[arch-commits] Commit in qtiplot/repos/extra-x86_64 (PKGBUILD qtiplot.pro.archlinux)

Ronald van Haren ronald at archlinux.org
Tue Feb 23 14:26:10 UTC 2010

    Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 09:26:10
  Author: ronald
Revision: 69895

fix svn repo


 PKGBUILD              |   36 ++++---
 qtiplot.pro.archlinux |  235 ------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2010-02-23 14:22:07 UTC (rev 69894)
+++ PKGBUILD	2010-02-23 14:26:10 UTC (rev 69895)
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
 # Contributor: Gergely Imreh <imrehg at gmail.com>
 pkgdesc="Data analysis and scientific plotting - free clone of Origin"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('muparser>=1.30' 'gsl' 'pyqt' 'sip>=4.9.1' \
-         'boost>=1.41.0' 'libgl' 'shared-mime-info')
-# build against liborigin provided in the package ...
+depends=('muparser>=1.32' 'gsl' 'pyqt' 'sip>=4.9.1' \
+         'boost>=1.41.0' 'libgl' 'shared-mime-info' 'mesa' 'liborigin2>=20090406')
 # build against qwtplot3d provided in the package ...
 # build against qwt provided in the package ...
 # as systemwide one doesn't provide all needed functions
@@ -21,20 +20,22 @@
-        qtiplot.pro.archlinux
+        build.conf.archlinux
-        sip.patch
-        qtiplot.xml)
+        qtiplot.xml
+	qtiplot-
-         'b0f586e74badeedca21b1875f96507cb'
+         'b5c16bb18f4d4034578fb3e7c31c3b65'
-         'd02a4db813dff3b847500fbbbde233fa'
-         '35683f3b32e1edcca0bb02c471d284e9')
+         '35683f3b32e1edcca0bb02c471d284e9'
+         'd3fe35e985f6a1f04ba0abeea51ba135')
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/qtiplot- || return 1
+  install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/build.conf.archlinux build.conf || return 1
   # Make qwt
   sed -i "s:elif:else:g" qtiplot/src/scripting/ScriptEdit.cpp
@@ -43,14 +44,17 @@
   qmake || return 1
   make || return 1
+  # Make qwtplot3d
+  cd ../qwtplot3d
+  qmake || return 1
+  make || return 1   
   # Make qtiplot
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/${pkgname}
-  cp ${srcdir}/qtiplot.pro.archlinux .
+  sed -i 's|/usr/local/|/usr/share/|' qtiplot.pro
   sed -i 's#d_python_config_folder + "#"/usr/share/qtiplot#' src/core/ApplicationWindow.cpp
-  # Change references for invalid file, due to sip changes
-  patch -p1 < ${srcdir}/sip.patch || return 1
-  qmake qtiplot.pro.archlinux QMAKESPEC=linux-g++ || return 1
+  qmake qtiplot.pro QMAKESPEC=linux-g++ || return 1
   make QTDIR=/usr/ QMAKESPEC=linux-g++ || return 1
   INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} make install || return 1

Deleted: qtiplot.pro.archlinux
--- qtiplot.pro.archlinux	2010-02-23 14:22:07 UTC (rev 69894)
+++ qtiplot.pro.archlinux	2010-02-23 14:26:10 UTC (rev 69895)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# building without muParser doesn't work yet
-# a console displaying output of scripts; particularly useful on Windows
-# where running QtiPlot from a terminal is inconvenient
-# a dialog for selecting the scripting language on a per-project basis
-# Comment the following lines to disable donations start-up message.
-# Comment the next line, if you don't have libpng on your system.
-# Uncomment the next line in order to enable export of 2D plots to the EMF file format on Windows. You need EmfEngine on your system.
-CONFIG          += HAVE_EMF
-# Uncomment the following line if you want to perform a custom installation using the *.path variables defined bellow.
-CONFIG          += CustomInstall
-#CONFIG          += release
-#CONFIG          += debug
-#win32: CONFIG   += console
-##################### 3rd PARTY HEADER FILES SECTION ########################
-#!!! Warning: You must modify these paths according to your computer settings
-INCLUDEPATH       += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
-INCLUDEPATH       += ../3rdparty/qwt/src
-INCLUDEPATH       += ../3rdparty/liborigin
-INCLUDEPATH       += /usr/include
-INCLUDEPATH       += /usr/include/gsl
-INCLUDEPATH       += /usr/include/boost
-##################### 3rd PARTY LIBRARIES SECTION ###########################
-#!!! Warning: You must modify these paths according to your computer settings
-##################### Linux (Mac OS X) ######################################
-# statically link against libraries in 3rdparty
-#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/muparser/lib/libmuparser.a
-unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
-#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgsl.a
-#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgslcblas.a
-#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/boost/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc43-mt-1_38.a
-#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/boost/lib/libboost_thread-gcc43-mt-1_38.a
-# dynamically link against dependencies if they are installed system-wide
-unix:LIBS          += -lmuparser $$system(pkg-config --libs gsl) -lz -lboost_date_time -lboost_thread-mt
-##################### Windows ###############################################
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/muparser/lib/libmuparser.a
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgsl.a
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgslcblas.a
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/zlib/libz.a
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/boost/lib/libboost_date_time-mgw34-mt.lib
-win32:LIBS        += ../3rdparty/boost/lib/libboost_thread-mgw34-mt.lib
-###################### BASIC PROJECT PROPERTIES #############################
-TARGET         = qtiplot
-TEMPLATE       = app
-CONFIG        += qt warn_on exceptions opengl thread
-CONFIG        += assistant
-contains(CONFIG, CustomInstall){
-	INSTALLS        += target
-	INSTALLS        += translations
-	INSTALLS        += manual
-	INSTALLS        += documentation
-	unix:INSTALLS        += man
-	unix: INSTALLBASE = /usr
-	win32: INSTALLBASE = C:/QtiPlot
-	unix: target.path = $$INSTALLBASE/bin
-	unix: translations.path = $$INSTALLBASE/share/qtiplot/translations
-	unix: manual.path = $$INSTALLBASE/share/doc/qtiplot/manual
-	unix: documentation.path = $$INSTALLBASE/share/doc/qtiplot
-	unix: man.path = $$INSTALLBASE/share/man/man1/
-	win32: target.path = $$INSTALLBASE
-	win32: translations.path = $$INSTALLBASE/translations
-	win32: manual.path = $$INSTALLBASE/manual
-	win32: documentation.path = $$INSTALLBASE/doc
-	DEFINES       += TRANSLATIONS_PATH="\\\"$$replace(translations.path," ","\ ")\\\"
-	DEFINES       += MANUAL_PATH="\\\"$$replace(manual.path," ","\ ")\\\"
-	}
-QT            += opengl qt3support network svg xml
-MOC_DIR        = ../tmp/qtiplot
-OBJECTS_DIR    = ../tmp/qtiplot
-SIP_DIR        = ../tmp/qtiplot
-DESTDIR        = ./
-###################### PROJECT FILES SECTION ################################
-###################### ICONS ################################################
-INCLUDEPATH  += icons/
-HEADERS      += icons/pixmaps.h
-HEADERS      += icons/axes_icons.h
-win32:RC_FILE = icons/qtiplot.rc
-mac:RC_FILE   = icons/qtiplot.icns
-###################### TRANSLATIONS #########################################
-TRANSLATIONS    = translations/qtiplot_cn.ts \
-				  translations/qtiplot_cz.ts \
-				  translations/qtiplot_de.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_es.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_fr.ts \
-                  #translations/qtiplot_pt.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_ro.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_ru.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_ja.ts \
-                  translations/qtiplot_sv.ts
-system(lupdate -verbose qtiplot.pro)
-system(lrelease -verbose qtiplot.pro)
-translations.files += translations/qtiplot_de.qm \
-                  translations/qtiplot_es.qm \
-                  translations/qtiplot_fr.qm \
-                  #translations/qtiplot_pt.qm \
-                  translations/qtiplot_ru.qm \
-                  translations/qtiplot_ja.qm \
-                  translations/qtiplot_sv.qm
-###################### DOCUMENTATION ########################################
-manual.files += ../manual/html \
-                ../manual/qtiplot-manual-en.pdf
-documentation.files += ../README.html \
-                       ../gpl_licence.txt
-unix: man.files += ../qtiplot.1
-##################### Compression (zlib-1.2.3) ################
-SOURCES += ../3rdparty/zlib/minigzip.c
-################# Default Modules #############################
-##################### TeX export: QTeXEngine ##################
-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/QTeXEngine/src
-HEADERS     += ../3rdparty/QTeXEngine/src/QTeXEngine.h
-SOURCES     += ../3rdparty/QTeXEngine/src/QTeXPaintEngine.cpp
-SOURCES     += ../3rdparty/QTeXEngine/src/QTeXPaintDevice.cpp
-##################### Scripting: PYTHON + SIP + PyQT ##########
-contains(SCRIPTING_LANGS, Python) {
-  contains(CONFIG, CustomInstall){
-  	INSTALLS += pythonconfig
-  	pythonconfig.files += qtiplotrc.py \
-  				    qtiUtil.py \
-  				    qti_wordlist.txt \
-  	unix: pythonconfig.path = /usr/share/qtiplot
-  	win32: pythonconfig.path = $$INSTALLBASE
-  	DEFINES += PYTHON_CONFIG_PATH="\\\"$$replace(pythonconfig.path," ","\ ")\\\"
-  }
-  unix {
-    INCLUDEPATH += $$system(python python-includepath.py)
-    LIBS        += $$system(python -c "\"from distutils import sysconfig; print '-lpython'+sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION')\"")
-    LIBS        += -lm
-    system(mkdir -p $${SIP_DIR})
-    system($$system(python python-sipcmd.py) -c $${SIP_DIR} src/scripting/qti.sip)
-  }
-  win32 {
-    INCLUDEPATH += $$system(call python-includepath.py)
-    LIBS        += $$system(call python-libs-win.py)
-    system($$system(call python-sipcmd.py) -c $${SIP_DIR} src/scripting/qti.sip)
-  }
-contains(CONFIG, HAVE_EMF){
-	win32 {
-		INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/EmfEngine/src
-		LIBS        += ../3rdparty/EmfEngine/libEmfEngine.a -lgdiplus
-	}

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