[arch-commits] Commit in vlc/repos (10 files)

Giovanni Scafora giovanni at archlinux.org
Wed Nov 23 11:58:47 UTC 2011

    Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 @ 06:58:47
  Author: giovanni
Revision: 143209

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-i686, extra-x86_64

    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch)
    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/vlc.install)
    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch)
    (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/vlc.install)

 extra-i686/PKGBUILD                                  |  152 ++++++++---------
 extra-i686/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch   |   33 +++
 extra-i686/vlc.install                               |   36 ++--
 extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD                                |  152 ++++++++---------
 extra-x86_64/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch |   33 +++
 extra-x86_64/vlc.install                             |   36 ++--
 6 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

Deleted: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:16 UTC (rev 143208)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
-# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
-pkgdesc="A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libcdio'
-         'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
-         'lua' 'v4l-utils' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
-         'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp'
-         'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
-         'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils' 'desktop-file-utils')
-makedepends=('avahi' 'pkgconfig' 'live-media' 'libnotify'
-             'flac' 'libtheora' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'kdelibs' 'udev'
-             'libraw1394' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libva' 'libpulse'
-             'lirc-utils' 'gnutls' 'libcaca')
-optdepends=('avahi: for service discovery using bonjour protocol'
-            'libnotify: for notification plugin'
-            'ncurses: for ncurses interface support'
-            'libdvdcss: for decoding encrypted DVDs'
-            'lirc-utils: for lirc plugin'
-            'libavc1394: for devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
-            'libdc1394: for IEEE 1394 plugin'
-            'kdelibs: KDE Solid hardware integration'
-            'libpulse: PulseAudio support'
-            'vdpau-video: vdpau back-end for nvidia'
-            'libva-driver-intel: back-end for intel cards')
-        'usr/share/vlc/http/dialogs/.hosts'
-        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts'
-        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/dialogs/.hosts')
-build() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/misc/freetype.c
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-              --disable-rpath \
-              --enable-faad \
-              --enable-v4l \
-              --enable-snapshot \
-              --enable-dbus-control \
-              --enable-nls \
-              --enable-lirc \
-              --enable-pvr \
-              --enable-ncurses \
-              --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live \
-              --enable-upnp \
-              --enable-realrtsp
-  make
-package() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
-  for res in 16 32 48 128; do
-    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${pkgver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
-        "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
-  done

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
+# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
+pkgdesc="A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libcdio'
+         'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
+         'lua' 'v4l-utils' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
+         'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp'
+         'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
+         'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils' 'desktop-file-utils')
+makedepends=('avahi' 'pkgconfig' 'live-media' 'libnotify'
+             'flac' 'libtheora' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'kdelibs' 'udev'
+             'libraw1394' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libva' 'libpulse'
+             'lirc-utils' 'gnutls' 'libcaca')
+optdepends=('avahi: for service discovery using bonjour protocol'
+            'libnotify: for notification plugin'
+            'ncurses: for ncurses interface support'
+            'libdvdcss: for decoding encrypted DVDs'
+            'lirc-utils: for lirc plugin'
+            'libavc1394: for devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
+            'libdc1394: for IEEE 1394 plugin'
+            'kdelibs: KDE Solid hardware integration'
+            'libpulse: PulseAudio support'
+            'vdpau-video: vdpau back-end for nvidia'
+            'libva-driver-intel: back-end for intel cards')
+        'usr/share/vlc/http/dialogs/.hosts'
+        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts'
+        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/dialogs/.hosts')
+        'bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch')
+         'bae24e02207364d76a1a118644de484e')
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/misc/freetype.c
+  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+              --disable-rpath \
+              --enable-faad \
+              --enable-v4l \
+              --enable-snapshot \
+              --enable-dbus-control \
+              --enable-nls \
+              --enable-lirc \
+              --enable-pvr \
+              --enable-ncurses \
+              --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live \
+              --enable-upnp \
+              --enable-realrtsp
+  make
+package() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
+  for res in 16 32 48 128; do
+    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${pkgver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
+        "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
+  done

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-i686/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch)
--- extra-i686/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 15a821886296a8efe5f8b9015b6e9c5ae5e3ae79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?R=C3=A9mi=20Denis-Courmont?= <remi at remlab.net>
+Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:19:21 +0300
+Subject: Set channel map when using PulseAudio 1.0
+(cherry picked from commit ca2cb5f01340252a85ad5bed877e84407f092b21)
+ modules/audio_output/pulse.c |    2 ++
+ 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modules/audio_output/pulse.c b/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
+index d67dc31..18ee280 100644
+--- a/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
++++ b/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
+@@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ static int Open(vlc_object_t *obj)
+         formatv[formatc]->encoding = encoding;
+         pa_format_info_set_rate(formatv[formatc], ss.rate);
+         pa_format_info_set_channels(formatv[formatc], ss.channels);
++        pa_format_info_set_channel_map(formatv[formatc], &map);
+         formatc++;
+     }
+@@ -649,6 +650,7 @@ static int Open(vlc_object_t *obj)
+     pa_format_info_set_sample_format(formatv[formatc], ss.format);
+     pa_format_info_set_rate(formatv[formatc], ss.rate);
+     pa_format_info_set_channels(formatv[formatc], ss.channels);
++    pa_format_info_set_channel_map(formatv[formatc], &map);
+     formatc++;
+     /* Create a playback stream */

Deleted: extra-i686/vlc.install
--- extra-i686/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:16 UTC (rev 143208)
+++ extra-i686/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
-    usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen -f /usr/lib/vlc/plugins
-    update-desktop-database -q
-post_upgrade() {
-    post_install
-pre_remove() {
-    rm -f usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-*.dat
-post_remove() {
-    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
-    update-desktop-database -q

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-i686/vlc.install (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/vlc.install)
--- extra-i686/vlc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+post_install() {
+    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen -f /usr/lib/vlc/plugins
+    update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+    post_install
+pre_remove() {
+    rm -f usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-*.dat
+post_remove() {
+    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q

Deleted: extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:16 UTC (rev 143208)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
-# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
-pkgdesc="A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libcdio'
-         'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
-         'lua' 'v4l-utils' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
-         'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp'
-         'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
-         'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils' 'desktop-file-utils')
-makedepends=('avahi' 'pkgconfig' 'live-media' 'libnotify'
-             'flac' 'libtheora' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'kdelibs' 'udev'
-             'libraw1394' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libva' 'libpulse'
-             'lirc-utils' 'gnutls' 'libcaca')
-optdepends=('avahi: for service discovery using bonjour protocol'
-            'libnotify: for notification plugin'
-            'ncurses: for ncurses interface support'
-            'libdvdcss: for decoding encrypted DVDs'
-            'lirc-utils: for lirc plugin'
-            'libavc1394: for devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
-            'libdc1394: for IEEE 1394 plugin'
-            'kdelibs: KDE Solid hardware integration'
-            'libpulse: PulseAudio support'
-            'vdpau-video: vdpau back-end for nvidia'
-            'libva-driver-intel: back-end for intel cards')
-        'usr/share/vlc/http/dialogs/.hosts'
-        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts'
-        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/dialogs/.hosts')
-build() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/misc/freetype.c
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-              --disable-rpath \
-              --enable-faad \
-              --enable-v4l \
-              --enable-snapshot \
-              --enable-dbus-control \
-              --enable-nls \
-              --enable-lirc \
-              --enable-pvr \
-              --enable-ncurses \
-              --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live \
-              --enable-upnp \
-              --enable-realrtsp
-  make
-package() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
-  for res in 16 32 48 128; do
-    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${pkgver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
-        "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
-  done

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
+# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
+pkgdesc="A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('a52dec' 'fluidsynth' 'libmtp' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libcdio'
+         'libdca' 'qt' 'libproxy' 'sdl_image' 'libdvdnav' 'mesa'
+         'lua' 'v4l-utils' 'libcddb' 'smbclient' 'libmatroska' 'zvbi'
+         'taglib' 'sysfsutils' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp'
+         'libshout' 'libmad' 'fribidi' 'libmpeg2' 'libmodplug'
+         'ttf-freefont' 'libxv' 'libass' 'xdg-utils' 'desktop-file-utils')
+makedepends=('avahi' 'pkgconfig' 'live-media' 'libnotify'
+             'flac' 'libtheora' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'kdelibs' 'udev'
+             'libraw1394' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libva' 'libpulse'
+             'lirc-utils' 'gnutls' 'libcaca')
+optdepends=('avahi: for service discovery using bonjour protocol'
+            'libnotify: for notification plugin'
+            'ncurses: for ncurses interface support'
+            'libdvdcss: for decoding encrypted DVDs'
+            'lirc-utils: for lirc plugin'
+            'libavc1394: for devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
+            'libdc1394: for IEEE 1394 plugin'
+            'kdelibs: KDE Solid hardware integration'
+            'libpulse: PulseAudio support'
+            'vdpau-video: vdpau back-end for nvidia'
+            'libva-driver-intel: back-end for intel cards')
+        'usr/share/vlc/http/dialogs/.hosts'
+        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts'
+        'usr/share/vlc/lua/http/dialogs/.hosts')
+        'bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch')
+         'bae24e02207364d76a1a118644de484e')
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/misc/freetype.c
+  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+              --disable-rpath \
+              --enable-faad \
+              --enable-v4l \
+              --enable-snapshot \
+              --enable-dbus-control \
+              --enable-nls \
+              --enable-lirc \
+              --enable-pvr \
+              --enable-ncurses \
+              --with-live555-tree=/usr/lib/live \
+              --enable-upnp \
+              --enable-realrtsp
+  make
+package() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
+  for res in 16 32 48 128; do
+    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${pkgver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
+        "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
+  done

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/bp-set-channel-map-pulseaudio-1.0.patch	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 15a821886296a8efe5f8b9015b6e9c5ae5e3ae79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?R=C3=A9mi=20Denis-Courmont?= <remi at remlab.net>
+Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:19:21 +0300
+Subject: Set channel map when using PulseAudio 1.0
+(cherry picked from commit ca2cb5f01340252a85ad5bed877e84407f092b21)
+ modules/audio_output/pulse.c |    2 ++
+ 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modules/audio_output/pulse.c b/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
+index d67dc31..18ee280 100644
+--- a/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
++++ b/modules/audio_output/pulse.c
+@@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ static int Open(vlc_object_t *obj)
+         formatv[formatc]->encoding = encoding;
+         pa_format_info_set_rate(formatv[formatc], ss.rate);
+         pa_format_info_set_channels(formatv[formatc], ss.channels);
++        pa_format_info_set_channel_map(formatv[formatc], &map);
+         formatc++;
+     }
+@@ -649,6 +650,7 @@ static int Open(vlc_object_t *obj)
+     pa_format_info_set_sample_format(formatv[formatc], ss.format);
+     pa_format_info_set_rate(formatv[formatc], ss.rate);
+     pa_format_info_set_channels(formatv[formatc], ss.channels);
++    pa_format_info_set_channel_map(formatv[formatc], &map);
+     formatc++;
+     /* Create a playback stream */

Deleted: extra-x86_64/vlc.install
--- extra-x86_64/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:16 UTC (rev 143208)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
-    usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen -f /usr/lib/vlc/plugins
-    update-desktop-database -q
-post_upgrade() {
-    post_install
-pre_remove() {
-    rm -f usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-*.dat
-post_remove() {
-    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
-    update-desktop-database -q

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/vlc.install (from rev 143208, vlc/trunk/vlc.install)
--- extra-x86_64/vlc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc.install	2011-11-23 11:58:47 UTC (rev 143209)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+post_install() {
+    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen -f /usr/lib/vlc/plugins
+    update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+    post_install
+pre_remove() {
+    rm -f usr/lib/vlc/plugins/plugins-*.dat
+post_remove() {
+    xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q

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