[arch-commits] Commit in audacious/trunk (4 files)

Gaetan Bisson bisson at archlinux.org
Wed Sep 8 20:33:24 UTC 2010

    Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 16:33:23
  Author: bisson
Revision: 90187

upstream update, removed old patches


 PKGBUILD                         |   37 ++++++-----------
 audacious-2.2-coverart-2.patch   |   79 -------------------------------------
 audacious-2.2-set_tuple_cb.patch |   62 -----------------------------
 audacious.install                |    1 
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2010-09-08 19:51:27 UTC (rev 90186)
+++ PKGBUILD	2010-09-08 20:33:23 UTC (rev 90187)
@@ -3,37 +3,28 @@
 # Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Media player based on BMP"
+pkgdesc='Media player based on BMP'
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('gtk2' 'libmcs' 'dbus-glib' 'libxml2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'audacious-plugins')
-optdepends=('unzip: Zipped skins support')
+depends=('gtk2' 'libmcs' 'dbus-glib' 'libxml2' 'audacious-plugins' 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
+optdepends=('unzip: zipped skins support')
 build() {
   cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]] && extraopts='' || extraopts='--disable-sse2'
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr $extraopts
+  make
-  if [[ $CARCH == "i686" ]]; then
-    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-      --disable-sse2 || return 1
-  elif [[ $CARCH == "x86_64" ]]; then
-    ./configure --prefix=/usr  || return 1
-  fi
-  make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1
-  #fix for: tarball installs softlinks that point into buildroot
-  rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/bin/audtool"
-  ln -s /usr/bin/audtool2 "$pkgdir/usr/bin/audtool"
-  rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/bin/audacious"
-  ln -s /usr/bin/audacious2 "$pkgdir/usr/bin/audacious"
+package() {
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Deleted: audacious-2.2-coverart-2.patch
--- audacious-2.2-coverart-2.patch	2010-09-08 19:51:27 UTC (rev 90186)
+++ audacious-2.2-coverart-2.patch	2010-09-08 20:33:23 UTC (rev 90187)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_albumart.c audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_albumart.c
---- audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_albumart.c	2009-11-22 23:43:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_albumart.c	2010-03-06 19:24:16.000000000 +0100
-@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@
- {
- 	GDir *d;
-+    if (!path)
-+        return NULL;
- 	if (cfg.recurse_for_cover && depth > cfg.recurse_for_cover_depth)
- 		return NULL;
-diff -Nur audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_fileinfo.c audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_fileinfo.c
---- audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_fileinfo.c	2009-11-22 23:43:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_fileinfo.c	2010-03-06 19:24:16.000000000 +0100
-@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@
- fileinfo_show_for_tuple(Tuple *tuple, gboolean updating_enabled)
- {
-     gchar *tmp = NULL;
--    GdkPixbuf *icon = NULL;
-+    GdkPixbuf *icon = NULL, *localpath = NULL;
-     GtkTreeIter iter;
-     GtkListStore *store;
-     mowgli_dictionary_iteration_state_t state;
-@@ -849,9 +849,11 @@
-         g_object_unref(icon);
-     }
-+    localpath = g_filename_from_uri( tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL), NULL, NULL );
-     tmp = fileinfo_recursive_get_image(
--            tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL),
-+            localpath,
-             tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL), 0);
-+    g_free(localpath);
-     if (tmp) {
-         fileinfo_entry_set_image(image_artwork, tmp);
-diff -Nur audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_fileinfopopup.c audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_fileinfopopup.c
---- audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/ui_fileinfopopup.c	2009-11-22 23:43:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ audacious-2.2/src/audacious/ui_fileinfopopup.c	2010-03-06 19:26:09.000000000 +0100
-@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
-     gchar *last_artwork;
-     const static gchar default_artwork[] = DATA_DIR "/images/audio.png";
-     gint length;
-+    const gchar *fpath, *fname;
-     last_artwork =
-         g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(filepopup_win), "last_artwork");
-@@ -352,11 +353,16 @@
-         tmp = NULL;
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(filepopup_win), "file", NULL);
-     }
--    if (tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL) && tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL))
-+    fpath = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL);
-+    fname = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL);
-+    if (fpath && fname)
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(filepopup_win), "file",
--                          g_build_filename(tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL),
--                                           tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL),
-+                          g_build_filename(fpath,fname,
-                                            NULL));
-+    else {
-+        if (!tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_TITLE, NULL))
-+            return;
-+    }
-     gtk_widget_realize(filepopup_win);
-@@ -408,7 +414,9 @@
-     g_free(track_string);
-     if (tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL) && tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL)) {
--        tmp = fileinfo_recursive_get_image(tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL), tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL), 0);
-+        gchar *localpath = g_filename_from_uri( tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_PATH, NULL), NULL, NULL );
-+        tmp = fileinfo_recursive_get_image( localpath, tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_FILE_NAME, NULL), 0);
-+        g_free(localpath);
-         if (tmp) { // picture found
-             if (!last_artwork || strcmp(last_artwork, tmp)) { // new picture
-                 filepopup_entry_set_image(filepopup_win, "image_artwork", tmp);

Deleted: audacious-2.2-set_tuple_cb.patch
--- audacious-2.2-set_tuple_cb.patch	2010-09-08 19:51:27 UTC (rev 90186)
+++ audacious-2.2-set_tuple_cb.patch	2010-09-08 20:33:23 UTC (rev 90187)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/playback.c audacious-2.2/src/audacious/playback.c
---- audacious-2.2-orig/src/audacious/playback.c	2009-11-22 23:43:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ audacious-2.2/src/audacious/playback.c	2010-01-28 13:52:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -614,8 +614,10 @@
- static void set_tuple (InputPlayback * playback, Tuple * tuple)
- {
-+    Tuple* copy = tuple_copy(tuple);
-+    tuple_free(tuple);
-     /* playlist_entry_set_tuple must execute in main thread */
--    g_timeout_add (0, set_tuple_cb, tuple);
-+    g_timeout_add (0, set_tuple_cb, copy);
- }
- void ip_set_info (const gchar * title, gint length, gint bitrate, gint
-diff -Nur audacious-2.2-orig/src/libaudcore/tuple.c audacious-2.2/src/libaudcore/tuple.c
---- audacious-2.2-orig/src/libaudcore/tuple.c	2009-11-22 23:43:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ audacious-2.2/src/libaudcore/tuple.c	2010-01-29 01:41:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
-     if (src == NULL) return NULL;
-     res = mowgli_heap_alloc(tuple_value_heap);
-+    res->type = src->type;
-     switch (src->type) {
-     case TUPLE_STRING:
-         res->value.string = stringpool_get(src->value.string);
-@@ -242,6 +243,7 @@
-         res->value.integer = src->value.integer;
-         break;
-     default:
-+        mowgli_heap_free(tuple_value_heap, res);
-         return NULL;
-     }
-     return res;
-@@ -257,8 +259,8 @@
- tuple_copy(const Tuple *src)
- {
-     Tuple *dst;
-+    TupleValue *tv;
-     mowgli_dictionary_iteration_state_t state;
--    mowgli_dictionary_elem_t *elem;
-     gint i;
-@@ -270,11 +272,13 @@
-         dst->values[i] = tuple_copy_value(src->values[i]);
-     /* Copy dictionary contents */
--    MOWGLI_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(elem, &state, src->dict)
-+    MOWGLI_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(tv, &state, src->dict)
-     {
--        TupleValue *value = tuple_copy_value(elem->data);
--        if (value != NULL && elem->key != NULL)
--            mowgli_dictionary_add(dst->dict, elem->key, value);
-+        gchar *key = state.cur->key;
-+        TupleValue *value = tuple_copy_value(tv);
-+        if (value != NULL && key != NULL) {
-+            mowgli_dictionary_add(dst->dict, key, value);
-+        }
-     }
-     /* Copy subtune number information */

Modified: audacious.install
--- audacious.install	2010-09-08 19:51:27 UTC (rev 90186)
+++ audacious.install	2010-09-08 20:33:23 UTC (rev 90187)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 post_install() {
   update-desktop-database -q
+  gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor
 post_upgrade() {

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