[arch-commits] Commit in vim-colorsamplerpack/repos/community-any (4 files)

Sven-Hendrik Haase svenstaro at nymeria.archlinux.org
Tue Aug 13 11:23:49 UTC 2013

    Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 @ 13:23:49
  Author: svenstaro
Revision: 95529

archrelease: copy trunk to community-any

    (from rev 95528, vim-colorsamplerpack/trunk/LICENSE)
    (from rev 95528, vim-colorsamplerpack/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 LICENSE  |  414 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 PKGBUILD |   70 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)

Deleted: LICENSE
--- LICENSE	2013-08-13 11:23:39 UTC (rev 95528)
+++ LICENSE	2013-08-13 11:23:49 UTC (rev 95529)
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-Compiled licenses for the vim color schemes. Most schemes don't have any specified license. For those that have one, they are listed below.
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/calmar256-light.vim <==
-" Vim color file:  calmar256-dark.vim
-" Last Change: 21. Aug 2007
-" License: public domain
-" Maintainer:: calmar <mac at calmar.ws>
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/cleanphp.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Billy McIntosh <billymcintosh at ntlworld.com>
-" Last Change:  June 24, 2003
-" Licence:      Public Domain
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/dante.vim <==
-" File: "/home/caciano/.vim/dante.vim"
-" Created: "Thu, 23 May 2002 00:12:20 -0300 (caciano)"
-" Updated: "Sat, 24 Aug 2002 14:04:21 -0300 (caciano)"
-" Copyright (C) 2002, Caciano Machado <caciano at inf.ufrgs.br>
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/ekvoli.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Preben Randhol <randhol+ekvoli at pvv.org>
-" Last Change:  2008 Feb 24
-" License:      GNU Public License (GPL) v2
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/lettuce.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-"     Version:    1.2 2007.08.08
-"     Author:     Valyaeff Valentin <hhyperr AT gmail DOT com>
-"     License:    GPL
-" Copyright 2007 Valyaeff Valentin
-" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-" (at your option) any later version.
-" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-" GNU General Public License for more details.
-" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-" along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/marklar.vim <==
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Filename:  marklar.vim
-" Last Modified: Nov, 30 2006 (13:01)
-" Version:       0.5
-" Maintainer:    SM Smithfield (m_smithfield AT yahoo DOT com)
-" Copyright:     2006 SM Smithfield
-"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
-"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
-"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
-" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
-"                then load it with :colorscheme marklar
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/martin_krischik.vim <==
-"  Description: My personal colors
-"          $Id: martin_krischik.vim 458 2006-11-18 09:42:10Z krischik $
-"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
-"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischik
-"      $Author: krischik $
-"        $Date: 2006-11-18 10:42:10 +0100 (Sa, 18 Nov 2006) $
-"      Version: 3.2
-"    $Revision: 458 $
-"     $HeadURL: https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/colors/martin_krischik.vim $
-"	  Note:	Tried and Tested for 'builtin_gui', 'xterm' (KDE Konsole)
-"		'vt320'" (OpenVMS) and 'linux' (Linux Console).
-"      History: 16.05.2006 MK Check that all vim 7.0 colors are set
-"		16.05.2006 MK Split GUI from terminal.
-"		24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
-"		24.07.2006 MK Omni-Completion Colors.
-"               15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
-"	 Usage: copy to colors directory
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/motus.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-" Dark (grey on black) color scheme based on on a popular torte config.
-" Maintainer: Sergei Matusevich <motus at motus.kiev.ua>
-" ICQ: 31114346 Yahoo: motus2
-" http://motus.kiev.ua/motus2/Files/motus.vim
-" Last Change: 3 November 2005
-" Orinal torte screme maintainer: Thorsten Maerz <info at netztorte.de>
-" Licence: Public Domain
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/railscasts.vim <==
-" Vim color scheme
-" Name:         railscasts.vim
-" Maintainer:   Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net>
-" Last Change:  01 Mar 2008
-" License:      WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/>
-" Version:      2.1
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/relaxedgreen.vim <==
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Filename:      relaxedgreen.vim
-" Last Modified: 13 Feb 2007 09:57:24 PM by Dave V
-" Maintainer:    Dave Vehrs (dvehrs at gmail.com)
-" Copyright:     2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Dave Vehrs
-"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
-"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
-"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
-" Install:       Place this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors) or 
-"                in the shared colors directory (/usr/shared/vim/vim<version>/colors/),
-"                then load it with :colorscheme relaxedgreen
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/synic.vim <==
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Filename:  synic.vim
-" Last Modified: May, 14 2007 (10:47)
-" Maintainer:    Adam Olsen (arolsen at gmail.com)
-" Copyright:     2007 Adam Olsen
-"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
-"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
-"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
-" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
-"                then load it with :colorscheme synic
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/tabula.vim <==
-" ============================================================================
-" Filename:  tabula.vim
-" Last Modified: 2007-02-01
-" Version:       1.3
-" Maintainer:    Bernd Pol (bernd.pol AT online DOT de)
-" Copyright:     2006 Bernd Pol
-"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
-"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
-"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-" Description:   Vim colorscheme based on marklar.vim by SM Smithfield,
-"        slightly modified for harmonic, yet easily distinguishable
-"        display on GUI and a 256 color xterm as well.
-" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
-"                then load it with :colorscheme tabula
-" =============================================================================
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/vibrantink.vim <==
-" Vim color scheme
-" Name:         vibrantink.vim
-" Maintainer:   Jo Vermeulen <jo.vermeulen at gmail.com> 
-" Last Change:  30 Jul 2007 
-" License:      public domain
-" Version:      1.2
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/vividchalk.vim <==
-" Vim color scheme
-" Name:         vividchalk.vim
-" Author:       Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM at tpope.info>
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 1891 1 :AutoInstall: vividchalk.vim
-" $Id: vividchalk.vim,v 1.8 2007-07-11 18:50:16 tpope Exp $
-" Based on the Vibrank Ink theme for TextMate
-" Distributable under the same terms as Vim itself (see :help license)
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/xoria256.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-" Name:     xoria256.vim
-" Version:  0.3.2
-" License:  Public Domain
-" Maintainer:   Dmitriy Y. Zotikov (xio) <xio at ungrund.org>
-==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/zenburn.vim <==
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Jani Nurminen <slinky at iki.fi>
-" Last Change:  $Id: zenburn.vim,v 2.3 2008/07/30 17:34:37 slinky Exp $
-" URL:          http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/
-" License:      GPL

Copied: vim-colorsamplerpack/repos/community-any/LICENSE (from rev 95528, vim-colorsamplerpack/trunk/LICENSE)
--- LICENSE	                        (rev 0)
+++ LICENSE	2013-08-13 11:23:49 UTC (rev 95529)
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+Compiled licenses for the vim color schemes. Most schemes don't have any specified license. For those that have one, they are listed below.
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/calmar256-light.vim <==
+" Vim color file:  calmar256-dark.vim
+" Last Change: 21. Aug 2007
+" License: public domain
+" Maintainer:: calmar <mac at calmar.ws>
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/cleanphp.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Billy McIntosh <billymcintosh at ntlworld.com>
+" Last Change:  June 24, 2003
+" Licence:      Public Domain
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/dante.vim <==
+" File: "/home/caciano/.vim/dante.vim"
+" Created: "Thu, 23 May 2002 00:12:20 -0300 (caciano)"
+" Updated: "Sat, 24 Aug 2002 14:04:21 -0300 (caciano)"
+" Copyright (C) 2002, Caciano Machado <caciano at inf.ufrgs.br>
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/ekvoli.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Preben Randhol <randhol+ekvoli at pvv.org>
+" Last Change:  2008 Feb 24
+" License:      GNU Public License (GPL) v2
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/lettuce.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+"     Version:    1.2 2007.08.08
+"     Author:     Valyaeff Valentin <hhyperr AT gmail DOT com>
+"     License:    GPL
+" Copyright 2007 Valyaeff Valentin
+" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+" (at your option) any later version.
+" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+" GNU General Public License for more details.
+" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+" along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/marklar.vim <==
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Filename:  marklar.vim
+" Last Modified: Nov, 30 2006 (13:01)
+" Version:       0.5
+" Maintainer:    SM Smithfield (m_smithfield AT yahoo DOT com)
+" Copyright:     2006 SM Smithfield
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme marklar
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/martin_krischik.vim <==
+"  Description: My personal colors
+"          $Id: martin_krischik.vim 458 2006-11-18 09:42:10Z krischik $
+"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischik
+"      $Author: krischik $
+"        $Date: 2006-11-18 10:42:10 +0100 (Sa, 18 Nov 2006) $
+"      Version: 3.2
+"    $Revision: 458 $
+"     $HeadURL: https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/colors/martin_krischik.vim $
+"	  Note:	Tried and Tested for 'builtin_gui', 'xterm' (KDE Konsole)
+"		'vt320'" (OpenVMS) and 'linux' (Linux Console).
+"      History: 16.05.2006 MK Check that all vim 7.0 colors are set
+"		16.05.2006 MK Split GUI from terminal.
+"		24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+"		24.07.2006 MK Omni-Completion Colors.
+"               15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+"	 Usage: copy to colors directory
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/motus.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+" Dark (grey on black) color scheme based on on a popular torte config.
+" Maintainer: Sergei Matusevich <motus at motus.kiev.ua>
+" ICQ: 31114346 Yahoo: motus2
+" http://motus.kiev.ua/motus2/Files/motus.vim
+" Last Change: 3 November 2005
+" Orinal torte screme maintainer: Thorsten Maerz <info at netztorte.de>
+" Licence: Public Domain
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/railscasts.vim <==
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         railscasts.vim
+" Maintainer:   Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net>
+" Last Change:  01 Mar 2008
+" License:      WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/>
+" Version:      2.1
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/relaxedgreen.vim <==
+" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Filename:      relaxedgreen.vim
+" Last Modified: 13 Feb 2007 09:57:24 PM by Dave V
+" Maintainer:    Dave Vehrs (dvehrs at gmail.com)
+" Copyright:     2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Dave Vehrs
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
+" Install:       Place this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors) or 
+"                in the shared colors directory (/usr/shared/vim/vim<version>/colors/),
+"                then load it with :colorscheme relaxedgreen
+" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/synic.vim <==
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Filename:  synic.vim
+" Last Modified: May, 14 2007 (10:47)
+" Maintainer:    Adam Olsen (arolsen at gmail.com)
+" Copyright:     2007 Adam Olsen
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme synic
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/tabula.vim <==
+" ============================================================================
+" Filename:  tabula.vim
+" Last Modified: 2007-02-01
+" Version:       1.3
+" Maintainer:    Bernd Pol (bernd.pol AT online DOT de)
+" Copyright:     2006 Bernd Pol
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme based on marklar.vim by SM Smithfield,
+"        slightly modified for harmonic, yet easily distinguishable
+"        display on GUI and a 256 color xterm as well.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme tabula
+" =============================================================================
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/vibrantink.vim <==
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         vibrantink.vim
+" Maintainer:   Jo Vermeulen <jo.vermeulen at gmail.com> 
+" Last Change:  30 Jul 2007 
+" License:      public domain
+" Version:      1.2
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/vividchalk.vim <==
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         vividchalk.vim
+" Author:       Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM at tpope.info>
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1891 1 :AutoInstall: vividchalk.vim
+" $Id: vividchalk.vim,v 1.8 2007-07-11 18:50:16 tpope Exp $
+" Based on the Vibrank Ink theme for TextMate
+" Distributable under the same terms as Vim itself (see :help license)
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/xoria256.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+" Name:     xoria256.vim
+" Version:  0.3.2
+" License:  Public Domain
+" Maintainer:   Dmitriy Y. Zotikov (xio) <xio at ungrund.org>
+==> pkg/usr/share/vim/colors/zenburn.vim <==
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Jani Nurminen <slinky at iki.fi>
+" Last Change:  $Id: zenburn.vim,v 2.3 2008/07/30 17:34:37 slinky Exp $
+" URL:          http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/
+" License:      GPL

--- PKGBUILD	2013-08-13 11:23:39 UTC (rev 95528)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-08-13 11:23:49 UTC (rev 95529)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: 
-pkgdesc="Different colorschemes for vim"
-license=('GPL2' 'GPL3' 'custom')
-        'LICENSE')
-         'f4639ddafc68f49395c25fb4caf0d6f7')
-build() {
-    cd ${srcdir}/colors
-    # This already exist... we can't update it 8(
-    rm torte.vim
-    rm desert.vim
-package() {
-    cd ${srcdir}
-    installpath="${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/vim73"
-    install -d $installpath/colors/
-    install -m644 colors/* $installpath/colors
-    install -D -m644 plugin/color_sample_pack.vim $installpath/plugin/themes.vim
-    install -D -m644 LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE

Copied: vim-colorsamplerpack/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 95528, vim-colorsamplerpack/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-08-13 11:23:49 UTC (rev 95529)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id$
+# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
+pkgdesc="Different colorschemes for vim"
+license=('GPL2' 'GPL3' 'custom')
+        'LICENSE')
+         'f4639ddafc68f49395c25fb4caf0d6f7')
+build() {
+    cd ${srcdir}/colors
+    # This already exist... we can't update it 8(
+    rm torte.vim
+    rm desert.vim
+package() {
+    cd ${srcdir}
+    installpath="${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/vim74"
+    install -d $installpath/colors/
+    install -m644 colors/* $installpath/colors
+    install -D -m644 plugin/color_sample_pack.vim $installpath/plugin/themes.vim
+    install -D -m644 LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE

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