[arch-commits] Commit in vi/trunk (5 files)
Tobias Kieslich
tobias at archlinux.org
Tue May 5 07:12:07 UTC 2009
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 03:12:07
Author: tobias
Revision: 37932
upgpkg: vi 1.81.6-1
PKGBUILD | 80 +++++++++---------------------------
db47-hack.patch | 27 ++++++++++++
fetch_patches.sh | 60 ---------------------------
fetch_runtime.sh | 117 -----------------------------------------------------
vi.install | 37 ----------------
5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2009-05-05 05:01:03 UTC (rev 37931)
+++ PKGBUILD 2009-05-05 07:12:07 UTC (rev 37932)
@@ -1,66 +1,30 @@
# $Id$
-# Maintainer: tobias [ tobias at archlinux org ]
+# Maintainer: tobias [ tobias funnychar archlinux org ]
+# Contributor: flx <effelleks at googlemail.com>
-pkgdesc="a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (basic version)"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+pkgdesc='A reimplementation of the ex/vi text editors with unicode support.'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('glibc' 'ncurses' 'coreutils')
-makedepends=('wget' 'sed' 'grep' 'gettext')
-# we need the extra-stuff to get all patches applied smoothly
-source=(ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-${_srcver}.tar.bz2 \
- ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/extra/vim-${_srcver}-extra.tar.gz \
- ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/extra/vim-${_srcver}-lang.tar.gz \
- fetch_patches.sh fetch_runtime.sh)
-md5sums=('f0901284b338e448bfd79ccca0041254' '35e04482f07c57221c9a751aaa3b8dac' \
- 'd8884786979e0e520c112faf2e176f05' 'a3b03cd44b8ed78a99850d4cbfaafe55' \
- '92e3dc8844d446c1ecd28e7257a47cb7')
+depends=('bash' 'db')
+options=(!libtool force)
+source=(http://www.kotnet.org/~skimo/nvi/devel/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2 \
+ db47-hack.patch)
+md5sums=('88d1e23115ee9f2961186b62e55f5704' 'f9dd0ee3b00e1a9915c49acc5a241a6d')
- # pull in patches from vim.org (or the src cache alternatively)
- . ${startdir}/src/fetch_patches.sh
- . ${startdir}/src/fetch_runtime.sh
- get_patches || return 1
- cd ${startdir}/src/vim$(echo ${_srcver} | sed "s/\.//")
- # set the virc different from vimrc
- sed -i 's|^.*\(#define SYS_VIMRC_FILE.*"\) .*$|\1|' src/feature.h
- sed -i 's|^.*\(#define VIMRC_FILE.*"\) .*$|\1|' src/feature.h
- sed -i 's|^.*\(#define USR_VIMRC_FILE\t"\).*$|\1$HOME/.virc"|' src/feature.h
- sed -i 's|/etc/vimrc|/etc/virc|' src/feature.h
- sed -i 's|\.vimrc|.virc|' src/feature.h
- # build party
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var/lib/vim --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --with-compiledby=ArchLinux --with-features=normal \
- --with-global-runtime=/usr/share/vim --with-vim-name=vi \
- --disable-gpm --disable-acl --with-x=no --disable-gui --enable-multibyte
+build() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}/
+ patch -p1 <../db47-hack.patch
+ cd ./build.unix
+ ../dist/configure --prefix=/usr --program-prefix= --enable-widechar
make || return 1
- make VIMRCLOC=/etc DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg VIMRTDIR= install
- cd ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin
- rm -f vim rvim view rview vidiff
- ln -s vi evi
- # delete the manpages for vidiff, we don't bother with that symlink since vidiff doesn't work
- find ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/man -type d -name 'man1' 2> /dev/null | \
- while read mandir; do
- cd ${mandir}
- rm -f vidiff.1
- done
- _runtimedir="${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/vim/"
- update_runtime
- install -Dm644 ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/vim/vimrc_example.vim \
- ${startdir}/pkg/etc/virc
- rm -f ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/vim/gvimrc_example.vim
- install -dm755 ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/licenses/vim
- cd ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/licenses/vim
- ln -s ../../vim/doc/uganda.txt license.txt
+ make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ install -D -m644 ../LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE
+## vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Added: db47-hack.patch
--- db47-hack.patch (rev 0)
+++ db47-hack.patch 2009-05-05 07:12:07 UTC (rev 37932)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+diff --git a/cl/cl_main.c b/cl/cl_main.c
+index 0ecbe44..87feb28 100644
+--- a/cl/cl_main.c
++++ b/cl/cl_main.c
+@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int rval;
+ char **p_av, **t_av, *ttype;
++ /* Hack for db-4.7. */
++ unsetenv("LANG");
++ unsetenv("LC_ALL");
+ /* If loaded at 0 and jumping through a NULL pointer, stop. */
+ if (reenter++)
+ abort();
+diff --git a/common/db.h b/common/db.h
+index fd1dc64..00a7ce7 100644
+--- a/common/db.h
++++ b/common/db.h
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ #define db_open(db,file,type,flags,mode) \
+- (db)->open(db, NULL, file, NULL, type, flags, mode)
++ (db)->open(db, NULL, file, NULL, type, flags | DB_CREATE, mode)
+ #else
+ #define db_open(db,file,type,flags,mode) \
+ (db)->open(db, file, NULL, type, flags, mode)
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: fetch_patches.sh
--- fetch_patches.sh 2009-05-05 05:01:03 UTC (rev 37931)
+++ fetch_patches.sh 2009-05-05 07:12:07 UTC (rev 37932)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# the external logic for pulling in patches
-get_patches() {
- _patchdir=${startdir}/src/patches
- cd ${startdir}/src/vim$(echo ${_srcver} | sed "s/\.//")
- if [ -d ${_patchdir} ]; then
- rm -rf ${_patchdir}
- echo -e "\tremove patches from old build"
- fi
- mkdir ${_patchdir} && cd ${_patchdir}
- _rpath=ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/${_srcver}
- # change IFS to loop line-by-line
- IFS="
- echo -e "\tfetching checksumfile for patches"
- wget ${_rpath}/MD5SUMS >/dev/null 2>&1
- downloads=0
- for _line in $(/bin/cat MD5SUMS); do
- downloads=$((${downloads} + 1))
- _md5=$(echo $_line | cut -d ' ' -f1)
- _file=$(echo $_line | cut -d ' ' -f3)
- if [ -f ${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver}/${_file} ]; then
- echo -e "\thaving patch file:${_file}"
- cp ${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver}/${_file} ./
- else
- echo -n -e "\t... fetching patch file: ${_file} ..."
- wget ${_rpath}/${_file} >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ -w ${SRCDEST} ]; then
- if [ ! -d ${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver} ]; then
- mkdir -p ${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver}
- fi
- cp ${_file} ${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver}/
- echo " done!"
- fi
- fi
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_file}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- echo ${_file} md5sums do not match
- return 1
- fi
- done
- ########
- if [ ${downloads} != ${_patchlevel} ]; then
- echo -e "Number of patches does not match the patchlevel!\nEdit the PKGBUILD accordingly!"
- return 1
- fi
- rm MD5SUMS
- cd ${startdir}/src/vim$(echo ${_srcver} | sed "s/\.//")
- for _patch in $(/bin/ls ${_patchdir}); do
- patch -Np0 -i ${_patchdir}/${_patch} || return 1
- done
- rm -rf ${_patchdir}
- return 0
Deleted: fetch_runtime.sh
--- fetch_runtime.sh 2009-05-05 05:01:03 UTC (rev 37931)
+++ fetch_runtime.sh 2009-05-05 07:12:07 UTC (rev 37932)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# the purpose of this magic is to pull in the latest runtime files for vim
-# we start withe theruntime provoded by the tarballs and compare MD5s against
-# the latest runtime
-# if this fails we look in the local source cache if they have been fetched
-# for an earlier build and compare those MD5 files
-# if this fails, we fetch the stuff from online and store it in the local src
-# cache.
-# The local cache has to be set (makepkg.conf) AND it has to be writable
-update_runtime() {
- _OLDDIR=$(pwd) #get absolute path
- _errors=0
- _ftp="ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime"
- # we're gonna be sneaky and grok the A-A-P recipe for the files we need
- _recipe="getunix.aap"
- _srccache="${SRCDEST}/vim-${_srcver}/"
- echo "getting runtime recipe"
- cd ${startdir}/src
- [ -f "${_recipe}" ] && rm "${_recipe}"
- wget "${_ftp}/${_recipe}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- cd "${_runtimedir}"
- _runtimedir=$(pwd) #get absolute path
- # change IFS to loop line-by-line
- IFS="
- echo "begin fetching updated runtime files..."
- for _file in $(grep "file = " "${startdir}/src/${_recipe}"); do
- _file=$(echo ${_file} | sed "s|.*file = \(.*\)|\1|")
- _md5=$(grep -A2 "file = ${_file} *$" "${startdir}/src/${_recipe}" | \
- grep "get_md5" | \
- sed 's|@if get_md5(file) != "\(.*\)":|\1|g')
- _dir=$(dirname "${_file}")
- mkdir -p "${_dir}"
- echo -e "\t${_file}"
- _havefile=0
- # if we have the file and the MD5sum fails, we technically don't have the file
- if [ -f ${_file} ]; then
- # MD5 fails ? ... we don't have the file
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_file}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- rm ${_file}
- else
- _havefile=1
- fi
- fi
- # look files that were not copied from the unzipped sources
- _cachefile=${startdir}/src/vim$(echo ${_srcver} | sed "s/\.//")/runtime/${_file}
- if [ ${_havefile} -ne 1 -a -f ${_cachefile} ]; then
- # MD5 fails ? ... we lookup if we downloaded another version earlier
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_cachefile}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- _cachefile=${_srccache}/${_file}
- if [ -f ${_cachefile} ]; then
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_cachefile}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- rm ${_cachefile}
- else
- cp ${_cachefile} ${_dir}
- _havefile=1
- fi
- fi
- else
- cp ${_cachefile} ${_dir}
- _havefile=1
- fi
- fi
- # look up the local $SRCDEST
- _cachefile=${_srccache}/${_file}
- if [ ${_havefile} -ne 1 -a -f ${_cachefile} ]; then
- # MD5 fails ? ... we don't have the file
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_cachefile}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- rm ${_cachefile}
- else
- cp ${_cachefile} ${_dir}
- _havefile=1
- fi
- fi
- # so we finally have to fetch it and store it to $SRCDEST (cache)
- if [ ${_havefile} -ne 1 ]; then
- echo -n -e "\t ... fetching file ${_file} ..."
- cd "${_dir}"
- wget "${_ftp}/${_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- cd "${_runtimedir}"
- # store freshly downloaded file in SRCDEST
- mkdir -p ${_srccache}/${_dir}
- cp ${_file} ${_srccache}/${_dir}
- echo -e " done!"
- fi
- # check the MD5 sum finally
- if [ $(echo "${_md5} ${_file}" | md5sum --status -c -) ]; then
- echo "!!!! md5sum check for ${_file} failed !!!!"
- errors=$((${_errors} + 1))
- fi
- done
- echo "vim runtime got updated"
- if [ ${_errors} -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "${_errors} failed MD5 checks while updating runtime files -> build can't be completed"
- return 1
- else
- echo -e "\tpatching filetype.vim for better handling of pacman related files ..."
- sed -i "s/rpmsave/pacsave/;s/rpmnew/pacnew/;s/,\*\.ebuild/\0,PKGBUILD*,*.install/" filetype.vim
- sed -i "/find the end/,+3{s/changelog_date_entry_search/changelog_date_end_entry_search/}" ftplugin/changelog.vim
- fi
- # make Aaron happy
- wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php\?src_id=7766 \
- -O autoload/pythoncomplete.vim
- cd "${_OLDDIR}"
- return 0
Deleted: vi.install
--- vi.install 2009-05-05 05:01:03 UTC (rev 37931)
+++ vi.install 2009-05-05 07:12:07 UTC (rev 37932)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
- # if we have vim installed create view/rview symlinks to vim
- if [ ! -f usr/bin/vim ] ; then
- cd usr/bin
- ln -s vi view
- ln -s vi rview
- cd ${OLDPWD}
- echo "Create vi related symlinks..."
- fi
- echo -n "Updating vi help tags..."
- usr/bin/vi --noplugins -u NONE -U NONE \
- --cmd ":helptags usr/share/vim/doc" --cmd ":q" > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "done."
-pre_remove() {
- # if vi is a binary instead of a symlink we have an intact gvim installation
- # with a different binary/symlink structure
- # we recover what pacmans database knows about Vim
- if [ ! -f usr/bin/vim ] ; then
- rm -f usr/bin/view usr/bin/rview
- echo "Remove vi related symlinks ..."
- fi
-post_upgrade() {
- post_install $1
-pre_upgrade() {
- pre_remove $2
-[ "$(type -t "$op")" = "function" ] && $op "$@"
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