[arch-commits] Commit in kile/trunk (PKGBUILD kde4_tools.patch)
Ronald van Haren
ronald at archlinux.org
Thu Nov 13 10:13:43 UTC 2008
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 05:13:42
Author: ronald
Revision: 18978
upgpkg: kile 2.0.2-2
kde4_tools.patch | 548 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 558 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2008-11-13 10:12:12 UTC (rev 18977)
+++ PKGBUILD 2008-11-13 10:13:42 UTC (rev 18978)
@@ -4,23 +4,28 @@
pkgdesc="A user friendly TeX/LaTeX frontend for KDE."
arch=("i686" "x86_64")
-depends=('kdelibs3>=3.5.8' 'texlive-core' 'psutils')
+depends=('kdelibs3>=3.5.8' 'texlive-core' 'psutils' 'perl')
+source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2" \
+ kde4_tools.patch)
+ '561a9b87fda781e0fe8db5d4ad7e5d63')
build() {
cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
. /etc/profile.d/qt3.sh
. /etc/profile.d/kde3.sh
+ patch -Np0 -i $srcdir/kde4_tools.patch || return 1
./configure --prefix=/opt/kde --without-arts
make || return 1
make prefix=$pkgdir/opt/kde install
rm $pkgdir/opt/kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/{bibtex,latex}.xml
Added: kde4_tools.patch
--- kde4_tools.patch (rev 0)
+++ kde4_tools.patch 2008-11-13 10:13:42 UTC (rev 18978)
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+--- src/kile/kilestdtools.rc #809350:809351
+@@ -96,29 +96,23 @@
+ [Tool/DVItoPDF/Default]
+ class=Convert
+ options='%S.dvi'
+ from=dvi
+ to=pdf
+ type=Process
++[Tool/DVItoPDF/Black and White]
+ class=Convert
+ command=dvipdfmx
+-[Tool/DVItoPDF/Black and White]
+ options=-c '%S.dvi'
+ from=dvi
+ to=pdf
+ type=Process
+ [Tool/DVItoPDF/Landscape]
+ options=-l '%S.dvi'
+ from=dvi
+ to=pdf
+@@ -159,10 +153,21 @@
+ jumpToFirstError=yes
+ autoRun=yes
++options=-draftmode -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ [Tool/LaTeX/Modern]
+ class=LaTeX
+ command=latex
+-options=-src -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ from=
+ to=dvi
+ type=Process
+@@ -202,7 +207,7 @@
+ to=html
+ type=Process
+ class=Compile
+ command=makeindex
+ options='%S.idx'
+@@ -210,6 +215,14 @@
+ to=idx
+ type=Process
+ [Tool/MetaPost/Default]
+ class=Compile
+ command=mpost
+@@ -251,7 +264,7 @@
+ [Tool/PDFLaTeX/Modern]
+ class=LaTeX
+ command=pdflatex
+-options=-src -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ from=
+ to=pdf
+ type=Process
+@@ -259,6 +272,94 @@
+ jumpToFirstError=yes
+ autoRun=yes
++options=--pdf --nonstopmode '%source'
++[Tool/ConTeXt/PDF Draft]
++options=--pdf --draft --nonstopmode '%source'
++[Tool/ConTeXt/DVI and PS]
++options=--dvi --nonstopmode '%source'
++[Tool/ConTeXt/DVI and PS Draft]
++options=--dvi --draft --nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-draftmode -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ [Tool/PreviewLaTeX/Default]
+ autoRun=no
+ checkForRoot=no
+@@ -309,11 +410,6 @@
+ type=Sequence
+ sequence=LaTeX,DVItoPDF,ViewPDF
+ [Tool/QuickBuild/PDFLaTeX+ViewPDF]
+ class=Sequence
+ type=Sequence
+@@ -340,7 +436,7 @@
+ [Tool/TeX/Modern]
+ class=Compile
+ command=tex
+-options=-src -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ from=
+ to=dvi
+ type=Process
+@@ -364,7 +460,7 @@
+ [Tool/PDFTeX/Modern]
+ class=Compile
+ command=pdftex
+-options=-src -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
++options=-src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode '%source'
+ from=
+ to=pdf
+ type=Process
+@@ -461,120 +557,90 @@
+ from=html
+ to=html
+-[Tool/ViewDVI/Embedded Viewer]
+-[Tool/ViewDVI/KDVI Unique]
+-options=--unique '%target'
+ [Tool/ForwardDVI/Embedded Viewer]
+ type=Part
+ class=ForwardDVI
+ from=dvi
+ to=dvi
+ state=Viewer
+ libOptions=dvi
+ class=ForwardDVI
+ type=Process
+ options=--unique '%target'
+ from=dvi
+ to=dvi
+-[Tool/ViewPDF/Embedded Viewer]
++[Tool/ViewDVI/Embedded Viewer]
+ class=View
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Part
+ class=View
+ options='%target'
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Process
+ class=View
+ options='%target'
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Process
+-[Tool/ViewPDF/Embedded Viewer]
+ class=View
+ options='%target'
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Process
+ [Tool/ViewPS/Embedded Viewer]
+ class=View
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Part
+ class=View
+ options='%target'
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Process
++[Tool/ViewPDF/Embedded Viewer]
+ class=View
+ options='%target'
+ state=Viewer
+ type=Process
+ [Tool/Lilypond/PDF]
+@@ -628,49 +694,52 @@
+ DVItoPS=Default
+ LaTeX=Default
+ LaTeX to Web=latex2html
+ MetaPost=Default
+ PDFLaTeX=Default
+ PreviewLaTeX=Default
+ PreviewPDFLaTeX=Default
+ PStoPDF=Default
+ TeX=Default
+ PDFTeX=Default
+ ViewBib=KBibTex
+ ViewHTML=Konqueror
+ Lilypond=PDF
+ [ToolsGUI]
+ Lilypond=Compile,lilypond
+ Archive=Archive,package
+ BibTeX=Compile,bibtex
+ Convert=Convert,convert
+ DVItoPDF=Convert,dvipdf
+ DVItoPNG=Convert,dvipng
+ DVItoPS=Convert,dvips
+ LaTeX to Web=Compile,l2h
+ DBLaTeX=Compile,dblatex
+ MakeIndex=Compile,makeidx
+ MetaPost=Compile,mpost
+ PreviewLaTeX=none,none
+ PreviewPDFLaTeX=none,none
+ PStoPDF=Convert,ps2pdf
+ QuickBuild=Quick,quick
+ TeX=Compile,texcompiler
+ PDFTeX=Compile,pdftex
+ ViewBib=View,viewbib
+ ViewHTML=View,viewhtml
+ ForwardDVI=View,dvisearch
+ [Shortcuts]
+ tool_QuickBuild=Alt+1
+--- src/kile/quickpreview.cpp #809350:809351
+@@ -38,12 +38,11 @@
+ QuickPreview::QuickPreview(KileInfo *ki) : m_ki(ki), m_running(0), m_tempDir(NULL)
+ {
+ m_taskList << i18n("LaTeX ---> DVI")
+- << i18n("LaTeX ---> DVI (KDVI)")
++ << i18n("LaTeX ---> DVI (Okular)")
+ << i18n("LaTeX ---> PS")
+- << i18n("LaTeX ---> PS (KGhostView)")
++ << i18n("LaTeX ---> PS (Okular)")
+ << i18n("PDFLaTeX ---> PDF")
+- << i18n("PDFLaTeX ---> PDF (KGhostView)")
+- << i18n("PDFLaTeX ---> PDF (KPDF)")
++ << i18n("PDFLaTeX ---> PDF (Okular)")
+ ;
+ }
+@@ -147,12 +146,11 @@
+ {
+ tasklist.clear();
+ tasklist << "Tool/ViewDVI/Embedded Viewer=" + m_taskList[0]
+- << "Tool/ViewDVI/KDVI Unique=" + m_taskList[1]
++ << "Tool/ViewDVI/Okular=" + m_taskList[1]
+ << "Tool/ViewPS/Embedded Viewer=" + m_taskList[2]
+- << "Tool/ViewPS/KGhostView=" + m_taskList[3]
++ << "Tool/ViewPS/Okular=" + m_taskList[3]
+ << "Tool/ViewPDF/Embedded Viewer=" + m_taskList[4]
+- << "Tool/ViewPDF/KGhostView=" + m_taskList[5]
+- << "Tool/ViewPDF/KPDF=" + m_taskList[6]
++ << "Tool/ViewPDF/Okular=" + m_taskList[5]
+ ;
+ }
+@@ -166,12 +164,11 @@
+ // define possible tools
+ QMap <QString,QString> map;
+ map[m_taskList[0]] = "PreviewLaTeX,,,ViewDVI,Embedded Viewer,dvi";
+- map[m_taskList[1]] = "PreviewLaTeX,,,ViewDVI,KDVI Unique,dvi";
++ map[m_taskList[1]] = "PreviewLaTeX,,,ViewDVI,Okular,dvi";
+ map[m_taskList[2]] = "PreviewLaTeX,DVItoPS,Default,ViewPS,Embedded Viewer,ps";
+- map[m_taskList[3]] = "PreviewLaTeX,DVItoPS,Default,ViewPS,KGhostView,ps";
+- map[m_taskList[4]] = "PreviewPDFLaTeX,,,ViewPDF,KPDF (embedded),pdf";
+- map[m_taskList[5]] = "PreviewPDFLaTeX,,,ViewPDF,KGhostView,pdf";
+- map[m_taskList[6]] = "PreviewPDFLaTeX,,,ViewPDF,KPDF,pdf";
++ map[m_taskList[3]] = "PreviewLaTeX,DVItoPS,Default,ViewPS,Okular,ps";
++ map[m_taskList[4]] = "PreviewPDFLaTeX,,,ViewPDF,Embedded Viewer,pdf";
++ map[m_taskList[5]] = "PreviewPDFLaTeX,,,ViewPDF,Okular,pdf";
+ QString previewtask = KileConfig::previewTask();
+ if(!map.contains(previewtask)) {
+--- src/kile/test/runTests.sh #809350:809351
+@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
+ echo "starting test: DVItoPDF"
+ setTool DVItoPDF
+ setKey mustpass ""
+-setKey executable dvipdfm
+-setKey where `which dvipdfm`
++setKey executable dvipdfmx
++setKey where `which dvipdfmx`
+ if [ -r $testFileBase.dvi ]; then performKileTest kile "run DVItoPDF"; fi
+ echo "starting test: PStoPDF"
+@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
+ setKey mustpass ""
+ setKey executable bibtex
+ setKey where `which bibtex`
+ if [ -r "test.dvi" ] #LaTeX is working
+ then
+ testFileBase=test_bib
+@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@
+ setKey mustpass ""
+ setKey executable makeindex
+ setKey where `which makeindex`
+ if [ -r "test.dvi" ] #LaTeX is working
+ then
+ testFileBase=test_index
+@@ -172,24 +174,12 @@
+ $closeDoc
+ fi
+-echo "starting test: KDVI"
+-setTool KDVI
++echo "starting test: Okular"
++setTool Okular
+ setKey mustpass "where"
+-setKey executable kdvi
+-setKey where `which kdvi`
++setKey executable okular
++setKey where `which okular`
+-echo "starting test: KGhostView"
+-setTool KGhostView
+-setKey mustpass ""
+-setKey executable kghostview
+-setKey where `which kghostview`
+-echo "starting test: KPDF"
+-setTool KPDF
+-setKey mustpass ""
+-setKey executable kpdf
+-setKey where `which kpdf`
+ echo "starting test: Acroread"
+ setTool Acroread
+ setKey mustpass ""
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