[arch-commits] Commit in autofs/trunk (PKGBUILD autofs)

Andrea Scarpino andrea at archlinux.org
Sun Jan 11 16:21:21 UTC 2009

    Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 11:21:20
  Author: andrea
Revision: 23757

upgpkg: autofs 5.0.4-1


 PKGBUILD |    6 
 autofs   |  371 +------------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 364 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2009-01-11 16:21:16 UTC (rev 23756)
+++ PKGBUILD	2009-01-11 16:21:20 UTC (rev 23757)
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
 	'autofs' 'autofs.conf.d' 'auto.master' 'auto.misc' 'auto.net' 'heimdal.patch')
-         '80b77182aa957646a2074433d3890518'
-         '66035ad00c11ad0dea8673d23cf8b062'
+         '6febd98b29bb83d7bc8dbd3ea953e698'
+         'ddd69346754419faee15fc4c7edeb8b8'
-	 '3a04364a77964b4325a85c2ac2ce2046')
+	 '1ee4825e26ad72bfe86acec3d3da5d2a')
 build() {
   export MAKEFLAGS="-j1"

Modified: autofs
--- autofs	2009-01-11 16:21:16 UTC (rev 23756)
+++ autofs	2009-01-11 16:21:20 UTC (rev 23757)
@@ -3,387 +3,36 @@
 . /etc/rc.conf
 . /etc/rc.d/functions
-# source application-specific settings
-[ -f /etc/conf.d/autofs ] && . /etc/conf.d/autofs
-if [ ! -z "$TIMEOUT" ]; then
-  daemonoptions="--timeout=$TIMEOUT $daemonoptions"
-# Extract the schemes from /etc/nsswitch.conf
-# (function derived from RedHat)
-function getschemes()
-  grep ^automount: /etc/nsswitch.conf | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/\[.*\]/ /g'
-# Process the schemes found in /etc/nsswitch.conf
-# (function derived from RedHat, with some modifications)
-function getrawmounts()
-  for scheme in `getschemes` ; do
-    case "$scheme" in
-      files)
-        if [ -z "$filescheme" ] ; then
-          if getmounts_file /etc/autofs/auto.master; then
-            filescheme=1  # success
-          else
-            filescheme=0  # failure
-          fi
-          export filescheme
-        fi
-      ;;
-      nis)
-        if [ -z "$nisscheme" ] ; then
-          if getnismounts auto.master; then
-            nisscheme=1  # success
-          else
-            nisscheme=0  # failure
-          fi
-          export nisscheme
-        fi
-      ;;
-      ldap*)
-        if [ -z "$ldapscheme" ] ; then
-          if getldapmounts; then
-            ldapscheme=1  # success
-          else
-            ldapscheme=0  # failure
-          fi
-        export ldapscheme
-        fi
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  if [ -z "$filescheme" -a -z "$nisscheme" -a -z "$ldapscheme" ]; then
-    # nothing configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf, fall back to old behaviour
-    if ! getmounts_file /etc/autofs/auto.master; then
-      if ! getnismounts auto.master; then
-        if ! getldapmounts; then
-          echo "no autofs mounts configured!" 1>&2
-	fi
-      fi
-    fi
-  else
-    if [ ! \( "$filescheme" == "1" -o "$nisscheme" == "1" -o "$ldapscheme" == "1" \) ]; then
-      # all schemes found in /etc/nsswitch.conf have failed
-      echo "no autofs mounts configured!" 1>&2
-    fi
-  fi
-# This function will build a list of automount commands to execute in
-# order to activate all the mount points. It is used to figure out
-# the difference of automount points in case of a reload
-function getmounts()
-  getrawmounts
-function getmounts_file()
-  # Check for local maps to be loaded
-  local map="$1"
-  shift
-  if [ -f "$map" ]; then
-    cat "$map" | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d' | process_master_file
-  else
-    return 1
-  fi
-function process_master_file()
-  local line_options
-  local daemon_options
-  line_options="$@"  # from `+auto.master <line_options>' in /etc/autofs/auto.master
-  while read dir map first_option options; do
-    all_options="$first_option $options"
-  case "$dir" in
-    +*)
-      # note: $map contains options instead of a map
-      getnismounts "${dir/+/}" "$line_options" "$map" "$all_options"
-      continue;
-    ;;
-    '/-')
-      # ignore (not supported) direct maps
-      continue;
-    ;;
-  esac
-  if [ ! -z "$dir" -a ! -z "$map" -a x`echo "$map" | cut -c1` != 'x-' ]; then
-    type=""
-    # Break up the maptype and map, if the map type is specified
-    maptype=`echo $map | cut -f1 -d:`
-    if [ "$maptype" != "$map" ]; then
-      # map has form <maptype>:<map>
-      type=$maptype
-      map=`echo $map | cut -f2- -d:`
-    else
-    # special handling of maps
-    case "$map" in
-      hesiod|userhome)
-	type=$map
-	map=""
-      ;;
-      ldap)
-        # /<mountpoint> ldap <ldap data> <options>
-        type=ldap
-        # extract LDAP data
-        map="$first_option"
-        all_options=$options
-      ;;
-      /*)
-        # map is absolute path
-	if [ -x $map ]; then
-          type=program
-	elif [ -f $map ]; then
-          type=file
-	else
-        # invalid absolute path, ignoring
-          type=""
-	fi
-      ;;
-      !*)
-	# map is executable file
- 	type=program
-	map="${map/!/}"
-      ;;
-      *)
-        # map is relative path or empty
-        if [ ! -z "$map" ]; then
-	  # map is relative path
-          if [ -x /etc/autofs/$map ]; then
-            type=program
-	    map=/etc/autofs/$map
-	  elif [ -f /etc/autofs/$map ]; then
-	    type=file
-	    map=/etc/autofs/$map
-	  else
-	    type=yp
-	  fi
-	else
-	  # map is empty, ignoring
-	  type=""
-	fi
-      ;;
-    esac
-    fi
-    if [ "$type" ]; then
-      options="$line_options $all_options"
-      daemon_options=`munge_options daemon $daemonoptions $options`
-      options=`munge_options mount $options`
-      echo "$DAEMON $daemon_options -- $dir $type $map $localoptions $options" | sed -e 's/  */ /g'
-    fi
-  fi
-  done
-function getnismounts()
-  # Check for YellowPage maps to be loaded
-  local map="$1"
-  shift
-  if [ -e /usr/bin/ypcat ] && [ `ypcat -k "$map" 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
-    # exclude references to other nis maps (avoid self-references -> inf. loop)
-    # - e.g. a map may look like:
-    #   $ ypcat -k auto.master
-    #   +auto_master             # <- = auto.master = erk!
-    #   /net -hosts             -nosuid,nobrowse
-    #   /home auto_home -nobrowse
-    ypcat -k "$map" | grep -v '^+' | process_master_file "$@"
-  else
-    return 1
-  fi
-function getldapmounts() {
-  if [ ! -x /usr/bin/ldapsearch -o -z "$LDAPURI" -o -z "$LDAPBASE" ]; then
-    return 1
-  fi    
-  # TODO: Doesn't yet work for LDIF output where lines are continued on the
-  #       next line (starting with space or tab). (See ldif(5))
-  ldapsearch -LLL -H $LDAPURI -b $LDAPBASE -x \
-    '(objectClass=automount)' cn automountInformation 2>/dev/null \
-    | while read attr val; do
-  case "$attr" in
-    dn:) 
-      node=""
-      args=""
-    ;;
-    cn:)
-      node=$val
-    ;;
-      automountInformation:)
-      args=$val
-    ;;
-    *)
-    ;;
-  esac
-  if [ -n "$node" -a -n "$args" ]; then
-    echo "$node $args" | process_master_file "$@"
-    node=""
-    args=""
-  fi
-  done
-# List active mounts
-function active()
-  ps ax|grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] $DAEMON " |
-    while read pid tt stat time command; do
-      echo $command
-    done
-# Status lister.
-function status()
-  echo "Configured Mount Points:"
-  echo "------------------------"
-  getmounts | sed 's/ -- / /'
-  echo ""
-  echo "Active Mount Points:"
-  echo "--------------------"
-  active
-function munge_options()
-  local which="$1"
-  shift
-  o="$@"
-  # bring `timeout' option in suitable format
-  o=`echo "$o" | sed -e 's/\(\(-\|, *\)t\(imeout\)\?\) \+/\1=/g'`
-  # remove dashes in front of options
-  o=`echo "$o" | sed -e 's/^-\+//' -e 's/ -\+/ /' -e 's/,-\+/,/g'`
-  echo "$o" | awk -v which="$which" '
-  RS="[, \n]"
-  FS="="
-  daemon_opts[ "timeout" ] = "timeout"
-  daemon_opts[ "t" ] = "timeout"
-  if ( $0 ~ /^$/ )
-    next
-  if ( $1 in daemon_opts ) {
-    daemon[ daemon_opts[ $1 ] ] = $2
-    } else if ($1 ~ /^D.+/) {
-      defines[ $1 ] = $2
-    } else {
-  mount[NR] = $0
-  }
-END {
-  if ( which ~ "^daemon$" ) {
-    if ( "timeout" in daemon ) {
-      printf "--timeout=%s\n", daemon["timeout"]
-    }
-  } else {
-    for ( a in defines ) {
-      printf "-%s=%s ", a, defines[a]
-    }
-    for ( a in mount ) {
-      if ( length( out ) )
-        out=out "," mount[a]
-      else
-	out=mount[a]
-    }
-    printf "%s\n", out
-  }
-function get_command_from_pid()
-  ps ax | grep "[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] $DAEMON " | (
-    while read pid tt stat time command; do
-      if [ "$pid" = "$1" ] ; then
-        echo `echo "$command" | sed 's/--pid-file.*\.pid/ /'`
-	return 0
-      fi
-    done
-    )
-  return 0
-# return true if at least one pid is alive
-function alive()
-  if [ -z "$*" ]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  for i in $*; do
-    if kill -0 $i 2> /dev/null; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  done
-  return 1
-# Start the fun :)
-PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/sbin/automount`
+PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/bin/automuonter`
 case "$1" in
-    stat_busy "Starting automounter"
-    getmounts | while read cmd args; do
-      opt=${args%%-- *}
-      rest=${args#*-- }
-      mnt=${rest%% *}
-      rest=${rest#* }
-      echo -n " $mnt"
-      if [ ! -d /var/run/autofs ]; then
-        mkdir /var/run/autofs
-      fi
-      pidfile=/var/run/autofs/`echo $mnt | sed 's,_,__,g;s,/,_:,g'`.pid
-      $DAEMON $daemonoptions --pid-file=$pidfile $opt $mnt $rest
-    done
+    stat_busy "Starting Automounter"
+    [ -z "$PID" ] && /usr/bin/automuonter &> /dev/null &
     if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+      echo $PID > /var/run/autofs.pid
       add_daemon autofs
-  ;;
+    ;;
-    stat_busy "Stopping automounter"
+    stat_busy "Stopping Automounter"
     [ ! -z "$PID" ]  && kill $PID &> /dev/null
     if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
+      rm -f /var/run/autofs.pid
       rm_daemon autofs
-  ;;
+    ;;
     $0 stop
     sleep 1
     $0 start
-  ;;
-  status)
-    status
-  ;;
+    ;;
     echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"  
-  ;;
-exit 0  
+exit 0

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