[arch-commits] Commit in glib2/repos (12 files)

Jan Steffens heftig at nymeria.archlinux.org
Mon Apr 15 22:19:20 UTC 2013

    Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 @ 00:19:20
  Author: heftig
Revision: 182882

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-i686, testing-x86_64

    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch)
    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch)
    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)

 /0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch               |  120 +++++++++
 /PKGBUILD                                                          |  126 ++++++++++
 /revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch                            |   66 +++++
 testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch   |   60 ----
 testing-i686/PKGBUILD                                              |   63 -----
 testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch                |   33 --
 testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch |   60 ----
 testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD                                            |   63 -----
 testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch              |   33 --
 9 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)

Deleted: testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch
--- testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-From 3d81e0a414ecb876f2429c0108a685152bd4ee54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
-Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:47:57 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Make gtester-report work with Python 3.x: - fix indentations
- (tabs to spaces) - Replace print with print(), still works with Python 2.x
- glib/gtester-report | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/glib/gtester-report b/glib/gtester-report
-index 0fcdd9a..00296ea 100755
---- a/glib/gtester-report
-+++ b/glib/gtester-report
-@@ -308,20 +308,20 @@ class HTMLReportWriter(ReportWriter):
-     if binary.success_cases:
-       oklink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'success\')"' % self.bcounter
-     if real_cases != 0:
--	self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
--	self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
--	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
--	perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
--	pcolor = {
--	  100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
--	  0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
--	}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
--	self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
--	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
-+        self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
-+        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
-+        perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
-+        pcolor = {
-+          100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
-+          0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
-+        }.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
-+        self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
-+        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-     else:
--	self.oprint ('Empty\n')
--	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
--	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('Empty\n')
-+        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-     for tc in binary.testcases:
-       self.handle_testcase (tc, binary)
-   def handle_totals (self):
-@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ def parse_opts():
-             " Needs python-subunit]")
-     options, files = parser.parse_args()
-     if options.version:
--        print parser.epilog
-+        print(parser.epilog)
-         return None, None
-     if len(files) != 1:
-         parser.error("Must supply a log file to parse.")

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch)
--- testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From 3d81e0a414ecb876f2429c0108a685152bd4ee54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
+Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:47:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Make gtester-report work with Python 3.x: - fix indentations
+ (tabs to spaces) - Replace print with print(), still works with Python 2.x
+ glib/gtester-report | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/glib/gtester-report b/glib/gtester-report
+index 0fcdd9a..00296ea 100755
+--- a/glib/gtester-report
++++ b/glib/gtester-report
+@@ -308,20 +308,20 @@ class HTMLReportWriter(ReportWriter):
+     if binary.success_cases:
+       oklink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'success\')"' % self.bcounter
+     if real_cases != 0:
+-	self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
+-	self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
+-	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
+-	perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
+-	pcolor = {
+-	  100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
+-	  0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
+-	}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
+-	self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
+-	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
++        self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
++        self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
++        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
++        perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
++        pcolor = {
++          100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
++          0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
++        }.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
++        self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
++        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
+     else:
+-	self.oprint ('Empty\n')
+-	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
+-	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
++        self.oprint ('Empty\n')
++        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
++        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
+     for tc in binary.testcases:
+       self.handle_testcase (tc, binary)
+   def handle_totals (self):
+@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ def parse_opts():
+             " Needs python-subunit]")
+     options, files = parser.parse_args()
+     if options.version:
+-        print parser.epilog
++        print(parser.epilog)
+         return None, None
+     if len(files) != 1:
+         parser.error("Must supply a log file to parse.")

Deleted: testing-i686/PKGBUILD
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
-pkgname=(glib2 glib2-docs)
-pkgdesc="Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
-makedepends=('pkg-config' 'python2' 'libxslt' 'docbook-xml' 'pcre' 'libffi' 'elfutils')
-        revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
-            '049240975cd2f1c88fbe7deb28af14d4ec7d2640495f7ca8980d873bb710cc97')
-build() {
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  patch -Rp1 -i ../revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
-  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib \
-      --sysconfdir=/etc \
-      --with-pcre=system \
-      --disable-fam
-  make
-check() {
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  #make -k check || :
-package_glib2() {
-  depends=('pcre' 'libffi')
-  optdepends=('python2: for gdbus-codegen and gtester-report'
-              'elfutils: gresource inspection tool')
-  options=('!docs' '!libtool' '!emptydirs')
-  license=('LGPL')
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  make completiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  for _i in "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/"*; do
-      chmod -x "$_i"
-  done
-  # Our gdb does not ship the required python modules, so remove it
-  rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/gdb/"
-package_glib2-docs() {
-  pkgdesc="Documentation for glib2"
-  conflicts=('gobject2-docs')
-  replaces=('gobject2-docs')
-  license=('custom')
-  options=('docs' '!emptydirs')
-  cd glib-$pkgver/docs
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs"
-  install -m644 reference/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs/"
-  rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=(glib2 glib2-docs)
+pkgdesc="Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs"
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+makedepends=('pkg-config' 'python2' 'libxslt' 'docbook-xml' 'pcre' 'libffi' 'elfutils')
+        revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
+            '049240975cd2f1c88fbe7deb28af14d4ec7d2640495f7ca8980d873bb710cc97')
+build() {
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  patch -Rp1 -i ../revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
+  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib \
+      --sysconfdir=/etc \
+      --with-pcre=system \
+      --disable-fam
+  make
+check() {
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  #make -k check || :
+package_glib2() {
+  depends=('pcre' 'libffi')
+  optdepends=('python2: for gdbus-codegen and gtester-report'
+              'elfutils: gresource inspection tool')
+  options=('!docs' '!libtool' '!emptydirs')
+  license=('LGPL')
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  make completiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  for _i in "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/"*; do
+      chmod -x "$_i"
+  done
+  # Our gdb does not ship the required python modules, so remove it
+  rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/gdb/"
+package_glib2-docs() {
+  pkgdesc="Documentation for glib2"
+  conflicts=('gobject2-docs')
+  replaces=('gobject2-docs')
+  license=('custom')
+  options=('docs' '!emptydirs')
+  cd glib-$pkgver/docs
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs"
+  install -m644 reference/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs/"
+  rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"

Deleted: testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
--- testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-From 6560b37450cd19c4a7c7b690e279fe97b7bfdcaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ryan Lortie <desrt at desrt.ca>
-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:55:34 +0000
-Subject: glib-compile-schemas: warn about bad dconf paths
-For quite some time the recommended usage of GSettings and dconf has
-been to use paths like /org/gnome/example/.  Use of /apps/ has spilled
-over from GConf and is continuing to make its way into a number of
-applications as they port.
-glib-compile-schemas will now warn about these types of paths being
-used.  This generates a lot of noise, but hopefully it will reduce the
-number of ported applications making this mistake.
-diff --git a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-index cf02389..27d0181 100644
---- a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-+++ b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-@@ -1204,6 +1204,12 @@ parse_state_start_schema (ParseState  *state,
-       return;
-     }
-+  if (path && (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/apps/") ||
-+               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/desktop/") ||
-+               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/system/")))
-+    g_printerr ("warning: Schema '%s' has path '%s'.  Paths starting with "
-+                "'/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.\n", id, path);
-   state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain,
-                                           extends, extends_name, list_of);
-cgit v0.9.0.2

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
--- testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 6560b37450cd19c4a7c7b690e279fe97b7bfdcaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ryan Lortie <desrt at desrt.ca>
+Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:55:34 +0000
+Subject: glib-compile-schemas: warn about bad dconf paths
+For quite some time the recommended usage of GSettings and dconf has
+been to use paths like /org/gnome/example/.  Use of /apps/ has spilled
+over from GConf and is continuing to make its way into a number of
+applications as they port.
+glib-compile-schemas will now warn about these types of paths being
+used.  This generates a lot of noise, but hopefully it will reduce the
+number of ported applications making this mistake.
+diff --git a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+index cf02389..27d0181 100644
+--- a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
++++ b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+@@ -1204,6 +1204,12 @@ parse_state_start_schema (ParseState  *state,
+       return;
+     }
++  if (path && (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/apps/") ||
++               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/desktop/") ||
++               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/system/")))
++    g_printerr ("warning: Schema '%s' has path '%s'.  Paths starting with "
++                "'/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.\n", id, path);
+   state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain,
+                                           extends, extends_name, list_of);
+cgit v0.9.0.2

Deleted: testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch
--- testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-From 3d81e0a414ecb876f2429c0108a685152bd4ee54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
-Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:47:57 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Make gtester-report work with Python 3.x: - fix indentations
- (tabs to spaces) - Replace print with print(), still works with Python 2.x
- glib/gtester-report | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/glib/gtester-report b/glib/gtester-report
-index 0fcdd9a..00296ea 100755
---- a/glib/gtester-report
-+++ b/glib/gtester-report
-@@ -308,20 +308,20 @@ class HTMLReportWriter(ReportWriter):
-     if binary.success_cases:
-       oklink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'success\')"' % self.bcounter
-     if real_cases != 0:
--	self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
--	self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
--	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
--	perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
--	pcolor = {
--	  100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
--	  0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
--	}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
--	self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
--	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
-+        self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
-+        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
-+        perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
-+        pcolor = {
-+          100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
-+          0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
-+        }.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
-+        self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
-+        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-     else:
--	self.oprint ('Empty\n')
--	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
--	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('Empty\n')
-+        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
-+        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
-     for tc in binary.testcases:
-       self.handle_testcase (tc, binary)
-   def handle_totals (self):
-@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ def parse_opts():
-             " Needs python-subunit]")
-     options, files = parser.parse_args()
-     if options.version:
--        print parser.epilog
-+        print(parser.epilog)
-         return None, None
-     if len(files) != 1:
-         parser.error("Must supply a log file to parse.")

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch)
--- testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/0001-Make-gtester-report-work-with-Python-3.x.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From 3d81e0a414ecb876f2429c0108a685152bd4ee54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
+Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:47:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Make gtester-report work with Python 3.x: - fix indentations
+ (tabs to spaces) - Replace print with print(), still works with Python 2.x
+ glib/gtester-report | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/glib/gtester-report b/glib/gtester-report
+index 0fcdd9a..00296ea 100755
+--- a/glib/gtester-report
++++ b/glib/gtester-report
+@@ -308,20 +308,20 @@ class HTMLReportWriter(ReportWriter):
+     if binary.success_cases:
+       oklink = 'href="javascript:toggle_display (\'ResultTable\', \'tr\', \'b%u_\', \'success\')"' % self.bcounter
+     if real_cases != 0:
+-	self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
+-	self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
+-	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
+-	perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
+-	pcolor = {
+-	  100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
+-	  0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
+-	}.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
+-	self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
+-	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
++        self.oprint ('<a %s>ER</a>\n' % erlink)
++        self.oprint ('<a %s>OK</a>\n' % oklink)
++        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
++        perc = binary.success_cases * 100.0 / real_cases
++        pcolor = {
++          100 : 'bgcolor="lightgreen"',
++          0   : 'bgcolor="red"',
++        }.get (int (perc), 'bgcolor="yellow"')
++        self.oprint ('<td align="right" %s>%.2f%%</td>\n' % (pcolor, perc))
++        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
+     else:
+-	self.oprint ('Empty\n')
+-	self.oprint ('</td>\n')
+-	self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
++        self.oprint ('Empty\n')
++        self.oprint ('</td>\n')
++        self.oprint ('</tr>\n')
+     for tc in binary.testcases:
+       self.handle_testcase (tc, binary)
+   def handle_totals (self):
+@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ def parse_opts():
+             " Needs python-subunit]")
+     options, files = parser.parse_args()
+     if options.version:
+-        print parser.epilog
++        print(parser.epilog)
+         return None, None
+     if len(files) != 1:
+         parser.error("Must supply a log file to parse.")

Deleted: testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
-pkgname=(glib2 glib2-docs)
-pkgdesc="Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
-makedepends=('pkg-config' 'python2' 'libxslt' 'docbook-xml' 'pcre' 'libffi' 'elfutils')
-        revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
-            '049240975cd2f1c88fbe7deb28af14d4ec7d2640495f7ca8980d873bb710cc97')
-build() {
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  patch -Rp1 -i ../revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
-  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib \
-      --sysconfdir=/etc \
-      --with-pcre=system \
-      --disable-fam
-  make
-check() {
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  #make -k check || :
-package_glib2() {
-  depends=('pcre' 'libffi')
-  optdepends=('python2: for gdbus-codegen and gtester-report'
-              'elfutils: gresource inspection tool')
-  options=('!docs' '!libtool' '!emptydirs')
-  license=('LGPL')
-  cd glib-$pkgver
-  make completiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  for _i in "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/"*; do
-      chmod -x "$_i"
-  done
-  # Our gdb does not ship the required python modules, so remove it
-  rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/gdb/"
-package_glib2-docs() {
-  pkgdesc="Documentation for glib2"
-  conflicts=('gobject2-docs')
-  replaces=('gobject2-docs')
-  license=('custom')
-  options=('docs' '!emptydirs')
-  cd glib-$pkgver/docs
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs"
-  install -m644 reference/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs/"
-  rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=(glib2 glib2-docs)
+pkgdesc="Common C routines used by GTK+ and other libs"
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+makedepends=('pkg-config' 'python2' 'libxslt' 'docbook-xml' 'pcre' 'libffi' 'elfutils')
+        revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
+            '049240975cd2f1c88fbe7deb28af14d4ec7d2640495f7ca8980d873bb710cc97')
+build() {
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  patch -Rp1 -i ../revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
+  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib \
+      --sysconfdir=/etc \
+      --with-pcre=system \
+      --disable-fam
+  make
+check() {
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  #make -k check || :
+package_glib2() {
+  depends=('pcre' 'libffi')
+  optdepends=('python2: for gdbus-codegen and gtester-report'
+              'elfutils: gresource inspection tool')
+  options=('!docs' '!libtool' '!emptydirs')
+  license=('LGPL')
+  cd glib-$pkgver
+  make completiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  for _i in "$pkgdir/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/"*; do
+      chmod -x "$_i"
+  done
+  # Our gdb does not ship the required python modules, so remove it
+  rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/gdb/"
+package_glib2-docs() {
+  pkgdesc="Documentation for glib2"
+  conflicts=('gobject2-docs')
+  replaces=('gobject2-docs')
+  license=('custom')
+  options=('docs' '!emptydirs')
+  cd glib-$pkgver/docs
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs"
+  install -m644 reference/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/glib2-docs/"
+  rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"

Deleted: testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch
--- testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:17:08 UTC (rev 182881)
+++ testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-From 6560b37450cd19c4a7c7b690e279fe97b7bfdcaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ryan Lortie <desrt at desrt.ca>
-Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:55:34 +0000
-Subject: glib-compile-schemas: warn about bad dconf paths
-For quite some time the recommended usage of GSettings and dconf has
-been to use paths like /org/gnome/example/.  Use of /apps/ has spilled
-over from GConf and is continuing to make its way into a number of
-applications as they port.
-glib-compile-schemas will now warn about these types of paths being
-used.  This generates a lot of noise, but hopefully it will reduce the
-number of ported applications making this mistake.
-diff --git a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-index cf02389..27d0181 100644
---- a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-+++ b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
-@@ -1204,6 +1204,12 @@ parse_state_start_schema (ParseState  *state,
-       return;
-     }
-+  if (path && (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/apps/") ||
-+               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/desktop/") ||
-+               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/system/")))
-+    g_printerr ("warning: Schema '%s' has path '%s'.  Paths starting with "
-+                "'/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.\n", id, path);
-   state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain,
-                                           extends, extends_name, list_of);
-cgit v0.9.0.2

Copied: glib2/repos/testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch (from rev 182881, glib2/trunk/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch)
--- testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/revert-warn-glib-compile-schemas.patch	2013-04-15 22:19:20 UTC (rev 182882)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 6560b37450cd19c4a7c7b690e279fe97b7bfdcaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ryan Lortie <desrt at desrt.ca>
+Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 23:55:34 +0000
+Subject: glib-compile-schemas: warn about bad dconf paths
+For quite some time the recommended usage of GSettings and dconf has
+been to use paths like /org/gnome/example/.  Use of /apps/ has spilled
+over from GConf and is continuing to make its way into a number of
+applications as they port.
+glib-compile-schemas will now warn about these types of paths being
+used.  This generates a lot of noise, but hopefully it will reduce the
+number of ported applications making this mistake.
+diff --git a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+index cf02389..27d0181 100644
+--- a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
++++ b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+@@ -1204,6 +1204,12 @@ parse_state_start_schema (ParseState  *state,
+       return;
+     }
++  if (path && (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/apps/") ||
++               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/desktop/") ||
++               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/system/")))
++    g_printerr ("warning: Schema '%s' has path '%s'.  Paths starting with "
++                "'/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.\n", id, path);
+   state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain,
+                                           extends, extends_name, list_of);
+cgit v0.9.0.2

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