[arch-commits] Commit in evolution/repos (3 files)
Jan de Groot
jgc at archlinux.org
Mon May 18 22:20:57 UTC 2009
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 18:20:56
Author: jgc
Revision: 39569
Merged revisions 39568 via svnmerge from
r39568 | jgc | 2009-05-18 22:20:41 +0000 (Mon, 18 May 2009) | 2 lines
upgpkg: evolution 2.26.2-1
Add TNEF and PST plugins
(from rev 39568, evolution/trunk/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch)
evolution/repos/extra-x86_64/ (properties)
libpst-0.6.37-support.patch | 676 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 687 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Property changes on: evolution/repos/extra-x86_64
Modified: svnmerge-integrated
- /evolution/trunk:1-36234
+ /evolution/trunk:1-39568
Modified: extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2009-05-18 22:20:41 UTC (rev 39568)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2009-05-18 22:20:56 UTC (rev 39569)
@@ -2,23 +2,26 @@
# Maintainer: dale <dale at archlinux.org>
pkgdesc="Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management for Gnome"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
-depends=('libnotify>=0.4.5' 'gtkhtml>=' 'evolution-data-server>=' 'gnome-pilot>=2.0.17' 'gstreamer0.10>=0.10.22')
+depends=('libnotify>=0.4.5' 'gtkhtml>=3.26.2' 'evolution-data-server>=2.26.2' 'gnome-pilot>=2.0.17' 'gstreamer0.10>=0.10.23' 'libpst>=0.6.37' 'libytnef>=0.1.5')
makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'gnome-doc-utils>=0.16.0' 'intltool' 'networkmanager')
options=('!libtool' '!emptydirs')
+ libpst-0.6.37-support.patch)
+ 'd30473005fae6c2372cfae293ca40ea4')
build() {
cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- # TODO: add libpst and yTNEF
+ # http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=578945
+ patch -Np0 -i "${srcdir}/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch" || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
--libexecdir=/usr/lib \
@@ -30,6 +33,9 @@
--with-krb5=/usr || return 1
make || return 1
make GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
+ cd plugins/tnef-attachments || return 1
+ make || return 1
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gconf/schemas"
gconf-merge-schema "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas" --domain evolution-${_majorver} ${pkgdir}/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas || return 1
Copied: evolution/repos/extra-x86_64/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch (from rev 39568, evolution/trunk/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/libpst-0.6.37-support.patch 2009-05-18 22:20:56 UTC (rev 39569)
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+Index: plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c
+--- plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c (revision 37529)
++++ plugins/pst-import/pst-importer.c (working copy)
+@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
+ #include <mail/mail-tools.h>
+ #include <mail/em-utils.h>
+-#include <libpst/define.h>
+ #include <libpst/libpst.h>
+ #include <libpst/timeconv.h>
+@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ typedef struct _PstImporter PstImporter;
+ int pst_init (pst_file *pst, char *filename);
+ gchar *get_pst_rootname (pst_file *pst, gchar *filename);
+ static void pst_error_msg (const char *fmt, ...);
+-static void pst_import_folders (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_ll *topitem);
+-static void pst_process_item (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr);
++static void pst_import_folders (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_tree *topitem);
++static void pst_process_item (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_tree *d_ptr);
+ static void pst_process_folder (PstImporter *m, pst_item *item);
+ static void pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_item *item);
+ static void pst_process_contact (PstImporter *m, pst_item *item);
+@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ gchar *foldername_to_utf8 (const gchar *
+ gchar *string_to_utf8(const gchar *string);
+ void contact_set_date (EContact *contact, EContactField id, FILETIME *date);
+ struct icaltimetype get_ical_date (FILETIME *date, gboolean is_date);
+-char *rfc2445_datetime_format (FILETIME *ft);
+ gboolean org_credativ_evolution_readpst_supported (EPlugin *epl, EImportTarget *target);
+ GtkWidget *org_credativ_evolution_readpst_getwidget (EImport *ei, EImportTarget *target, EImportImporter *im);
+@@ -449,7 +447,7 @@ pst_import_file (PstImporter *m)
+ int ret;
+ gchar *filename;
+ pst_item *item = NULL;
+- pst_desc_ll *d_ptr;
++ pst_desc_tree *d_ptr;
+ filename = g_filename_from_uri (((EImportTargetURI *)m->target)->uri_src, NULL, NULL);
+ m->parent_uri = g_strdup (((EImportTargetURI *)m->target)->uri_dest); /* Destination folder, was set in our widget */
+@@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ pst_import_file (PstImporter *m)
+ camel_operation_progress_count (NULL, 1);
+- if ((item = pst_parse_item (&m->pst, m->pst.d_head)) == NULL) {
++ if ((item = pst_parse_item (&m->pst, m->pst.d_head, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ pst_error_msg ("Could not get root record");
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -496,9 +494,9 @@ pst_import_file (PstImporter *m)
+ }
+ static void
+-pst_import_folders (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_ll *topitem)
++pst_import_folders (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_tree *topitem)
+ {
+- pst_desc_ll *d_ptr;
++ pst_desc_tree *d_ptr;
+ gchar *seperator;
+ d_ptr = topitem->child;
+@@ -540,14 +538,14 @@ pst_import_folders (PstImporter *m, pst_
+ }
+ static void
+-pst_process_item (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_ll *d_ptr)
++pst_process_item (PstImporter *m, pst_desc_tree *d_ptr)
+ {
+ pst_item *item = NULL;
+ if (d_ptr->desc == NULL)
+ return;
+- item = pst_parse_item (&m->pst, d_ptr);
++ item = pst_parse_item (&m->pst, d_ptr, NULL);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ return;
+@@ -560,7 +558,7 @@ pst_process_item (PstImporter *m, pst_de
+ if (item->folder != NULL) {
+ pst_process_folder (m, item);
+- camel_operation_start (NULL, _("Importing `%s'"), item->file_as);
++ camel_operation_start (NULL, _("Importing `%s'"), item->file_as.str);
+ } else {
+ if (m->folder_count && (m->current_item < m->folder_count)) {
+ camel_operation_progress (NULL, (m->current_item * 100) / m->folder_count);
+@@ -661,10 +659,10 @@ pst_process_folder (PstImporter *m, pst_
+ g_free (m->folder_name);
+ g_free (m->folder_uri);
+- if (item->file_as != NULL) {
+- m->folder_name = foldername_to_utf8 (item->file_as);
++ if (item->file_as.str != NULL) {
++ m->folder_name = foldername_to_utf8 (item->file_as.str);
+ } else {
+- g_critical ("Folder: No name! item->file_as=%s", item->file_as);
++ g_critical ("Folder: No name! item->file_as=%s", item->file_as.str);
+ m->folder_name = g_strdup ("unknown_name");
+ }
+@@ -676,7 +674,7 @@ pst_process_folder (PstImporter *m, pst_
+ m->folder = NULL;
+ }
+- m->folder_count = item->folder->email_count;
++ m->folder_count = item->folder->item_count;
+ m->current_item = 0;
+ }
+@@ -737,27 +735,27 @@ attachment_to_part (PstImporter *m, pst_
+ part = camel_mime_part_new ();
+- if (attach->filename2 || attach->filename1) {
+- camel_mime_part_set_filename (part, (attach->filename2 ? attach->filename2 : attach->filename1));
++ if (attach->filename2.str || attach->filename1.str) {
++ camel_mime_part_set_filename (part, (attach->filename2.str ? attach->filename2.str : attach->filename1.str));
+ camel_mime_part_set_disposition (part, "attachment");
+ camel_mime_part_set_encoding (part, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64);
+ } else {
+ camel_mime_part_set_disposition (part, "inline");
+ }
+- if (attach->mimetype != NULL) {
+- mimetype = attach->mimetype;
++ if (attach->mimetype.str != NULL) {
++ mimetype = attach->mimetype.str;
+ } else {
+ mimetype = "application/octet-stream";
+ }
+- if (attach->data != NULL) {
+- camel_mime_part_set_content (part, attach->data, strlen (attach->data), mimetype);
++ if (attach->data.data != NULL) {
++ camel_mime_part_set_content (part, attach->data.data, strlen (attach->data.data), mimetype);
+ } else {
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ size_t size;
+ size = pst_attach_to_mem (&m->pst, attach, &buf);
+ camel_mime_part_set_content (part, (char*) buf, size, mimetype);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+@@ -773,6 +771,7 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ CamelMultipart *mp;
+ CamelMimePart *part;
+ CamelMessageInfo *info;
++ pst_item_attach *attach;
+ if (m->folder == NULL) {
+ pst_create_folder (m);
+@@ -782,12 +781,12 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ msg = camel_mime_message_new ();
+- if (item->email->subject != NULL) {
++ if (item->subject.str != NULL) {
+ gchar *subj;
+- subj = string_to_utf8 (item->email->subject->subj);
++ subj = string_to_utf8 (item->subject.str);
+ if (subj == NULL) {
+- g_warning ("Could not convert email subject to utf8: %s", item->email->subject->subj);
++ g_warning ("Could not convert email subject to utf8: %s", item->subject.str);
+ camel_mime_message_set_subject (msg, "(lost subject)");
+ } else {
+ camel_mime_message_set_subject (msg, subj);
+@@ -797,12 +796,12 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ addr = camel_internet_address_new ();
+- if (item->email->outlook_sender_name != NULL && item->email->outlook_sender != NULL) {
+- camel_internet_address_add (addr, item->email->outlook_sender_name, item->email->outlook_sender);
+- } else if (item->email->outlook_sender_name != NULL) {
+- camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->outlook_sender_name);
+- } else if (item->email->outlook_sender != NULL) {
+- camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->outlook_sender);
++ if (item->email->outlook_sender_name.str != NULL && item->email->outlook_sender.str != NULL) {
++ camel_internet_address_add (addr, item->email->outlook_sender_name.str, item->email->outlook_sender.str);
++ } else if (item->email->outlook_sender_name.str != NULL) {
++ camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->outlook_sender_name.str);
++ } else if (item->email->outlook_sender.str != NULL) {
++ camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->outlook_sender.str);
+ } else {
+ /* Evo prints a warning if no from is set, so supply an empty address */
+ camel_internet_address_add (addr, "", "");
+@@ -812,38 +811,38 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ camel_object_unref (addr);
+ if (item->email->sent_date != NULL) {
+- camel_mime_message_set_date (msg, fileTimeToUnixTime (item->email->sent_date, 0), 0);
++ camel_mime_message_set_date (msg, pst_fileTimeToUnixTime (item->email->sent_date), 0);
+ }
+- if (item->email->messageid != NULL) {
+- camel_mime_message_set_message_id (msg, item->email->messageid);
++ if (item->email->messageid.str != NULL) {
++ camel_mime_message_set_message_id (msg, item->email->messageid.str);
+ }
+- if (item->email->header != NULL) {
++ if (item->email->header.str != NULL) {
+ /* Use mime parser to read headers */
+ CamelStream *stream;
+ /*g_debug (" Email headers length=%zd", strlen (item->email->header));*/
+ /*g_message (" Email headers... %s...", item->email->header);*/
+- stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_buffer (item->email->header, strlen (item->email->header));
++ stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_buffer (item->email->header.str, strlen (item->email->header.str));
+ if (camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream ((CamelDataWrapper *)msg, stream) == -1)
+ g_warning ("Error reading headers, skipped");
+ } else {
+- if (item->email->sentto_address != NULL) {
++ if (item->email->sentto_address.str != NULL) {
+ addr = camel_internet_address_new ();
+- if (camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->sentto_address) > 0);
++ if (camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->sentto_address.str) > 0);
+ camel_mime_message_set_recipients (msg, "To", addr);
+ camel_object_unref (addr);
+ }
+- if (item->email->cc_address != NULL) {
++ if (item->email->cc_address.str != NULL) {
+ addr = camel_internet_address_new ();
+- if (camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->cc_address) > 0);
++ if (camel_address_decode (CAMEL_ADDRESS (addr), item->email->cc_address.str) > 0);
+ camel_mime_message_set_recipients (msg, "CC", addr);
+ camel_object_unref (addr);
+@@ -856,11 +855,11 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mp), "multipart/mixed");
+- } else if (item->email->htmlbody && item->email->body) {
++ } else if (item->email->htmlbody.str && item->body.str) {
+ camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mp), "multipart/alternate");
+- } else if (item->email->htmlbody) {
++ } else if (item->email->htmlbody.str) {
+ camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mp), "text/html");
+@@ -868,62 +867,56 @@ pst_process_email (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ camel_multipart_set_boundary (mp, NULL);
+- if (item->email->body != NULL) {
++ if (item->body.str != NULL) {
+ /* Read internet headers */
+ /*g_debug (" Email body length=%zd", strlen (item->email->body));
+ g_message (" Email body %100s...", item->email->body);*/
+ part = camel_mime_part_new ();
+- camel_mime_part_set_content (part, item->email->body, strlen (item->email->body), "text/plain");
++ camel_mime_part_set_content (part, item->body.str, strlen (item->body.str), "text/plain");
+ camel_multipart_add_part (mp, part);
+ camel_object_unref (part);
+ }
+- if (item->email->htmlbody != NULL) {
++ if (item->email->htmlbody.str != NULL) {
+ /*g_debug (" HTML body length=%zd", strlen (item->email->htmlbody));*/
+ part = camel_mime_part_new ();
+- camel_mime_part_set_content (part, item->email->htmlbody, strlen (item->email->htmlbody), "text/html");
++ camel_mime_part_set_content (part, item->email->htmlbody.str, strlen (item->email->htmlbody.str), "text/html");
+ camel_multipart_add_part (mp, part);
+ camel_object_unref (part);
+ }
+- item->current_attach = item->attach;
+- while (item->current_attach != NULL) {
+- pst_item_attach *attach;
+- attach = item->current_attach;
+- part = attachment_to_part(m, attach);
+- camel_multipart_add_part (mp, part);
+- camel_object_unref (part);
+- item->current_attach = item->current_attach->next;
++ for (attach = item->attach; attach; attach = attach->next) {
++ if (attach->data.data || attach->i_id) {
++ part = attachment_to_part(m, attach);
++ camel_multipart_add_part (mp, part);
++ camel_object_unref (part);
++ }
+ }
+ /*camel_mime_message_dump (msg, TRUE);*/
+- if (item->email->htmlbody || item->attach) {
++ if (item->email->htmlbody.str || item->attach) {
+ camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (msg), CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mp));
+- } else if (item->email->body) {
+- camel_mime_part_set_content (CAMEL_MIME_PART (msg), item->email->body, strlen (item->email->body), "text/plain");
++ } else if (item->body.str) {
++ camel_mime_part_set_content (CAMEL_MIME_PART (msg), item->body.str, strlen (item->body.str), "text/plain");
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Email without body. Subject:%s",
+- (item->email->subject->subj ? item->email->subject->subj : "(empty)"));
++ (item->subject.str ? item->subject.str : "(empty)"));
+ camel_mime_part_set_content (CAMEL_MIME_PART (msg), "\n", 1, "text/plain");
+ }
+ info = camel_message_info_new (NULL);
+ /* Read message flags (see comments in libpst.c */
+- if(item->email->flag && 0x01)
++ if(item->flags && 0x01)
+ camel_message_info_set_flags (info, CAMEL_MESSAGE_SEEN, ~0);
+ if(item->email->importance == 2)
+ camel_message_info_set_flags (info, CAMEL_MESSAGE_FLAGGED, ~0);
+- if(item->email->flag && 0x08)
++ if(item->flags && 0x08)
+ camel_message_info_set_flags (info, CAMEL_MESSAGE_DRAFT, ~0);
+ camel_folder_append_message (m->folder, msg, info, NULL, &m->ex);
+@@ -1003,7 +996,7 @@ contact_set_date (EContact *contact, ECo
+ EContactDate *bday;
+ bday = e_contact_date_new ();
+- t1 = fileTimeToUnixTime (date, 0);
++ t1 = pst_fileTimeToUnixTime (date);
+ gmtime_r (&t1, &tm);
+ bday->year = tm.tm_year + 1900;
+@@ -1026,84 +1019,84 @@ pst_process_contact (PstImporter *m, pst
+ ec = e_contact_new ();
+ /* pst's fullname field only contains first, middle, surname */
+- if (c->display_name_prefix || c->suffix) {
++ if (c->display_name_prefix.str || c->suffix.str) {
+ GString *name = g_string_sized_new (128);
+- if (c->display_name_prefix) {
+- g_string_assign (name, c->display_name_prefix);
++ if (c->display_name_prefix.str) {
++ g_string_assign (name, c->display_name_prefix.str);
+ }
+- if (c->first_name) {
+- g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->first_name);
++ if (c->first_name.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->first_name.str);
+ }
+- if (c->middle_name) {
+- g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->middle_name);
++ if (c->middle_name.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->middle_name.str);
+ }
+- if (c->surname) {
+- g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->surname);
++ if (c->surname.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->surname.str);
+ }
+- if (c->suffix) {
+- g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->suffix);
++ if (c->suffix.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (name, "%s%s", (name->len ? " " : ""), c->suffix.str);
+ }
+ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME, name->str);
+ g_string_free (name, TRUE);
+ } else {
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME, c->fullname);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME, c->fullname.str);
+ }
+ /* unknown_field (ec, notes, "initials", c->initials); */
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_NICKNAME, c->nickname);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_NICKNAME, c->nickname.str);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ORG, c->company_name);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ORG_UNIT, c->department);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_TITLE, c->job_title);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ORG, c->company_name.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ORG_UNIT, c->department.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_TITLE, c->job_title.str);
+ contact_set_address (ec,E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_WORK,
+- c->business_address, c->business_city, c->business_country,
+- c->business_po_box, c->business_postal_code, c->business_state, c->business_street);
++ c->business_address.str, c->business_city.str, c->business_country.str,
++ c->business_po_box.str, c->business_postal_code.str, c->business_state.str, c->business_street.str);
+ contact_set_address (ec,E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_HOME,
+- c->home_address, c->home_city, c->home_country,
+- c->home_po_box, c->home_postal_code, c->home_state, c->home_street);
++ c->home_address.str, c->home_city.str, c->home_country.str,
++ c->home_po_box.str, c->home_postal_code.str, c->home_state.str, c->home_street.str);
+ contact_set_address (ec,E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_OTHER,
+- c->other_address, c->other_city, c->other_country,
+- c->other_po_box, c->other_postal_code, c->other_state, c->other_street);
++ c->other_address.str, c->other_city.str, c->other_country.str,
++ c->other_po_box.str, c->other_postal_code.str, c->other_state.str, c->other_street.str);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_ASSISTANT, c->assistant_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS_FAX, c->business_fax);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS, c->business_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS_2, c->business_phone2);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_CALLBACK, c->callback_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_CAR, c->car_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_COMPANY, c->company_main_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME_FAX, c->home_fax);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME, c->home_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME_2, c->home_phone2);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_ISDN, c->isdn_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_MOBILE, c->mobile_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_OTHER_FAX, c->primary_fax); /* ? */
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_PAGER, c->pager_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_PRIMARY, c->primary_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_RADIO, c->radio_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_TTYTDD, c->ttytdd_phone);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_TELEX, c->telex);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "account_name", c->account_name);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_ASSISTANT, c->assistant_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS_FAX, c->business_fax.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS, c->business_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_BUSINESS_2, c->business_phone2.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_CALLBACK, c->callback_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_CAR, c->car_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_COMPANY, c->company_main_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME_FAX, c->home_fax.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME, c->home_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_HOME_2, c->home_phone2.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_ISDN, c->isdn_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_MOBILE, c->mobile_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_OTHER_FAX, c->primary_fax.str); /* ? */
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_PAGER, c->pager_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_PRIMARY, c->primary_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_RADIO, c->radio_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_TTYTDD, c->ttytdd_phone.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_PHONE_TELEX, c->telex.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "account_name", c->account_name.str);
+ contact_set_date (ec, E_CONTACT_ANNIVERSARY, c->wedding_anniversary);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ASSISTANT, c->assistant_name);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "billing_information", c->billing_information);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ASSISTANT, c->assistant_name.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "billing_information", c->billing_information.str);
+ contact_set_date (ec, E_CONTACT_BIRTH_DATE, c->birthday);
+ /* contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_CATEGORIES, c->??); */
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1 , c->address1);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_2 , c->address2);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_3 , c->address3);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1 , c->address1.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_2 , c->address2.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_3 , c->address3.str);
+ /*unknown_field (ec, notes, "address1_desc" , c->address1_desc);
+ unknown_field (ec, notes, "address1_transport" , c->address1_transport);
+@@ -1115,43 +1108,43 @@ pst_process_contact (PstImporter *m, pst
+ /*unknown_field (ec, notes, "def_postal_address", c->def_postal_address);*/
+ /* unknown_field (ec, ??, c->gender); */
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "access_method", c->access_method);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "gov_id", c->gov_id);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "customer_id", c->customer_id);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "hobbies", c->hobbies);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "followup", c->followup);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "access_method", c->access_method.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "gov_id", c->gov_id.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "customer_id", c->customer_id.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "hobbies", c->hobbies.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "followup", c->followup.str);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_FREEBUSY_URL , c->free_busy_address);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_FREEBUSY_URL , c->free_busy_address.str);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "keyword", c->keyword);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "language", c->language);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "location", c->location);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_OFFICE, c->office_loc);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "computer_name", c->computer_name);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "ftp_site", c->ftp_site);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "keyword", c->keyword.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "language", c->language.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "location", c->location.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_OFFICE, c->office_loc.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "computer_name", c->computer_name.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "ftp_site", c->ftp_site.str);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_MANAGER , c->manager_name);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "mileage", c->mileage);
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "org_id", c->org_id);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ROLE, c->profession);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_MANAGER , c->manager_name.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "mileage", c->mileage.str);
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "org_id", c->org_id.str);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_ROLE, c->profession.str);
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_SPOUSE , c->spouse_name);
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_SPOUSE , c->spouse_name.str);
+- if (c->personal_homepage) {
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_HOMEPAGE_URL , c->personal_homepage);
+- if (c->business_homepage) {
+- unknown_field (ec, notes, "business_homepage", c->business_homepage);
++ if (c->personal_homepage.str) {
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_HOMEPAGE_URL , c->personal_homepage.str);
++ if (c->business_homepage.str) {
++ unknown_field (ec, notes, "business_homepage", c->business_homepage.str);
+ }
+- } else if (c->business_homepage) {
+- contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_HOMEPAGE_URL , c->business_homepage);
++ } else if (c->business_homepage.str) {
++ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_HOMEPAGE_URL , c->business_homepage.str);
+ }
+- if (item->comment) {
+- g_string_append_printf (notes, "%s\n", item->comment);
++ if (item->comment.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (notes, "%s\n", item->comment.str);
+ }
+- if (item->email && item->email->body) {
+- g_string_append_printf (notes, "%s\n", item->email->body);
++ if (item->email && item->body.str) {
++ g_string_append_printf (notes, "%s\n", item->body.str);
+ }
+ contact_set_string (ec, E_CONTACT_NOTE, notes->str);
+@@ -1174,26 +1167,13 @@ get_ical_date (FILETIME *date, gboolean
+ if (date && (date->dwLowDateTime || date->dwHighDateTime) ) {
+ time_t t;
+- t = fileTimeToUnixTime (date, 0);
++ t = pst_fileTimeToUnixTime (date);
+ return icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (t, is_date, NULL);
+ } else {
+ return icaltime_null_date ();
+ }
+ }
+-char *rfc2445_datetime_format (FILETIME *ft) {
+- static char* buffer = NULL;
+- struct tm *stm = NULL;
+- if (buffer == NULL) {
+- buffer = malloc (30); // should be enough
+- }
+- stm = fileTimeToStructTM (ft);
+- strftime (buffer, 30, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", stm);
+- return buffer;
+ static void
+ set_cal_attachments (ECal *cal, ECalComponent *ec, PstImporter *m, pst_item_attach *attach)
+ {
+@@ -1315,19 +1295,19 @@ fill_calcomponent (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ }
+ if (e) {
+- if (e->subject || e->proc_subject) {
+- if (e->subject) {
+- text.value = e->subject->subj;
+- } else if (e->proc_subject) {
+- text.value = e->proc_subject;
++ if (item->subject.str || e->processed_subject.str) {
++ if (item->subject.str) {
++ text.value = item->subject.str;
++ } else if (e->processed_subject.str) {
++ text.value = e->processed_subject.str;
+ }
+ text.altrep = NULL; /* email->proc_subject? */
+ e_cal_component_set_summary (ec, &text);
+ }
+- if (e->body) {
++ if (item->body.str) {
+ GSList l;
+- text.value = e->body;
++ text.value = item->body.str;
+ text.altrep = NULL;
+ l.data = &text;
+ l.next = NULL;
+@@ -1337,8 +1317,8 @@ fill_calcomponent (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ g_warning ("%s without subject / body!", type);
+ }
+- if (a->location) {
+- e_cal_component_set_location (ec, a->location);
++ if (a->location.str) {
++ e_cal_component_set_location (ec, a->location.str);
+ }
+ if (a->start) {
+@@ -1405,7 +1385,7 @@ fill_calcomponent (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ }
+ if (a->alarm) {
+- if (a->alarm_filename) {
++ if (a->alarm_filename.str) {
+ e_cal_component_alarm_set_action (alarm, E_CAL_COMPONENT_ALARM_AUDIO);
+ } else {
+ e_cal_component_alarm_set_action (alarm, E_CAL_COMPONENT_ALARM_DISPLAY);
+@@ -1417,7 +1397,7 @@ fill_calcomponent (PstImporter *m, pst_i
+ }
+- if (a->recurrence != PST_APP_RECUR_NONE) {
++ if (a->recurrence.str != PST_APP_RECUR_NONE) {
+ struct icalrecurrencetype r;
+ GSList recur_list;
+@@ -1706,7 +1686,6 @@ pst_init (pst_file *pst, gchar *filename
+ #endif
+- DEBUG_ENT ("main");
+ if (pst_open (pst, filename) < 0) {
+ pst_error_msg ("Error opening PST file %s", filename);
+ return -1;
+@@ -1737,7 +1716,7 @@ get_pst_rootname (pst_file *pst, gchar *
+ pst_item *item = NULL;
+ gchar *rootname = NULL;
+- if ((item = pst_parse_item (pst, pst->d_head)) == NULL) {
++ if ((item = pst_parse_item (pst, pst->d_head, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ pst_error_msg ("Could not get root record");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -1749,14 +1728,14 @@ get_pst_rootname (pst_file *pst, gchar *
+ }
+ /* default the file_as to the same as the main filename if it doesn't exist */
+- if (item->file_as == NULL) {
++ if (item->file_as.str == NULL) {
+ if (filename == NULL) {
+ pst_freeItem (item);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ rootname = g_path_get_basename (filename);
+ } else {
+- rootname = g_strdup (item->file_as);
++ rootname = g_strdup (item->file_as.str);
+ }
+ pst_freeItem (item);
+Index: plugins/pst-import/ChangeLog
+--- plugins/pst-import/ChangeLog (revision 37529)
++++ plugins/pst-import/ChangeLog (working copy)
+@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
++2009-04-15 Bharath Acharya <abharath at novell.com>
++ ** Fix for bug #578945
++ * pst-importer.c (pst_import_file), (pst_process_item),
++ (pst_process_folder), (attachment_to_part), (pst_process_email),
++ (contact_set_date), (pst_process_contact), (get_ical_date),
++ (rfc2445_datetime_format), (fill_calcomponent), (pst_init),
++ (get_pst_rootname): Compatible with libpst 0.6.37
+ 2009-01-28 Tor Lillqvist <tml at novell.com>
+ * Makefile.am: On Windows use -no-undefined and link with all
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