[arch-commits] Commit in avifile/repos/community-i686 (3 files)

Eric Bélanger eric at nymeria.archlinux.org
Tue Apr 9 21:28:57 UTC 2013

    Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 @ 23:28:56
  Author: eric
Revision: 87986

archrelease: copy trunk to community-i686

    (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/gcc.patch)
    (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/videodev.patch)

 PKGBUILD       |   47 ++++++++++++++
 gcc.patch      |  145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 videodev.patch |  180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 372 insertions(+)

Copied: avifile/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-04-09 21:28:56 UTC (rev 87986)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: tobias <tobias at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Tom Newsom <Jeepster at gmx.co.uk>
+pkgdesc="A library that allows you to read and write compressed AVI files"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('qt3' 'sdl' 'freetype2' 'libpng' 'libjpeg'
+         'libvorbis' 'xvidcore' 'libxxf86dga' 'libxi' 'libxv')
+makedepends=('lame' 'v4l-utils' 'chrpath')
+	'gcc.patch'
+	'videodev.patch')
+         '79a488db80c82f0abb8a83f52e3b3aa0'
+         '6cca050885afe85c2d98982f75f5e3b0')
+build() {
+  cd $pkgname-0.7-$pkgver
+  patch -Np1 <$srcdir/gcc.patch
+  patch -Np1 <$srcdir/videodev.patch
+ ./configure \
+    --prefix=/usr \
+    --mandir=$pkgdir/usr/share/man \
+    --with-qt-prefix=/usr \
+    --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 \
+    --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib \
+    --enable-oss
+  make
+package() {
+  cd $pkgname-0.7-$pkgver
+  make prefix=$pkgdir/usr install
+  cd $pkgdir/usr/bin
+  chrpath -d avibench avicap avicat avirec kv4lsetup avimake aviplay avitype avirecompress

Copied: avifile/repos/community-i686/gcc.patch (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/gcc.patch)
--- gcc.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ gcc.patch	2013-04-09 21:28:56 UTC (rev 87986)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/avifile.pc avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/avifile.pc
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/avifile.pc	2006-03-06 12:12:26.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/avifile.pc	2009-05-25 13:10:17.347697640 +0400
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ exec_prefix=${prefix}
+ libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib
+ includedir=${prefix}/include/avifile-0.7
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/include/avm_map.h avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/include/avm_map.h
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/include/avm_map.h	2004-02-19 14:39:56.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/include/avm_map.h	2009-05-25 13:10:21.014364635 +0400
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+     template <class Key1, class Value1> struct binary_tree_node
+     {
+-	avm_map::pair<Key1, Value1>* entry;
++	struct pair<Key1, Value1>* entry;
+ 	binary_tree_node<Key1, Value1>* left;
+ 	Key1 minval;
+ 	binary_tree_node<Key1, Value1>* right;
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/include/version.h avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/include/version.h
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/include/version.h	2006-03-06 12:12:25.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/include/version.h	2009-05-25 13:10:16.841030758 +0400
+@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
+-#define AVIFILE_BUILD "CVS-0.7.45-060306-10:11-4.0.3"
++#define AVIFILE_BUILD "RELEASE-0.7.45-090525-13:10-4.4.0"
+ #endif
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/aviplay/aviplay.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/aviplay/aviplay.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/aviplay/aviplay.cpp	2005-11-05 00:56:33.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/aviplay/aviplay.cpp	2009-05-25 13:13:36.304347364 +0400
+@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
+ 	//printf("VSTREAMTIME %f\n", m_pVideostream->GetTime());
+ 	// reading subtitles
+ 	avm::string fn = m_Filename;
+-	char* p = strrchr(fn.c_str(), '.');
++	char* p = (char*)strrchr(fn.c_str(), '.');
+ 	if (p)
+             *p = 0;
+ 	InitSubtitles(m_Subfilename.size()
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/codeckeeper.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/codeckeeper.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/codeckeeper.cpp	2004-03-10 16:27:38.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/codeckeeper.cpp	2009-05-25 13:15:11.971004390 +0400
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
+     {
+ 	char plgn[100];
+ 	strcpy(plgn, "avm_codec_plugin_");
+-	char* x = strrchr(name, '/');
++	char* x = (char*)strrchr(name, '/');
+ 	strncat(plgn, x + 1, 50);
+ 	x = strchr(plgn, '.');
+ 	*x = 0;
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/common/Args.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/common/Args.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/common/Args.cpp	2003-02-06 23:39:12.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/common/Args.cpp	2009-05-25 13:14:38.562055811 +0400
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ 	{
+             char* c = cp;
+ 	    char* b;
+-	    while ((b = strchr(c, ':')))
++	    while ((b = (char*)strchr(c, ':')))
+ 	    {
+ 		*b++ = 0;
+ 		if (strlen(c))
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+     }
+     for (unsigned i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
+     {
+-	char* par = strchr(arr[i], '=');
++	char* par = (char*)strchr(arr[i], '=');
+ 	if (par)
+ 	{
+ 	    *par = 0;
+@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
+ 	    {
+ 		for (unsigned j = 1; j < arr.size(); j++)
+ 		{
+-		    char* p = strchr(arr[j].c_str(), '=');
++		    char* p = (char*)strchr(arr[j].c_str(), '=');
+ 		    int val = 0;
+ 		    bool valid = false;
+ 		    if (p)
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/player/playercontrol.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/player/playercontrol.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/player/playercontrol.cpp	2005-09-27 17:40:09.000000000 +0400
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/player/playercontrol.cpp	2009-05-25 13:16:18.274330659 +0400
+@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@
+ 	return;
+     avm::string path = RS("url", ".");
+-    char* cut = strrchr(path.c_str(), '/');
++    char* cut = (char*)strrchr(path.c_str(), '/');
+     if (!cut)
+ 	path = "./";
+ #if QT_VERSION <= 220
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/plugins/libmp3lame_audioenc/mp3encoder.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/plugins/libmp3lame_audioenc/mp3encoder.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/plugins/libmp3lame_audioenc/mp3encoder.cpp	2006-03-05 23:45:26.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/plugins/libmp3lame_audioenc/mp3encoder.cpp	2009-05-25 13:10:21.014364635 +0400
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ 	short  nCodecDelay;
+     };
+ public:
+-    MP3Encoder::MP3Encoder(const CodecInfo& info, const WAVEFORMATEX* format)
++    MP3Encoder(const CodecInfo& info, const WAVEFORMATEX* format)
+ 	:IAudioEncoder(info)
+     {
+ 	in_fmt=*format;
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp	2005-03-23 18:18:21.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp	2009-05-25 13:10:21.014364635 +0400
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
+     if (XF86DGAQueryExtension(dpy, &foo, &bar)) {
+ 	XF86DGAQueryDirectVideo(dpy, XDefaultScreen(dpy),&flags);
+ 	if (flags & XF86DGADirectPresent) {
+-	    XF86DGAGetVideoLL(dpy,XDefaultScreen(dpy),(int*)&base,&width,&foo,&bar);
++	    XF86DGAGetVideoLL(dpy,XDefaultScreen(dpy),(unsigned int*)&base,&width,&foo,&bar);
+ 	    set_bpl  = width * set_bpp/8;
+ 	    set_base = base;
+ 	    if (verbose == 2) {
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.cpp	2005-03-23 19:16:09.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.cpp	2009-05-25 13:10:21.014364635 +0400
+@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@
+ 		have_dga= false;
+ 	    } else {
+-		XF86DGAGetVideoLL(disp, DefaultScreen(disp), (int*)&base, &width, &bank, &ram);
++		XF86DGAGetVideoLL(disp, DefaultScreen(disp), (unsigned int*)&base, &width, &bank, &ram);
+ 		if (!base)
+ 		    avml(AVML_WARN,
+ 			 "v4l1: can not allocate frame buffer base: %p\n", base);
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/aviread/AsfNetworkInputStream.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/lib/aviread/AsfNetworkInputStream.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45.org/lib/aviread/AsfNetworkInputStream.cpp	2004-10-25 14:15:38.000000000 +0400
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45/lib/aviread/AsfNetworkInputStream.cpp	2012-08-28 13:26:33.000000000 +0400
+@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	asf_packet* p;
+-	unsigned short& size = chhdr.size;
++	uint16_t size = chhdr.size;
+ 	//printf("STREAMPACKET 0x%x  sz:%d  %lld   seq:%d part:%d  sc:%d\n", chhdr.kind, size, rsize, chhdr.seq, chhdr.partflag, chhdr.size_confirm);
+ 	switch (chhdr.kind)
+ 	{

Copied: avifile/repos/community-i686/videodev.patch (from rev 87985, avifile/trunk/videodev.patch)
--- videodev.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ videodev.patch	2013-04-09 21:28:56 UTC (rev 87986)
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/acinclude.m4 avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/acinclude.m4
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/acinclude.m4	2006-03-06 12:11:19.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/acinclude.m4	2011-11-17 13:20:52.000000000 +0400
+@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@
+     AC_ARG_ENABLE(v4l, [  --enable-v4l            support v4l video interface. (autodetect)],
+ 		  [], enable_v4l=yes)
+     if test x$enable_v4l = xyes; then
+-	AC_CHECK_HEADER([linux/videodev.h], [], [ enable_v4l=no; ])
++	AC_CHECK_HEADER([libv4l1-videodev.h], [], [ enable_v4l=no; ])
+     fi
+     if test x$enable_v4l = xyes; then
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/configure avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/configure
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/configure	2006-03-06 12:11:32.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/configure	2011-11-17 13:20:47.000000000 +0400
+@@ -27667,8 +27667,8 @@
+ fi;
+     if test x$enable_v4l = xyes; then
+ 	if test "${ac_cv_header_linux_videodev_h+set}" = set; then
+-  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for linux/videodev.h" >&5
+-echo $ECHO_N "checking for linux/videodev.h... $ECHO_C" >&6
++  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for libv4l1-videodev.h" >&5
++echo $ECHO_N "checking for libv4l1-videodev.h... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ if test "${ac_cv_header_linux_videodev_h+set}" = set; then
+   echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+ fi
+@@ -27676,8 +27676,8 @@
+ echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_header_linux_videodev_h" >&6
+ else
+   # Is the header compilable?
+-echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking linux/videodev.h usability" >&5
+-echo $ECHO_N "checking linux/videodev.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6
++echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking libv4l1-videodev.h usability" >&5
++echo $ECHO_N "checking libv4l1-videodev.h usability... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+ /* confdefs.h.  */
+@@ -27685,7 +27685,7 @@
+ cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ $ac_includes_default
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
+ rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+ if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compile\"") >&5
+@@ -27720,15 +27720,15 @@
+ echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_header_compiler" >&6
+ # Is the header present?
+-echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking linux/videodev.h presence" >&5
+-echo $ECHO_N "checking linux/videodev.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6
++echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking libv4l1-videodev.h presence" >&5
++echo $ECHO_N "checking libv4l1-videodev.h presence... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+ /* confdefs.h.  */
+ cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+ cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
+ if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext\"") >&5
+   (eval $ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext) 2>conftest.er1
+@@ -27762,25 +27762,25 @@
+ # So?  What about this header?
+ case $ac_header_compiler:$ac_header_preproc:$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in
+   yes:no: )
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor!" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: proceeding with the compiler's result" >&2;}
+     ac_header_preproc=yes
+     ;;
+   no:yes:* )
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
+-    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
+-echo "$as_me: WARNING: linux/videodev.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: present but cannot be compiled" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h:     check for missing prerequisite headers?" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: see the Autoconf documentation" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h:     section \"Present But Cannot Be Compiled\"" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: proceeding with the preprocessor's result" >&2;}
++    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&5
++echo "$as_me: WARNING: libv4l1-videodev.h: in the future, the compiler will take precedence" >&2;}
+     (
+       cat <<\_ASBOX
+ ## ------------------------------------------ ##
+@@ -27791,8 +27791,8 @@
+       sed "s/^/$as_me: WARNING:     /" >&2
+     ;;
+ esac
+-echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for linux/videodev.h" >&5
+-echo $ECHO_N "checking for linux/videodev.h... $ECHO_C" >&6
++echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for libv4l1-videodev.h" >&5
++echo $ECHO_N "checking for libv4l1-videodev.h... $ECHO_C" >&6
+ if test "${ac_cv_header_linux_videodev_h+set}" = set; then
+   echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+ else
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/ffmpeg/libavformat/grab.c avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/ffmpeg/libavformat/grab.c
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/ffmpeg/libavformat/grab.c	2006-02-04 11:57:34.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/ffmpeg/libavformat/grab.c	2011-11-17 13:21:12.000000000 +0400
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #define _LINUX_TIME_H 1
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ typedef struct {
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/ffmpeg/libavformat/v4l2.c avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/ffmpeg/libavformat/v4l2.c
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/ffmpeg/libavformat/v4l2.c	2006-03-02 00:36:52.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/ffmpeg/libavformat/v4l2.c	2011-11-17 13:29:40.000000000 +0400
+@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #define _LINUX_TIME_H 1
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
++#include <linux/videodev2.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ static const int desired_video_buffers = 256;
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/m4/v4l.m4 avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/m4/v4l.m4
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/m4/v4l.m4	2004-02-18 23:53:58.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/m4/v4l.m4	2011-11-17 13:20:56.000000000 +0400
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+     AC_ARG_ENABLE(v4l, [  --enable-v4l            support v4l video interface. (autodetect)],
+ 		  [], enable_v4l=yes)
+     if test x$enable_v4l = xyes; then
+-	AC_CHECK_HEADER([linux/videodev.h], [], [ enable_v4l=no; ])
++	AC_CHECK_HEADER([libv4l1-videodev.h], [], [ enable_v4l=no; ])
+     fi
+     if test x$enable_v4l = xyes; then
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp	2005-03-23 18:18:21.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/kv4lsetup.cpp	2011-11-17 13:29:34.000000000 +0400
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+ /* Necessary to prevent collisions between <linux/time.h> and <sys/time.h> when V4L2 is installed. */
+ #define _LINUX_TIME_H
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
+ #include <X11/Xlib.h>
+diff -wbBur avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.h avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.h
+--- avifile-0.7-0.7.45/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.h	2003-11-14 19:42:04.000000000 +0300
++++ avifile-0.7-0.7.45.my/samples/qtvidcap/v4lxif.h	2011-11-17 13:35:57.000000000 +0400
+@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
+ /* Necessary to prevent collisions between <linux/time.h> and <sys/time.h> when V4L2 is installed. */
+ #define _LINUX_TIME_H
+-#include <linux/videodev.h>
++#include <libv4l1-videodev.h>
++#define BASE_VIDIOCPRIVATE      192             /* 192-255 are private */
+ #define V4L_DEVICE "/dev/video"
+ #define V4L_VBI_DEVICE "/dev/vbi"

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