[arch-commits] Commit in kdelibs/trunk (3 files)
Andrea Scarpino
andrea at archlinux.org
Sun Mar 27 13:27:39 UTC 2011
Date: Sunday, March 27, 2011 @ 09:27:39
Author: andrea
Revision: 117004
CVE-2011-1168; fix empty dolphin /home/andrea
CVE-2011-1168.patch | 14 +
fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch | 389 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Added: CVE-2011-1168.patch
--- CVE-2011-1168.patch (rev 0)
+++ CVE-2011-1168.patch 2011-03-27 13:27:39 UTC (rev 117004)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- a/khtml/khtml_part.cpp
++++ b/khtml/khtml_part.cpp
+@@ -1804,7 +1804,10 @@ void KHTMLPart::htmlError( int errorCode
+ stream >> errorName >> techName >> description >> causes >> solutions;
+ QString url, protocol, datetime;
+- url = Qt::escape( reqUrl.prettyUrl() );
++ // This is somewhat confusing, but we have to escape the externally-
++ // controlled URL twice: once for i18n, and once for HTML.
++ url = Qt::escape( Qt::escape( reqUrl.prettyUrl() ) );
+ protocol = reqUrl.protocol();
+ datetime = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),
+ KLocale::LongDate );
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2011-03-27 13:06:05 UTC (rev 117003)
+++ PKGBUILD 2011-03-27 13:27:39 UTC (rev 117004)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
pkgdesc="KDE Core Libraries"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
replaces=('arts' 'kdelibs-experimental')
- 'kde-applications-menu.patch' 'archlinux-menu.patch' 'abs-syntax-highlight.patch')
+ 'kde-applications-menu.patch' 'archlinux-menu.patch' 'abs-syntax-highlight.patch'
+ 'CVE-2011-1168.patch'
+ 'fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch')
- 'd994f262356af5b9e4e9619646e471bd98c91efb')
+ 'd994f262356af5b9e4e9619646e471bd98c91efb'
+ '730534a337c88ef2a7c716f5d118f445d06898e7'
+ 'aaec293322f1483990ad8edbb1ec1a6dd69cf3ee')
build() {
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
@@ -35,6 +39,10 @@
# add syntax highlightning for PKGBUILD and .install files
patch -p1 -i $srcdir/abs-syntax-highlight.patch
+ # Already fixed upstream
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/CVE-2011-1168.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch
cd ${srcdir}
mkdir build
cd build
Added: fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch
--- fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch (rev 0)
+++ fix-empty-dolphin-home.patch 2011-03-27 13:27:39 UTC (rev 117004)
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+commit 51707e7154082b549216b8a8ecde73505302fadc
+Author: David Faure <faure at kde.org>
+Date: Tue Mar 8 11:23:47 2011 +0100
+ Fix stop() killing the list job even if another dirlister needs it.
+ Regression introduced by me in bef0bd3e3ff.
+ Symptom: "dolphin $HOME" showed up empty.
+ In the case of concurrent listings, I made the use of the cached items job
+ conditional (only created if there's anything to emit) so that we can join
+ the current listjob without killing it (updateDirectory) if it hasn't emitted
+ anything yet.
+ The unittest also uncovered inconsistencies in the emission of the cancelled
+ signal, now cacheditemsjob behaves like the listjob in this respect.
+ FIXED-IN: 4.6.2
+ BUG: 267709
+diff --git a/kio/kio/kdirlister.cpp b/kio/kio/kdirlister.cpp
+index 75360e08f..df81dc8 100644
+--- a/kio/kio/kdirlister.cpp
++++ b/kio/kio/kdirlister.cpp
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ bool KDirListerCache::listDir( KDirLister *lister, const KUrl& _u,
+ // List items from the cache in a delayed manner, just like things would happen
+ // if we were not using the cache.
+- new KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob(lister, itemU->lstItems, itemU->rootItem, _url, _reload);
++ new KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob(lister, _url, _reload);
+ } else {
+ // dir not in cache or _reload is true
+@@ -260,8 +260,13 @@ bool KDirListerCache::listDir( KDirLister *lister, const KUrl& _u,
+ // List existing items in a delayed manner, just like things would happen
+ // if we were not using the cache.
+- //kDebug() << "Listing" << itemU->lstItems.count() << "cached items soon";
+- new KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob(lister, itemU->lstItems, itemU->rootItem, _url, _reload);
++ if (!itemU->lstItems.isEmpty()) {
++ kDebug() << "Listing" << itemU->lstItems.count() << "cached items soon";
++ new KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob(lister, _url, _reload);
++ } else {
++ // The other lister hasn't emitted anything yet. Good, we'll just listen to it.
++ // One problem could be if we have _reload=true and the existing job doesn't, though.
++ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE
+ printDebug();
+@@ -280,11 +285,9 @@ KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* KDirLister::Private::cachedItemsJobForUrl(c
+ return 0;
+ }
+-KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob::CachedItemsJob(KDirLister* lister, const KFileItemList& items,
+- const KFileItem& rootItem, const KUrl& url, bool reload)
++KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob::CachedItemsJob(KDirLister* lister, const KUrl& url, bool reload)
+ : KJob(lister),
+ m_lister(lister), m_url(url),
+- m_items(items), m_rootItem(rootItem),
+ m_reload(reload), m_emitCompleted(true)
+ {
+ //kDebug() << "Creating CachedItemsJob" << this << "for lister" << lister << url;
+@@ -301,40 +304,70 @@ void KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob::done()
+ {
+ if (!m_lister) // job was already killed, but waiting deletion due to deleteLater
+ return;
+- kDirListerCache->emitItemsFromCache(this, m_lister, m_items, m_rootItem, m_url, m_reload, m_emitCompleted);
++ kDirListerCache->emitItemsFromCache(this, m_lister, m_url, m_reload, m_emitCompleted);
+ emitResult();
+ }
+ bool KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob::doKill()
+ {
+- //kDebug() << this;
+- kDirListerCache->emitItemsFromCache(this, m_lister, KFileItemList(), KFileItem(), m_url, false, false);
++ //kDebug(7004) << this;
++ kDirListerCache->forgetCachedItemsJob(this, m_lister, m_url);
++ if (!property("_kdlc_silent").toBool()) {
++ emit m_lister->canceled(m_url);
++ emit m_lister->canceled();
++ }
+ m_lister = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+-void KDirListerCache::emitItemsFromCache(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* cachedItemsJob, KDirLister* lister, const KFileItemList& items, const KFileItem& rootItem, const KUrl& _url, bool _reload, bool _emitCompleted)
++void KDirListerCache::emitItemsFromCache(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* cachedItemsJob, KDirLister* lister, const KUrl& _url, bool _reload, bool _emitCompleted)
+ {
+ const QString urlStr = _url.url();
+- DirItem *itemU = kDirListerCache->itemsInUse.value(urlStr);
+- Q_ASSERT(itemU); // hey we're listing that dir, so this can't be 0, right?
+ KDirLister::Private* kdl = lister->d;
+ kdl->complete = false;
+- if (kdl->rootFileItem.isNull() && !rootItem.isNull() && kdl->url == _url) {
+- kdl->rootFileItem = rootItem;
++ DirItem *itemU = kDirListerCache->itemsInUse.value(urlStr);
++ if (!itemU) {
++ kWarning(7004) << "Can't find item for directory" << urlStr << "anymore";
++ } else {
++ const KFileItemList items = itemU->lstItems;
++ const KFileItem rootItem = itemU->rootItem;
++ _reload = _reload || !itemU->complete;
++ if (kdl->rootFileItem.isNull() && !rootItem.isNull() && kdl->url == _url) {
++ kdl->rootFileItem = rootItem;
++ }
++ if (!items.isEmpty()) {
++ //kDebug(7004) << "emitting" << items.count() << "for lister" << lister;
++ kdl->addNewItems(_url, items);
++ kdl->emitItems();
++ }
+ }
+- if (!items.isEmpty()) {
+- //kDebug(7004) << "emitting" << items.count() << "for lister" << lister;
+- kdl->addNewItems(_url, items);
+- kdl->emitItems();
++ forgetCachedItemsJob(cachedItemsJob, lister, _url);
++ // Emit completed, unless we were told not to,
++ // or if listDir() was called while another directory listing for this dir was happening,
++ // so we "joined" it. We detect that using jobForUrl to ensure it's a real ListJob,
++ // not just a lister-specific CachedItemsJob (which wouldn't emit completed for us).
++ if (_emitCompleted) {
++ kdl->complete = true;
++ emit lister->completed( _url );
++ emit lister->completed();
++ if ( _reload ) {
++ updateDirectory( _url );
++ }
+ }
++void KDirListerCache::forgetCachedItemsJob(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* cachedItemsJob, KDirLister* lister, const KUrl& _url)
+ // Modifications to data structures only below this point;
+ // so that addNewItems is called with a consistent state
++ const QString urlStr = _url.url();
+ lister->d->m_cachedItemsJobs.removeAll(cachedItemsJob);
+ KDirListerCacheDirectoryData& dirData = directoryData[urlStr];
+@@ -343,27 +376,12 @@ void KDirListerCache::emitItemsFromCache(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* ca
+ KIO::ListJob *listJob = jobForUrl(urlStr);
+ if (!listJob) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!dirData.listersCurrentlyHolding.contains(lister));
+- kDebug(7004) << "Moving from listing to holding, because no more job" << lister << urlStr;
++ //kDebug(7004) << "Moving from listing to holding, because no more job" << lister << urlStr;
+ dirData.listersCurrentlyHolding.append( lister );
+ dirData.listersCurrentlyListing.removeAll( lister );
+ } else {
+ //kDebug(7004) << "Still having a listjob" << listJob << ", so not moving to currently-holding.";
+ }
+- // Emit completed, unless we were told not to,
+- // or if listDir() was called while another directory listing for this dir was happening,
+- // so we "joined" it. We detect that using jobForUrl to ensure it's a real ListJob,
+- // not just a lister-specific CachedItemsJob (which wouldn't emit completed for us).
+- if (_emitCompleted) {
+- kdl->complete = true;
+- emit lister->completed( _url );
+- emit lister->completed();
+- if ( _reload || !itemU->complete ) {
+- updateDirectory( _url );
+- }
+- }
+ }
+ bool KDirListerCache::validUrl( const KDirLister *lister, const KUrl& url ) const
+@@ -396,19 +414,13 @@ void KDirListerCache::stop( KDirLister *lister, bool silent )
+ #ifdef DEBUG_CACHE
+ //printDebug();
+ #endif
+- //kDebug(7004) << "lister: " << lister;
++ //kDebug(7004) << "lister:" << lister << "silent=" << silent;
+ const KUrl::List urls = lister->d->lstDirs;
+ Q_FOREACH(const KUrl& url, urls) {
+- //kDebug() << "Stopping any listjob for" << url.url();
+- stopListJob(url.url(), silent);
++ stopListingUrl(lister, url, silent);
+ }
+- Q_FOREACH(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* job, lister->d->m_cachedItemsJobs) {
+- //kDebug() << "Killing cached items job";
+- job->kill(); // removes job from list, too
+- }
+ #if 0 // test code
+ QHash<QString,KDirListerCacheDirectoryData>::iterator dirit = directoryData.begin();
+ const QHash<QString,KDirListerCacheDirectoryData>::iterator dirend = directoryData.end();
+@@ -416,6 +428,7 @@ void KDirListerCache::stop( KDirLister *lister, bool silent )
+ KDirListerCacheDirectoryData& dirData = dirit.value();
+ if (dirData.listersCurrentlyListing.contains(lister)) {
+ kDebug(7004) << "ERROR: found lister" << lister << "in list - for" << dirit.key();
++ Q_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -429,6 +442,9 @@ void KDirListerCache::stopListingUrl(KDirLister *lister, const KUrl& _u, bool si
+ KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* cachedItemsJob = lister->d->cachedItemsJobForUrl(url);
+ if (cachedItemsJob) {
++ if (silent) {
++ cachedItemsJob->setProperty("_kdlc_silent", true);
++ }
+ cachedItemsJob->kill(); // removes job from list, too
+ }
+@@ -440,9 +456,18 @@ void KDirListerCache::stopListingUrl(KDirLister *lister, const KUrl& _u, bool si
+ return;
+ KDirListerCacheDirectoryData& dirData = dirit.value();
+ if (dirData.listersCurrentlyListing.contains(lister)) {
+ //kDebug(7004) << " found lister" << lister << "in list - for" << urlStr;
+- stopListJob(urlStr, silent);
++ if (dirData.listersCurrentlyListing.count() == 1) {
++ // This was the only dirlister interested in the list job -> kill the job
++ stopListJob(urlStr, silent);
++ } else {
++ // Leave the job running for the other dirlisters, just unsubscribe us.
++ dirData.listersCurrentlyListing.removeAll(lister);
++ if (!silent) {
++ emit lister->canceled();
++ emit lister->canceled(url);
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -460,9 +485,10 @@ void KDirListerCache::stopListJob(const QString& url, bool silent)
+ KIO::ListJob *job = jobForUrl(url);
+ if (job) {
+- //kDebug() << "Killing list job" << job;
+- if (silent)
++ //kDebug() << "Killing list job" << job << "for" << url;
++ if (silent) {
+ job->setProperty("_kdlc_silent", true);
++ }
+ job->kill(KJob::EmitResult);
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/kio/kio/kdirlister_p.h b/kio/kio/kdirlister_p.h
+index 4464c16..dd4c00f 100644
+--- a/kio/kio/kdirlister_p.h
++++ b/kio/kio/kdirlister_p.h
+@@ -209,10 +209,12 @@ public:
+ KFileItem *findByUrl(const KDirLister *lister, const KUrl &url) const;
+ // Called by CachedItemsJob:
+- // Emits those items, for this lister and this url
++ // Emits the cached items, for this lister and this url
+ void emitItemsFromCache(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* job, KDirLister* lister,
+- const KFileItemList& lst, const KFileItem& rootItem,
+ const KUrl& _url, bool _reload, bool _emitCompleted);
++ // Called by CachedItemsJob:
++ void forgetCachedItemsJob(KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob* job, KDirLister* lister,
++ const KUrl& url);
+ public Q_SLOTS:
+ /**
+@@ -464,8 +466,7 @@ struct KDirListerCacheDirectoryData
+ class KDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob : public KJob {
+ public:
+- CachedItemsJob(KDirLister* lister, const KFileItemList& items, const KFileItem& rootItem,
+- const KUrl& url, bool reload);
++ CachedItemsJob(KDirLister* lister, const KUrl& url, bool reload);
+ /*reimp*/ void start() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "done", Qt::QueuedConnection); }
+@@ -483,8 +484,6 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
+ private:
+ KDirLister* m_lister;
+ KUrl m_url;
+- KFileItemList m_items;
+- KFileItem m_rootItem;
+ bool m_reload;
+ bool m_emitCompleted;
+ };
+diff --git a/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.cpp b/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.cpp
+index e543c1f..3047fdd 100644
+--- a/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.cpp
++++ b/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.cpp
+@@ -678,12 +678,83 @@ void KDirListerTest::testConcurrentHoldingListing()
+ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClear.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClearKUrl.count(), 0);
+ QVERIFY(dirLister2.isFinished());
+- disconnect(&dirLister2, 0, this, 0);
+ QVERIFY(m_dirLister.isFinished());
+ disconnect(&m_dirLister, 0, this, 0);
+ QCOMPARE(m_items.count(), origItemCount);
+ }
++void KDirListerTest::testConcurrentListingAndStop()
++ m_items.clear();
++ m_items2.clear();
++ MyDirLister dirLister2;
++ // Use a new tempdir for this test, so that we don't use the cache at all.
++ KTempDir tempDir;
++ const QString path = tempDir.name();
++ createTestFile(path+"file_1");
++ createTestFile(path+"file_2");
++ createTestFile(path+"file_3");
++ connect(&m_dirLister, SIGNAL(newItems(KFileItemList)), this, SLOT(slotNewItems(KFileItemList)));
++ connect(&dirLister2, SIGNAL(newItems(KFileItemList)), this, SLOT(slotNewItems2(KFileItemList)));
++ // Before m_dirLister has time to emit the items, let's make dirLister2 call stop().
++ // This should not stop the list job for m_dirLister (#267709).
++ dirLister2.openUrl(KUrl(path), KDirLister::Reload);
++ m_dirLister.openUrl(KUrl(path)/*, KDirLister::Reload*/);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyStarted.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCompleted.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCompletedKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCanceled.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCanceledKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClear.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClearKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_items.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyStarted.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCompleted.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCompletedKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCanceled.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCanceledKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyClear.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyClearKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_items2.count(), 0);
++ QVERIFY(!m_dirLister.isFinished());
++ QVERIFY(!dirLister2.isFinished());
++ dirLister2.stop();
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyStarted.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCompleted.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCompletedKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCanceled.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyCanceledKUrl.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyClear.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(dirLister2.spyClearKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_items2.count(), 0);
++ // then wait for completed
++ qDebug("waiting for completed");
++ connect(&m_dirLister, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(exitLoop()));
++ enterLoop();
++ QCOMPARE(m_items.count(), 3);
++ QCOMPARE(m_items2.count(), 0);
++ //QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyStarted.count(), 1); // 2 when in cache
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCompleted.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCompletedKUrl.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCanceled.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyCanceledKUrl.count(), 0);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClear.count(), 1);
++ QCOMPARE(m_dirLister.spyClearKUrl.count(), 0);
++ disconnect(&m_dirLister, 0, this, 0);
+ void KDirListerTest::testDeleteListerEarly()
+ {
+ // Do the same again, it should behave the same, even with the items in the cache
+diff --git a/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.h b/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.h
+index 531abd5..a781aca 100644
+--- a/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.h
++++ b/kio/tests/kdirlistertest.h
+@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
+ void testRenameAndOverwrite();
+ void testConcurrentListing();
+ void testConcurrentHoldingListing();
++ void testConcurrentListingAndStop();
+ void testDeleteListerEarly();
+ void testOpenUrlTwice();
+ void testOpenUrlTwiceWithKeep();
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