[arch-commits] Commit in qemu/repos (7 files)
Ionut Biru
ibiru at archlinux.org
Sun Feb 5 11:54:39 UTC 2012
Date: Sunday, February 5, 2012 @ 06:54:38
Author: ibiru
Revision: 148895
db-move: moved qemu from [testing] to [extra] (i686)
(from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/65-kvm.rules)
(from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/qemu.install)
65-kvm.rules | 2 -
PKGBUILD | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
qemu.install | 48 ++++++++++++------------
3 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
Deleted: extra-i686/65-kvm.rules
--- extra-i686/65-kvm.rules 2012-02-05 11:54:35 UTC (rev 148894)
+++ extra-i686/65-kvm.rules 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660"
Copied: qemu/repos/extra-i686/65-kvm.rules (from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/65-kvm.rules)
--- extra-i686/65-kvm.rules (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/65-kvm.rules 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660"
Deleted: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2012-02-05 11:54:35 UTC (rev 148894)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="A generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation."
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1')
-makedepends=('iasl' 'git' 'texi2html' 'perl' 'python2')
-depends=('libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2' 'gnutls>=2.4.1' 'bluez' 'vde2' 'util-linux-ng' 'curl' 'libsasl' 'libgl' 'libpulse')
- 65-kvm.rules)
- cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- sed -i -e 's/lib64/lib/g' x86_64.ld
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --audio-drv-list=oss,alsa,sdl,pa \
- --python=/usr/bin/python2 \
- --audio-card-list=ac97,sb16,es1370,hda \
- --enable-docs
- make
- # Use latest seabios version
- # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27616
- cd ${srcdir}/
- git clone git://git.seabios.org/seabios.git
- cd seabios
- find 'tools/' 'contrib' -type f | xargs sed -i 's@^#!.*python$@#!/usr/bin/python2@'
- make clean
- make
-package() {
- cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
- # Use latest seabios version
- # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27616
- cp ${srcdir}/seabios/out/bios.bin ${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios.bin
- install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/65-kvm.rules \
- ${pkgdir}/lib/udev/rules.d/65-kvm.rules
- # strip scripts directory
- find ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
- case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
- *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
- /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_BINARIES "$binary";;
- esac
- done
- 'b316a066d2f1bb57d8f5b7ea1d0d1caf')
Copied: qemu/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="A generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation."
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1')
+makedepends=('iasl' 'git' 'texi2html' 'perl' 'python2')
+depends=('libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2' 'gnutls>=2.4.1' 'bluez' 'vde2' 'util-linux-ng' 'curl' 'libsasl' 'libgl' 'libpulse')
+ 65-kvm.rules)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ sed -i -e 's/lib64/lib/g' x86_64.ld
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --audio-drv-list=oss,alsa,sdl,pa \
+ --python=/usr/bin/python2 \
+ --audio-card-list=ac97,sb16,es1370,hda \
+ --enable-docs
+ make
+ # Use latest seabios version
+ # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27616
+ cd "${srcdir}/"
+ git clone git://git.seabios.org/seabios.git
+ cd seabios
+ find 'tools/' 'contrib' -type f | xargs sed -i 's@^#!.*python$@#!/usr/bin/python2@'
+ make clean
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ # Use latest seabios version
+ # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27616
+ cp "${srcdir}/seabios/out/bios.bin" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios.bin"
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/65-kvm.rules" \
+ "${pkgdir}/lib/udev/rules.d/65-kvm.rules"
+ # strip scripts directory
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
+ case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
+ *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
+ /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_BINARIES "$binary";;
+ esac
+ done
+ 'b316a066d2f1bb57d8f5b7ea1d0d1caf')
Deleted: extra-i686/qemu.install
--- extra-i686/qemu.install 2012-02-05 11:54:35 UTC (rev 148894)
+++ extra-i686/qemu.install 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# kvm: the new package version
-post_install() {
- #
- groupadd kvm -f -g 78
- echo ">>> Load the correct KVM module, you will need a KVM capable CPU!"
- echo ">>> Add yourself to the group 'kvm'."
- echo ">>> Use 'qemu -enable-kvm' to use KVM."
- echo ""
- if [ "$(vercmp $2 0.11)" -lt 0 ]; then
- echo "With the release of qemu and qemu-kvm 0.12.X, the kqemu kernel module"
- echo "is no longer supported and will be removed from the repositories. You"
- echo "can safely uninstall it from your system."
- fi
-post_upgrade() {
- post_install $1
-post_remove() {
- #
- groupdel kvm
Copied: qemu/repos/extra-i686/qemu.install (from rev 148654, qemu/repos/testing-i686/qemu.install)
--- extra-i686/qemu.install (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/qemu.install 2012-02-05 11:54:38 UTC (rev 148895)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# kvm: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ #
+ groupadd kvm -f -g 78
+ echo ">>> Load the correct KVM module, you will need a KVM capable CPU!"
+ echo ">>> Add yourself to the group 'kvm'."
+ echo ">>> Use 'qemu -enable-kvm' to use KVM."
+ echo ""
+ if [ "$(vercmp $2 0.11)" -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "With the release of qemu and qemu-kvm 0.12.X, the kqemu kernel module"
+ echo "is no longer supported and will be removed from the repositories. You"
+ echo "can safely uninstall it from your system."
+ fi
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install $1
+post_remove() {
+ #
+ groupdel kvm
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