[arch-commits] Commit in openbox/trunk (PKGBUILD rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch)

Andrea Scarpino andrea at archlinux.org
Thu Jan 7 21:12:19 UTC 2010

    Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 16:12:19
  Author: andrea
Revision: 62377

upgpkg: openbox 3.4.10-1
    upstream release


 PKGBUILD                       |   15 
 rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch |  881 ---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 891 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2010-01-07 20:55:31 UTC (rev 62376)
+++ PKGBUILD	2010-01-07 21:12:19 UTC (rev 62377)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 # Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
 pkgdesc="A window manager for the X11 windowing system"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -18,11 +18,9 @@
 options=('!libtool' 'force')
 backup=('etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml' 'etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml')
-	'which-2.20.patch'
-	'rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch')
-         'b72cac492e0ed83fd5ced9c1263cfa24'
-         '99fe30d91018f48ac0cfa2ed59effc70')
+	'which-2.20.patch')
+         'b72cac492e0ed83fd5ced9c1263cfa24')
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
@@ -30,9 +28,6 @@
   # FS#11455
   patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/which-2.20.patch || return 1
-  # FS#17555
-  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch || return 1
   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
     --with-x \
     --enable-startup-notification \

Deleted: rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch
--- rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch	2010-01-07 20:55:31 UTC (rev 62376)
+++ rename-obprop-to-obxprop.patch	2010-01-07 21:12:19 UTC (rev 62377)
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur openbox-3.4.9~/data/rc.xml openbox-3.4.9/data/rc.xml
---- openbox-3.4.9~/data/rc.xml	2009-12-24 18:35:01.761606125 +0100
-+++ openbox-3.4.9/data/rc.xml	2009-12-24 18:37:06.894918945 +0100
-@@ -629,9 +629,9 @@
-   # this is an example with comments through out. use these to make your
-   # own rules, but without the comments of course.
--  <application name="the window's _OB_NAME property (see obprop)"
--              class="the window's _OB_CLASS property (see obprop)"
--               role="the window's _OB_ROLE property (see obprop)"
-+  <application name="the window's _OB_NAME property (see obxprop)"
-+              class="the window's _OB_CLASS property (see obxprop)"
-+               role="the window's _OB_ROLE property (see obxprop)"
-                type="the window's _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (see obprob)..
-                       (if unspecified, then it is 'dialog' for child windows)">
-   # the name or the class can be set, or both. this is used to match
-diff -Naur openbox-3.4.9~/Makefile.am openbox-3.4.9/Makefile.am
---- openbox-3.4.9~/Makefile.am	2009-12-24 18:35:01.758271064 +0100
-+++ openbox-3.4.9/Makefile.am	2009-12-24 18:37:02.718252718 +0100
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- 	openbox/openbox \
- 	tools/gdm-control/gdm-control \
- 	tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control \
--	tools/obprop/obprop
-+	tools/obxprop/obxprop
- dist_secretbin_SCRIPTS = \
- 	tools/xdg-autostart/xdg-autostart
-@@ -289,16 +289,16 @@
- tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_SOURCES = \
- 	tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control.c
--## obprop ##
-+## obxprop ##
--tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS = \
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS = \
- 	$(X_CFLAGS)
--tools_obprop_obprop_LDADD = \
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_LDADD = \
- 	$(GLIB_LIBS) \
- 	$(X_LIBS)
--tools_obprop_obprop_SOURCES = \
--	tools/obprop/obprop.c
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_SOURCES = \
-+	tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
- ## gdm-control ##
-diff -Naur openbox-3.4.9~/Makefile.in openbox-3.4.9/Makefile.in
---- openbox-3.4.9~/Makefile.in	2009-12-24 18:35:01.768271496 +0100
-+++ openbox-3.4.9/Makefile.in	2009-12-24 18:37:02.741586060 +0100
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- bin_PROGRAMS = openbox/openbox$(EXEEXT) \
- 	tools/gdm-control/gdm-control$(EXEEXT) \
- 	tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control$(EXEEXT) \
--	tools/obprop/obprop$(EXEEXT)
-+	tools/obxprop/obxprop$(EXEEXT)
- subdir = .
- DIST_COMMON = README $(am__configure_deps) $(dist_apps_DATA) \
- 	$(dist_artwizboxed_theme_DATA) $(dist_bear2_theme_DATA) \
-@@ -234,10 +234,10 @@
- 	$(am_tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_OBJECTS)
- tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_DEPENDENCIES =  \
- 	$(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
--am_tools_obprop_obprop_OBJECTS =  \
--	tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.$(OBJEXT)
--tools_obprop_obprop_OBJECTS = $(am_tools_obprop_obprop_OBJECTS)
--tools_obprop_obprop_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \
-+am_tools_obxprop_obxprop_OBJECTS =  \
-+	tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.$(OBJEXT)
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_OBJECTS = $(am_tools_obxprop_obxprop_OBJECTS)
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \
- 	$(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
-@@ -259,13 +259,13 @@
- 	$(render_rendertest_SOURCES) \
- 	$(tools_gdm_control_gdm_control_SOURCES) \
- 	$(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_SOURCES) \
--	$(tools_obprop_obprop_SOURCES)
-+	$(tools_obxprop_obxprop_SOURCES)
- DIST_SOURCES = $(parser_libobparser_la_SOURCES) \
- 	$(render_libobrender_la_SOURCES) $(openbox_openbox_SOURCES) \
- 	$(render_rendertest_SOURCES) \
- 	$(tools_gdm_control_gdm_control_SOURCES) \
- 	$(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_SOURCES) \
--	$(tools_obprop_obprop_SOURCES)
-+	$(tools_obxprop_obxprop_SOURCES)
- RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
- 	html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
- 	install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
-@@ -768,16 +768,16 @@
- tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_SOURCES = \
- 	tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control.c
--tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS = \
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS = \
- 	$(X_CFLAGS)
--tools_obprop_obprop_LDADD = \
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_LDADD = \
- 	$(GLIB_LIBS) \
- 	$(X_LIBS)
--tools_obprop_obprop_SOURCES = \
--	tools/obprop/obprop.c
-+tools_obxprop_obxprop_SOURCES = \
-+	tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
- tools_gdm_control_gdm_control_CPPFLAGS = \
- 	$(X_CFLAGS) \
-@@ -1373,18 +1373,18 @@
- tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control$(EXEEXT): $(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_OBJECTS) $(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_DEPENDENCIES) tools/gnome-panel-control/$(am__dirstamp)
- 	@rm -f tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control$(EXEEXT)
- 	$(LINK) $(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_OBJECTS) $(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_LDADD) $(LIBS)
--	@$(MKDIR_P) tools/obprop
--	@: > tools/obprop/$(am__dirstamp)
--	@$(MKDIR_P) tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)
--	@: > tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
--tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.$(OBJEXT):  \
--	tools/obprop/$(am__dirstamp) \
--	tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
--tools/obprop/obprop$(EXEEXT): $(tools_obprop_obprop_OBJECTS) $(tools_obprop_obprop_DEPENDENCIES) tools/obprop/$(am__dirstamp)
--	@rm -f tools/obprop/obprop$(EXEEXT)
--	$(LINK) $(tools_obprop_obprop_OBJECTS) $(tools_obprop_obprop_LDADD) $(LIBS)
-+	@$(MKDIR_P) tools/obxprop
-+	@: > tools/obxprop/$(am__dirstamp)
-+	@$(MKDIR_P) tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)
-+	@: > tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
-+tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.$(OBJEXT):  \
-+	tools/obxprop/$(am__dirstamp) \
-+	tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
-+tools/obxprop/obxprop$(EXEEXT): $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_OBJECTS) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_DEPENDENCIES) tools/obxprop/$(am__dirstamp)
-+	@rm -f tools/obxprop/obxprop$(EXEEXT)
-+	$(LINK) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_OBJECTS) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_LDADD) $(LIBS)
- install-dist_secretbinSCRIPTS: $(dist_secretbin_SCRIPTS)
- 	test -z "$(secretbindir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(secretbindir)"
-@@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@
- 	-rm -f render/render_rendertest-test.$(OBJEXT)
- 	-rm -f tools/gdm-control/tools_gdm_control_gdm_control-gdm-control.$(OBJEXT)
- 	-rm -f tools/gnome-panel-control/tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control-gnome-panel-control.$(OBJEXT)
--	-rm -f tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.$(OBJEXT)
-+	-rm -f tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.$(OBJEXT)
- distclean-compile:
- 	-rm -f *.tab.c
-@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at render/$(DEPDIR)/render_rendertest-test.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at tools/gdm-control/$(DEPDIR)/tools_gdm_control_gdm_control-gdm-control.Po at am__quote@
- @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR)/tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control-gnome-panel-control.Po at am__quote@
-- at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Po at am__quote@
-+ at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote at tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Po at am__quote@
- .c.o:
- @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.o$$||'`;\
-@@ -2837,19 +2837,19 @@
- @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o tools/gnome-panel-control/tools_gnome_panel_control_gnome_panel_control-gnome-panel-control.obj `if test -f 'tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tools/gnome-panel-control/gnome-panel-control.c'; fi`
--tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.o: tools/obprop/obprop.c
-- at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.o -MD -MP -MF tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Tpo -c -o tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.o `test -f 'tools/obprop/obprop.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tools/obprop/obprop.c
-- at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	mv -f tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Tpo tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Po
-- at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	source='tools/obprop/obprop.c' object='tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-- at am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.o `test -f 'tools/obprop/obprop.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tools/obprop/obprop.c
--tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.obj: tools/obprop/obprop.c
-- at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.obj -MD -MP -MF tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Tpo -c -o tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.obj `if test -f 'tools/obprop/obprop.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tools/obprop/obprop.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tools/obprop/obprop.c'; fi`
-- at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	mv -f tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Tpo tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.Po
-- at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	source='tools/obprop/obprop.c' object='tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-+tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.o: tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
-+ at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.o -MD -MP -MF tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Tpo -c -o tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.o `test -f 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
-+ at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	mv -f tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Tpo tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Po
-+ at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	source='tools/obxprop/obxprop.c' object='tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-+ at am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.o `test -f 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
-+tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.obj: tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
-+ at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.obj -MD -MP -MF tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Tpo -c -o tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.obj `if test -f 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; fi`
-+ at am__fastdepCC_TRUE@	mv -f tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Tpo tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.Po
-+ at AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	source='tools/obxprop/obxprop.c' object='tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-- at am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obprop_obprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o tools/obprop/tools_obprop_obprop-obprop.obj `if test -f 'tools/obprop/obprop.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tools/obprop/obprop.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tools/obprop/obprop.c'; fi`
-+ at am__fastdepCC_FALSE@	$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(tools_obxprop_obxprop_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o tools/obxprop/tools_obxprop_obxprop-obxprop.obj `if test -f 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c'; fi`
- mostlyclean-libtool:
- 	-rm -f *.lo
-@@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@
- 	-rm -rf render/.libs render/_libs
- 	-rm -rf tools/gdm-control/.libs tools/gdm-control/_libs
- 	-rm -rf tools/gnome-panel-control/.libs tools/gnome-panel-control/_libs
--	-rm -rf tools/obprop/.libs tools/obprop/_libs
-+	-rm -rf tools/obxprop/.libs tools/obxprop/_libs
- distclean-libtool:
- 	-rm -f libtool
-@@ -3608,8 +3608,8 @@
- 	-rm -f tools/gdm-control/$(am__dirstamp)
- 	-rm -f tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
- 	-rm -f tools/gnome-panel-control/$(am__dirstamp)
--	-rm -f tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
--	-rm -f tools/obprop/$(am__dirstamp)
-+	-rm -f tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
-+	-rm -f tools/obxprop/$(am__dirstamp)
- maintainer-clean-generic:
- 	@echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
-@@ -3621,7 +3621,7 @@
- distclean: distclean-recursive
--	-rm -rf openbox/$(DEPDIR) openbox/actions/$(DEPDIR) parser/$(DEPDIR) render/$(DEPDIR) tools/gdm-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)
-+	-rm -rf openbox/$(DEPDIR) openbox/actions/$(DEPDIR) parser/$(DEPDIR) render/$(DEPDIR) tools/gdm-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)
- 	-rm -f Makefile
- distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
- 	distclean-libtool distclean-local distclean-tags
-@@ -3672,7 +3672,7 @@
- maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
- 	-rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache
--	-rm -rf openbox/$(DEPDIR) openbox/actions/$(DEPDIR) parser/$(DEPDIR) render/$(DEPDIR) tools/gdm-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/obprop/$(DEPDIR)
-+	-rm -rf openbox/$(DEPDIR) openbox/actions/$(DEPDIR) parser/$(DEPDIR) render/$(DEPDIR) tools/gdm-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/gnome-panel-control/$(DEPDIR) tools/obxprop/$(DEPDIR)
- 	-rm -f Makefile
- maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
-diff -Naur openbox-3.4.9~/tools/obprop/obprop.c openbox-3.4.9/tools/obprop/obprop.c
---- openbox-3.4.9~/tools/obprop/obprop.c	2009-12-24 18:35:01.758271064 +0100
-+++ openbox-3.4.9/tools/obprop/obprop.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
--#include <X11/Xlib.h>
--#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <assert.h>
--#include <glib.h>
--gint fail(const gchar *s) {
--    if (s)
--        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
--    else
--        fprintf
--            (stderr,
--             "Usage: obprop [OPTIONS]\n\n"
--             "Options:\n"
--             "    --help              Display this help and exit\n"
--             "    --display DISPLAY   Connect to this X display\n"
--             "    --id ID             Show the properties for this window\n");
--    return 1;
--gint parse_hex(gchar *s) {
--    gint result = 0;
--    while (*s) {
--        gint add;
--        if (*s >= '0' && *s <='9')
--            add = *s-'0';
--        else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <='F')
--            add = *s-'A';
--        else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <='f')
--            add = *s-'a';
--        else
--            break;
--        result *= 16;
--        result += add;
--    }
--    return result;
--Window find_client(Display *d, Window win)
--    Window r, *children;
--    guint n, i;
--    Atom state = XInternAtom(d, "WM_STATE", True);
--    Atom ret_type;
--    gint ret_format, res;
--    gulong ret_items, ret_bytesleft, *xdata;
--    XQueryTree(d, win, &r, &r, &children, &n);
--    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
--        Window w = find_client(d, children[i]);
--        if (w) return w;
--    }
--    // try me
--    res = XGetWindowProperty(d, win, state, 0, 1,
--                       False, state, &ret_type, &ret_format,
--                       &ret_items, &ret_bytesleft,
--                       (unsigned char**) &xdata);
--    XFree(xdata);
--    if (res != Success || ret_type == None || ret_items < 1)
--        return None;
--    return win; // found it!
--static gboolean get_all(Display *d, Window win, Atom prop,
--                        Atom *type, gint *size,
--                        guchar **data, guint *num)
--    gboolean ret = FALSE;
--    gint res;
--    guchar *xdata = NULL;
--    gulong ret_items, bytes_left;
--    res = XGetWindowProperty(d, win, prop, 0l, G_MAXLONG,
--                             FALSE, AnyPropertyType, type, size,
--                             &ret_items, &bytes_left, &xdata);
--    if (res == Success) {
--        if (ret_items > 0) {
--            guint i;
--            *data = g_malloc(ret_items * (*size / 8));
--            for (i = 0; i < ret_items; ++i)
--                switch (*size) {
--                case 8:
--                    (*data)[i] = xdata[i];
--                    break;
--                case 16:
--                    ((guint16*)*data)[i] = ((gushort*)xdata)[i];
--                    break;
--                case 32:
--                    ((guint32*)*data)[i] = ((gulong*)xdata)[i];
--                    break;
--                default:
--                    g_assert_not_reached(); /* unhandled size */
--                }
--            *num = ret_items;
--            ret = TRUE;
--        }
--        XFree(xdata);
--    }
--    return ret;
--gchar *append_string(gchar *before, gchar *after, gboolean quote)
--    gchar *tmp;
--    const gchar *q = quote ? "\"" : "";
--    if (before)
--        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s, %s%s%s", before, q, after, q);
--    else
--        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", q, after, q);
--    g_free(before);
--    return tmp;
--gchar *append_int(gchar *before, guint after)
--    gchar *tmp;
--    if (before)
--        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s, %u", before, after);
--    else
--        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%u", after);
--    g_free(before);
--    return tmp;
--gchar* read_strings(gchar *val, guint n, gboolean utf8)
--    GSList *strs = NULL, *it;
--    gchar *ret, *p;
--    guint i;
--    p = val;
--    while (p < val + n) {
--        strs = g_slist_append(strs, g_strndup(p, n - (p - val)));
--        p += strlen(p) + 1; /* next string */
--    }
--    ret = NULL;
--    for (i = 0, it = strs; it; ++i, it = g_slist_next(it)) {
--        char *data;
--        if (utf8) {
--            if (g_utf8_validate(it->data, -1, NULL))
--                data = g_strdup(it->data);
--            else
--                data = g_strdup("");
--        }
--        else
--            data = g_locale_to_utf8(it->data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
--        ret = append_string(ret, data, TRUE);
--        g_free(data);
--    }
--    while (strs) {
--        g_free(strs->data);
--        strs = g_slist_delete_link(strs, strs);
--    }
--    return ret;
--gchar* read_atoms(Display *d, guchar *val, guint n)
--    gchar *ret;
--    guint i;
--    ret = NULL;
--    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
--        ret = append_string(ret, XGetAtomName(d, ((guint32*)val)[i]), FALSE);
--    return ret;
--gchar* read_numbers(guchar *val, guint n, guint size)
--    gchar *ret;
--    guint i;
--    ret = NULL;
--    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
--        switch (size) {
--        case 8:
--            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint8*)val)[i]);
--            break;
--        case 16:
--            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint16*)val)[i]);
--            break;
--        case 32:
--            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint32*)val)[i]);
--            break;
--        default:
--            g_assert_not_reached(); /* unhandled size */
--        }
--    return ret;
--gboolean read_prop(Display *d, Window w, Atom prop, const gchar **type, gchar **val)
--    guchar *ret;
--    guint nret;
--    gint size;
--    Atom ret_type;
--    ret = NULL;
--    if (get_all(d, w, prop, &ret_type, &size, &ret, &nret)) {
--        *type = XGetAtomName(d, ret_type);
--        if (strcmp(*type, "STRING") == 0)
--            *val = read_strings((gchar*)ret, nret, FALSE);
--        else if (strcmp(*type, "UTF8_STRING") == 0)
--            *val = read_strings((gchar*)ret, nret, TRUE);
--        else if (strcmp(*type, "ATOM") == 0) {
--            g_assert(size == 32);
--            *val = read_atoms(d, ret, nret);
--        }
--       else
--            *val = read_numbers(ret, nret, size);
--        g_free(ret);
--        return TRUE;
--    }
--    return FALSE;
--void show_properties(Display *d, Window w)
--    Atom* props;
--    int i, n;
--    props = XListProperties(d, w, &n);
--    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
--        const char *type;
--        char *name, *val;
--        name = XGetAtomName(d, props[i]);
--        if (read_prop(d, w, props[i], &type, &val)) {
--            g_print("%s(%s) = %s\n", name, type, val);
--            g_free(val);
--        }
--        XFree(name);
--    }
--    XFree(props);
--int main(int argc, char **argv)
--    Display *d;
--    Window id, userid = None;
--    int i;
--    char *dname = NULL;
--    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
--        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) {
--            return fail(0);
--        }
--        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--id")) {
--            if (++i == argc)
--                return fail(0);
--            if (argv[i][0] == '0' && argv[i][1] == 'x') {
--                /* hex */
--                userid = parse_hex(argv[i]+2);
--            }
--            else {
--                /* decimal */
--                userid = atoi(argv[i]);
--            }
--            break;
--        }
--        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--display")) {
--            if (++i == argc)
--                return fail(0);
--            dname = argv[i];
--        }
--    }
--    d = XOpenDisplay(dname);
--    if (!d) {
--        return fail("Unable to find an X display. "
--                    "Ensure you have permission to connect to the display.");
--    }
--    if (userid == None) {
--        i = XGrabPointer(d, RootWindow(d, DefaultScreen(d)),
--                         False, ButtonPressMask,
--                         GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
--                         None, XCreateFontCursor(d, XC_crosshair),
--                         CurrentTime);
--        if (i != GrabSuccess)
--            return fail("Unable to grab the pointer device");
--        while (1) {
--            XEvent ev;
--            XNextEvent(d, &ev);
--            if (ev.type == ButtonPress) {
--                XUngrabPointer(d, CurrentTime);
--                userid = ev.xbutton.subwindow;
--                break;
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    id = find_client(d, userid);
--    if (id == None)
--        return fail("Unable to find window with the requested ID");
--    show_properties(d, id);
--    XCloseDisplay(d);
--    return 0;
-diff -Naur openbox-3.4.9~/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c openbox-3.4.9/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c
---- openbox-3.4.9~/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ openbox-3.4.9/tools/obxprop/obxprop.c	2009-12-24 18:34:45.091608618 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
-+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
-+#include <glib.h>
-+gint fail(const gchar *s) {
-+    if (s)
-+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
-+    else
-+        fprintf
-+            (stderr,
-+             "Usage: obxprop [OPTIONS]\n\n"
-+             "Options:\n"
-+             "    --help              Display this help and exit\n"
-+             "    --display DISPLAY   Connect to this X display\n"
-+             "    --id ID             Show the properties for this window\n");
-+    return 1;
-+gint parse_hex(gchar *s) {
-+    gint result = 0;
-+    while (*s) {
-+        gint add;
-+        if (*s >= '0' && *s <='9')
-+            add = *s-'0';
-+        else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <='F')
-+            add = *s-'A';
-+        else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <='f')
-+            add = *s-'a';
-+        else
-+            break;
-+        result *= 16;
-+        result += add;
-+    }
-+    return result;
-+Window find_client(Display *d, Window win)
-+    Window r, *children;
-+    guint n, i;
-+    Atom state = XInternAtom(d, "WM_STATE", True);
-+    Atom ret_type;
-+    gint ret_format, res;
-+    gulong ret_items, ret_bytesleft, *xdata;
-+    XQueryTree(d, win, &r, &r, &children, &n);
-+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-+        Window w = find_client(d, children[i]);
-+        if (w) return w;
-+    }
-+    // try me
-+    res = XGetWindowProperty(d, win, state, 0, 1,
-+                       False, state, &ret_type, &ret_format,
-+                       &ret_items, &ret_bytesleft,
-+                       (unsigned char**) &xdata);
-+    XFree(xdata);
-+    if (res != Success || ret_type == None || ret_items < 1)
-+        return None;
-+    return win; // found it!
-+static gboolean get_all(Display *d, Window win, Atom prop,
-+                        Atom *type, gint *size,
-+                        guchar **data, guint *num)
-+    gboolean ret = FALSE;
-+    gint res;
-+    guchar *xdata = NULL;
-+    gulong ret_items, bytes_left;
-+    res = XGetWindowProperty(d, win, prop, 0l, G_MAXLONG,
-+                             FALSE, AnyPropertyType, type, size,
-+                             &ret_items, &bytes_left, &xdata);
-+    if (res == Success) {
-+        if (ret_items > 0) {
-+            guint i;
-+            *data = g_malloc(ret_items * (*size / 8));
-+            for (i = 0; i < ret_items; ++i)
-+                switch (*size) {
-+                case 8:
-+                    (*data)[i] = xdata[i];
-+                    break;
-+                case 16:
-+                    ((guint16*)*data)[i] = ((gushort*)xdata)[i];
-+                    break;
-+                case 32:
-+                    ((guint32*)*data)[i] = ((gulong*)xdata)[i];
-+                    break;
-+                default:
-+                    g_assert_not_reached(); /* unhandled size */
-+                }
-+            *num = ret_items;
-+            ret = TRUE;
-+        }
-+        XFree(xdata);
-+    }
-+    return ret;
-+gchar *append_string(gchar *before, gchar *after, gboolean quote)
-+    gchar *tmp;
-+    const gchar *q = quote ? "\"" : "";
-+    if (before)
-+        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s, %s%s%s", before, q, after, q);
-+    else
-+        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", q, after, q);
-+    g_free(before);
-+    return tmp;
-+gchar *append_int(gchar *before, guint after)
-+    gchar *tmp;
-+    if (before)
-+        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s, %u", before, after);
-+    else
-+        tmp = g_strdup_printf("%u", after);
-+    g_free(before);
-+    return tmp;
-+gchar* read_strings(gchar *val, guint n, gboolean utf8)
-+    GSList *strs = NULL, *it;
-+    gchar *ret, *p;
-+    guint i;
-+    p = val;
-+    while (p < val + n) {
-+        strs = g_slist_append(strs, g_strndup(p, n - (p - val)));
-+        p += strlen(p) + 1; /* next string */
-+    }
-+    ret = NULL;
-+    for (i = 0, it = strs; it; ++i, it = g_slist_next(it)) {
-+        char *data;
-+        if (utf8) {
-+            if (g_utf8_validate(it->data, -1, NULL))
-+                data = g_strdup(it->data);
-+            else
-+                data = g_strdup("");
-+        }
-+        else
-+            data = g_locale_to_utf8(it->data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-+        ret = append_string(ret, data, TRUE);
-+        g_free(data);
-+    }
-+    while (strs) {
-+        g_free(strs->data);
-+        strs = g_slist_delete_link(strs, strs);
-+    }
-+    return ret;
-+gchar* read_atoms(Display *d, guchar *val, guint n)
-+    gchar *ret;
-+    guint i;
-+    ret = NULL;
-+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-+        ret = append_string(ret, XGetAtomName(d, ((guint32*)val)[i]), FALSE);
-+    return ret;
-+gchar* read_numbers(guchar *val, guint n, guint size)
-+    gchar *ret;
-+    guint i;
-+    ret = NULL;
-+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-+        switch (size) {
-+        case 8:
-+            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint8*)val)[i]);
-+            break;
-+        case 16:
-+            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint16*)val)[i]);
-+            break;
-+        case 32:
-+            ret = append_int(ret, ((guint32*)val)[i]);
-+            break;
-+        default:
-+            g_assert_not_reached(); /* unhandled size */
-+        }
-+    return ret;
-+gboolean read_prop(Display *d, Window w, Atom prop, const gchar **type, gchar **val)
-+    guchar *ret;
-+    guint nret;
-+    gint size;
-+    Atom ret_type;
-+    ret = NULL;
-+    if (get_all(d, w, prop, &ret_type, &size, &ret, &nret)) {
-+        *type = XGetAtomName(d, ret_type);
-+        if (strcmp(*type, "STRING") == 0)
-+            *val = read_strings((gchar*)ret, nret, FALSE);
-+        else if (strcmp(*type, "UTF8_STRING") == 0)
-+            *val = read_strings((gchar*)ret, nret, TRUE);
-+        else if (strcmp(*type, "ATOM") == 0) {
-+            g_assert(size == 32);
-+            *val = read_atoms(d, ret, nret);
-+        }
-+       else
-+            *val = read_numbers(ret, nret, size);
-+        g_free(ret);
-+        return TRUE;
-+    }
-+    return FALSE;
-+void show_properties(Display *d, Window w)
-+    Atom* props;
-+    int i, n;
-+    props = XListProperties(d, w, &n);
-+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-+        const char *type;
-+        char *name, *val;
-+        name = XGetAtomName(d, props[i]);
-+        if (read_prop(d, w, props[i], &type, &val)) {
-+            g_print("%s(%s) = %s\n", name, type, val);
-+            g_free(val);
-+        }
-+        XFree(name);
-+    }
-+    XFree(props);
-+int main(int argc, char **argv)
-+    Display *d;
-+    Window id, userid = None;
-+    int i;
-+    char *dname = NULL;
-+    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
-+        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) {
-+            return fail(0);
-+        }
-+        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--id")) {
-+            if (++i == argc)
-+                return fail(0);
-+            if (argv[i][0] == '0' && argv[i][1] == 'x') {
-+                /* hex */
-+                userid = parse_hex(argv[i]+2);
-+            }
-+            else {
-+                /* decimal */
-+                userid = atoi(argv[i]);
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        }
-+        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--display")) {
-+            if (++i == argc)
-+                return fail(0);
-+            dname = argv[i];
-+        }
-+    }
-+    d = XOpenDisplay(dname);
-+    if (!d) {
-+        return fail("Unable to find an X display. "
-+                    "Ensure you have permission to connect to the display.");
-+    }
-+    if (userid == None) {
-+        i = XGrabPointer(d, RootWindow(d, DefaultScreen(d)),
-+                         False, ButtonPressMask,
-+                         GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
-+                         None, XCreateFontCursor(d, XC_crosshair),
-+                         CurrentTime);
-+        if (i != GrabSuccess)
-+            return fail("Unable to grab the pointer device");
-+        while (1) {
-+            XEvent ev;
-+            XNextEvent(d, &ev);
-+            if (ev.type == ButtonPress) {
-+                XUngrabPointer(d, CurrentTime);
-+                userid = ev.xbutton.subwindow;
-+                break;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    id = find_client(d, userid);
-+    if (id == None)
-+        return fail("Unable to find window with the requested ID");
-+    show_properties(d, id);
-+    XCloseDisplay(d);
-+    return 0;

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