[arch-commits] Commit in avahi/repos/testing-i686 (8 files)

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sun Aug 21 03:38:24 UTC 2011

    Date: Saturday, August 20, 2011 @ 23:38:24
  Author: allan
Revision: 135977

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-i686

    (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/gnome-nettool.png)
    (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/install)
    (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/rc.d.patch)

 PKGBUILD   |  150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 install    |   42 ++++++++--------
 rc.d.patch |   22 ++++----
 3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2011-08-21 03:36:17 UTC (rev 135976)
+++ PKGBUILD	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade <douglas at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: Gaetan Bisson <bisson at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc='A multicast/unicast DNS-SD framework'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('expat' 'libdaemon' 'glib2' 'dbus' 'libcap' 'gdbm')
-optdepends=('gtk3: avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc'
-            'gtk2: gtk2 bindings'
-            'qt3: qt3 bindings'
-            'qt: qt bindings'
-            'pygtk: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover'
-            'twisted: avahi-bookmarks'
-            'mono: mono bindings'
-            'dbus-python: avahi-discover'
-            'nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS')
-makedepends=('qt' 'qt3' 'pygtk' 'mono' 'intltool' 'dbus-python'
-             'gtk-sharp-2' 'gobject-introspection' 'gtk3')
-backup=(etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf etc/avahi/services/{sftp-,}ssh.service)
-conflicts=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
-provides=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
-replaces=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
-        'gnome-nettool.png'
-        'rc.d.patch')
-          'cf56387c88aed246b9f435efc182ef44de4d52f3'
-          '625ad7c131c0c1c383caeddef18fc7a32d8f3ab9')
-build() {
-	cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-	sed -i 's/netdev/network/g' avahi-daemon/avahi-dbus.conf
-	patch -p1 -i "../rc.d.patch"
-	# pygtk requires python2; make it explicit in case other python are installed: FS#21865
-	PYTHON=python2 \
-	PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig \
-		./configure \
-		--prefix=/usr \
-		--sysconfdir=/etc \
-		--localstatedir=/var \
-		--disable-static \
-		--disable-monodoc \
-		--disable-doxygen-doc \
-		--disable-xmltoman \
-		--enable-compat-libdns_sd \
-		--enable-compat-howl \
-		--with-distro=archlinux \
-		--with-avahi-priv-access-group=network \
-		--with-autoipd-user=avahi \
-		--with-autoipd-group=avahi \
-		--with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system # See FS#20999
-	make
-package() {
-	cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-	make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-	install -D -m 644 ../gnome-nettool.png "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-nettool.png
-	cd "${pkgdir}"
-	sed -i '1c #!/usr/bin/python2' usr/bin/avahi-{bookmarks,discover}
-	# howl and mdnsresponder compatability
-	(cd usr/include; ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h dns_sd.h; ln -s avahi-compat-howl howl)
-	(cd usr/lib/pkgconfig; ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc howl.pc)

Copied: avahi/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# $Id$
+# Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade <douglas at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Gaetan Bisson <bisson at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc='A multicast/unicast DNS-SD framework'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('expat' 'libdaemon' 'glib2' 'dbus' 'libcap' 'gdbm')
+optdepends=('gtk3: avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc'
+            'gtk2: gtk2 bindings'
+            'qt3: qt3 bindings'
+            'qt: qt bindings'
+            'pygtk: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover'
+            'twisted: avahi-bookmarks'
+            'mono: mono bindings'
+            'dbus-python: avahi-discover'
+            'nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS')
+makedepends=('qt' 'qt3' 'pygtk' 'mono' 'intltool' 'dbus-python'
+             'gtk-sharp-2' 'gobject-introspection' 'gtk3')
+backup=(etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf etc/avahi/services/{sftp-,}ssh.service)
+conflicts=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
+provides=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
+replaces=('howl' 'mdnsresponder')
+        'gnome-nettool.png'
+        'rc.d.patch')
+          'cf56387c88aed246b9f435efc182ef44de4d52f3'
+          '625ad7c131c0c1c383caeddef18fc7a32d8f3ab9')
+build() {
+	cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+	sed -i 's/netdev/network/g' avahi-daemon/avahi-dbus.conf
+	patch -p1 -i "../rc.d.patch"
+	# pygtk requires python2; make it explicit in case other python are installed: FS#21865
+	PYTHON=python2 \
+	PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig \
+		./configure \
+		--prefix=/usr \
+		--sysconfdir=/etc \
+		--localstatedir=/var \
+		--disable-static \
+		--disable-monodoc \
+		--disable-doxygen-doc \
+		--disable-xmltoman \
+		--enable-compat-libdns_sd \
+		--enable-compat-howl \
+		--with-distro=archlinux \
+		--with-avahi-priv-access-group=network \
+		--with-autoipd-user=avahi \
+		--with-autoipd-group=avahi \
+		--with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system # See FS#20999
+	make
+package() {
+	cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+	make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+	install -D -m 644 ../gnome-nettool.png "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-nettool.png
+	cd "${pkgdir}"
+	sed -i '1c #!/usr/bin/python2' usr/bin/avahi-{bookmarks,discover}
+	# howl and mdnsresponder compatability
+	(cd usr/include; ln -s avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h dns_sd.h; ln -s avahi-compat-howl howl)
+	(cd usr/lib/pkgconfig; ln -s avahi-compat-howl.pc howl.pc)

Deleted: gnome-nettool.png
(Binary files differ)

Copied: avahi/repos/testing-i686/gnome-nettool.png (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/gnome-nettool.png)
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: install
--- install	2011-08-21 03:36:17 UTC (rev 135976)
+++ install	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-  getent group avahi &>/dev/null || groupadd -r -g 84 avahi >/dev/null
-  getent passwd avahi &>/dev/null || useradd -r -u 84 -g avahi -d / -s /bin/false -c avahi avahi >/dev/null
-  cat <<EOF
-==> The following daemons may be added to DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf:
-==> avahi-daemon: the mdns responder, you probably want this.
-==>               dbus needs to be running when you start it.
-==> avahi-dnsconfd: daemon used for peer-to-peer automatic dns
-==>                 configuration on dhcp-less networks.
-==> To use some of the client applications you will have to install python.
-==> In addition, pygtk is required for the graphical ones and
-==> twisted for avahi-bookmarks.
-post_remove() {
-  getent passwd avahi &>/dev/null && userdel avahi >/dev/null
-  getent group avahi &>/dev/null && groupdel avahi >/dev/null

Copied: avahi/repos/testing-i686/install (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/install)
--- install	                        (rev 0)
+++ install	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+post_install() {
+  getent group avahi &>/dev/null || groupadd -r -g 84 avahi >/dev/null
+  getent passwd avahi &>/dev/null || useradd -r -u 84 -g avahi -d / -s /bin/false -c avahi avahi >/dev/null
+  cat <<EOF
+==> The following daemons may be added to DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf:
+==> avahi-daemon: the mdns responder, you probably want this.
+==>               dbus needs to be running when you start it.
+==> avahi-dnsconfd: daemon used for peer-to-peer automatic dns
+==>                 configuration on dhcp-less networks.
+==> To use some of the client applications you will have to install python.
+==> In addition, pygtk is required for the graphical ones and
+==> twisted for avahi-bookmarks.
+post_remove() {
+  getent passwd avahi &>/dev/null && userdel avahi >/dev/null
+  getent group avahi &>/dev/null && groupdel avahi >/dev/null

Deleted: rc.d.patch
--- rc.d.patch	2011-08-21 03:36:17 UTC (rev 135976)
+++ rc.d.patch	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -aur old/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in new/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in
---- old/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in	2011-06-24 03:07:00.916170590 +0200
-+++ new/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in	2011-06-24 03:16:32.220596377 +0200
-@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
- case "$1" in
-     start)
-+        ck_daemon dbus && { echo -n "Start dbus first." >&2; stat_die; }
-         stat_busy "Starting $DESC"
-         $DAEMON -D > /dev/null 2>&1
-         if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then

Copied: avahi/repos/testing-i686/rc.d.patch (from rev 135976, avahi/trunk/rc.d.patch)
--- rc.d.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ rc.d.patch	2011-08-21 03:38:24 UTC (rev 135977)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -aur old/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in new/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in
+--- old/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in	2011-06-24 03:07:00.916170590 +0200
++++ new/initscript/archlinux/avahi-daemon.in	2011-06-24 03:16:32.220596377 +0200
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ case "$1" in
+     start)
++        ck_daemon dbus && { echo -n "Start dbus first." >&2; stat_die; }
+         stat_busy "Starting $DESC"
+         $DAEMON -D > /dev/null 2>&1
+         if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then

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