[arch-commits] Commit in easytag/trunk (3 files)

Guillaume Alaux guillaume at nymeria.archlinux.org
Wed Feb 20 23:40:35 UTC 2013

    Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013 @ 00:40:35
  Author: guillaume
Revision: 178370

Upstream release - sources


 PKGBUILD                                            |   21 
 easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch                    |  535 ------------------
 easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch |   43 +
 3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 543 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2013-02-20 23:16:34 UTC (rev 178369)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-02-20 23:40:35 UTC (rev 178370)
@@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
 # $Id$
-# Maintainer:
+# Maintainer: Guillaume ALAUX <guillaume at archlinux.org>
 # Contributor: Kevin Piche <kevin at archlinux.org>
 # Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
 # Contributor: dorphell <dorphell at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Utility for viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags of your MP3 files"
+pkgdesc='Utility for viewing and editing tags for most audio formats'
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 depends=('id3lib' 'libid3tag' 'gtk2' 'libvorbis' 'flac' 'speex' 'wavpack' 'libmp4v2' 'desktop-file-utils')
-source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2" easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch)
-         '0d01887de463585d944777b638a28c85')
+        easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch)
+            '453d2a102cf482d6d1586b11e531bf267f302aab3ee6b8c43b6bcc61cfa2ede5')
 build() {
   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch"
+  # Already fixed upstream
+  # http://git.gnome.org/browse/easytag/commit/src/wavpack_tag.c?id=17a33964c32035f6b9986e13726ae3582a126244
+  patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch"
   ./configure --prefix=/usr

Deleted: easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch
--- easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch	2013-02-20 23:16:34 UTC (rev 178369)
+++ easytag-2.1.7-new_libmp4v2.patch	2013-02-20 23:40:35 UTC (rev 178370)
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-Compability with libmp4v2.so.2 (upstream revision r479)
---- src/mp4_header.c
-+++ src/mp4_header.c
-@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
-     /* Get size of file */
-     ETFileInfo->size = Get_File_Size(filename);
--    if ((file = MP4Read(filename, 0)) == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
-+    if ((file = MP4Read(filename)) == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
-     {
-         gchar *filename_utf8 = filename_to_display(filename);
-         //g_print(_("ERROR while opening file: '%s' (%s)."),filename_utf8,g_strerror(errno));
-@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
-     {
-         gchar *filename_utf8 = filename_to_display(filename);
-         Log_Print(LOG_ERROR,_("ERROR while opening file: '%s' (%s)."),filename_utf8,("Contains no audio track"));
--        MP4Close(file);
-+        MP4Close(file, 0);
-         g_free(filename_utf8);
-         return FALSE;
-     }
-@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
-     ETFileInfo->mode = MP4GetTrackAudioChannels(file, trackId);
-     ETFileInfo->duration = MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(file, trackId, MP4GetTrackDuration(file, trackId), MP4_SECS_TIME_SCALE);
--    MP4Close(file);
-+    MP4Close(file, 0);
-     return TRUE;
- }
---- src/mp4_tag.c
-+++ src/mp4_tag.c
-@@ -80,15 +80,9 @@
- {
-     FILE   *file;
-     MP4FileHandle mp4file = NULL;
--    uint16_t track, track_total;
--    uint16_t disk, disktotal;
--    u_int8_t *coverArt;
--    u_int32_t coverSize;
-     Picture *prev_pic = NULL;
--#ifdef NEWMP4
-     gint pic_num;
-     if (!filename || !FileTag)
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -102,7 +96,7 @@
-     fclose(file); // We close it cause mp4 opens/closes file itself
-     /* Get data from tag */
--    mp4file = MP4Read(filename, 0);
-+    mp4file = MP4Read(filename);
-     if (mp4file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
-     {
-         gchar *filename_utf8 = filename_to_display(filename);
-@@ -111,109 +105,134 @@
-         return FALSE;
-     }
-+    const MP4Tags* tags = MP4TagsAlloc();
-+    MP4TagsFetch(tags, mp4file);
-     /* TODO Add error detection */
-     /*********
-      * Title *
-      *********/
--    MP4GetMetadataName(mp4file, &FileTag->title);
-+    if (tags->name)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->title = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->name);
-+    }
-     /**********
-      * Artist *
-      **********/
--    MP4GetMetadataArtist(mp4file, &FileTag->artist);
-+    if (tags->artist)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->artist = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->artist);
-+    }
-+    /****************
-+     * Album Artist *
-+     ****************/
-+    if (tags->albumArtist)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->album_artist = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->albumArtist);
-+    }
-     /*********
-      * Album *
-      *********/
--    MP4GetMetadataAlbum(mp4file, &FileTag->album);
-+    if (tags->album)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->album = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->album);
-+    }
-     /**********************
-      * Disk / Total Disks *
-      **********************/
--    if (MP4GetMetadataDisk(mp4file, &disk, &disktotal))
-+    if (tags->disk)
-     {
--        if (disk != 0 && disktotal != 0)
--            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("%d/%d",(gint)disk,(gint)disktotal);
--        else if (disk != 0)
--            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("%d",(gint)disk);
--        else if (disktotal != 0)
--            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("/%d",(gint)disktotal);
--        //if (disktotal != 0)
--        //    FileTag->disk_number_total = g_strdup_printf("%d",(gint)disktotal);
-+        if (tags->disk->index != 0 && tags->disk->total != 0)
-+            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("%d/%d",(gint)tags->disk->index,(gint)tags->disk->total);
-+        else if (tags->disk->index != 0)
-+            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("%d",(gint)tags->disk->index);
-+        else if (tags->disk->total != 0)
-+            FileTag->disc_number = g_strdup_printf("/%d",(gint)tags->disk->total);
-     }
-     /********
-      * Year *
-      ********/
--    MP4GetMetadataYear(mp4file, &FileTag->year);
-+    if (tags->releaseDate)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->year = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->releaseDate);
-+    }
-     /*************************
-      * Track and Total Track *
-      *************************/
--    if (MP4GetMetadataTrack(mp4file, &track, &track_total))
-+    if (tags->track)
-     {
--        if (track != 0)
--            FileTag->track = g_strdup_printf("%.*d",NUMBER_TRACK_FORMATED_SPIN_BUTTON,(gint)track); // Just to have numbers like this : '01', '05', '12', ...
--        if (track_total != 0)
--            FileTag->track_total = g_strdup_printf("%.*d",NUMBER_TRACK_FORMATED_SPIN_BUTTON,(gint)track_total); // Just to have numbers like this : '01', '05', '12', ...
-+        if (tags->track->index != 0)
-+            FileTag->track = g_strdup_printf("%.*d",NUMBER_TRACK_FORMATED_SPIN_BUTTON,(gint)tags->track->index); // Just to have numbers like this : '01', '05', '12', ...
-+        if (tags->track->total != 0)
-+            FileTag->track_total = g_strdup_printf("%.*d",NUMBER_TRACK_FORMATED_SPIN_BUTTON,(gint)tags->track->total); // Just to have numbers like this : '01', '05', '12', ...
-     }
-     /*********
-      * Genre *
-      *********/
--    MP4GetMetadataGenre(mp4file, &FileTag->genre);
-+    if (tags->genre)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->genre = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->genre);
-+    }
-     /***********
-      * Comment *
-      ***********/
--    MP4GetMetadataComment(mp4file, &FileTag->comment);
-+    if (tags->comments)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->comment = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->comments);
-+    }
-     /**********************
-      * Composer or Writer *
-      **********************/
--    MP4GetMetadataWriter(mp4file, &FileTag->composer);
-+    if (tags->composer)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->composer = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->composer);
-+    }
-     /*****************
-      * Encoding Tool *
-      *****************/
--    MP4GetMetadataTool(mp4file, &FileTag->encoded_by);
--    /* Unimplemented
--    Tempo / BPM
--    MP4GetMetadataTempo(file, &string)
--    */
-+    if (tags->encodedBy)
-+    {
-+        FileTag->encoded_by = Try_To_Validate_Utf8_String(tags->encodedBy);
-+    }
-     /***********
-      * Picture *
-      ***********/
--#ifdef NEWMP4
--    // There version can handle multiple pictures!
--    // Version 1.6 of libmp4v2 introduces an index argument for MP4GetMetadataCoverart
--    for (pic_num = 0; (MP4GetMetadataCoverArt( mp4file, &coverArt, &coverSize,pic_num )); pic_num++)
--    // There version handle only one picture!
--    if ( MP4GetMetadataCoverArt( mp4file, &coverArt, &coverSize ) )
--    {
--        Picture *pic;
--        pic = Picture_Allocate();
--        if (!prev_pic)
--            FileTag->picture = pic;
--        else
--            prev_pic->next = pic;
--        prev_pic = pic;
--        pic->size = coverSize;
--        pic->data = coverArt;
--        pic->type = PICTURE_TYPE_FRONT_COVER;
--        pic->description = NULL;
-+    if (tags->artworkCount) {
-+        const MP4TagArtwork* art = tags->artwork; /* artwork != NULL when artworkCount > 0 */
-+        for (pic_num = 0; pic_num < tags->artworkCount; pic_num++, art++)
-+        {
-+            Picture *pic;
-+            pic = Picture_Allocate();
-+            if (!prev_pic)
-+                FileTag->picture = pic;
-+            else
-+                prev_pic->next = pic;
-+            prev_pic = pic;
-+            pic->size = art->size;
-+            pic->data = g_memdup(art->data, pic->size);
-+            pic->type = PICTURE_TYPE_FRONT_COVER;
-+            pic->description = NULL;
-+        }
-     }
-     /* Free allocated data */
--    MP4Close(mp4file);
-+    MP4TagsFree(tags);
-+    MP4Close(mp4file, 0);
-     return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -235,6 +254,7 @@
-     FILE     *file;
-     MP4FileHandle mp4file = NULL;
-     gint error = 0;
-+    gint pic_num;
-     if (!ETFile || !ETFile->FileTag)
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -252,23 +272,25 @@
-     fclose(file);
-     /* Open file for writing */
--    mp4file = MP4Modify(filename,0,0);
-+    mp4file = MP4Modify(filename, 0);
-     if (mp4file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
-     {
-         Log_Print(LOG_ERROR,_("ERROR while opening file: '%s' (%s)."),filename_utf8,_("MP4 format invalid"));
-         return FALSE;
-     }
-+    const MP4Tags* tags = MP4TagsAlloc();
-+    MP4TagsFetch(tags, mp4file);
-     /*********
-      * Title *
-      *********/
-     if (FileTag->title && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->title, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataName(mp4file, FileTag->title);
-+        MP4TagsSetName(tags, FileTag->title);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataName(mp4file); // Not available on mpeg4ip-1.2 (only in 1.3)
--        MP4SetMetadataName(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetName(tags, "");
-     }
-     /**********
-@@ -276,11 +298,21 @@
-      **********/
-     if (FileTag->artist && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->artist, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataArtist(mp4file, FileTag->artist);
-+        MP4TagsSetArtist(tags, FileTag->artist);
-+    }else
-+    {
-+        MP4TagsSetArtist(tags, "");
-+    }
-+    /****************
-+     * Album Artist *
-+     ****************/
-+    if (FileTag->artist && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->artist, -1) > 0)
-+    {
-+        MP4TagsSetAlbumArtist(tags, FileTag->album_artist);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataArtist(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataArtist(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetAlbumArtist(tags, "");
-     }
-     /*********
-@@ -288,22 +320,19 @@
-      *********/
-     if (FileTag->album && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->album, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataAlbum(mp4file, FileTag->album);
-+        MP4TagsSetAlbum(tags, FileTag->album);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataAlbum(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataAlbum(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetAlbum(tags, "");
-     }
-     /**********************
-      * Disk / Total Disks *
-      **********************/
-+    MP4TagDisk td;
-     if (FileTag->disc_number && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->disc_number, -1) > 0)
-     //|| FileTag->disc_number_total && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->disc_number_total, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        uint16_t disk      = 0;
--        uint16_t disktotal = 0;
-         /* At the present time, we manage only disk number like '1' or '1/2', we
-          * don't use disk number total... so here we try to decompose */
-         if (FileTag->disc_number)
-@@ -314,27 +343,24 @@
-             {
-                 // A disc_number_total was entered
-                 if ( (tmp+1) && atoi(tmp+1) )
--                    disktotal = atoi(tmp+1);
-+                    td.total = atoi(tmp+1);
-                 // Fill disc_number
-                 *tmp = '\0';
--                disk = atoi(dn_tmp);
-+                td.index = atoi(dn_tmp);
-             }else
-             {
--                disk = atoi(FileTag->disc_number);
-+                td.index = atoi(FileTag->disc_number);
-+                td.total = NULL;
-             }
-             g_free(dn_tmp);
-         }
--        /*if (FileTag->disc_number)
--            disk = atoi(FileTag->disc_number);
--        if (FileTag->disc_number_total)
--            disktotal = atoi(FileTag->disc_number_total);
--        */
--        MP4SetMetadataDisk(mp4file, disk, disktotal);
-+        MP4TagsSetDisk(tags, &td);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataDisk(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataDisk(mp4file, 0, 0);
-+        td.index = NULL;
-+        td.total = NULL;
-+        MP4TagsSetDisk(tags, &td);
-     }
-     /********
-@@ -342,30 +368,29 @@
-      ********/
-     if (FileTag->year && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->year, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataYear(mp4file, FileTag->year);
-+        MP4TagsSetReleaseDate(tags, FileTag->year);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataYear(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataYear(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetReleaseDate(tags, "");
-     }
-     /*************************
-      * Track and Total Track *
-      *************************/
-+    MP4TagTrack tt;
-     if ( (FileTag->track       && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->track, -1) > 0)
-     ||   (FileTag->track_total && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->track_total, -1) > 0) )
-     {
--        uint16_t track       = 0;
--        uint16_t track_total = 0;
-         if (FileTag->track)
--            track = atoi(FileTag->track);
-+            tt.index = atoi(FileTag->track);
-         if (FileTag->track_total)
--            track_total = atoi(FileTag->track_total);
--        MP4SetMetadataTrack(mp4file, track, track_total);
-+            tt.total = atoi(FileTag->track_total);
-+        MP4TagsSetTrack(tags, &tt);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataTrack(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataTrack(mp4file, 0, 0);
-+        tt.index = NULL;
-+        tt.total = NULL;
-+        MP4TagsSetTrack(tags, &tt);
-     }
-     /*********
-@@ -373,11 +398,10 @@
-      *********/
-     if (FileTag->genre && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->genre, -1) > 0 )
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataGenre(mp4file, FileTag->genre);
-+        MP4TagsSetGenre(tags, FileTag->genre);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataGenre(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataGenre(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetGenre(tags, "");
-     }
-     /***********
-@@ -385,11 +409,10 @@
-      ***********/
-     if (FileTag->comment && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->comment, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataComment(mp4file, FileTag->comment);
-+        MP4TagsSetComments(tags, FileTag->comment);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataComment(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataComment(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetComments(tags, "");
-     }
-     /**********************
-@@ -397,11 +420,10 @@
-      **********************/
-     if (FileTag->composer && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->composer, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataWriter(mp4file, FileTag->composer);
-+        MP4TagsSetComposer(tags, FileTag->composer);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataWriter(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataWriter(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetComposer(tags, "");
-     }
-     /*****************
-@@ -409,33 +431,39 @@
-      *****************/
-     if (FileTag->encoded_by && g_utf8_strlen(FileTag->encoded_by, -1) > 0)
-     {
--        MP4SetMetadataTool(mp4file, FileTag->encoded_by);
-+        MP4TagsSetEncodedBy(tags, FileTag->encoded_by);
-     }else
-     {
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataTool(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataTool(mp4file, "");
-+        MP4TagsSetEncodedBy(tags, "");
-     }
-     /***********
-      * Picture *
-      ***********/
-+    Picture *pic = FileTag->picture;
-+    const gint artworkCount = tags->artworkCount;
-+    for (pic_num = 0; pic_num < artworkCount; pic_num++)
-     {
--        // Can handle only one picture...
--        Picture *pic;
-+        MP4TagsRemoveArtwork(tags, 0);
-+    }
--        //MP4DeleteMetadataCoverArt(mp4file);
--        MP4SetMetadataCoverArt(mp4file, NULL, 0);
--        for( pic = FileTag->picture; pic; pic = pic->next )
-+    while (pic)
-+    {
-+        if (pic->data)
-         {
--            if( pic->type == PICTURE_TYPE_FRONT_COVER )
--            {
--                MP4SetMetadataCoverArt(mp4file, pic->data, pic->size);
--            }
-+            MP4TagArtwork art;
-+            art.data = pic->data;
-+            art.size = pic->size;
-+            art.type = MP4_ART_UNDEFINED; // delegate typing to libmp4v2
-+            MP4TagsAddArtwork(tags, &art);
-         }
-+        pic = pic->next;
-     }
--    MP4Close(mp4file);
-+    MP4TagsStore(tags, mp4file);
-+    MP4TagsFree(tags);
-+    MP4Close(mp4file, 0);
-     if (error) return FALSE;
-     else       return TRUE;
---- src/picture.c
-+++ src/picture.c
-@@ -326,24 +326,7 @@
-         gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(FileSelectionWindow),GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE);
--    // Behaviour following the tag type...
--    switch (ETCore->ETFileDisplayed->ETFileDescription->TagType)
--    {
--        case MP4_TAG:
--        {
--            // Only one file can be selected
--            gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(FileSelectionWindow), FALSE);
--            break;
--        }
--        // Other tag types
--        default:
--        {
--            gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(FileSelectionWindow), TRUE);
--            break;
--        }
--    }
-+    gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(FileSelectionWindow), TRUE);
-     gtk_dialog_set_default_response(GTK_DIALOG(FileSelectionWindow), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
-     // Starting directory (the same of the current file)

Added: easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch
--- easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ easytag-2.1.8-fix_mixed_declarations_and_code.patch	2013-02-20 23:40:35 UTC (rev 178370)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- src/wavpack_tag.c
++++ src/wavpack_tag.c
+@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ gboolean Wavpack_Tag_Write_File (FILE *file_in, gchar *filename_in, vcedit_state
+  */
+ gboolean Wavpack_Tag_Read_File_Tag (gchar *filename, File_Tag *FileTag)
+ {
+-    if (!filename || !FileTag)
+-        return FALSE;
+     WavpackContext *wpc;
+     gchar *field, *field2;
+     guint length;
+     int open_flags = OPEN_TAGS;
++    if (!filename || !FileTag)
++        return FALSE;
+     wpc = WavpackOpenFileInput(filename, NULL, open_flags, 0);
+     if ( wpc == NULL ) {
+@@ -271,9 +271,6 @@ gboolean Wavpack_Tag_Read_File_Tag (gchar *filename, File_Tag *FileTag)
+ gboolean Wavpack_Tag_Write_File_Tag (ET_File *ETFile)
+ {
+-    if (!ETFile || !ETFile->FileTag)
+-        return FALSE;
+     WavpackContext *wpc;
+     gchar    *filename = ((File_Name *)((GList *)ETFile->FileNameCur)->data)->value;
+@@ -282,6 +279,9 @@ gboolean Wavpack_Tag_Write_File_Tag (ET_File *ETFile)
+     int open_flags = OPEN_EDIT_TAGS;
++    if (!ETFile || !ETFile->FileTag)
++        return FALSE;
+     wpc = WavpackOpenFileInput(filename, NULL, open_flags, 0);
+     if ( wpc == NULL ) {
+cgit v0.9.1

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