[arch-commits] Commit in lablgtk2/trunk (PKGBUILD ocaml-3.12.patch)

Tobias Powalowski tpowa at archlinux.org
Thu Aug 19 14:30:30 UTC 2010

    Date: Thursday, August 19, 2010 @ 10:30:30
  Author: tpowa
Revision: 88112

upgpkg: lablgtk2 2.14.1-1
bump to latest version


 PKGBUILD         |   19 ++--
 ocaml-3.12.patch |  237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2010-08-19 13:21:28 UTC (rev 88111)
+++ PKGBUILD	2010-08-19 14:30:30 UTC (rev 88112)
@@ -2,23 +2,26 @@
 #Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
 pkgdesc=" An Objective Caml interface to gtk2"
 arch=(i686 x86_64)
 depends=('gtk2' 'gtkspell' 'libgnomecanvas' 'librsvg' 'libgnomeui' 'gtksourceview' 'gtksourceview2')
+        ocaml-3.12.patch)
-# uninstall libgnomeui before to avoid gnome depends
 build() {
   cd $startdir/src/lablgtk-$pkgver
+  patch -Np0 -i ../ocaml-3.12.patch
-  make world || return 1
-  make opt  || return 1
-  make  PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr LIBDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml BINDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/bin INSTALLDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2 DLLDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs install || return 1
+  make world
+  make opt
+  make  PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr LIBDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml BINDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/bin INSTALLDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2 DLLDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs install
 rm -r $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
+         'f0bc53696655aae35e3a3ec8977fcd51')

Added: ocaml-3.12.patch
--- ocaml-3.12.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ ocaml-3.12.patch	2010-08-19 14:30:30 UTC (rev 88112)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+Index: src/gWindow.mli
+--- src/gWindow.mli	(revision 1514)
++++ src/gWindow.mli	(revision 1515)
+@@ -191,9 +191,10 @@
+ (** Create popup windows
+    @gtkdoc gtk GtkDialog *)
+-class ['a] dialog_ext : [> Gtk.dialog] obj ->
++class ['a] dialog_ext : ([> Gtk.dialog] as 'b) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit ['a] dialog_skel
++    val obj : 'b obj
+     method add_button : string -> 'a -> unit
+     method add_button_stock : GtkStock.id -> 'a -> unit
+   end
+@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@
+ class ['a] dialog : [> Gtk.dialog] obj ->
+   object
+     inherit ['a] dialog_ext
++    val obj : Gtk.dialog obj
+     method connect : 'a dialog_signals
+   end
+Index: src/gButton.mli
+--- src/gButton.mli	(revision 1514)
++++ src/gButton.mli	(revision 1515)
+@@ -357,9 +357,10 @@
+ (** @gtkdoc gtk GtkToolItem 
+     @since GTK 2.4 *)
+ class tool_item : 
+-  [> Gtk.tool_item] obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.tool_item] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit tool_item_skel
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method connect : GContainer.container_signals
+   end
+@@ -423,9 +424,10 @@
+ (** @gtkdoc gtk GtkToolButton
+     @since GTK 2.4 *)
+ class tool_button : 
+-  [> Gtk.tool_button] obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.tool_button] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit tool_button_skel
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method connect : tool_button_signals
+   end
+Index: src/gAction.mli
+--- src/gAction.mli	(revision 1514)
++++ src/gAction.mli	(revision 1515)
+@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
+ (*                                                                        *)
+ (**************************************************************************)
++(* $Id: lablgtk-2.14.1-ocaml312.patch,v 1.1 2010/08/03 20:38:29 aballier Exp $ *)
++open Gobject
+ (** Action-based menus and toolbars *)
+ (** {3 GtkAction} *)
+@@ -27,9 +31,9 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkAction *)
+ class action_signals :
+-  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'b) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'b) obj ->
+   object ('a)
+-    val obj : 'b Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'b obj
+     val after : bool
+     method after : < after : 'a; .. > as 'a
+     method activate : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+@@ -38,10 +42,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkAction *)
+ class action_skel :
+-  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+-    val obj : 'a Gobject.obj
+-    method as_action : Gtk.action Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'a obj
++    method as_action : Gtk.action obj
+     (** Properties *)
+@@ -88,10 +92,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkAction *)
+ class action :
+-  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.action ] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit action_skel
+-    val obj : 'a Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method connect : action_signals
+   end
+@@ -103,20 +107,20 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkToggleAction *)
+ class toggle_action_signals :
+-  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'b) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'b) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit action_signals
+-    val obj : 'b Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'b obj
+     method toggled : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+   end
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkToggleAction *)
+ class toggle_action_skel :
+-  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit action_skel
+-    val obj : 'a Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method draw_as_radio : bool
+     method get_active : bool
+     method set_active : bool -> unit
+@@ -127,9 +131,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkToggleAction *)
+ class toggle_action :
+-  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.toggle_action ] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit toggle_action_skel
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method connect : toggle_action_signals
+   end
+@@ -140,10 +145,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkRadioAction *)
+ class radio_action_signals :
+-  ([> Gtk.radio_action] as 'b) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.radio_action] as 'b) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit toggle_action_signals
+-    val obj : 'b Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'b obj
+     method changed :
+       callback:(int -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+   end
+@@ -151,12 +156,12 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkRadioAction *)
+ class radio_action :
+-  ([> Gtk.radio_action] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.radio_action] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+     inherit toggle_action_skel
+-    val obj : 'a Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'a obj
+     method connect : radio_action_signals
+-    method as_radio_action : Gtk.radio_action Gobject.obj
++    method as_radio_action : Gtk.radio_action obj
+     method get_current_value : int
+     method set_group : Gtk.radio_action Gtk.group -> unit
+     method set_value : int -> unit
+@@ -172,10 +177,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkActionGroup *)
+ class action_group_signals :
+-  ([> Gtk.action_group ] as 'b) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.action_group ] as 'b) obj ->
+   object ('a)
+     val after : bool
+-    val obj : 'b Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'b obj
+     method after : 'a
+     method connect_proxy : callback:(action -> GObj.widget -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+     method disconnect_proxy : callback:(action -> GObj.widget -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+@@ -186,10 +191,10 @@
+ (** @since GTK 2.4
+     @gtkdoc gtk GtkActionGroup *)
+ class action_group :
+-  ([> Gtk.action_group ] as 'a) Gobject.obj ->
++  ([> Gtk.action_group ] as 'a) obj ->
+   object
+-    val obj : 'a Gobject.obj
+-    method as_group : Gtk.action_group Gobject.obj
++    val obj : 'a obj
++    method as_group : Gtk.action_group obj
+     method connect : action_group_signals
+     method sensitive : bool
+     method set_sensitive : bool -> unit
+Index: src/gnoCanvas.mli
+--- src/gnoCanvas.mli	(revision 1514)
++++ src/gnoCanvas.mli	(revision 1515)
+@@ -180,9 +180,10 @@
+   end
+ (** @gtkdoc libgnomecanvas GnomeCanvasItem *)
+-class ['p] item : [> GnomeCanvas.item] Gtk.obj -> 
++class ['p] item : ([> GnomeCanvas.item] as 'a) Gtk.obj -> 
+   object
+     inherit base_item
++    val obj : 'a Gtk.obj
+     constraint 'p = [< items_properties]
+     method set : 'p list -> unit
+   end
+Index: src/gWindow.ml
+--- src/gWindow.ml	(revision 1514)
++++ src/gWindow.ml	(revision 1515)
+@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
+ end
+ class ['a] dialog obj = object (self)
+-  inherit ['a] dialog_ext obj
++  inherit ['a] dialog_ext (obj :> Gtk.dialog obj)
+   method connect : 'a dialog_signals = new dialog_signals obj (self#decode)
+ end
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
+ type any_response = [GtkEnums.response | `OTHER of int]
+ class dialog_any obj = object (self)
+-  inherit [any_response] dialog_base obj
++  inherit [any_response] dialog_base (obj :> Gtk.dialog obj)
+   method private encode = function
+       `OTHER n -> n
+     | #GtkEnums.response as v -> Dialog.std_response v

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