[arch-commits] Commit in libvisual-plugins/trunk (6 files)

Jan de Groot jgc at archlinux.org
Wed Aug 10 10:33:29 UTC 2011

    Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @ 06:33:28
  Author: jgc
Revision: 135107

upgpkg: libvisual-plugins 0.4.0-4
Build without esound, disable G-force plugin (FS#20311), add some patches:
02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch (Debian): Fix JESS plugin on 64bit (FS#20311)
03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch (Debian): Link GL plugins against GL libraries
04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch (Debian): Build the lv_analyzer plugin
05_fix_po.patch (Debian): Buildfix
050_all_automagic.patch (Gentoo): Add conditionals for esd and Jack. Actually include the plugins by moving variable assignments around


 02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch        |   58 +++++
 03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch |  372 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch  |   12 +
 050_all_automagic.patch         |   50 +++++
 05_fix_po.patch                 |  127 ++++++++++++
 PKGBUILD                        |   38 +++
 6 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Added: 02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch
--- 02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/JESS/renderer.c libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/JESS/renderer.c
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/JESS/renderer.c	2006-02-06 05:47:26.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/JESS/renderer.c	2007-07-04 18:12:58.000000000 +1000
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
+ void render_deformation(JessPrivate *priv, int defmode)
+ {
+-	uint32_t bmax;
++	intptr_t bmax;
+ 	uint32_t *tab1 = NULL, *tab2, *tab3, *tab4, i;
+ 	uint8_t *pix = priv->pixel, *buf = priv->buffer, *aux;
+@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
+ 		tab2 = priv->table2;
+ 		tab3 = priv->table3;
+ 		tab4 = priv->table4;
+-		bmax = priv->resx * priv->resy + (uint32_t) priv->pixel;
++		bmax = priv->resx * priv->resy + (intptr_t) priv->pixel;
+ 		switch(defmode)
+ 		{
+@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 		for (i = 0; i < priv->resy * priv->resx; i++)
+ 		{
+-			aux  =  (uint8_t *) ((*(tab1) << 2 ) + (uint32_t) priv->buffer);
++			aux  =  (uint8_t *) ((*(tab1) << 2 ) + (intptr_t) priv->buffer);
+ 			*(pix++) = *(aux++) ;
+ 			*(pix++) = *(aux++);  
+ 			*(pix++) = *(aux);  
+@@ -373,7 +373,8 @@
+ 	/* j'ai mis pixel par defaut... */
+ 	uint8_t *pix = priv->pixel;
+-	uint32_t bmax,pitch_4;
++	intptr_t bmax;
++	uint32_t pitch_4;
+ 	pix = priv->pixel;
+ 	if (priv->pixel == NULL)
+@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@
+ 	if (priv->video == 8)
+ 	{
+ 		if (visual_cpu_get_mmx ()) {
+-			bmax = priv->resx * (priv->resy-1) + (uint32_t) priv->pixel;
++			bmax = priv->resx * (priv->resy-1) + (intptr_t) priv->pixel;
+ #if defined(VISUAL_ARCH_X86) || defined(VISUAL_ARCH_X86_64)
+ 			__asm __volatile
+ 				("\n\t pxor %%mm6, %%mm6"
+@@ -423,7 +424,7 @@
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		pitch_4 = priv->pitch+4;
+-		bmax = priv->pitch*(priv->resy-1) + (uint32_t) priv->pixel;
++		bmax = priv->pitch*(priv->resy-1) + (intptr_t) priv->pixel;
+ 		if (visual_cpu_get_mmx ()) {
+ #if defined(VISUAL_ARCH_X86) || defined(VISUAL_ARCH_X86_64)

Added: 03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch
--- 03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/bumpscope/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/bumpscope/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/bumpscope/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:24.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/bumpscope/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_bumpscope.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_bumpscope_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_bumpscope_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_bumpscope_la_SOURCES = actor_bumpscope.c \
+ 			  actor_bumpscope.h \
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/corona/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/corona/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/corona/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:24.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/corona/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_corona.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)
+ actor_corona_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
++actor_corona_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_corona_la_SOURCES = actor_corona.cpp \
+ 			  autopal.h \
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/gdkpixbuf/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/gdkpixbuf/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/gdkpixbuf/Makefile.am	2006-02-24 00:34:48.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/gdkpixbuf/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_gdkpixbuf.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_gdkpixbuf_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_gdkpixbuf_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS)
+ actor_gdkpixbuf_la_SOURCES = actor_gdkpixbuf.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/gstreamer/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/gstreamer/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/gstreamer/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:27.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/gstreamer/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_gstreamer.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) \
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_gstreamer_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_gstreamer_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(GSTREAMER_LIBS)
+ actor_gstreamer_la_SOURCES = actor_gstreamer.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/infinite/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/infinite/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/infinite/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:27.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/infinite/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_infinite.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_infinite_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_infinite_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_infinite_la_SOURCES = compute.c compute.h \
+ 			    display.c display.h \
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/jakdaw/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/jakdaw/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/jakdaw/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:28.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/jakdaw/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_jakdaw.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_jakdaw_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_jakdaw_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_jakdaw_la_SOURCES = actor_jakdaw.c \
+ 			  actor_jakdaw.h \
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/JESS/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/JESS/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/JESS/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:24.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/JESS/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_JESS.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_JESS_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+ actor_JESS_la_SOURCES = analyser.c analyser.h analyser_struct.h\
+ 			distorsion.c distorsion.h\
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_analyzer/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_analyzer/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_analyzer/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:28.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_analyzer/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_lv_analyzer.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) \
+ 	-I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_lv_analyzer_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_lv_analyzer_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_lv_analyzer_la_SOURCES = actor_lv_analyzer.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_gltest/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_gltest/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_gltest/Makefile.am	2006-02-24 22:24:49.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_gltest/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
+ actor_lv_gltest_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) $(LIBVISUAL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS)
+ actor_lv_gltest_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+-actor_lv_gltest_la_LIBS = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU 
++actor_lv_gltest_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU 
+ actor_lv_gltest_la_SOURCES = actor_lv_gltest.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_scope/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_scope/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/lv_scope/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:29.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/lv_scope/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_lv_scope.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_lv_scope_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_lv_scope_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_lv_scope_la_SOURCES = actor_lv_scope.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/madspin/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/madspin/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/madspin/Makefile.am	2006-02-24 22:24:49.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/madspin/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
+ actor_madspin_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) $(LIBVISUAL_CFLAGS) -DSTAR_DIR=\""$(imagesdir)/"\"
+ actor_madspin_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+-actor_madspin_la_LIBS = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL 
++actor_madspin_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL 
+ actor_madspin_la_SOURCES = madspin.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/nastyfft/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/nastyfft/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/nastyfft/Makefile.am	2006-02-24 22:24:50.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/nastyfft/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
+ actor_nastyfft_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) $(LIBVISUAL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS)
+ actor_nastyfft_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+-actor_nastyfft_la_LIBS = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU
++actor_nastyfft_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU
+ actor_nastyfft_la_SOURCES = actor_nastyfft.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/oinksie/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/oinksie/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/oinksie/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:31.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/oinksie/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ actor_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = actor_oinksie.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ actor_oinksie_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++actor_oinksie_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ actor_oinksie_la_SOURCES = actor_oinksie.c\
+ 			   oinksie.c oinksie.h\
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/pseudotoad_flower/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/pseudotoad_flower/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/actor/pseudotoad_flower/Makefile.am	2006-03-09 00:06:58.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/actor/pseudotoad_flower/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ actor_flower_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+ actor_flower_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) $(LIBVISUAL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS)
+-actor_flower_la_LIBS = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU 
++actor_flower_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU 
+ actor_flower_la_SOURCES = \
+ 	actor_flower.c \
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/alsa/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/alsa/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/alsa/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:35.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/alsa/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
+ input_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = input_alsa.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir)
+ input_alsa_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++input_alsa_la_LIBADD = $(ALSA_LIBS) $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ input_alsa_la_SOURCES = input_alsa.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/debug/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/debug/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/debug/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:36.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/debug/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ input_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = input_debug.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir)
+ input_debug_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++input_debug_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ input_debug_la_SOURCES = input_debug.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/esd/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/esd/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/esd/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:37.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/esd/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ input_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = input_esd.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir)
+ input_esd_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+ input_esd_la_SOURCES = input_esd.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/jack/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/jack/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/jack/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:37.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/jack/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
+ input_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = input_jack.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ input_jack_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
+ input_jack_la_SOURCES = input_jack.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/mplayer/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/mplayer/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/input/mplayer/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:38.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/input/mplayer/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
+ input_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = input_mplayer.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ input_mplayer_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++input_mplayer_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ input_mplayer_la_SOURCES = input_mplayer.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/alphablend/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/alphablend/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/alphablend/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:38.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/alphablend/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ morph_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = morph_alphablend.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ morph_alphablend_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++morph_alphablend_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ morph_alphablend_la_SOURCES = morph_alphablend.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/flash/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/flash/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/flash/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:39.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/flash/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ morph_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = morph_flash.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ morph_flash_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++morph_flash_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ morph_flash_la_SOURCES = morph_flash.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/slide/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/slide/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/slide/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:39.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/slide/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ morph_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = morph_slide.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ morph_slide_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++morph_slide_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ morph_slide_la_SOURCES = morph_slide.c
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/tentacle/Makefile.am libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/tentacle/Makefile.am
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/plugins/morph/tentacle/Makefile.am	2006-02-23 20:03:39.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/plugins/morph/tentacle/Makefile.am	2007-07-04 18:19:43.000000000 +1000
+@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
+ morph_plugin_LTLIBRARIES = morph_tentacle.la
+ INCLUDES = $(all_includes) -I$(top_srcdir) 
+ morph_tentacle_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version 
++morph_tentacle_la_LIBADD = $(LIBVISUAL_LIBS)
+ morph_tentacle_la_SOURCES = morph_tentacle.c

Added: 04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch
--- 04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/configure.ac libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/configure.ac
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/configure.ac	2006-03-17 03:50:41.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/configure.ac	2007-07-04 18:22:38.000000000 +1000
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
+   [ENABLE_ANALYZER=$enableval],
+-if test "$ENABLE_ANALYZER" = xyes; then
++if test "$ENABLE_ANALYZER" = "yes"; then
+   build_actor_plugins="$build_actor_plugins lv_analyzer"
+ fi

Added: 050_all_automagic.patch
--- 050_all_automagic.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 050_all_automagic.patch	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+--- configure.ac.old	2007-02-24 23:09:08.000000000 +0100
++++ configure.ac	2007-02-24 23:13:15.000000000 +0100
+@@ -89,7 +89,18 @@
+ dnl Libraries
++dnl List of plugins to build
+ dnl EsounD
++AC_ARG_ENABLE([esd], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-esd],
++	[Do not build esound input plugin @<:@default=enabled@:>@]),
++	[ENABLE_INPUT_ESD=$enableval],
++if test "$ENABLE_INPUT_ESD" = "yes"; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBESD], [esound >= esound_required_version],
+   [HAVE_ESD="yes"], [HAVE_ESD="no"])
+@@ -98,8 +109,15 @@
+ else
+   AC_MSG_WARN([*** EsounD not found or too old. The EsounD input plugin won't be built])
+ fi
+ dnl JACK
++AC_ARG_ENABLE([jack], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-jack],
++	[Do not build jack input plugin @<:@default=enabled@:>@]),
++        [ENABLE_INPUT_JACK=$enableval],
++if test "$ENABLE_INPUT_JACK" = "yes"; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBJACK], [jack >= jack_required_version], [HAVE_JACK="yes"], [HAVE_JACK="no"])
+ if test "$HAVE_JACK" = "yes"; then
+   build_input_plugins="$build_input_plugins jack"
+@@ -107,11 +125,7 @@
+   AC_MSG_WARN([*** libjack is too old. You can download a newer version at
+              http://jackit.sf.net/. The jackit input plugin won't be built])
+ fi
+-dnl List of plugins to build
+ dnl GdkPixbuf
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE([gdkpixbuf-plugin],

Added: 05_fix_po.patch
--- 05_fix_po.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 05_fix_po.patch	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/po/Makefile.in.in libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/po/Makefile.in.in
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/po/Makefile.in.in	2006-03-21 05:48:28.000000000 +1100
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/po/Makefile.in.in	2007-07-09 21:50:13.000000000 +1000
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
++MKINSTALLDIRS = mkinstalldirs
+ mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(MKINSTALLDIRS)
+diff -Nur libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/po/mkinstalldirs libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/po/mkinstalldirs
+--- libvisual-plugins-0.4.0/po/mkinstalldirs	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
++++ libvisual-plugins-0.4.0.new/po/mkinstalldirs	2006-03-21 05:48:42.000000000 +1100
+@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++# mkinstalldirs --- make directory hierarchy
++# Author: Noah Friedman <friedman at prep.ai.mit.edu>
++# Created: 1993-05-16
++# Public domain
++Usage: mkinstalldirs [-h] [--help] [-m mode] dir ..."
++# process command line arguments
++while test $# -gt 0 ; do
++  case $1 in
++    -h | --help | --h*)         # -h for help
++      echo "$usage" 1>&2
++      exit 0
++      ;;
++    -m)                         # -m PERM arg
++      shift
++      test $# -eq 0 && { echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1; }
++      dirmode=$1
++      shift
++      ;;
++    --)                         # stop option processing
++      shift
++      break
++      ;;
++    -*)                         # unknown option
++      echo "$usage" 1>&2
++      exit 1
++      ;;
++    *)                          # first non-opt arg
++      break
++      ;;
++  esac
++for file
++  if test -d "$file"; then
++    shift
++  else
++    break
++  fi
++case $# in
++  0) exit 0 ;;
++case $dirmode in
++  '')
++    if mkdir -p -- . 2>/dev/null; then
++      echo "mkdir -p -- $*"
++      exec mkdir -p -- "$@"
++    fi
++    ;;
++  *)
++    if mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p -- . 2>/dev/null; then
++      echo "mkdir -m $dirmode -p -- $*"
++      exec mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p -- "$@"
++    fi
++    ;;
++for file
++  set fnord `echo ":$file" | sed -ne 's/^:\//#/;s/^://;s/\// /g;s/^#/\//;p'`
++  shift
++  pathcomp=
++  for d
++  do
++    pathcomp="$pathcomp$d"
++    case $pathcomp in
++      -*) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;;
++    esac
++    if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then
++      echo "mkdir $pathcomp"
++      mkdir "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$?
++      if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then
++  	errstatus=$lasterr
++      else
++  	if test ! -z "$dirmode"; then
++	  echo "chmod $dirmode $pathcomp"
++    	  lasterr=""
++  	  chmod "$dirmode" "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$?
++  	  if test ! -z "$lasterr"; then
++  	    errstatus=$lasterr
++  	  fi
++  	fi
++      fi
++    fi
++    pathcomp="$pathcomp/"
++  done
++exit $errstatus
++# Local Variables:
++# mode: shell-script
++# sh-indentation: 2
++# End:
++# mkinstalldirs ends here

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2011-08-10 09:44:36 UTC (rev 135106)
+++ PKGBUILD	2011-08-10 10:33:28 UTC (rev 135107)
@@ -3,20 +3,42 @@
 pkgdesc="plugins for libvisual"
 arch=("i686" "x86_64")
-depends=('libvisual>=0.4.0' 'gtk2>=2.18.6' 'mesa>=7.7' 'alsa-lib' 'esound' 'jack')
+depends=('libvisual' 'gtk2' 'mesa' 'alsa-lib' 'jack')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'namcap')
+        02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch
+        03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch
+        04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch
+        05_fix_po.patch
+        050_all_automagic.patch)
+         'f9cfb607bfcbfef60830fae4e7dc6963'
+         '116701408747dbb87dc134434478ebe2'
+         '01678a8f1584c76a44e59d81003a1109'
+         '6189b7427c4e11c8b8d6c6266d6a1629'
+         'b50ae94c424a5f0af235deffa8451eb6')
 build() {
   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr  --enable-alsa --disable-gstreamer-plugin || return 1
-  make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/02_64-bit_JESS_fix.patch"
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/03_build_against_gl_fixes.patch"
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/04_lv_analyzer_build_fix.patch"
+  patch -Np0 -i "${srcdir}/050_all_automagic.patch"
+  autoreconf -fi
+  # Apply later as autoreconf overwrites po/Makefile.in.in
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/05_fix_po.patch"
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+      --disable-gstreamer-plugin \
+      --disable-gforce \
+      --disable-esd
+  make
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

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