[arch-commits] Commit in xorg-server/trunk (PKGBUILD server-1.6-branch.patch)

Jan de Groot jgc at archlinux.org
Thu Jun 25 18:37:52 UTC 2009

    Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 14:37:51
  Author: jgc
Revision: 43620

upgpkg: xorg-server


 PKGBUILD                |    8 
 server-1.6-branch.patch | 1093 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1098 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2009-06-25 18:36:40 UTC (rev 43619)
+++ PKGBUILD	2009-06-25 18:37:51 UTC (rev 43620)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 depends=('hal>=0.5.11' 'libgl' 'libxfont>=1.4.0' 'openssl>=0.9.8j' 'libpciaccess>=0.10.5' 'libxv>=1.0.4' 'pixman>=0.14.0' 'xcursor-themes' 'xkeyboard-config>=1.6' 'xorg-server-utils' 'xorg-fonts-misc' 'xbitmaps' 'diffutils' 'xf86-input-evdev>=2.2.2')
-makedepends=('libx11>=1.2.1' 'mesa>=7.4.4' 'xf86driproto>=2.0.4' 'xtrans>=1.2.3' 'libxkbfile>=1.0.5' 'randrproto>=1.3.0' 'renderproto>=0.9.3' 'xcmiscproto>=1.1.2' 'bigreqsproto>=1.0.2' 'resourceproto>=1.0.2' 'videoproto>=2.2.2' 'compositeproto>=0.4' 'scrnsaverproto>=1.1.0' 'libxinerama>=1.0.3' 'xf86dgaproto>=2.0.3' 'recordproto>=1.13.2' 'libgl>=7.4.4' 'glproto>=1.4.9' 'xorg-util-macros')
+makedepends=('libx11>=1.2.1' 'mesa>=7.4.4' 'xf86driproto>=2.0.4' 'xtrans>=1.2.3' 'libxkbfile>=1.0.5' 'randrproto>=1.3.0' 'renderproto>=0.9.3' 'xcmiscproto>=1.1.2' 'bigreqsproto>=1.0.2' 'resourceproto>=1.0.2' 'videoproto>=2.2.2' 'compositeproto>=0.4' 'scrnsaverproto>=1.1.0' 'libxinerama>=1.0.3' 'xf86dgaproto>=2.0.3' 'recordproto>=1.13.2' 'libgl>=7.4.4' 'glproto>=1.4.9')
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-         'dc54a5af016df17eaeb5595b7e1a1050'
+         '4137ebc011080b0d7afa271376653ab7'
 build() {
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
   patch -Np3 -i "${srcdir}/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch" || return 1
   # Upstream updates from server-1.6 branch
+  # DRI2 parts removed
   patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/server-1.6-branch.patch" || return 1
   # Pending updates for 1.6.2 - http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Server16Branch
@@ -39,9 +40,6 @@
   # Fix dbus config path
   sed -i -e 's/\$(sysconfdir)/\/etc/' config/Makefile.*  || return 1
-  # Needed: patch touches configure.ac
-  autoconf || return 1
   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
               --enable-ipv6 \
               --enable-dri \

Modified: server-1.6-branch.patch
--- server-1.6-branch.patch	2009-06-25 18:36:40 UTC (rev 43619)
+++ server-1.6-branch.patch	2009-06-25 18:37:51 UTC (rev 43620)
@@ -739,1099 +739,6 @@
      /* Add established timings */
 cgit v0.8.2
-From 32d250a881341ece8a1f1d78359adc1b265b5174 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 22:44:34 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Add fake front-buffer to request list for windows
-If a front-buffer is requested for a window, add the fake front-buffer
-to the list of requested buffers.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit aa2928325fe51d94a636dde9c090e8f54a311a12)
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 0f2e24b..351d02b 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -139,6 +139,42 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-     DRI2ScreenPtr   ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen);
-     DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw);
-     DRI2BufferPtr   buffers;
-+    unsigned int temp_buf[32];
-+    unsigned int *temp = temp_buf;
-+    /* If the drawable is a window and the front-buffer is requested, silently
-+     * add the fake front-buffer to the list of requested attachments.  The
-+     * counting logic in the loop accounts for the case where the client
-+     * requests both the fake and real front-buffer.
-+     */
-+    if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
-+	int need_fake_front = 0;
-+	int i;
-+	if ((count + 1) > 32) {
-+	    temp = xalloc((count + 1) * sizeof(temp[0]));
-+	}
-+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	    if (attachments[i] == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+		need_fake_front++;
-+	    }
-+	    if (attachments[i] == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) {
-+		need_fake_front--;
-+	    }
-+	    temp[i] = attachments[i];
-+	}
-+	if (need_fake_front > 0) {
-+	    temp[i] = DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft;
-+	    count++;
-+	    attachments = temp;
-+	}
-+    }
-     if (pPriv->buffers == NULL ||
- 	pDraw->width != pPriv->width || pDraw->height != pPriv->height)
-@@ -151,6 +187,10 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
- 	pPriv->height = pDraw->height;
-     }
-+    if (temp != temp_buf) {
-+	xfree(temp);
-+    }
-     *width = pPriv->width;
-     *height = pPriv->height;
-     *out_count = pPriv->bufferCount;
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 73b786f7e7f46d40bf3b039538540c2e25f45947 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:31:01 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit f1a995d1496d73741731e32f475097c44a8da972)
-diff --git a/glx/glxdri2.c b/glx/glxdri2.c
-index 4544a2c..4596cc5 100644
---- a/glx/glxdri2.c
-+++ b/glx/glxdri2.c
-@@ -361,6 +361,7 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     __GLXDRIdrawable *private = loaderPrivate;
-     DRI2BufferPtr buffers;
-     int i;
-+    int skip = 0;
-     buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(private->base.pDraw,
- 			     width, height, attachments, count, out_count);
-@@ -375,6 +376,14 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     /* This assumes the DRI2 buffer attachment tokens matches the
-      * __DRIbuffer tokens. */
-     for (i = 0; i < *out_count; i++) {
-+	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
-+	 */
-+	if ((private->base.pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-+	    && (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
-+	    skip++;
-+	    continue;
-+	}
- 	private->buffers[i].attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
- 	private->buffers[i].name = buffers[i].name;
- 	private->buffers[i].pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
-@@ -382,6 +391,7 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
- 	private->buffers[i].flags = buffers[i].flags;
-     }
-+    *out_count -= skip;
-     return private->buffers;
- }
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-index 1409777..ccc1bbb 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client)
-     int i, status, width, height, count;
-     unsigned int *attachments;
-     xDRI2Buffer buffer;
-+    int skip;
-     REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * 4);
-     if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, &pDrawable, &status))
-@@ -212,15 +213,34 @@ ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client)
-     buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(pDrawable, &width, &height,
- 			     attachments, stuff->count, &count);
-+    skip = 0;
-+    if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
-+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	    /* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
-+	     */
-+	    if (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+		skip++;
-+		continue;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+    }
-     rep.type = X_Reply;
--    rep.length = count * sizeof(xDRI2Buffer) / 4;
-+    rep.length = (count - skip) * sizeof(xDRI2Buffer) / 4;
-     rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
-     rep.width = width;
-     rep.height = height;
--    rep.count = count;
-+    rep.count = count - skip;
-     WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2GetBuffersReply), &rep);
-     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
-+	 */
-+	if ((pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-+	    && (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
-+	    continue;
-+	}
- 	buffer.attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
- 	buffer.name = buffers[i].name;
- 	buffer.pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
-cgit v0.8.2
-From d7277296ed7aea7bd41b3489d4ceef750d400206 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:38:24 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Synchronize the contents of the real and fake front-buffers
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit 567cf67959b30432ae30f4851ec17b3a375ab838)
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 351d02b..0b52a0f 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-     DRI2BufferPtr   buffers;
-     unsigned int temp_buf[32];
-     unsigned int *temp = temp_buf;
-+    int have_fake_front = 0;
-     /* If the drawable is a window and the front-buffer is requested, silently
-@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
- 	    if (attachments[i] == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) {
- 		need_fake_front--;
-+		have_fake_front = 1;
- 	    }
- 	    temp[i] = attachments[i];
-@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
- 	if (need_fake_front > 0) {
- 	    temp[i] = DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft;
- 	    count++;
-+	    have_fake_front = 1;
- 	    attachments = temp;
- 	}
-     }
-@@ -195,6 +198,25 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-     *height = pPriv->height;
-     *out_count = pPriv->bufferCount;
-+    /* If the client is getting a fake front-buffer, pre-fill it with the
-+     * contents of the real front-buffer.  This ensures correct operation of
-+     * applications that call glXWaitX before calling glDrawBuffer.
-+     */
-+    if (have_fake_front) {
-+	BoxRec box;
-+	RegionRec region;
-+	box.x1 = 0;
-+	box.y1 = 0;
-+	box.x2 = pPriv->width;
-+	box.y2 = pPriv->height;
-+	REGION_INIT(pDraw->pScreen, &region, &box, 0);
-+	DRI2CopyRegion(pDraw, &region, DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft,
-+		       DRI2BufferFrontLeft);
-+    }
-     return pPriv->buffers;
- }
-cgit v0.8.2
-From aa13faef2b1464f808e04de9826c6b8b8b91ae89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 18:13:48 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Don't leave empty entries in private->buffers
-This should fix bug #21130.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit de1e43181bd670877b994db221ad8a04b5d63324)
-diff --git a/glx/glxdri2.c b/glx/glxdri2.c
-index 4596cc5..0daf9aa 100644
---- a/glx/glxdri2.c
-+++ b/glx/glxdri2.c
-@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     __GLXDRIdrawable *private = loaderPrivate;
-     DRI2BufferPtr buffers;
-     int i;
--    int skip = 0;
-+    int j;
-     buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(private->base.pDraw,
- 			     width, height, attachments, count, out_count);
-@@ -375,23 +375,24 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     /* This assumes the DRI2 buffer attachment tokens matches the
-      * __DRIbuffer tokens. */
-+    j = 0;
-     for (i = 0; i < *out_count; i++) {
- 	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
- 	 */
- 	if ((private->base.pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
- 	    && (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
--	    skip++;
- 	    continue;
- 	}
--	private->buffers[i].attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
--	private->buffers[i].name = buffers[i].name;
--	private->buffers[i].pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
--	private->buffers[i].cpp = buffers[i].cpp;
--	private->buffers[i].flags = buffers[i].flags;
-+	private->buffers[j].attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
-+	private->buffers[j].name = buffers[i].name;
-+	private->buffers[j].pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
-+	private->buffers[j].cpp = buffers[i].cpp;
-+	private->buffers[j].flags = buffers[i].flags;
-+	j++;
-     }
--    *out_count -= skip;
-+    *out_count = j;
-     return private->buffers;
- }
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 4cb4c210c365fd40ad314e0707eb38811f240a12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 19:10:34 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Add missing front-buffer flush callback.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit d1e916d29be8b470cbc8cadcf6e83991fdbc5a9f)
-diff --git a/glx/glxdri2.c b/glx/glxdri2.c
-index 0daf9aa..84d2c03 100644
---- a/glx/glxdri2.c
-+++ b/glx/glxdri2.c
-@@ -396,9 +396,17 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     return private->buffers;
- }
-+static void 
-+dri2FlushFrontBuffer(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable, void *loaderPrivate)
-+    (void) driDrawable;
-+    __glXDRIdrawableWaitGL((__GLXdrawable *) loaderPrivate);
- static const __DRIdri2LoaderExtension loaderExtension = {
-     dri2GetBuffers,
-+    dri2FlushFrontBuffer,
- };
- static const __DRIextension *loader_extensions[] = {
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 98c3c21735197fbd2c8166c9bdabf055e14c9009 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:09:21 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Add interface for drivers to query DRI2 extension version
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit 28ddfc88d8d547941c7f4713db527a3c2f9ec35a)
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 0b52a0f..80de18f 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -380,3 +380,12 @@ static XF86ModuleVersionInfo DRI2VersRec =
- _X_EXPORT XF86ModuleData dri2ModuleData = { &DRI2VersRec, DRI2Setup, NULL };
-+DRI2Version(int *major, int *minor)
-+    if (major != NULL)
-+	*major = DRI2VersRec.majorversion;
-+    if (minor != NULL)
-+	*minor = DRI2VersRec.minorversion;
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-index 5e7fd65..e6c4b97 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-@@ -100,4 +100,22 @@ int DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw,
- 		   unsigned int dest,
- 		   unsigned int src);
-+ * Determine the major and minor version of the DRI2 extension.
-+ *
-+ * Provides a mechanism to other modules (e.g., 2D drivers) to determine the
-+ * version of the DRI2 extension.  While it is possible to peek directly at
-+ * the \c XF86ModuleData from a layered module, such a module will fail to
-+ * load (due to an unresolved symbol) if the DRI2 extension is not loaded.
-+ *
-+ * \param major  Location to store the major verion of the DRI2 extension
-+ * \param minor  Location to store the minor verion of the DRI2 extension
-+ *
-+ * \note
-+ * This interface was added some time after the initial release of the DRI2
-+ * module.  Layered modules that wish to use this interface must first test
-+ * its existance by calling \c xf86LoaderCheckSymbol.
-+ */
-+extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2Version(int *major, int *minor);
- #endif
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 4fad615d689c61c6c3a000295a1fa755359737cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:49:19 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Implement protocol for DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat
-This change implements the protocol for DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat, but
-the bulk of the differences are the changes to the extension / driver
-interface to make this function work.  The old CreateBuffers and
-DeleteBuffers routines are replaced with CreateBuffer and DeleteBuffer
-(both singular).
-This allows drivers to allocate buffers for a drawable one at a time.
-As a result, 3D drivers can now allocate the (fake) front-buffer for a
-window only when it is needed.  Since 3D drivers only ask for the
-front-buffer on demand, the real front-buffer is always created.  This
-allows CopyRegion impelemenations of SwapBuffers to continue working.
-As with previous version of this code, if the client asks for the
-front-buffer for a window, we instead give it the fake front-buffer.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Reviewed-by: Kristian Høgsberg <krh at redhat.com>
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index af4ba4f..1f0fddd 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ if test "x$DRI" = xyes; then
- fi
--PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DRI2PROTO], [dri2proto >= 1.99.3],
-+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DRI2PROTO], [dri2proto >= 2.1],
-                   [HAVE_DRI2PROTO=yes], [HAVE_DRI2PROTO=no])
- case "$DRI2,$HAVE_DRI2PROTO" in
- 	yes,no)
-diff --git a/glx/glxdri2.c b/glx/glxdri2.c
-index 84d2c03..c671670 100644
---- a/glx/glxdri2.c
-+++ b/glx/glxdri2.c
-@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
- 	       int *out_count, void *loaderPrivate)
- {
-     __GLXDRIdrawable *private = loaderPrivate;
--    DRI2BufferPtr buffers;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr *buffers;
-     int i;
-     int j;
-@@ -380,15 +380,59 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
- 	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
- 	 */
- 	if ((private->base.pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
--	    && (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
-+	    && (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
- 	    continue;
- 	}
--	private->buffers[j].attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
--	private->buffers[j].name = buffers[i].name;
--	private->buffers[j].pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
--	private->buffers[j].cpp = buffers[i].cpp;
--	private->buffers[j].flags = buffers[i].flags;
-+	private->buffers[j].attachment = buffers[i]->attachment;
-+	private->buffers[j].name = buffers[i]->name;
-+	private->buffers[j].pitch = buffers[i]->pitch;
-+	private->buffers[j].cpp = buffers[i]->cpp;
-+	private->buffers[j].flags = buffers[i]->flags;
-+	j++;
-+    }
-+    *out_count = j;
-+    return private->buffers;
-+static __DRIbuffer *
-+dri2GetBuffersWithFormat(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-+			 int *width, int *height,
-+			 unsigned int *attachments, int count,
-+			 int *out_count, void *loaderPrivate)
-+    __GLXDRIdrawable *private = loaderPrivate;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr *buffers;
-+    int i;
-+    int j = 0;
-+    buffers = DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(private->base.pDraw,
-+				       width, height, attachments, count,
-+				       out_count);
-+    if (*out_count > MAX_DRAWABLE_BUFFERS) {
-+	*out_count = 0;
-+	return NULL;
-+    }
-+    private->width = *width;
-+    private->height = *height;
-+    /* This assumes the DRI2 buffer attachment tokens matches the
-+     * __DRIbuffer tokens. */
-+    for (i = 0; i < *out_count; i++) {
-+	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
-+	 */
-+	if ((private->base.pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-+	    && (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
-+	    continue;
-+	}
-+	private->buffers[j].attachment = buffers[i]->attachment;
-+	private->buffers[j].name = buffers[i]->name;
-+	private->buffers[j].pitch = buffers[i]->pitch;
-+	private->buffers[j].cpp = buffers[i]->cpp;
-+	private->buffers[j].flags = buffers[i]->flags;
- 	j++;
-     }
-@@ -407,6 +451,7 @@ static const __DRIdri2LoaderExtension loaderExtension = {
-     dri2GetBuffers,
-     dri2FlushFrontBuffer,
-+    dri2GetBuffersWithFormat,
- };
- static const __DRIextension *loader_extensions[] = {
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 80de18f..9ded048 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ typedef struct _DRI2Drawable {
-     unsigned int	 refCount;
-     int			 width;
-     int			 height;
--    DRI2BufferPtr	 buffers;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr	*buffers;
-     int			 bufferCount;
-     unsigned int	 pendingSequence;
- } DRI2DrawableRec, *DRI2DrawablePtr;
-@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ typedef struct _DRI2Screen {
-     const char			*deviceName;
-     int				 fd;
-     unsigned int		 lastSequence;
--    DRI2CreateBuffersProcPtr	 CreateBuffers;
--    DRI2DestroyBuffersProcPtr	 DestroyBuffers;
-+    DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr	 CreateBuffer;
-+    DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr	 DestroyBuffer;
-     DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr	 CopyRegion;
-     HandleExposuresProcPtr       HandleExposures;
-@@ -132,71 +132,130 @@ DRI2CreateDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw)
-     return Success;
- }
--DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
--	       unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count)
-+static int
-+find_attachment(DRI2BufferPtr *buffer_list, int count, unsigned attachment)
-+    int i;
-+    if (buffer_list == NULL) {
-+	return -1;
-+    }
-+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	if ((buffer_list[i] != NULL)
-+	    && (buffer_list[i]->attachment == attachment)) {
-+	    return i;
-+	}
-+    }
-+    return -1;
-+static DRI2BufferPtr
-+allocate_or_reuse_buffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2ScreenPtr ds,
-+			 DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv,
-+			 unsigned int attachment, unsigned int format,
-+			 int dimensions_match)
-+    DRI2BufferPtr buffer;
-+    int old_buf;
-+    old_buf = find_attachment(pPriv->buffers, pPriv->bufferCount, attachment);
-+    if ((old_buf < 0)
-+	|| !dimensions_match
-+	|| (pPriv->buffers[old_buf]->format != format)) {
-+	buffer = (*ds->CreateBuffer)(pDraw, attachment, format);
-+    } else {
-+	buffer = pPriv->buffers[old_buf];
-+	pPriv->buffers[old_buf] = NULL;
-+    }
-+    return buffer;
-+static DRI2BufferPtr *
-+do_get_buffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-+	       unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count,
-+	       int has_format)
- {
-     DRI2ScreenPtr   ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen);
-     DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw);
--    DRI2BufferPtr   buffers;
--    unsigned int temp_buf[32];
--    unsigned int *temp = temp_buf;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr  *buffers;
-+    int need_real_front = 0;
-+    int need_fake_front = 0;
-     int have_fake_front = 0;
-+    int front_format = 0;
-+    const int dimensions_match = (pDraw->width == pPriv->width)
-+	&& (pDraw->height == pPriv->height);
-+    int i;
--    /* If the drawable is a window and the front-buffer is requested, silently
--     * add the fake front-buffer to the list of requested attachments.  The
--     * counting logic in the loop accounts for the case where the client
--     * requests both the fake and real front-buffer.
--     */
--    if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
--	int need_fake_front = 0;
--	int i;
-+    buffers = xalloc((count + 1) * sizeof(buffers[0]));
--	if ((count + 1) > 32) {
--	    temp = xalloc((count + 1) * sizeof(temp[0]));
--	}
-+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	const unsigned attachment = *(attachments++);
-+	const unsigned format = (has_format) ? *(attachments++) : 0;
-+	buffers[i] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv, attachment,
-+					      format, dimensions_match);
--	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
--	    if (attachments[i] == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+	/* If the drawable is a window and the front-buffer is requested,
-+	 * silently add the fake front-buffer to the list of requested
-+	 * attachments.  The counting logic in the loop accounts for the case
-+	 * where the client requests both the fake and real front-buffer.
-+	 */
-+	if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
-+	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferBackLeft) {
-+		need_real_front++;
-+		front_format = format;
-+	    }
-+	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+		need_real_front--;
- 		need_fake_front++;
-+		front_format = format;
- 	    }
--	    if (attachments[i] == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) {
-+	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) {
- 		need_fake_front--;
- 		have_fake_front = 1;
- 	    }
--	    temp[i] = attachments[i];
--	}
--	if (need_fake_front > 0) {
--	    temp[i] = DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft;
--	    count++;
--	    have_fake_front = 1;
--	    attachments = temp;
- 	}
-     }
-+    if (need_real_front > 0) {
-+	buffers[i++] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv,
-+						DRI2BufferFrontLeft,
-+						front_format, dimensions_match);
-+    }
--    if (pPriv->buffers == NULL ||
--	pDraw->width != pPriv->width || pDraw->height != pPriv->height)
--    {
--	buffers = (*ds->CreateBuffers)(pDraw, attachments, count);
--	(*ds->DestroyBuffers)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers, pPriv->bufferCount);
--	pPriv->buffers = buffers;
--	pPriv->bufferCount = count;
--	pPriv->width = pDraw->width;
--	pPriv->height = pDraw->height;
-+    if (need_fake_front > 0) {
-+	buffers[i++] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv,
-+						DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft,
-+						front_format, dimensions_match);
-+	have_fake_front = 1;
-     }
--    if (temp != temp_buf) {
--	xfree(temp);
-+    *out_count = i;
-+    if (pPriv->buffers != NULL) {
-+	for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) {
-+	    if (pPriv->buffers[i] != NULL) {
-+		(*ds->DestroyBuffer)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers[i]);
-+	    }
-+	}
-+	xfree(pPriv->buffers);
-     }
-+    pPriv->buffers = buffers;
-+    pPriv->bufferCount = *out_count;
-     *width = pPriv->width;
-     *height = pPriv->height;
--    *out_count = pPriv->bufferCount;
-     /* If the client is getting a fake front-buffer, pre-fill it with the
-@@ -220,6 +279,22 @@ DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-     return pPriv->buffers;
- }
-+DRI2BufferPtr *
-+DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-+	       unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count)
-+    return do_get_buffers(pDraw, width, height, attachments, count,
-+			  out_count, FALSE);
-+DRI2BufferPtr *
-+DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-+			 unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count)
-+    return do_get_buffers(pDraw, width, height, attachments, count,
-+			  out_count, TRUE);
- int
- DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion,
- 	       unsigned int dest, unsigned int src)
-@@ -237,10 +312,10 @@ DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion,
-     pSrcBuffer = NULL;
-     for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++)
-     {
--	if (pPriv->buffers[i].attachment == dest)
--	    pDestBuffer = &pPriv->buffers[i];
--	if (pPriv->buffers[i].attachment == src)
--	    pSrcBuffer = &pPriv->buffers[i];
-+	if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == dest)
-+	    pDestBuffer = pPriv->buffers[i];
-+	if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == src)
-+	    pSrcBuffer = pPriv->buffers[i];
-     }
-     if (pSrcBuffer == NULL || pDestBuffer == NULL)
- 	return BadValue;
-@@ -266,7 +341,16 @@ DRI2DestroyDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw)
-     if (pPriv->refCount > 0)
- 	return;
--    (*ds->DestroyBuffers)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers, pPriv->bufferCount);
-+    if (pPriv->buffers != NULL) {
-+	int i;
-+	for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) {
-+	    (*ds->DestroyBuffer)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers[i]);
-+	}
-+	xfree(pPriv->buffers);
-+    }
-     xfree(pPriv);
-     if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-@@ -320,11 +404,18 @@ DRI2ScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, DRI2InfoPtr info)
-     if (!ds)
- 	return FALSE;
-+    if ((info->version < 2)
-+	|| (info->CreateBuffer == NULL)
-+	|| (info->DestroyBuffer == NULL)) {
-+	return FALSE;
-+    }
-     ds->fd	       = info->fd;
-     ds->driverName     = info->driverName;
-     ds->deviceName     = info->deviceName;
--    ds->CreateBuffers  = info->CreateBuffers;
--    ds->DestroyBuffers = info->DestroyBuffers;
-+    ds->CreateBuffer   = info->CreateBuffer;
-+    ds->DestroyBuffer  = info->DestroyBuffer;
-     ds->CopyRegion     = info->CopyRegion;
-     dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, dri2ScreenPrivateKey, ds);
-@@ -371,7 +462,7 @@ static XF86ModuleVersionInfo DRI2VersRec =
--    1, 0, 0,
-+    1, 1, 0,
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-index e6c4b97..c9a0d3f 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.h
-@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ typedef struct {
-     unsigned int pitch;
-     unsigned int cpp;
-     unsigned int flags;
-+    unsigned int format;
-     void *driverPrivate;
- } DRI2BufferRec, *DRI2BufferPtr;
-@@ -58,8 +59,19 @@ typedef void		(*DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw,
- typedef void		(*DRI2WaitProcPtr)(WindowPtr pWin,
- 					   unsigned int sequence);
-+typedef DRI2BufferPtr	(*DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw,
-+						   unsigned int attachment,
-+						   unsigned int format);
-+typedef void		(*DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw,
-+						    DRI2BufferPtr buffer);
-+ * Version of the DRI2InfoRec structure defined in this header
-+ */
- typedef struct {
--    unsigned int version;	/* Version of this struct */
-+    unsigned int version;	/**< Version of this struct */
-     int fd;
-     const char *driverName;
-     const char *deviceName;
-@@ -69,6 +81,14 @@ typedef struct {
-     DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr	CopyRegion;
-     DRI2WaitProcPtr		Wait;
-+    /**
-+     * \name Fields added in version 2 of the structure.
-+     */
-+    /*@{*/
-+    DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr	CreateBuffer;
-+    DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr	DestroyBuffer;
-+    /*@}*/
- }  DRI2InfoRec, *DRI2InfoPtr;
- Bool DRI2ScreenInit(ScreenPtr	pScreen,
-@@ -88,7 +108,7 @@ int DRI2CreateDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw);
- void DRI2DestroyDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw);
--DRI2BufferPtr DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw,
-+DRI2BufferPtr *DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw,
- 			     int *width,
- 			     int *height,
- 			     unsigned int *attachments,
-@@ -118,4 +138,8 @@ int DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw,
-  */
- extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2Version(int *major, int *minor);
-+extern _X_EXPORT DRI2BufferPtr *DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(DrawablePtr pDraw,
-+	int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count,
-+	int *out_count);
- #endif
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-index ccc1bbb..97b96fa 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2ext.c
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ProcDRI2QueryVersion(ClientPtr client)
-     rep.length = 0;
-     rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
-     rep.majorVersion = 1;
--    rep.minorVersion = 0;
-+    rep.minorVersion = 1;
-     if (client->swapped) {
-     	swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
-@@ -193,32 +193,20 @@ ProcDRI2DestroyDrawable(ClientPtr client)
-     return client->noClientException;
- }
--static int
--ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client)
-+static void
-+send_buffers_reply(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable,
-+		   DRI2BufferPtr *buffers, int count, int width, int height)
- {
--    REQUEST(xDRI2GetBuffersReq);
-     xDRI2GetBuffersReply rep;
--    DrawablePtr pDrawable;
--    DRI2BufferPtr buffers;
--    int i, status, width, height, count;
--    unsigned int *attachments;
--    xDRI2Buffer buffer;
--    int skip;
-+    int skip = 0;
-+    int i;
--    REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * 4);
--    if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, &pDrawable, &status))
--	return status;
--    attachments = (unsigned int *) &stuff[1];
--    buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(pDrawable, &width, &height,
--			     attachments, stuff->count, &count);
--    skip = 0;
-     if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
- 	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- 	    /* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
- 	     */
--	    if (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+	    if (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
- 		skip++;
- 		continue;
- 	    }
-@@ -234,20 +222,66 @@ ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client)
-     WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2GetBuffersReply), &rep);
-     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+	xDRI2Buffer buffer;
- 	/* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client.
- 	 */
- 	if ((pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
--	    && (buffers[i].attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
-+	    && (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) {
- 	    continue;
- 	}
--	buffer.attachment = buffers[i].attachment;
--	buffer.name = buffers[i].name;
--	buffer.pitch = buffers[i].pitch;
--	buffer.cpp = buffers[i].cpp;
--	buffer.flags = buffers[i].flags;
-+	buffer.attachment = buffers[i]->attachment;
-+	buffer.name = buffers[i]->name;
-+	buffer.pitch = buffers[i]->pitch;
-+	buffer.cpp = buffers[i]->cpp;
-+	buffer.flags = buffers[i]->flags;
- 	WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2Buffer), &buffer);
-     }
-+static int
-+ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client)
-+    REQUEST(xDRI2GetBuffersReq);
-+    DrawablePtr pDrawable;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr *buffers;
-+    int status, width, height, count;
-+    unsigned int *attachments;
-+    REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * 4);
-+    if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, &pDrawable, &status))
-+	return status;
-+    attachments = (unsigned int *) &stuff[1];
-+    buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(pDrawable, &width, &height,
-+			     attachments, stuff->count, &count);
-+    send_buffers_reply(client, pDrawable, buffers, count, width, height);
-+    return client->noClientException;
-+static int
-+ProcDRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(ClientPtr client)
-+    REQUEST(xDRI2GetBuffersReq);
-+    DrawablePtr pDrawable;
-+    DRI2BufferPtr *buffers;
-+    int status, width, height, count;
-+    unsigned int *attachments;
-+    REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * (2 * 4));
-+    if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, &pDrawable, &status))
-+	return status;
-+    attachments = (unsigned int *) &stuff[1];
-+    buffers = DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(pDrawable, &width, &height,
-+				       attachments, stuff->count, &count);
-+    send_buffers_reply(client, pDrawable, buffers, count, width, height);
-     return client->noClientException;
- }
-@@ -314,6 +348,8 @@ ProcDRI2Dispatch (ClientPtr client)
- 	return ProcDRI2GetBuffers(client);
-     case X_DRI2CopyRegion:
- 	return ProcDRI2CopyRegion(client);
-+    case X_DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat:
-+	return ProcDRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(client);
-     default:
- 	return BadRequest;
-     }
-cgit v0.8.2
-From ec9f1ae32474bc0507a3c66e63bdf2835d467a34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 22:11:10 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: Force allocation of real-front buffer for non-windows as well
-For redirected rendering we end up with pixmaps (which the app thinks are
-windows) that are double buffered.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Tested-by: Pierre Willenbrock <pierre at pirsoft.de>
-(cherry picked from commit 0d9d3f3e361f769822caedccf4c2a58cc9930ecc)
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 9ded048..1d49d7c 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -206,18 +206,21 @@ do_get_buffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
- 	 * attachments.  The counting logic in the loop accounts for the case
- 	 * where the client requests both the fake and real front-buffer.
- 	 */
--	if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
--	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferBackLeft) {
--		need_real_front++;
--		front_format = format;
--	    }
-+	if (attachment == DRI2BufferBackLeft) {
-+	    need_real_front++;
-+	    front_format = format;
-+	}
--	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
--		need_real_front--;
-+	if (attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) {
-+	    need_real_front--;
-+	    front_format = format;
-+	    if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
- 		need_fake_front++;
--		front_format = format;
- 	    }
-+	}
-+	if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
- 	    if (attachment == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) {
- 		need_fake_front--;
- 		have_fake_front = 1;
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 540d5b87a4e24d85ec46620dfedd7bd7979180ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jerome Glisse <glisse at freedesktop.org>
-Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 20:52:46 +0000
-Subject: DRI2: update DRI2 private drawable width & height according to X drawable
-(cherry picked from commit f250eea2e90fc50bec5214c2f41132b95edc2c46)
-diff --git a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-index 1d49d7c..385c5e8 100644
---- a/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-+++ b/hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c
-@@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ do_get_buffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height,
-     pPriv->buffers = buffers;
-     pPriv->bufferCount = *out_count;
-+    pPriv->width = pDraw->width;
-+    pPriv->height = pDraw->height;
-     *width = pPriv->width;
-     *height = pPriv->height;
-cgit v0.8.2
-From 6be19e8f43086fb4b7fb30a47b89b5f3eed798ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 21:54:30 +0000
-Subject: Use a #define instead of a magic number
-The number of buffers is likely to change in the future, so having
-this as a define is the right way to go.
-Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
-(cherry picked from commit 03aebed519986c4dd03e02b3b3d4af1f64595ca7)
-diff --git a/glx/glxdri2.c b/glx/glxdri2.c
-index c671670..f2682d4 100644
---- a/glx/glxdri2.c
-+++ b/glx/glxdri2.c
-@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ struct __GLXDRIcontext {
-     __DRIcontext	*driContext;
- };
- struct __GLXDRIdrawable {
-     __GLXdrawable	 base;
-     __DRIdrawable	*driDrawable;
-@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ struct __GLXDRIdrawable {
-     /* Dimensions as last reported by DRI2GetBuffers. */
-     int width;
-     int height;
--    __DRIbuffer buffers[5];
-+    __DRIbuffer buffers[MAX_DRAWABLE_BUFFERS];
-     int count;
- };
-@@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ dri2GetBuffers(__DRIdrawable *driDrawable,
-     buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(private->base.pDraw,
- 			     width, height, attachments, count, out_count);
--    if (*out_count > 5) {
-+    if (*out_count > MAX_DRAWABLE_BUFFERS) {
- 	*out_count = 0;
- 	return NULL;
-     }
-cgit v0.8.2
 From dbac41b624e4aa86a6a184b7ebb52bfdd367bbf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 From: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:42:07 +0000

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