[arch-commits] Commit in libdv/repos (3 files)

Eric Bélanger eric at archlinux.org
Sat Mar 21 05:14:11 UTC 2009

    Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 01:14:11
  Author: eric
Revision: 30646

Fixed svn conflict

  libdv/repos/extra-i686/	(properties)

 PKGBUILD                     |   17 +-
 libdv-0.104-amd64reloc.patch |  262 -----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

Property changes on: libdv/repos/extra-i686
Modified: svnmerge-integrated
   - /libdv/trunk:1
   + /libdv/trunk:1-30645

Modified: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2009-03-21 05:05:33 UTC (rev 30645)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2009-03-21 05:14:11 UTC (rev 30646)
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@
 pkgdesc="The Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'gtk')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'gtk' 'libxv')
+optdepends=('gtk and libxv: for using playdv')
 build() {
-  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr || return 1
   make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
+  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1

Deleted: extra-i686/libdv-0.104-amd64reloc.patch
--- extra-i686/libdv-0.104-amd64reloc.patch	2009-03-21 05:05:33 UTC (rev 30645)
+++ extra-i686/libdv-0.104-amd64reloc.patch	2009-03-21 05:14:11 UTC (rev 30646)
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-diff -aur libdv-0.104/libdv/encode_x86_64.S libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/encode_x86_64.S
---- libdv-0.104/libdv/encode_x86_64.S	2004-11-17 03:36:30.000000000 +0000
-+++ libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/encode_x86_64.S	2004-12-10 07:53:12.000000000 +0000
-@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
- 	mov	$63, %rcx                        # loop counter
--	mov	vlc_encode_lookup(%rip), %r11
-+	mov	vlc_encode_lookup at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
-+	mov	(%r11),%r11
- 	pxor	%mm0, %mm0
- 	pxor	%mm2, %mm2
-@@ -129,7 +130,8 @@
- 	add	$2, %rdi           /* skip the DC coefficient */
- 	mov	$63, %rcx
--	mov	vlc_num_bits_lookup(%rip), %r11
-+	mov	vlc_num_bits_lookup at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
-+	mov	(%r11),%r11
- vlc_num_bits_block_x86_loop:
- 	movw	(%rdi), %ax        /* get the next coeffiecient */
-diff -aur libdv-0.104/libdv/idct_block_mmx_x86_64.S libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/idct_block_mmx_x86_64.S
---- libdv-0.104/libdv/idct_block_mmx_x86_64.S	2004-10-20 04:49:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/idct_block_mmx_x86_64.S	2004-12-10 07:38:23.000000000 +0000
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- /* void _dv_idct_88(dv_coeff_t *block) */
- 	/* argument block=rdi */
--	lea	 preSC(%rip), %r11
-+	mov	 preSC at GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
- /* 
-  *	column 0: even part
-diff -aur libdv-0.104/libdv/quant_x86_64.S libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/quant_x86_64.S
---- libdv-0.104/libdv/quant_x86_64.S	2004-11-17 03:36:30.000000000 +0000
-+++ libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/quant_x86_64.S	2004-12-10 07:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
- 	/*  pq = dv_quant_shifts[qno + dv_quant_offset[class]]; */
- 	mov	%rsi,%rax	/* qno */
- 	mov	%rdx,%r12	/* class */
--	lea	dv_quant_offset(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov	dv_quant_offset at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
- 	movzbq	(%rcx,%r12,1),%rcx   /* dv_quant_offset[class] */
- 	add	%rcx,%rax                       /* qno + */
--	lea	dv_quant_shifts(%rip),%r11
-+	mov	dv_quant_shifts at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	lea	(%r11,%rax,4),%r11	/* r11 is pq = dv_quant_shifts[...] */
- 	/* extra = (class == 3); */
-@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@
- 	mov	%rsi,%rax	/* qno */
- 	mov	%rdx,%r12	/* class */
--	lea	dv_quant_offset(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov	dv_quant_offset at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
- 	movzbq	(%rcx,%r12,1),%rcx
- 	add	%rcx,%rax
--	lea	dv_quant_shifts(%rip),%r11
-+	mov	dv_quant_shifts at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	lea	(%r11,%rax,4),%r11	/* r11 is pq */
- 	/* extra = (class == 3); */
-diff -aur libdv-0.104/libdv/vlc_x86_64.S libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/vlc_x86_64.S
---- libdv-0.104/libdv/vlc_x86_64.S	2004-10-20 04:49:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ libdv-0.104-patched/libdv/vlc_x86_64.S	2004-12-12 05:43:49.000000000 +0000
-@@ -16,28 +16,28 @@
- 	/* klass = dv_vlc_classes[maxbits][(bits & (dv_vlc_class_index_mask[maxbits])) >> */
- 	/*         (dv_vlc_class_index_rshift[maxbits])];  */
- /*	xor  %rbp,%rbp */
--	lea  dv_vlc_class_index_mask(%rip),%r11            /* use %rip for PIC code */
-+	mov  dv_vlc_class_index_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11    /* use %rip for PIC code */
-  	mov  (%r11,%rbx,4),%ebp           /* int32 */      /* dv_vlc_class_index_mask[maxbits] */
- 	and  %eax,%ebp                                     /* bits & */
--	lea  dv_vlc_class_index_rshift(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov  dv_vlc_class_index_rshift at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
- 	mov  (%rcx,%rbx,4),%ecx           /* int32 */      /* dv_vlc_class_index_rshift[maxbits] */
- 	sar  %cl,%ebp                                      /* >> */
--	lea  dv_vlc_classes(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov  dv_vlc_classes at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
- 	mov  (%rcx,%rbx,8),%rcx           /* ptr */        /* dv_vlc_classes[maxbits], a pointer */
- 	movsbq  (%rcx,%rbp,1),%rbp        /* int8 */       /* klass = */
- 	/* *result = dv_vlc_lookups[klass][(bits & (dv_vlc_index_mask[klass])) >> */
- 	/*           (dv_vlc_index_rshift[klass])];   */
- /*	xor  %rbx,%rbx */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_mask(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	mov  (%r11,%rbp,4),%ebx          /* int32 */       /* (dv_vlc_index_mask[klass]) */
- /*	xor  %rcx,%rcx */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_rshift(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_rshift at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	mov  (%r11,%rbp,4),%ecx          /* int32 */       /* dv_vlc_index_rshift[klass] */
- 	and  %eax,%ebx                                     /* bits &  */
- 	sar  %cl,%ebx                                      /* >> */
--	lea  dv_vlc_lookups(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  dv_vlc_lookups at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	mov  (%r11,%rbp,8),%rbp          /* ptr */         /* dv_vlc_lookups[klass] */
- 	mov  (%rbp,%rbx,4),%ebp          /* int32 */       /* *result = */
-@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
- 	mov  %ebp,%ecx
- 	sar  $8,%ecx
- 	and  $0xff,%ecx                /* result->len */
--	lea  sign_mask(%rip),%rbx
-+	mov  sign_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rbx
- 	mov  (%rbx,%rcx,4),%ebx        /* int32 */
- 	and  %ebx,%eax
- 	neg  %eax
-@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@
- 	mov  %rax,%rbp
- 	and  $0xfe00,%ebp
- 	sar  $9,%ebp
--	lea  dv_vlc_class_lookup5(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  dv_vlc_class_lookup5 at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	movsbq  (%r11,%rbp),%rbp        /* int8 klass */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_mask(%rip),%rbx
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rbx
- 	mov  (%rbx,%rbp,4),%ebx         /* int32 */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_rshift(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_rshift at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
- 	mov  (%rcx,%rbp,4),%ecx         /* int32 */
- 	and  %eax,%ebx
- 	sar  %cl,%ebx			/* %rbx is klass */
--	lea  dv_vlc_lookups(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  dv_vlc_lookups at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	mov  (%r11,%rbp,8),%rbp         /* ptr */
- 	mov  (%rbp,%rbx,4),%ebp         /* int32 */
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
- 	mov  %ebp,%ecx
- 	sar  $8,%ecx
- 	and  $0xff,%ecx
--	lea  sign_mask(%rip),%r11
-+	mov  sign_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	mov  (%r11,%rcx,4),%ecx        /* int32 */
- 	and  %ecx,%eax
- 	neg  %eax
-@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
- 	/* Attempt to use the shortcut first.  If it hits, then
- 	   this vlc term has been decoded. */
--	lea	dv_vlc_class1_shortcut(%rip),%r10
-+	mov	dv_vlc_class1_shortcut at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	mov	(%r10,%rcx,4),%r11d    /* record32 dv_vlc_tab_t */
- 	test	$0x80,%r11d
-@@ -267,17 +267,17 @@
- 	/* %rax is bits */
--	lea  dv_vlc_class_lookup5(%rip),%r10
-+	mov  dv_vlc_class_lookup5 at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	movsbq  (%r10,%rcx,1),%rcx     /* int8 */
- /*	xor  %r12,%r12 */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_mask(%rip),%r10
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	mov  (%r10,%rcx,4),%r12d       /* int32 */
--	lea  dv_vlc_lookups(%rip),%r10
-+	mov  dv_vlc_lookups at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	mov  (%r10,%rcx,8),%r11       /* ptr->record32 */
--	lea  dv_vlc_index_rshift(%rip),%r10
-+	mov  dv_vlc_index_rshift at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	mov  (%r10,%rcx,4),%ecx        /* int32 */
- 	and  %eax,%r12d
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
- 	mov  %r11d,%ecx
- 	sar  $8,%ecx
- 	and  $0xff,%ecx
--	lea  sign_mask(%rip),%r10
-+	mov  sign_mask at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r10
- 	mov  (%r10,%rcx,4),%ecx      /* int32 */
- 	and  %ecx,%eax
- 	neg  %eax
-@@ -388,7 +388,8 @@
- 	mov	%r11,%rsi        /* bits */
- 	mov	%rax,%rdi        /* bits_left */
- 	lea	vlc(%rip),%rdx   /* *vlc */
--	call	dv_decode_vlc
-+	mov	dv_decode_vlc at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
-+	call	*%r11
- 	pop	%rdx
- 	pop	%rsi
- 	pop	%rdi
-@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@
- 	movl	%r11d,dv_macroblock_t_eob_count(%r13) /* int32 */
- 	/* mb->i = (seg->i + dv_super_map_vertical[m]) % (seg->isPAL?12:10); */
--	lea	dv_super_map_vertical(%rip),%r11
-+	mov	dv_super_map_vertical at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	movl	(%r11,%rax,4),%r11d                     /* int32 */
- /*	xor	%rcx,%rcx */
- 	movl	dv_videosegment_t_i(%r12),%ecx          /* int32 */
-@@ -493,7 +494,7 @@
- 	movl	%r11d,dv_macroblock_t_i(%r13)         /* int32 */
- 	/*  mb->j = dv_super_map_horizontal[m]; */		
--	lea	dv_super_map_horizontal(%rip),%r11
-+	mov	dv_super_map_horizontal at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
- 	movl	(%r11,%rax,4),%r11d                   /* int32 */
- 	movl	%r11d,dv_macroblock_t_j(%r13)         /* int32 */
-@@ -546,7 +547,8 @@
- 	/* bl->reorder = &dv_reorder[bl->dct_mode][1]; */
- 	shl	$6,%rax                          /* *64 */
--	lea	(dv_reorder+1)(%rip),%rcx
-+	mov	dv_reorder at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rcx
-+	add	$1,%rcx
- 	add	%rcx,%rax
- 	mov	%rax,dv_block_t_reorder(%r15)    /* ptr */
-@@ -557,13 +559,13 @@
- 	/* bl->offset= mb_start + dv_parse_bit_start[b]; */
- /*	xor	%rcx,%rcx */
- 	movl	mb_start(%rip),%ecx             /* int32 */
--	lea	dv_parse_bit_start(%rip),%rax
-+	mov	dv_parse_bit_start at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rax
- 	mov	(%rax,%r12,4),%eax              /* int32 */
- 	add	%rcx,%rax
- 	movl	%eax,dv_block_t_offset(%r15)    /* int32 */
- 	/* bl->end= mb_start + dv_parse_bit_end[b]; */
--	lea	dv_parse_bit_end(%rip),%rax
-+	mov	dv_parse_bit_end at GOTPCREL(%rip),%rax
- 	mov	(%rax,%r12,4),%eax            /* int32 */
- 	add	%ecx,%eax
- 	mov	%eax,dv_block_t_end(%r15)     /* int32 */
-@@ -603,7 +605,8 @@
- 	mov	dv_videosegment_t_bs(%rdi),%rdi   /* passed in rdi was seg, now passing seg->bs */
- 	mov	%r13,%rsi                         /* mb */
- 	mov	%r15,%rdx                         /* bl */
--	call	dv_parse_ac_coeffs_pass0
-+	mov     dv_parse_ac_coeffs_pass0 at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
-+	call	*%r11
- 	pop	%rdi
- 	pop	%rsi
- 	pop	%rdx
-@@ -635,10 +638,12 @@
- 	mov	%rsi,%rax	            /* quality */
- 	and	$DV_QUALITY_AC_MASK,%rax
- 	cmp	$DV_QUALITY_AC_2,%rax
-+	jne	done
-+	mov	dv_parse_ac_coeffs at GOTPCREL(%rip),%r11
-+	jmp	*%r11
--	jz	dv_parse_ac_coeffs
--	mov	$0,%rax
-+done:	mov	$0,%rax
- 	ret

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