(m_Target.iCenterY-a),2)));
+- iLength = sqrt((double)(pow((double)(x-m_iCrossX),2)+pow((double)(a-m_iCrossY),2)));
++ myint x = (myint) sqrt((double)(r*r-pow((double)(m_Target.iCenterY-a),2)));
++ iLength = (myint) sqrt((double)(pow((double)(x-m_iCrossX),2)+pow((double)(a-m_iCrossY),2)));
+ }
+ else if(m_Target.iTargetY > 2*m_iCrossY-a && m_Target.iCenterY > m_iCrossY+defaultlength/2)
+ {
+- myint x = sqrt((double)(r*r-pow((double)(m_Target.iCenterY+a-2*m_iCrossY),2)));
+- iLength = sqrt((double)(pow((double)(x-m_iCrossX),2)+pow((double)(a-m_iCrossY),2)));
++ myint x = (myint) sqrt((double)(r*r-pow((double)(m_Target.iCenterY+a-2*m_iCrossY),2)));
++ iLength = (myint) sqrt((double)(pow((double)(x-m_iCrossX),2)+pow((double)(a-m_iCrossY),2)));
+ }
+ else
+ iLength = defaultlength;
+@@ -788,8 +788,8 @@
+ for(int n = 1; n < noOfPoints; ++n)
+ {
+- iX[n] = cos(angle)*(iX[n-1]) - sin(angle)*(iY[n-1]-m_Target.iCenterY);
+- iY[n] = m_Target.iCenterY + sin(angle)*(iX[n-1]) + cos(angle)*(iY[n-1]-m_Target.iCenterY);
++ iX[n] = (myint) (cos(angle)*(iX[n-1]) - sin(angle)*(iY[n-1]-m_Target.iCenterY));
++ iY[n] = (myint) (m_Target.iCenterY + sin(angle)*(iX[n-1]) + cos(angle)*(iY[n-1]-m_Target.iCenterY));
+ }
+ //...then plot it.
+ pView->DasherPolyarrow(iX, iY, noOfPoints, GetLongParameter(LP_LINE_WIDTH)*4, gameColour, 1.414);
+Index: Src/DasherCore/UserLogTrial.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/UserLogTrial.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/UserLogTrial.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "UserLogTrial.h"
+ // Track memory leaks on Windows to the line that new'd the memory
+Index: Src/DasherCore/TimeSpan.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/TimeSpan.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/TimeSpan.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "TimeSpan.h"
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+Index: Src/DasherCore/FileLogger.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/FileLogger.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/FileLogger.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "FileLogger.h"
+ // Track memory leaks on Windows to the line that new'd the memory
+Index: Src/DasherCore/UserLog.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/UserLog.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/UserLog.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ #include "UserLog.h"
+ #include <fstream>
++#include <cstring>
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
+Index: Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/HashTable.h
+--- Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/HashTable.h (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/HashTable.h (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // HashTable.h
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
+ } // end namespace
+-#endif // __Hashtable_h__
+\ No newline at end of file
++#endif // __Hashtable_h__
+Index: Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // CTWLanguageModel.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ //#include "stdafx.h"
+ #include "CTWLanguageModel.h"
+ #include <math.h> // not in use anymore? needed it for log
++#include <cstring>
+ using namespace Dasher;
+@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
+ NrBits = 9; // number of bits used for representation of probabilities
+ MaxValue = (1<<NrBits) -1;
+- NrPhases = ceil(log((double)(GetSize()))/log(2.0)); // number of bits per input-symbol
++ NrPhases = (int)ceil(log((double)(GetSize()))/log(2.0)); // number of bits per input-symbol
+ Tree = new CCTWNode[MaxNrNodes]; // create array with all CCTWNodes.
+ // Fill RootIndex table with indices of the RootNodes <- now I round up to next power of 2, should only create for possible symbols
+@@ -320,7 +321,6 @@
+ { // find indices of the tree nodes corresponding to the context
+ int *Index = new int[Context.Context.size()+1]; // +1 for the rootnode
+- int phase = 0;
+ int ValidDepth = 0;
+ for (int phase = 0;phase<NrPhases;phase++)
+ {
+Index: Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.h
+--- Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.h (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/LanguageModelling/CTWLanguageModel.h (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // CTWLanguageModel.h
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ }
+ Dasher::CHashTable HashTable; // Hashtable used for storing CCTWNodes in an array
+- int MaxDepth; // Maximum depth of the tree
++ unsigned int MaxDepth; // Maximum depth of the tree
+ int MaxTries; // Determines how many times to try to find an empty index for a new node (max number of collisions)
+ int alpha; // Parameter of the KT-estimator
+Index: Src/DasherCore/Alphabet/AlphIO.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/Alphabet/AlphIO.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/Alphabet/AlphIO.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include "AlphIO.h"
+ #include <iostream>
++#include <cstring>
+ using namespace Dasher;
+ using namespace std;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/ControlManager.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/ControlManager.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/ControlManager.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
+ #include "ControlManager.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ using namespace Dasher;
+ using namespace std;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/DasherInterfaceBase.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/DasherInterfaceBase.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/DasherInterfaceBase.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // DasherInterfaceBase.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pEvent->m_iEventType == EV_LOCK) {
+- CLockEvent *pLockEvent(static_cast<CLockEvent *>(pEvent));
++// CLockEvent *pLockEvent(static_cast<CLockEvent *>(pEvent));
+ // // TODO: Sort this out - at the moment these don't occur in pairs, so the old boolean variable is still needed
+ // if(pLockEvent->m_bLock) {
+Index: Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // DasherModel.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
+ #include <iostream>
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "../Common/Random.h"
+ #include "DasherModel.h"
+ #include "DasherView.h"
+@@ -213,8 +214,6 @@
+ void CDasherModel::RebuildAroundNode(CDasherNode *pNode) {
+- CDasherNode *pNodeOrig = pNode;
+ while(pNode->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE))
+ pNode = pNode->Parent();
+@@ -927,7 +926,6 @@
+ CDasherNode *pOldNode = Get_node_under_crosshair();
+ CDasherNode *root(m_Root);
+- CDasherNode::ChildMap & children = m_Root->Children();
+ if(!(m_Root->GetFlag(NF_SUPER))) {
+ Reparent_root(root->Lbnd(), root->Hbnd());
+@@ -998,8 +996,8 @@
+ double dFraction = s / static_cast<double>(iSteps - 1);
+ SGotoItem sNewItem;
+- sNewItem.iN1 = m_Rootmin - dFraction * iOffset;
+- sNewItem.iN2 = m_Rootmax - dFraction * iOffset;
++ sNewItem.iN1 = m_Rootmin - static_cast<myint>(dFraction * iOffset);
++ sNewItem.iN2 = m_Rootmax - static_cast<myint>(dFraction * iOffset);
+ m_deGotoQueue.push_back(sNewItem);
+ }
+@@ -1028,8 +1026,8 @@
+ double dFraction = s / static_cast<double>(iSteps - 1);
+ SGotoItem sNewItem;
+- sNewItem.iN1 = (m_Rootmin - iC) * exp(dFraction/dTau) + iC;
+- sNewItem.iN2 = (m_Rootmax - iC) * exp(dFraction/dTau) + iC;
++ sNewItem.iN1 = static_cast<myint>((m_Rootmin - iC) * exp(dFraction/dTau)) + iC;
++ sNewItem.iN2 = static_cast<myint>((m_Rootmax - iC) * exp(dFraction/dTau)) + iC;
+ m_deGotoQueue.push_back(sNewItem);
+ }
+Index: Src/DasherCore/XMLUtil.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/XMLUtil.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/XMLUtil.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "XMLUtil.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+Index: Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/GameLevel.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ m_strPerformance << "You also get a bonus of " << bonusPoints << " for only making only "
+ << iErrors << " errors.\n";
+ }
+- int speed = 14426*m_pScorer->GetNats()/double(m_pScorer->GetTime());
++ int speed = (int)(14426*m_pScorer->GetNats()/double(m_pScorer->GetTime()));
+ int speedBonus = std::max((speed-15)*5,0);
+ if(speedBonus != 0)
+ m_strPerformance << "You also get a writing speed bonus of " << speedBonus << "\n";
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
+ m_strPerformance << "You also get a bonus of " << bonusPoints << " for only making only "
+ << iErrors << " errors.\n";
+ }
+- int speed = 14426*m_pScorer->GetNats()/double(m_pScorer->GetTime());
++ int speed = (int)(14426*m_pScorer->GetNats()/double(m_pScorer->GetTime()));
+ int speedBonus = std::max((speed-15)*5,0);
+ if(speedBonus != 0)
+ m_strPerformance << "You also get a writing speed bonus of " << speedBonus << "\n";
+@@ -152,4 +152,4 @@
+ m_dSentenceScore=0.0;
+ m_bIsCompleted = (m_iLevelScore>450);
+ Reset();
+\ No newline at end of file
+Index: Src/DasherCore/ConversionManager.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/ConversionManager.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/ConversionManager.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include "NodeCreationManager.h"
+ #include <iostream>
++#include <cstring>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+Index: Src/DasherCore/DasherView.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/DasherView.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/DasherView.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // DasherView.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
+ for(int i(0); i < n; ++i)
+ Dasher2Screen(x[i], y[i], ScreenPoints[i].x, ScreenPoints[i].y);
+- int iXvec = (ScreenPoints[n-2].x - ScreenPoints[n-1].x)*dArrowSizeFactor;
+- int iYvec = (ScreenPoints[n-2].y - ScreenPoints[n-1].y)*dArrowSizeFactor;
++ int iXvec = (int)((ScreenPoints[n-2].x - ScreenPoints[n-1].x)*dArrowSizeFactor);
++ int iYvec = (int)((ScreenPoints[n-2].y - ScreenPoints[n-1].y)*dArrowSizeFactor);
+ ScreenPoints[n].x = ScreenPoints[n-1].x + iXvec + iYvec;
+ ScreenPoints[n].y = ScreenPoints[n-1].y - iXvec + iYvec;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/ColourIO.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/ColourIO.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/ColourIO.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
+ #include "ColourIO.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ using namespace Dasher;
+ using namespace std;
+ //using namespace expat;
+Index: Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp
+--- Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // DasherViewSquare.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@
+ #endif
+ #endif
+-static bool g_bDebug = false;
+ // FIXME - quite a lot of the code here probably should be moved to
+ // the parent class (DasherView). I think we really should make the
+ // parent class less general - we're probably not going to implement
+Index: Src/Common/myassert.h
+--- Src/Common/myassert.h (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Common/myassert.h (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // myassert.h
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ #else
+ // Non-debug version (assertions disabled)
+-#define DASHER_ASSERT(expr) true
++#define DASHER_ASSERT(expr) ((void)true)
+ #endif // DEBUG
+Index: Src/Gtk2/KeyboardHelper.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/KeyboardHelper.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/KeyboardHelper.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ #include <gdk/gdk.h>
+ #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+ #include <gdk/gdkx.h>
++#include <cstring>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <sstream>
+ #include <string>
+Index: Src/Gtk2/Preferences.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/Preferences.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/Preferences.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ #include <glib/gi18n.h>
+ #include <libintl.h>
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
+ #include "DasherTypes.h"
+@@ -951,7 +952,7 @@
+- GtkTreeIter oIter;
++// GtkTreeIter oIter;
+ // TODO: Reimplement this
+Index: Src/Gtk2/DasherControl.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/DasherControl.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/DasherControl.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #include "../Common/Common.h"
+ #include "../../config.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include "DasherControl.h"
+ #include "Timer.h"
+Index: Src/Gtk2/dasher_main.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/dasher_main.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/dasher_main.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ #include "config.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include <gdk/gdk.h>
+ #include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+ #include <glade/glade.h>
+Index: Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // dasher_editor.cpp
+ //
+-// Copyright (c) 2007 The Dasher Team
++// Copyright (c) 2008 The Dasher Team
+ //
+ // This file is part of Dasher.
+ //
+@@ -96,8 +96,6 @@
+ static guint dasher_editor_signals[SIGNAL_NUM];
+-static DasherEditor *g_pEditor;
+ /* TODO: Use appropriate macros here */
+ /* G-object boilerplate code */
+ // static void dasher_editor_class_init(DasherEditorClass *pClass);
+Index: Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.h
+--- Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.h (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.h (revision 3447)
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ } clipboard_action;
+Index: Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/dasher_editor_internal.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ #include "config.h"
++#include <cstring>
+ #include <glib/gi18n.h>
+ #include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ /* TODO: r4epair gnome libs flags (or get rid of entirely) */
+@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@
+ };
+-static guint dasher_editor_internal_signals[SIGNAL_NUM];
++//static guint dasher_editor_internal_signals[SIGNAL_NUM];
+ static DasherEditorInternal *g_pEditor;
+@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@
+ static void dasher_editor_internal_add_action(DasherEditor *pSelf, DasherAction *pNewAction);
+ static EditorAction *dasher_editor_internal_get_action_by_id(DasherEditor *pSelf, int iID);
+ static void dasher_editor_internal_rebuild_action_pane(DasherEditor *pSelf);
+-static void dasher_editor_internal_display_message(DasherEditor *pSelf, DasherMessageInfo *pMessageInfo);
++//static void dasher_editor_internal_display_message(DasherEditor *pSelf, DasherMessageInfo *pMessageInfo);
+ static void dasher_editor_internal_check_activity(DasherEditor *pSelf, EditorAction *pAction);
+ static void dasher_editor_internal_action_save_state(DasherEditor *pSelf, EditorAction *pAction);
+@@ -1275,12 +1277,12 @@
+ }
+ // TODO: This shouldn't be a part of the editor
+-static void
+-dasher_editor_internal_display_message(DasherEditor *pSelf, DasherMessageInfo *pMessageInfo) {
+- GtkMessageDialog *pDialog = GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(gtk_message_dialog_new(0, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, pMessageInfo->szMessage));
+- gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(pDialog));
+- gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(pDialog));
++//static void
++//dasher_editor_internal_display_message(DasherEditor *pSelf, DasherMessageInfo *pMessageInfo) {
++// GtkMessageDialog *pDialog = GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(gtk_message_dialog_new(0, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, pMessageInfo->szMessage));
++// gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(pDialog));
++// gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(pDialog));
+ static void
+ dasher_editor_internal_check_activity(DasherEditor *pSelf, EditorAction *pAction) {
+Index: Src/Gtk2/game_mode_helper.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/game_mode_helper.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/game_mode_helper.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ static void game_mode_helper_class_init(GameModeHelperClass * pClass);
+ static void game_mode_helper_init(GameModeHelper * pControl);
+ static void game_mode_helper_destroy(GObject * pObject);
+-static void game_mode_helper_get_next_string(GameModeHelper *pSelf);
++//static void game_mode_helper_get_next_string(GameModeHelper *pSelf);
+ static void game_mode_helper_update_target_label(GameModeHelper *pSelf);
+ static void game_mode_helper_dialog_box(GameModeHelper* pSelf, const char* message);
+@@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
+ return FALSE; // TODO: Scheck semantics of return value
+ }
+ void game_mode_helper_get_next_string(GameModeHelper *pSelf) {
+ GameModeHelperPrivate *pPrivate((GameModeHelperPrivate *)(pSelf->private_data));
+- /*
+ if(pPrivate->szOutput)
+ delete[] pPrivate->szOutput;
+@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@
+ gtk_dasher_control_add_game_mode_string(GTK_DASHER_CONTROL(pPrivate->pControl),
+ pPrivate->szTarget);
+- */
+ }
+ void game_mode_helper_output(GameModeHelper *pSelf, const gchar *szText) {
+ GameModeHelperPrivate *pPrivate((GameModeHelperPrivate *)(pSelf->private_data));
+@@ -204,13 +204,16 @@
+ // if(!strcmp(pPrivate->szOutput, pPrivate->szTarget))
+ // game_mode_helper_get_next_string(pSelf);
+ }
+ void game_mode_helper_delete(GameModeHelper *pSelf, int iLength) {
+ GameModeHelperPrivate *pPrivate((GameModeHelperPrivate *)(pSelf->private_data));
+ // pPrivate->szOutput[pPrivate->iOutputLength - iLength] = '\0';
+ // pPrivate->iOutputLength -= iLength;
+ }
+ void game_mode_helper_message(GameModeHelper *pSelf, int message, const void * messagedata) {
+ using namespace Dasher::GameMode;
+@@ -312,7 +315,7 @@
+ void game_mode_helper_dialog_box(GameModeHelper* pSelf, const gchar* message)
+ {
+- GameModeHelperPrivate *pPrivate((GameModeHelperPrivate *)(pSelf->private_data));
++ // GameModeHelperPrivate *pPrivate((GameModeHelperPrivate *)(pSelf->private_data));
+ GtkWidget* pDialog;
+ pDialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL,
+Index: Src/Gtk2/DasherAppSettings.cpp
+--- Src/Gtk2/DasherAppSettings.cpp (revision 3446)
++++ Src/Gtk2/DasherAppSettings.cpp (revision 3447)
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ #include <gconf/gconf-enum-types.h>
+ #endif
++#include <cstring>
+ #include "DasherAppSettings.h"
+ #include "../Common/AppSettingsData.h"
+Index: ChangeLog
+--- ChangeLog (revision 3446)
++++ ChangeLog (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
++2008-02-17 Phil Cowans <pjc51 at cam.ac.uk>
++ * Preparing for release
+ 2007-11-12 Phil Cowans <pjc51 at cam.ac.uk>
+ * Preparing for release
+Index: README
+--- README (revision 3446)
++++ README (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
+-Dasher Version 4.7.0
++Dasher Version 4.7.1
+ --------------------
+-This is version 4.7.0, the first in the new development series of
+-Dasher releases.
++This is version 4.7.1, a bugfix update to the development series.
+ Dasher is a zooming predictive text entry system, designed for situations
+ where keyboard input is impractical (for instance, accessibility or PDAs). It
+Index: Data/Help/Makefile.am
+--- Data/Help/Makefile.am (revision 3446)
++++ Data/Help/Makefile.am (revision 3447)
+@@ -1 +1,5 @@
+-SUBDIRS = Gnome
++ SUBDIRS += Gnome
+Index: NEWS
+--- NEWS (revision 3446)
++++ NEWS (revision 3447)
+@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+ ============
++Dasher 4.7.1
++ * Bugfixes
+ Dasher 4.7.0
+ ============
+ * Starting new development series
Index: extra/gnome/dasher/dasher.install
diff -u extra/gnome/dasher/dasher.install:1.8 extra/gnome/dasher/dasher.install:1.9
--- extra/gnome/dasher/dasher.install:1.8 Thu Oct 18 16:21:23 2007
+++ extra/gnome/dasher/dasher.install Wed Mar 12 19:09:23 2008
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
post_install() {
- export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
- usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas >/dev/null
+ usr/sbin/gconfpkg --install ${pkgname}
gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor
+ update-desktop-database -q
pre_upgrade() {
@@ -15,23 +15,10 @@
pre_remove() {
- if [ -f usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ]; then
- schemas=(usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas)
- elif [ -f opt/gnome/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ]; then
- schemas=(opt/gnome/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas)
- else
- schemas=(`pacman -Ql $pkgname | grep 'gconf/schemas/.*schemas$' | awk '{ print $2 }'`)
- fi
- export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
- usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule ${schemas[@]} >/dev/null
+ usr/sbin/gconfpkg --uninstall ${pkgname}
post_remove() {
+ update-desktop-database -q
gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor
-$op $*
Index: extra/gnome/dasher/gcc-4.3.patch
diff -u /dev/null extra/gnome/dasher/gcc-4.3.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Mar 12 19:09:24 2008
+++ extra/gnome/dasher/gcc-4.3.patch Wed Mar 12 19:09:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- Src/Gtk2/dasher_action_speech.cpp.orig 2008-03-12 22:54:47.000000000 +0000
++++ Src/Gtk2/dasher_action_speech.cpp 2008-03-12 22:55:12.000000000 +0000
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include <glib/gi18n.h>
+ #include <gnome-speech/gnome-speech.h>
+ #include <libbonobo.h>
++#include <cstring>
+ //#include <libintl.h>
+ //#include <string.h>
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