[arch-commits] Commit in sxiv/repos (16 files)

Bartłomiej Piotrowski bpiotrowski at nymeria.archlinux.org
Mon Jul 29 16:54:38 UTC 2013

    Date: Monday, July 29, 2013 @ 18:54:38
  Author: bpiotrowski
Revision: 94729

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-i686, community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/config.h)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.desktop)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.install)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/config.h)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.desktop)
    (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.install)

 /PKGBUILD                             |   70 +++++++
 /config.h                             |  308 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 /sxiv.desktop                         |   14 +
 /sxiv.install                         |   24 ++
 community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD       |   35 ---
 community-staging-i686/config.h       |  154 ----------------
 community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop   |    7 
 community-staging-i686/sxiv.install   |   12 -
 community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD     |   35 ---
 community-staging-x86_64/config.h     |  154 ----------------
 community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop |    7 
 community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install |   12 -
 12 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 416 deletions(-)

Deleted: community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer:  Bartłomiej Piotrowski <barthalion at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail >
-# Contributor: Bert Muennich <muennich at informatik.hu-berlin.de>
-# Contributor: Brad Fanella <bradfanella at archlinux.us>
-pkgdesc='Simple X Image Viewer'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('libx11' 'xproto' 'imlib2' 'giflib' 'desktop-file-utils')
-        sxiv.desktop
-        config.h)
-            'bd14b9b6bc6d78f18cdff8535b4d1c13b3c76e35091dd6bc675011d42a01bb47'
-            '61515a87692849c942bfc3cce8b4c0f19139b4a1e9b6375a994cc541c64aab5c')
-build() {
-  cd sxiv-$pkgver
-  cp "$srcdir"/config.h .
-  make
-package() {
-  cd sxiv-$pkgver
-  make PREFIX="$pkgdir"/usr install
-  install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/sxiv.desktop \
-                   "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/sxiv.desktop

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer:  Bartłomiej Piotrowski <barthalion at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail >
+# Contributor: Bert Muennich <muennich at informatik.hu-berlin.de>
+# Contributor: Brad Fanella <bradfanella at archlinux.us>
+pkgdesc='Simple X Image Viewer'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('libx11' 'xproto' 'imlib2' 'giflib' 'desktop-file-utils')
+        sxiv.desktop
+        config.h)
+            'bd14b9b6bc6d78f18cdff8535b4d1c13b3c76e35091dd6bc675011d42a01bb47'
+            '61515a87692849c942bfc3cce8b4c0f19139b4a1e9b6375a994cc541c64aab5c')
+build() {
+  cd sxiv-$pkgver
+  cp "$srcdir"/config.h .
+  make
+package() {
+  cd sxiv-$pkgver
+  make PREFIX="$pkgdir"/usr install
+  install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/sxiv.desktop \
+                   "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/sxiv.desktop

Deleted: community-staging-i686/config.h
--- community-staging-i686/config.h	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-i686/config.h	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
-enum {
-	WIN_WIDTH  = 800,
-	WIN_HEIGHT = 600
-/* bar font:
- * (see X(7) section "FONT NAMES" for valid values)
- */
-static const char * const BAR_FONT = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*";
-/* colors:
- * (see X(7) section "COLOR NAMES" for valid values)
- */
-static const char * const WIN_BG_COLOR = "#777777";
-static const char * const WIN_FS_COLOR = "#000000";
-static const char * const SEL_COLOR    = "#DDDDDD";
-static const char * const BAR_BG_COLOR = "#222222";
-static const char * const BAR_FG_COLOR = "#EEEEEE";
-/* how should images be scaled when they are loaded?
- * (also controllable via -d/-s/-Z/-z options)
- *   SCALE_DOWN: 100%, but fit large images into window,
- *   SCALE_FIT:  fit all images into window,
- *   SCALE_ZOOM: use current zoom level, 100% at startup
- */
-static const scalemode_t SCALE_MODE = SCALE_DOWN;
-/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
- * (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
- */
-static const float zoom_levels[] = {
-	 12.5,  25.0,  50.0,  75.0,
-	100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
-/* default settings for multi-frame gif images: */
-enum {
-	GIF_DELAY    = 100, /* delay time (in ms) */
-	GIF_AUTOPLAY = 1,   /* autoplay when loaded [0/1] */
-	GIF_LOOP     = 0    /* endless loop [0/1] */
-/* default dimension of thumbnails (width == height): */
-enum { THUMB_SIZE = 60 };
-/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
-static const keymap_t keys[] = {
-	/* ctrl   key               function              argument */
-	{ false,  XK_q,             it_quit,              (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_Return,        it_switch_mode,       (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_f,             it_toggle_fullscreen, (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_b,             it_toggle_bar,        (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_r,             it_reload_image,      (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_R,             t_reload_all,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_D,             it_remove_image,      (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_n,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_space,         i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_p,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_BackSpace,     i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_bracketright,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +10 },
-	{ false,  XK_bracketleft,   i_navigate,           (arg_t) -10 },
-	{ true,   XK_6,             i_alternate,          (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_g,             it_first,             (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_G,             it_n_or_last,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ true,   XK_n,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ true,   XK_p,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ true,   XK_space,         i_toggle_animation,   (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_h,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_Left,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_j,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_Down,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_k,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_Up,            it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_l,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_Right,         it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   XK_h,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ true,   XK_Left,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ true,   XK_j,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ true,   XK_Down,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ true,   XK_k,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ true,   XK_Up,            it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ true,   XK_l,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   XK_Right,         it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_K,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_plus,          i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_KP_Add,        i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_minus,         i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_KP_Subtract,   i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_equal,         i_set_zoom,           (arg_t) 100 },
-	{ false,  XK_w,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_FIT },
-	{ false,  XK_e,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_WIDTH },
-	{ false,  XK_E,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_HEIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_W,             i_fit_to_img,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_less,          i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_greater,       i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_backslash,     i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
-	{ false,  XK_bar,           i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_VERTICAL },
-	{ false,  XK_a,             i_toggle_antialias,   (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_A,             it_toggle_alpha,      (arg_t) None },
-	/* open current image with given program: */
-	{ true,   XK_g,             it_open_with,         (arg_t) "gimp" },
-	/* run shell command line on current file ("$SXIV_IMG"): */
-	{ true,   XK_less,          it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"mogrify -rotate -90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_greater,       it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"mogrify -rotate +90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_comma,         it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"jpegtran -rotate 270 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_period,        it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"jpegtran -rotate  90 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
-static const button_t buttons[] = {
-	/* ctrl   shift   button    function              argument */
-	{ false,  false,  Button1,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  false,  Button3,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  false,  Button2,  i_drag,               (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  false,  Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  false,  Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  true,   Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  true,   Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   false,  Button4,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ true,   false,  Button5,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-i686/config.h (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/config.h)
--- community-staging-i686/config.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/config.h	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
+enum {
+	WIN_WIDTH  = 800,
+	WIN_HEIGHT = 600
+/* bar font:
+ * (see X(7) section "FONT NAMES" for valid values)
+ */
+static const char * const BAR_FONT = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*";
+/* colors:
+ * (see X(7) section "COLOR NAMES" for valid values)
+ */
+static const char * const WIN_BG_COLOR = "#777777";
+static const char * const WIN_FS_COLOR = "#000000";
+static const char * const SEL_COLOR    = "#DDDDDD";
+static const char * const BAR_BG_COLOR = "#222222";
+static const char * const BAR_FG_COLOR = "#EEEEEE";
+/* how should images be scaled when they are loaded?
+ * (also controllable via -d/-s/-Z/-z options)
+ *   SCALE_DOWN: 100%, but fit large images into window,
+ *   SCALE_FIT:  fit all images into window,
+ *   SCALE_ZOOM: use current zoom level, 100% at startup
+ */
+static const scalemode_t SCALE_MODE = SCALE_DOWN;
+/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
+ * (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
+ */
+static const float zoom_levels[] = {
+	 12.5,  25.0,  50.0,  75.0,
+	100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
+/* default settings for multi-frame gif images: */
+enum {
+	GIF_DELAY    = 100, /* delay time (in ms) */
+	GIF_AUTOPLAY = 1,   /* autoplay when loaded [0/1] */
+	GIF_LOOP     = 0    /* endless loop [0/1] */
+/* default dimension of thumbnails (width == height): */
+enum { THUMB_SIZE = 60 };
+/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
+static const keymap_t keys[] = {
+	/* ctrl   key               function              argument */
+	{ false,  XK_q,             it_quit,              (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_Return,        it_switch_mode,       (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_f,             it_toggle_fullscreen, (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_b,             it_toggle_bar,        (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_r,             it_reload_image,      (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_R,             t_reload_all,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_D,             it_remove_image,      (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_n,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_space,         i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_p,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_BackSpace,     i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_bracketright,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +10 },
+	{ false,  XK_bracketleft,   i_navigate,           (arg_t) -10 },
+	{ true,   XK_6,             i_alternate,          (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_g,             it_first,             (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_G,             it_n_or_last,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ true,   XK_n,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ true,   XK_p,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ true,   XK_space,         i_toggle_animation,   (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_h,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_Left,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_j,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_Down,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_k,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_Up,            it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_l,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_Right,         it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   XK_h,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ true,   XK_Left,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ true,   XK_j,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ true,   XK_Down,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ true,   XK_k,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ true,   XK_Up,            it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ true,   XK_l,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   XK_Right,         it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_K,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_plus,          i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_KP_Add,        i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_minus,         i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_KP_Subtract,   i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_equal,         i_set_zoom,           (arg_t) 100 },
+	{ false,  XK_w,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_FIT },
+	{ false,  XK_e,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_WIDTH },
+	{ false,  XK_E,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_HEIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_W,             i_fit_to_img,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_less,          i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_greater,       i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_backslash,     i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
+	{ false,  XK_bar,           i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_VERTICAL },
+	{ false,  XK_a,             i_toggle_antialias,   (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_A,             it_toggle_alpha,      (arg_t) None },
+	/* open current image with given program: */
+	{ true,   XK_g,             it_open_with,         (arg_t) "gimp" },
+	/* run shell command line on current file ("$SXIV_IMG"): */
+	{ true,   XK_less,          it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"mogrify -rotate -90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_greater,       it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"mogrify -rotate +90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_comma,         it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"jpegtran -rotate 270 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_period,        it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"jpegtran -rotate  90 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
+static const button_t buttons[] = {
+	/* ctrl   shift   button    function              argument */
+	{ false,  false,  Button1,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  false,  Button3,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  false,  Button2,  i_drag,               (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  false,  Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  false,  Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  true,   Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  true,   Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   false,  Button4,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ true,   false,  Button5,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },

Deleted: community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop
--- community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=Image Viewer
-Exec=sxiv %F

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.desktop)
--- community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=Image Viewer
+Exec=sxiv %F

Deleted: community-staging-i686/sxiv.install
--- community-staging-i686/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-i686/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-post_install () {
-  update-desktop-database -q
-  echo "* Edit config.h in sxiv's PKGBUILD directory (generally /var/abs/community/sxiv/)"
-  echo "  and rebuild package if you want to change settings."
-  echo "* Create the directory ~/.sxiv/cache to enable thumbnail caching."
-  echo "  See sxiv(1) for more information."
-post_upgrade () {
-  update-desktop-database -q

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-i686/sxiv.install (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.install)
--- community-staging-i686/sxiv.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install () {
+  update-desktop-database -q
+  echo "* Edit config.h in sxiv's PKGBUILD directory (generally /var/abs/community/sxiv/)"
+  echo "  and rebuild package if you want to change settings."
+  echo "* Create the directory ~/.sxiv/cache to enable thumbnail caching."
+  echo "  See sxiv(1) for more information."
+post_upgrade () {
+  update-desktop-database -q

Deleted: community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer:  Bartłomiej Piotrowski <barthalion at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail >
-# Contributor: Bert Muennich <muennich at informatik.hu-berlin.de>
-# Contributor: Brad Fanella <bradfanella at archlinux.us>
-pkgdesc='Simple X Image Viewer'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('libx11' 'xproto' 'imlib2' 'giflib' 'desktop-file-utils')
-        sxiv.desktop
-        config.h)
-            'bd14b9b6bc6d78f18cdff8535b4d1c13b3c76e35091dd6bc675011d42a01bb47'
-            '61515a87692849c942bfc3cce8b4c0f19139b4a1e9b6375a994cc541c64aab5c')
-build() {
-  cd sxiv-$pkgver
-  cp "$srcdir"/config.h .
-  make
-package() {
-  cd sxiv-$pkgver
-  make PREFIX="$pkgdir"/usr install
-  install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/sxiv.desktop \
-                   "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/sxiv.desktop

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer:  Bartłomiej Piotrowski <barthalion at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail >
+# Contributor: Bert Muennich <muennich at informatik.hu-berlin.de>
+# Contributor: Brad Fanella <bradfanella at archlinux.us>
+pkgdesc='Simple X Image Viewer'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('libx11' 'xproto' 'imlib2' 'giflib' 'desktop-file-utils')
+        sxiv.desktop
+        config.h)
+            'bd14b9b6bc6d78f18cdff8535b4d1c13b3c76e35091dd6bc675011d42a01bb47'
+            '61515a87692849c942bfc3cce8b4c0f19139b4a1e9b6375a994cc541c64aab5c')
+build() {
+  cd sxiv-$pkgver
+  cp "$srcdir"/config.h .
+  make
+package() {
+  cd sxiv-$pkgver
+  make PREFIX="$pkgdir"/usr install
+  install -D -m644 "$srcdir"/sxiv.desktop \
+                   "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/sxiv.desktop

Deleted: community-staging-x86_64/config.h
--- community-staging-x86_64/config.h	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/config.h	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
-enum {
-	WIN_WIDTH  = 800,
-	WIN_HEIGHT = 600
-/* bar font:
- * (see X(7) section "FONT NAMES" for valid values)
- */
-static const char * const BAR_FONT = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*";
-/* colors:
- * (see X(7) section "COLOR NAMES" for valid values)
- */
-static const char * const WIN_BG_COLOR = "#777777";
-static const char * const WIN_FS_COLOR = "#000000";
-static const char * const SEL_COLOR    = "#DDDDDD";
-static const char * const BAR_BG_COLOR = "#222222";
-static const char * const BAR_FG_COLOR = "#EEEEEE";
-/* how should images be scaled when they are loaded?
- * (also controllable via -d/-s/-Z/-z options)
- *   SCALE_DOWN: 100%, but fit large images into window,
- *   SCALE_FIT:  fit all images into window,
- *   SCALE_ZOOM: use current zoom level, 100% at startup
- */
-static const scalemode_t SCALE_MODE = SCALE_DOWN;
-/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
- * (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
- */
-static const float zoom_levels[] = {
-	 12.5,  25.0,  50.0,  75.0,
-	100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
-/* default settings for multi-frame gif images: */
-enum {
-	GIF_DELAY    = 100, /* delay time (in ms) */
-	GIF_AUTOPLAY = 1,   /* autoplay when loaded [0/1] */
-	GIF_LOOP     = 0    /* endless loop [0/1] */
-/* default dimension of thumbnails (width == height): */
-enum { THUMB_SIZE = 60 };
-/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
-static const keymap_t keys[] = {
-	/* ctrl   key               function              argument */
-	{ false,  XK_q,             it_quit,              (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_Return,        it_switch_mode,       (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_f,             it_toggle_fullscreen, (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_b,             it_toggle_bar,        (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_r,             it_reload_image,      (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_R,             t_reload_all,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_D,             it_remove_image,      (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_n,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_space,         i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_p,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_BackSpace,     i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_bracketright,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +10 },
-	{ false,  XK_bracketleft,   i_navigate,           (arg_t) -10 },
-	{ true,   XK_6,             i_alternate,          (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_g,             it_first,             (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_G,             it_n_or_last,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ true,   XK_n,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ true,   XK_p,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ true,   XK_space,         i_toggle_animation,   (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_h,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_Left,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_j,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_Down,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_k,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_Up,            it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_l,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_Right,         it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   XK_h,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ true,   XK_Left,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ true,   XK_j,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ true,   XK_Down,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ true,   XK_k,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ true,   XK_Up,            it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ true,   XK_l,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   XK_Right,         it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  XK_K,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_plus,          i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_KP_Add,        i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  XK_minus,         i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_KP_Subtract,   i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  XK_equal,         i_set_zoom,           (arg_t) 100 },
-	{ false,  XK_w,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_FIT },
-	{ false,  XK_e,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_WIDTH },
-	{ false,  XK_E,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_HEIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_W,             i_fit_to_img,         (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_less,          i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  XK_greater,       i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ false,  XK_backslash,     i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
-	{ false,  XK_bar,           i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_VERTICAL },
-	{ false,  XK_a,             i_toggle_antialias,   (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  XK_A,             it_toggle_alpha,      (arg_t) None },
-	/* open current image with given program: */
-	{ true,   XK_g,             it_open_with,         (arg_t) "gimp" },
-	/* run shell command line on current file ("$SXIV_IMG"): */
-	{ true,   XK_less,          it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"mogrify -rotate -90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_greater,       it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"mogrify -rotate +90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_comma,         it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"jpegtran -rotate 270 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-	{ true,   XK_period,        it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
-			"jpegtran -rotate  90 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
-/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
-static const button_t buttons[] = {
-	/* ctrl   shift   button    function              argument */
-	{ false,  false,  Button1,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ false,  false,  Button3,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
-	{ false,  false,  Button2,  i_drag,               (arg_t) None },
-	{ false,  false,  Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
-	{ false,  false,  Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
-	{ false,  true,   Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
-	{ false,  true,   Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
-	{ true,   false,  Button4,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
-	{ true,   false,  Button5,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-x86_64/config.h (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/config.h)
--- community-staging-x86_64/config.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/config.h	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
+enum {
+	WIN_WIDTH  = 800,
+	WIN_HEIGHT = 600
+/* bar font:
+ * (see X(7) section "FONT NAMES" for valid values)
+ */
+static const char * const BAR_FONT = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-60-*-*";
+/* colors:
+ * (see X(7) section "COLOR NAMES" for valid values)
+ */
+static const char * const WIN_BG_COLOR = "#777777";
+static const char * const WIN_FS_COLOR = "#000000";
+static const char * const SEL_COLOR    = "#DDDDDD";
+static const char * const BAR_BG_COLOR = "#222222";
+static const char * const BAR_FG_COLOR = "#EEEEEE";
+/* how should images be scaled when they are loaded?
+ * (also controllable via -d/-s/-Z/-z options)
+ *   SCALE_DOWN: 100%, but fit large images into window,
+ *   SCALE_FIT:  fit all images into window,
+ *   SCALE_ZOOM: use current zoom level, 100% at startup
+ */
+static const scalemode_t SCALE_MODE = SCALE_DOWN;
+/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
+ * (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
+ */
+static const float zoom_levels[] = {
+	 12.5,  25.0,  50.0,  75.0,
+	100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
+/* default settings for multi-frame gif images: */
+enum {
+	GIF_DELAY    = 100, /* delay time (in ms) */
+	GIF_AUTOPLAY = 1,   /* autoplay when loaded [0/1] */
+	GIF_LOOP     = 0    /* endless loop [0/1] */
+/* default dimension of thumbnails (width == height): */
+enum { THUMB_SIZE = 60 };
+/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
+static const keymap_t keys[] = {
+	/* ctrl   key               function              argument */
+	{ false,  XK_q,             it_quit,              (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_Return,        it_switch_mode,       (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_f,             it_toggle_fullscreen, (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_b,             it_toggle_bar,        (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_r,             it_reload_image,      (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_R,             t_reload_all,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_D,             it_remove_image,      (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_n,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_space,         i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_p,             i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_BackSpace,     i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_bracketright,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +10 },
+	{ false,  XK_bracketleft,   i_navigate,           (arg_t) -10 },
+	{ true,   XK_6,             i_alternate,          (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_g,             it_first,             (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_G,             it_n_or_last,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ true,   XK_n,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ true,   XK_p,             i_navigate_frame,     (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ true,   XK_space,         i_toggle_animation,   (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_h,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_Left,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_j,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_Down,          it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_k,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_Up,            it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_l,             it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_Right,         it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   XK_h,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ true,   XK_Left,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ true,   XK_j,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ true,   XK_Down,          it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ true,   XK_k,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ true,   XK_Up,            it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ true,   XK_l,             it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   XK_Right,         it_scroll_screen,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_H,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_J,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  XK_K,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  XK_L,             i_scroll_to_edge,     (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_plus,          i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_KP_Add,        i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  XK_minus,         i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_KP_Subtract,   i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  XK_equal,         i_set_zoom,           (arg_t) 100 },
+	{ false,  XK_w,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_FIT },
+	{ false,  XK_e,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_WIDTH },
+	{ false,  XK_E,             i_fit_to_win,         (arg_t) SCALE_HEIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_W,             i_fit_to_img,         (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_less,          i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  XK_greater,       i_rotate,             (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ false,  XK_backslash,     i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
+	{ false,  XK_bar,           i_flip,               (arg_t) FLIP_VERTICAL },
+	{ false,  XK_a,             i_toggle_antialias,   (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  XK_A,             it_toggle_alpha,      (arg_t) None },
+	/* open current image with given program: */
+	{ true,   XK_g,             it_open_with,         (arg_t) "gimp" },
+	/* run shell command line on current file ("$SXIV_IMG"): */
+	{ true,   XK_less,          it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"mogrify -rotate -90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_greater,       it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"mogrify -rotate +90 \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_comma,         it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"jpegtran -rotate 270 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+	{ true,   XK_period,        it_shell_cmd,         (arg_t) \
+			"jpegtran -rotate  90 -copy all -outfile \"$SXIV_IMG\" \"$SXIV_IMG\"" },
+/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
+static const button_t buttons[] = {
+	/* ctrl   shift   button    function              argument */
+	{ false,  false,  Button1,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ false,  false,  Button3,  i_navigate,           (arg_t) -1 },
+	{ false,  false,  Button2,  i_drag,               (arg_t) None },
+	{ false,  false,  Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_UP },
+	{ false,  false,  Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_DOWN },
+	{ false,  true,   Button4,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_LEFT },
+	{ false,  true,   Button5,  it_scroll_move,       (arg_t) DIR_RIGHT },
+	{ true,   false,  Button4,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) +1 },
+	{ true,   false,  Button5,  i_zoom,               (arg_t) -1 },

Deleted: community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop
--- community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=Image Viewer
-Exec=sxiv %F

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.desktop)
--- community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.desktop	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=Image Viewer
+Exec=sxiv %F

Deleted: community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install
--- community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:44:02 UTC (rev 94728)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-post_install () {
-  update-desktop-database -q
-  echo "* Edit config.h in sxiv's PKGBUILD directory (generally /var/abs/community/sxiv/)"
-  echo "  and rebuild package if you want to change settings."
-  echo "* Create the directory ~/.sxiv/cache to enable thumbnail caching."
-  echo "  See sxiv(1) for more information."
-post_upgrade () {
-  update-desktop-database -q

Copied: sxiv/repos/community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install (from rev 94728, sxiv/trunk/sxiv.install)
--- community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/sxiv.install	2013-07-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 94729)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install () {
+  update-desktop-database -q
+  echo "* Edit config.h in sxiv's PKGBUILD directory (generally /var/abs/community/sxiv/)"
+  echo "  and rebuild package if you want to change settings."
+  echo "* Create the directory ~/.sxiv/cache to enable thumbnail caching."
+  echo "  See sxiv(1) for more information."
+post_upgrade () {
+  update-desktop-database -q

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