[arch-commits] Commit in gambas3/trunk (PKGBUILD fix-xfce4-terminal.patch)

Laurent Carlier lcarlier at nymeria.archlinux.org
Sat Apr 13 19:42:53 UTC 2013

    Date: Saturday, April 13, 2013 @ 21:42:52
  Author: lcarlier
Revision: 88201

upgpkg: gambas3 3.4.1-1

Update to last upstream release


 PKGBUILD                 |   17 -
 fix-xfce4-terminal.patch |  476 ---------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 487 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2013-04-13 19:09:04 UTC (rev 88200)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-04-13 19:42:52 UTC (rev 88201)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
          'gambas3-gb-report' 'gambas3-gb-sdl-sound' 'gambas3-gb-sdl' 'gambas3-gb-settings' 'gambas3-gb-signal' 'gambas3-gb-v4l' 'gambas3-gb-vb'
          'gambas3-gb-xml-html' 'gambas3-gb-xml-rpc' 'gambas3-gb-xml-xslt' 'gambas3-gb-xml' 'gambas3-gb-web')
 pkgname=(${_components[@]} 'gambas3-runtime' 'gambas3-devel' 'gambas3-ide' 'gambas3-script' 'gambas3-examples')
 pkgdesc="A free development environment based on a Basic interpreter."
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@
 	 'gsl' 'gstreamer0.10' 'gstreamer0.10-base' 'gtkglext' 'ncurses' 'llvm'
-        fix-xfce4-terminal.patch)
-         '543ffb3402485e0bcfc67ecf15b7b682')
 create_dirs() {
   install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/gambas3
@@ -43,9 +41,6 @@
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}
-  # merged upstream
-  patch -Np0 -i ../fix-xfce4-terminal.patch
   ./configure --prefix=/usr -C
@@ -864,8 +859,8 @@
 package_gambas3-ide() {
   depends=('gambas3-devel' 'gambas3-gb-db-form' 'gambas3-gb-desktop' 'gambas3-gb-eval-highlight'
-           'gambas3-gb-form-dialog' 'gambas3-gb-settings' 'gambas3-gb-form-mdi' 'gambas3-gb-image-effect'
-           'gambas3-gb-qt4-ext' 'gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit')
+           'gambas3-gb-form-dialog' 'gambas3-gb-form-stock' 'gambas3-gb-settings' 'gambas3-gb-form-mdi'
+           'gambas3-gb-image-effect' 'gambas3-gb-qt4-ext' 'gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit')
   pkgdesc="Integrated Development Environment"
   cd ${srcdir}/fakeinstall

Deleted: fix-xfce4-terminal.patch
--- fix-xfce4-terminal.patch	2013-04-13 19:09:04 UTC (rev 88200)
+++ fix-xfce4-terminal.patch	2013-04-13 19:42:52 UTC (rev 88201)
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
---- gb.desktop/src/gb.desktop/.src/Desktop.class	(révision 5536)
-+++ gb.desktop/src/gb.desktop/.src/Desktop.class	(révision 5537)
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ' Gambas class file
- Class _Desktop
-@@ -27,64 +27,64 @@
- Static Private $aImgExt As String[]
- Static Public Sub SendMail({To} As String[], Optional Cc As String[], Optional Bcc As String[], Optional Subject As String, Optional Body As String, Optional Attachment As String)
-   Dim aArg As String[]
-   'xdg-email [--utf8] [--cc address] [--bcc address] [--subject text] [--body text
-   ' ] [--attach file] { mailto-uri | address(es) }
-   aArg = ["--utf8"]
--  If CC And If CC.Count Then 
-+  If CC And If CC.Count Then
-     aArg.Add("--cc")
-     aArg.Insert(CC)
-   Endif
--  If BCC And If BCC.Count Then 
-+  If BCC And If BCC.Count Then
-     aArg.Add("--bcc")
-     aArg.Insert(BCC)
-   Endif
--  If Subject Then 
-+  If Subject Then
-     aArg.Add("--subject")
-     aArg.Add(Subject)
--  Endif 
--  If Body Then 
-+  Endif
-+  If Body Then
-     aArg.Add("--body")
-     aArg.Add(Body)
-   Endif
--  If Attachment Then 
-+  If Attachment Then
-     aArg.Add("--attach")
-     aArg.Add(Attachment)
--  Endif 
--  If {To} And If To.Count Then 
-+  Endif
-+  If {To} And If To.Count Then
-     aArg.Insert({To})
-   Endif
-   Main.RunXdgUtil("xdg-email", aArg)
- End
- Static Public Sub {Open}(URL As String, Optional {Wait} As Boolean)
-   If URL = "~" Then
-     URL = User.Home
-   Else If URL Begins "~/" Then
-     URL = User.Home & Mid$(URL, 2)
-   Endif
-   Main.RunXdgUtil("xdg-open", [URL], {Wait})
- End
- ' Static Private Function Menus_Read() As _DesktopMenus
--'   Return _DesktopMenus  
-+'   Return _DesktopMenus
- ' End
- ' Static Private Function Icons_Read() As _DesktopIcons
- '   Return _DesktopIcons
- ' End
- Static Private Function ScreenSaver_Read() As _Desktop_ScreenSaver
-@@ -96,20 +96,20 @@
- '  GB_STATIC_METHOD("Find", "Integer[]", CDESKTOP_find, "[(Title)s(Application)s(Role)s]"),
- Static Public Sub FindWindow(Optional Title As String, Application As String, Role As String) As Integer[]
-   Return _Desktop.FindWindow(Title, Application, Role)
- End
- '   $cKeys = NEW Collection
- '   $cKeys["é"] = "eacute"
- ' END
- Static Public Sub SendKeys(Keys As String)
-   Dim iInd As Integer
-   Dim sCar As String
-   Dim iPos As Integer
-@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@
-   Dim bHold As Boolean
-   Dim sErr As String
-   Dim iLen As Integer = String.Len(Keys)
-   Do
-     Inc iInd
-     If iInd > iLen Then Break
-     sCar = String.Mid$(Keys, iInd, 1)
--    If sCar = "[" Then 
-+    If sCar = "[" Then
-       iPos = String.InStr(Keys, "]", iInd)
-       If iPos = 0 Then Break
-       sCar = String.Mid$(Keys, iInd + 1, iPos - iInd - 1)
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
-     Else If sCar = "{" And If Not bHold Then
-       bHold = True
-       Continue
--    Else If sCar = "}" And If bHold Then 
-+    Else If sCar = "}" And If bHold Then
-       bHold = False
-       aRelease.Reverse
-       For Each sCar In aRelease
-@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
-       aRelease.Clear
-       Continue
-     Endif
--    If Len(sCar) >= 2 Then 
-+    If Len(sCar) >= 2 Then
-       Try sCar = Conv(sCar, "UTF-8", "LATIN1")
-     Endif
-     If bHold Then
-       'DEBUG sCar;; TRUE
-       _Desktop.SendKey(sCar, True)
-@@ -159,25 +159,25 @@
-       'DEBUG sCar;; FALSE
-       _Desktop.SendKey(sCar, False)
-     Endif
--  Loop 
-+  Loop
-   sErr = Error.Text & ": '" & sCar & "'"
-   For Each sCar In aRelease
-     _Desktop.SendKey(sCar, False)
-   Next
-   Error.Raise(sErr)
- End
- Static Private Sub GetDesktop() As String
-   If Not $sDesktop Then
-     If Application.Env["KDE_FULL_SESSION"] Then
-       If Application.Env["KDE_SESSION_VERSION"] = "4" Then
-         $sDesktop = "KDE4"
-@@ -204,24 +204,23 @@
-           $sDesktop = "?"
-       End Select
-     Endif
-   Endif
-   '$sDesktop = "GNOME"
-   Return $sDesktop
- End
-+Static Public Sub OpenTerminal(Optional {Dir} As String) ', Optional Command As String)
--Static Public Sub OpenTerminal(Optional {Dir} As String) ', Optional Command As String)
-   Dim sExec As String
-   Dim sCmd As String
-   Dim bNoDir As Boolean
-   Dim Command As String
-   Select Case GetDesktop()
-     Case "KDE"
-       sExec = "konsole"
-     Case "KDE4"
-@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@
-       Endif
-       If Command Then sExec &= " -x " & Shell$(Command)
-     Case "XFCE"
--      sExec = "Terminal"
-+      sExec = "xfce4-terminal"
-       If Command Then sExec &= " -x " & Shell$(Command)
-     Case "LXDE"
-       sExec = "lxterminal"
-@@ -255,46 +254,43 @@
-     Case Else
-       sExec = "xterm"
-       If Command Then sExec &= " -e " & Shell$(Command)
-   End Select
-   If {Dir} And If Not bNoDir Then
-     sCmd = "(cd " & Shell$({Dir}) & "; " & sExec & ")"
-   Else
-     sCmd = sExec
-   Endif
-   Shell sCmd
- End
- Static Private Function Type_Read() As String
--  Return GetDesktop()  
-+  Return GetDesktop()
- End
- Static Public Sub _get(Index As Integer) As _DesktopVirtual
-   Dim hVirtual As _DesktopVirtual
-   If Not $cDesktop Then $cDesktop = New Collection
-   hVirtual = $cDesktop[Index]
-   If Not hVirtual Then
-     hVirtual = New _DesktopVirtual(Index)
-     $cDesktop[Index] = hVirtual
-   Endif
-   Return hVirtual
- End
- Static Private Function Current_Read() As Integer
--  Try Return _Desktop.GetWindowProperty(Atom["_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP"])[0]  
-+  Try Return _Desktop.GetWindowProperty(Atom["_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP"])[0]
- End
-@@ -313,7 +309,7 @@
- Static Private Sub Count_Write(Value As Integer)
--  _Desktop.SendClientMessageToRootWindow(Atom["_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"], [Value])  
-+  _Desktop.SendClientMessageToRootWindow(Atom["_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"], [Value])
- End
-@@ -343,40 +339,40 @@
- Static Private Sub Showing_Write(Value As Boolean)
--  _Desktop.SendClientMessageToRootWindow(Atom["_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP"], [If(Value, 1, 0)])  
-+  _Desktop.SendClientMessageToRootWindow(Atom["_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP"], [If(Value, 1, 0)])
- End
- ' Static Private Function Width_Read() As Integer
- '   Dim iWidth As Integer
- '   Try iWidth = _Desktop.GetWindowProperty(Atom["_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY"])[0]
- '   If iWidth = 0 Then iWidth = Super.Width
- '   Return iWidth
- ' End
- ' Static Private Function Height_Read() As Integer
- '   Dim iHeight As Integer
- '   Try iHeight = _Desktop.GetWindowProperty(Atom["_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY"])[1]
- '   If iHeight = 0 Then iHeight = Super.Height
- '   Return iHeight
- ' End
- ' Static Private Function W_Read() As Integer
- '   Return Width_Read()
- ' End
- ' Static Private Function H_Read() As Integer
- '   Return Height_Read()
- ' End
- Static Private Function Passwords_Read() As _Desktop_Passwords
-@@ -385,7 +381,6 @@
- End
- Static Private Function Path_Read() As String
-   Return Main.GetDesktopPath()
-@@ -399,34 +394,33 @@
- End
- Static Public Sub RunAsRoot(Command As String)
-   Main.RunXdgUtil("xdg-su", ["-c", Command])
- End
- Static Public Sub GetFileIcon(Path As String, Size As Integer, Optional Preview As Boolean) As Picture
-   Dim hImage As Image
-   Dim hIcon As Image
-   Dim sIcon As String
-   Dim hPict As Picture
-   If IsDir(Path) Then Return Picture["icon:/" & CStr(Size) & "/directory"]
-   If Preview And If $aImgExt.Exist(File.Ext(Path)) < 0 Then
--    If Stat(Path).Size <= 65536 Then 
-+    If Stat(Path).Size <= 65536 Then
-       Try hImage = Image.Load(Path)
-       If Not Error Then
--        If Not (hImage.Width = Size And hImage.Height = Size) Then 
--          If hImage.Width > hImage.Height Then 
-+        If Not (hImage.Width = Size And hImage.Height = Size) Then
-+          If hImage.Width > hImage.Height Then
-             hImage = hImage.Stretch(Size, (Size * hImage.Height) \ hImage.Width)
-           Else
-             hImage = hImage.Stretch((Size * hImage.Width) \ hImage.Height, Size)
-           Endif
-         Endif
-         hIcon = New Image(hImage.W + 4, hImage.H + 4, Color.Transparent)
-         Paint.Begin(hIcon)
-         Paint.AntiAlias = False
-@@ -435,38 +429,38 @@
-         Paint.Stroke
-         Paint.End
-         hIcon.DrawImage(hImage, 2, 2)
-         Return hIcon.Picture
-       Else
--        Return Picture["icon:/" & Size & "/image"]  
-+        Return Picture["icon:/" & Size & "/image"]
-       Endif
-     Endif
-   Endif
-   Try hPict = DesktopMime.FromFile(Path).GetIcon(Size).Picture
-   If hPict Then Return hPict
-   If Not $cExt Then InitFileExt
-   Try sIcon = $cExt[File.Ext(Path)]
-   If sIcon Then Return Picture["icon:/" & CStr(Size) &/ sIcon]
-   With Stat(Path)
-     If InStr(.Perm[System.User.Name], "x") Then Return Picture["icon:/" & CStr(Size) &/ "exec"]
-   End With
- Catch
-   Error "gb.desktop: unable to get icon for file: "; File.Name(Path)
- End
- Static Private Sub InitFileExt()
-   $cExt = New Collection
-   $cExt["html"] = "html"
-   $cExt["htm"] = "html"
-@@ -502,7 +496,7 @@
-   $cExt["ico"] = "image"
-   $cExt["xcf"] = "image"
-   $cExt["svg"] = "image"
-   $aImgExt = ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "xpm", "bmp", "ico"]
- End

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