[arch-commits] Commit in backuppc/repos/community-any (20 files)
Sébastien Luttringer
seblu at nymeria.archlinux.org
Wed Apr 17 00:13:31 UTC 2013
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 @ 02:13:30
Author: seblu
Revision: 88390
archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/01-move-socket-into-run.patch)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/02-move-socket-into-run.patch)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/03-fix-FS#32642.patch)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.httpd)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.install)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.profile.csh)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.profile.sh)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.service)
(from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.socket)
01-fix-parenthesis-warnings.patch | 20 ---
01-move-socket-into-run.patch | 55 ++++++++++
02-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch | 14 --
02-move-socket-into-run.patch | 43 +++++++
03-fix-FS#32642.patch | 24 ++--
04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch | 14 ++
PKGBUILD | 194 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
backuppc.httpd | 50 ++++-----
backuppc.install | 71 ++++++-------
backuppc.profile.csh | 2
backuppc.profile.sh | 6 -
backuppc.service | 21 ++-
backuppc.socket | 8 +
13 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)
Deleted: 01-fix-parenthesis-warnings.patch
--- 01-fix-parenthesis-warnings.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ 01-fix-parenthesis-warnings.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# http://svnweb.mageia.org/packages/cauldron/backuppc/current/SOURCES/BackupPC-3.2.1-CVE-2011-170886.diff?view=markup
---- a/lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm 2011-04-25 05:31:55.000000000 +0200
-+++ b/lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm 2011-11-28 17:25:44.579141456 +0100
-@@ -299,5 +299,5 @@
- # Promote BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude to hashes
- #
-- foreach my $param qw(BackupFilesOnly BackupFilesExclude) {
-+ foreach my $param ( qw(BackupFilesOnly BackupFilesExclude) ) {
- next if ( !defined($conf->{$param}) || ref($conf->{$param}) eq "HASH" );
- $conf->{$param} = [ $conf->{$param} ]
---- a/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm 2011-04-25 05:31:55.000000000 +0200
-+++ b/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm 2011-11-28 17:28:01.830700902 +0100
-@@ -1410,5 +1410,5 @@
- $conf->{$shareName} = [ $conf->{$shareName} ]
- if ( ref($conf->{$shareName}) ne "ARRAY" );
-- foreach my $param qw(BackupFilesOnly BackupFilesExclude) {
-+ foreach my $param ( qw(BackupFilesOnly BackupFilesExclude) ) {
- next if ( !defined($conf->{$param}) );
- if ( ref($conf->{$param}) eq "HASH" ) {
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/01-move-socket-into-run.patch (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/01-move-socket-into-run.patch)
--- 01-move-socket-into-run.patch (rev 0)
+++ 01-move-socket-into-run.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 1cba5f001533ec6d0a728847bdc4fc57e5fed0a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?S=C3=A9bastien=20Luttringer?= <seblu at seblu.net>
+Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 22:39:15 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Move pid file into /run
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+This is not a clean patch but it doesn't targeted to upstream inclusion
+Signed-off-by: Sébastien Luttringer <seblu at seblu.net>
+ bin/BackupPC | 10 +++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/bin/BackupPC b/bin/BackupPC
+index c6fc7d2..d9f3dbc 100755
+--- a/bin/BackupPC
++++ b/bin/BackupPC
+@@ -363,11 +363,11 @@ sub Main_Initialize
+ # Write out our initial status and save our PID
+ #
+ StatusWrite();
+- unlink("$LogDir/BackupPC.pid");
+- if ( open(PID, ">", "$LogDir/BackupPC.pid") ) {
++ unlink("/run/backuppc/backuppc.pid");
++ if ( open(PID, ">", "/run/backuppc/backuppc.pid") ) {
+ print(PID $$);
+ close(PID);
+- chmod(0444, "$LogDir/BackupPC.pid");
++ chmod(0444, "/run/backuppc/backuppc.pid");
+ }
+ #
+@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ sub catch_signal
+ close(LOG);
+ LogFileOpen();
+ print(LOG "Fatal error: unhandled signal $SigName\n");
+- unlink("$LogDir/BackupPC.pid");
++ unlink("/run/backuppc/backuppc.pid");
+ confess("Got new signal $SigName... quitting\n");
+ } else {
+ $SigName = shift;
+@@ -1968,7 +1968,7 @@ sub ServerShutdown
+ }
+ delete($Info{pid});
+ StatusWrite();
+- unlink("$LogDir/BackupPC.pid");
++ unlink("/run/backuppc/backuppc.pid");
+ exit(1);
+ }
Deleted: 02-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch
--- 02-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ 02-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2011-4923
-# http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2011/10/27/8
---- a/lib/BackupPC/CGI/View.pm
-+++ b/lib/BackupPC/CGI/View.pm
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- my $compress = 0;
- my $fh;
- my $host = $In{host};
-- my $num = $In{num};
-+ my $num = ${EscHTML($In{num})};
- my $type = $In{type};
- my $linkHosts = 0;
- my($file, $comment);
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/02-move-socket-into-run.patch (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/02-move-socket-into-run.patch)
--- 02-move-socket-into-run.patch (rev 0)
+++ 02-move-socket-into-run.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From f545d6cd391fb2329068d54e5b5ac90973259cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?S=C3=A9bastien=20Luttringer?= <seblu at seblu.net>
+Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 22:50:38 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Move socket into /run
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Signed-off-by: Sébastien Luttringer <seblu at seblu.net>
+ bin/BackupPC | 2 +-
+ lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/bin/BackupPC b/bin/BackupPC
+index c6fc7d2..818f68e 100755
+--- a/bin/BackupPC
++++ b/bin/BackupPC
+@@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ sub ServerSocketInit
+ print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "unix socket() failed: $!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+- my $sockFile = "$LogDir/BackupPC.sock";
++ my $sockFile = "/run/backuppc/backuppc.sock";
+ unlink($sockFile);
+ if ( !bind(SERVER_UNIX, sockaddr_un($sockFile)) ) {
+ print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "unix bind() failed: $!\n");
+diff --git a/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm b/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
+index b83a90c..8ffb227 100644
+--- a/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
++++ b/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
+@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ sub ServerConnect
+ #
+ # First try the unix-domain socket
+ #
+- my $sockFile = "$bpc->{LogDir}/BackupPC.sock";
++ my $sockFile = "/run/backuppc/backuppc.sock";
+ socket(*FH, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) || return "unix socket: $!";
+ if ( !connect(*FH, sockaddr_un($sockFile)) ) {
+ my $err = "unix connect: $!";
Deleted: 03-fix-FS#32642.patch
--- 03-fix-FS#32642.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ 03-fix-FS#32642.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- backuppc-3.2.1.orig/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
-+++ backuppc-3.2.1/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
-@@ -495,7 +495,8 @@
- }
- if ( $IODirentOk ) {
- @entries = sort({ $a->{inode} <=> $b->{inode} } readdirent($fh));
-- map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type} } @entries; # make type numeric
-+ #map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type} } @entries; # make type numeric
-+ map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type}; $_->{type} = undef if ($_->{type} eq BPC_DT_UNKNOWN); } @entries; # make type numeric, unset unknown types
- } else {
- @entries = map { { name => $_} } readdir($fh);
- }
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/03-fix-FS#32642.patch (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/03-fix-FS#32642.patch)
--- 03-fix-FS#32642.patch (rev 0)
+++ 03-fix-FS#32642.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- backuppc-3.2.1.orig/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
++++ backuppc-3.2.1/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm
+@@ -495,7 +495,8 @@
+ }
+ if ( $IODirentOk ) {
+ @entries = sort({ $a->{inode} <=> $b->{inode} } readdirent($fh));
+- map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type} } @entries; # make type numeric
++ #map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type} } @entries; # make type numeric
++ map { $_->{type} = 0 + $_->{type}; $_->{type} = undef if ($_->{type} eq BPC_DT_UNKNOWN); } @entries; # make type numeric, unset unknown types
+ } else {
+ @entries = map { { name => $_} } readdir($fh);
+ }
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch)
--- 04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch (rev 0)
+++ 04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2011-4923
+# http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2011/10/27/8
+--- a/lib/BackupPC/CGI/View.pm
++++ b/lib/BackupPC/CGI/View.pm
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ my $compress = 0;
+ my $fh;
+ my $host = $In{host};
+- my $num = $In{num};
++ my $num = ${EscHTML($In{num})};
+ my $type = $In{type};
+ my $linkHosts = 0;
+ my($file, $comment);
--- PKGBUILD 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ PKGBUILD 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer <seblu at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc='Enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, Windows and MacOS PCs'
- 'openssh'
- 'par2cmdline'
- 'perl-archive-zip'
- 'perl-file-listing'
- 'perl-time-modules'
- 'perl-xml-rss'
- 'smbclient'
- 'rsync: used by rsync transfert method'
- 'perl-file-rsyncp: used by rsync transfert method'
- 'perl-io-dirent'
- 'apache: used by web admin interface'
- 'mod_perl: used by web admin interface'
- "$pkgname.service"
- "$pkgname.profile.sh"
- "$pkgname.profile.csh"
- "$pkgname.httpd"
- '01-fix-parenthesis-warnings.patch'
- '02-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch'
- '03-fix-FS#32642.patch')
- "etc/$pkgname/hosts"
- "etc/httpd/conf/extra/$pkgname.conf"
- "etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.users")
- 'fa5da622f87d8801065ba312f4d547b6'
- '67a939aa63740c52d12bbdca72d37891'
- 'ef09e4dae5b4197998f5c3a74e0ec86d'
- 'c61dea98b2a2a0c944a0a6be44e4caf3'
- 'dff7ae1530929ae49f8b34a240a04131'
- 'aca8392c5dea60c3cceeb02ebcc63497'
- '3917c474a275e262fde246daf59ffe31')
-package() {
- cd BackupPC-$pkgver
- for _p in "$srcdir"/*.patch; do
- msg2 "Applying patch $_p"
- patch -p1 -N -i "$_p"
- done
- perl configure.pl \
- --batch \
- --no-set-perms \
- --uid-ignore \
- --hostname __HOSTNAME__ \
- --compress-level 5 \
- --backuppc-user=backuppc \
- --dest-dir "$pkgdir" \
- --fhs \
- --install-dir /usr/share/$pkgname \
- --config-dir /etc/$pkgname \
- --cgi-dir /usr/share/$pkgname/cgi-bin \
- --html-dir /usr/share/$pkgname/html \
- --html-dir-url /backuppc \
- --data-dir /var/lib/$pkgname \
- --log-dir /var/log/$pkgname
- cd "$srcdir"
- # systemd
- install -D -m 644 $pkgname.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service"
- # install shell profiles
- install -D -m 755 $pkgname.profile.sh "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/$pkgname.sh"
- install -D -m 755 $pkgname.profile.csh "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/$pkgname.csh"
- # install apache http
- install -D -m 644 $pkgname.httpd "$pkgdir/etc/httpd/conf/extra/$pkgname.conf"
- install -D -m 640 /dev/null "$pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.users"
- # set correct permissions
- cd "$pkgdir"
- chown 126:126 -R etc/$pkgname
- chown 126:126 -R var/{log,lib}/$pkgname
- chmod 755 etc
- chmod 755 -R var usr/share/$pkgname/{cgi-,}bin
- chmod 750 var/log/$pkgname etc/$pkgname var/lib/$pkgname
- chmod 640 etc/$pkgname/{config.pl,hosts}
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer
+pkgdesc='Enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, Windows and MacOS PCs'
+ 'openssh'
+ 'par2cmdline'
+ 'perl-archive-zip'
+ 'perl-file-listing'
+ 'perl-time-modules'
+ 'perl-xml-rss'
+ 'smbclient'
+ 'rsync: used by rsync transfert method'
+ 'perl-file-rsyncp: used by rsync transfert method'
+ 'perl-io-dirent'
+ 'apache: used by web admin interface'
+ 'mod_perl: used by web admin interface'
+ "$pkgname.service"
+ "$pkgname.socket"
+ "$pkgname.profile.sh"
+ "$pkgname.profile.csh"
+ "$pkgname.httpd"
+ '01-move-socket-into-run.patch'
+ '02-move-socket-into-run.patch'
+ '03-fix-FS#32642.patch'
+ '04-fix-cve-2011-4923.patch'
+ "etc/$pkgname/hosts"
+ "etc/httpd/conf/extra/$pkgname.conf"
+ "etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.users")
+ 'ffb8827bbefcf5f0cd959d08fdf64fc1'
+ '88344dbc5f8777e04fc8e0d250a2db82'
+ '67a939aa63740c52d12bbdca72d37891'
+ 'ef09e4dae5b4197998f5c3a74e0ec86d'
+ 'c61dea98b2a2a0c944a0a6be44e4caf3'
+ 'ec087e8b899450e9e7ab18bff77cb1f3'
+ 'b468820ed542023e1fec7ce8c88a0c3b'
+ '3917c474a275e262fde246daf59ffe31'
+ 'aca8392c5dea60c3cceeb02ebcc63497')
+prepare() {
+ pwd
+ for _p in *.patch; do
+ msg2 "Applying patch $_p"
+ patch -p1 -d BackupPC-$pkgver < "$_p"
+ done
+package() {
+ cd BackupPC-$pkgver
+ perl configure.pl \
+ --batch \
+ --no-set-perms \
+ --uid-ignore \
+ --hostname __HOSTNAME__ \
+ --compress-level 5 \
+ --backuppc-user=backuppc \
+ --dest-dir "$pkgdir" \
+ --fhs \
+ --install-dir /usr/share/$pkgname \
+ --config-dir /etc/$pkgname \
+ --cgi-dir /usr/share/$pkgname/cgi-bin \
+ --html-dir /usr/share/$pkgname/html \
+ --html-dir-url /backuppc \
+ --data-dir /var/lib/$pkgname \
+ --log-dir /var/log/$pkgname
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ # systemd
+ install -D -m 644 $pkgname.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service"
+ install -D -m 644 $pkgname.socket "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.socket"
+ install -D -m 644 /dev/null "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"
+ echo 'd /run/backuppc 0750 backuppc backuppc' > "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"
+ # install shell profiles
+ install -D -m 755 $pkgname.profile.sh "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/$pkgname.sh"
+ install -D -m 755 $pkgname.profile.csh "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/$pkgname.csh"
+ # install apache http
+ install -D -m 644 $pkgname.httpd "$pkgdir/etc/httpd/conf/extra/$pkgname.conf"
+ install -D -m 640 /dev/null "$pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.users"
+ # set correct permissions
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ chown 126:126 -R etc/$pkgname
+ chown 126:126 -R var/{log,lib}/$pkgname
+ chmod 755 etc
+ chmod 755 -R var usr/share/$pkgname/{cgi-,}bin
+ chmod 750 var/log/$pkgname etc/$pkgname
+ chmod 750 -R var/lib/$pkgname
+ chmod 640 etc/$pkgname/{config.pl,hosts}
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Deleted: backuppc.httpd
--- backuppc.httpd 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ backuppc.httpd 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin>
- # This section tells apache which machines can access the interface.
- # You can change the allow line to allow access from your local
- # network, or comment out this region to allow access from all
- # machines.
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
- allow from
- # You can change the authorization method to LDAP or another method
- # besides htaccess here if you are so inclined.
- AuthType Basic
- AuthUserFile /etc/backuppc/backuppc.users
- AuthName "BackupPC Community Edition Administrative Interface"
- require valid-user
-<Directory /usr/share/backuppc/html>
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
- allow from
-Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/html
-ScriptAlias /BackupPC_Admin /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.httpd (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.httpd)
--- backuppc.httpd (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.httpd 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin>
+ # This section tells apache which machines can access the interface.
+ # You can change the allow line to allow access from your local
+ # network, or comment out this region to allow access from all
+ # machines.
+ order deny,allow
+ deny from all
+ allow from
+ # You can change the authorization method to LDAP or another method
+ # besides htaccess here if you are so inclined.
+ AuthType Basic
+ AuthUserFile /etc/backuppc/backuppc.users
+ AuthName "BackupPC Community Edition Administrative Interface"
+ require valid-user
+<Directory /usr/share/backuppc/html>
+ order deny,allow
+ deny from all
+ allow from
+Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/html
+ScriptAlias /BackupPC_Admin /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin
Deleted: backuppc.install
--- backuppc.install 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ backuppc.install 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# arg 1: the new package version
-post_install() {
- getent group backuppc >/dev/null || groupadd -g 126 backuppc
- getent passwd backuppc >/dev/null || useradd -d /var/lib/backuppc -u 126 -g 126 backuppc
- true
-# arg 1: the new package version
-# arg 2: the old package version
-post_upgrade() {
- # change uid of old version
- if [ "`vercmp $2 3.2.1-8`" -lt 0 ]; then
- if pgrep -u backuppc >/dev/null; then
- echo '==> backuppc user is running.'
- echo '==> You must manually change uid and gid of backuppc!'
- echo '==> e.g: usermod -u 126 -g 126 backuppc'
- else
- usermod -u 126 -g 126 backuppc
- echo '==> backuppc uid/gid have changed. Check your filesystem permissions.'
- fi
- fi
- true
-# arg 1: the old package version
-post_remove() {
- userdel -f backuppc >/dev/null 2>&1
- groupdel backuppc >/dev/null 2>&1
- true
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh et:
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.install (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.install)
--- backuppc.install (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.install 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# arg 1: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ getent group backuppc >/dev/null || groupadd -g 126 backuppc
+ getent passwd backuppc >/dev/null || useradd -d /var/lib/backuppc -u 126 -g 126 backuppc
+ systemd-tmpfiles --create backuppc.conf
+ true
+# arg 1: the new package version
+# arg 2: the old package version
+post_upgrade() {
+ # change uid of old version
+ if (( $(vercmp $2 3.2.1-8) < 0 )); then
+ if pgrep -u backuppc >/dev/null; then
+ echo '==> backuppc user is running.'
+ echo '==> You must manually change uid and gid of backuppc!'
+ echo '==> e.g: usermod -u 126 -g 126 backuppc'
+ else
+ usermod -u 126 -g 126 backuppc
+ echo '==> backuppc uid/gid have changed. Check your filesystem permissions.'
+ fi
+ fi
+ # ensure /run/backuppc exists
+ systemd-tmpfiles --create backuppc.conf
+ true
+# arg 1: the old package version
+post_remove() {
+ userdel -f backuppc &>/dev/null
+ groupdel backuppc &>/dev/null
+ true
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh et:
Deleted: backuppc.profile.csh
--- backuppc.profile.csh 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ backuppc.profile.csh 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[ -d /usr/share/backuppc/bin ] && setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/share/backuppc/bin
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.profile.csh (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.profile.csh)
--- backuppc.profile.csh (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.profile.csh 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[ -d /usr/share/backuppc/bin ] && setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/share/backuppc/bin
Deleted: backuppc.profile.sh
--- backuppc.profile.sh 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ backuppc.profile.sh 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[ -d /usr/share/backuppc/bin ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/backuppc/bin
-export PATH
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.profile.sh (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.profile.sh)
--- backuppc.profile.sh (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.profile.sh 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[ -d /usr/share/backuppc/bin ] && PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/backuppc/bin
+export PATH
Deleted: backuppc.service
--- backuppc.service 2013-04-17 00:13:19 UTC (rev 88389)
+++ backuppc.service 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.service (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.service)
--- backuppc.service (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.service 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
Copied: backuppc/repos/community-any/backuppc.socket (from rev 88389, backuppc/trunk/backuppc.socket)
--- backuppc.socket (rev 0)
+++ backuppc.socket 2013-04-17 00:13:30 UTC (rev 88390)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=BackupPC Socket
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