[arch-commits] Commit in bash/repos (28 files)

Allan McRae allan at nymeria.archlinux.org
Sat Jun 1 00:30:45 UTC 2013

    Date: Saturday, June 1, 2013 @ 02:30:45
  Author: allan
Revision: 186920

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-i686, testing-x86_64

    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/bash.install)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_logout)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_profile)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bashrc)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bash_logout)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bashrc)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/bash.install)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_logout)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_profile)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bashrc)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bash_logout)
    (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bashrc)

 /PKGBUILD                         |  346 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 /bash.install                     |   32 +++
 /dot.bash_logout                  |    6 
 /dot.bash_profile                 |   10 +
 /dot.bashrc                       |   18 +
 /system.bash_logout               |    6 
 /system.bashrc                    |   46 ++++
 testing-i686/PKGBUILD             |  173 ------------------
 testing-i686/bash.install         |   16 -
 testing-i686/dot.bash_logout      |    3 
 testing-i686/dot.bash_profile     |    5 
 testing-i686/dot.bashrc           |    9 
 testing-i686/system.bash_logout   |    3 
 testing-i686/system.bashrc        |   23 --
 testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD           |  173 ------------------
 testing-x86_64/bash.install       |   16 -
 testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout    |    3 
 testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile   |    5 
 testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc         |    9 
 testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout |    3 
 testing-x86_64/system.bashrc      |   23 --
 21 files changed, 464 insertions(+), 464 deletions(-)

Deleted: testing-i686/PKGBUILD
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
-_patchlevel=045 #prepare for some patches
-pkgdesc="The GNU Bourne Again shell"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-backup=(etc/bash.bash{rc,_logout} etc/skel/.bash{rc,_profile,_logout})
-depends=('readline>=6.1' 'glibc')
-        dot.bashrc
-        dot.bash_profile
-        dot.bash_logout
-        system.bashrc
-        system.bash_logout)
-if [ $_patchlevel -gt 000 ]; then
-    for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
-        source=(${source[@]} http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-$_basever-patches/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p){,.sig})
-    done
-prepare() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
-    msg "applying patch bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)"
-    patch -Np0 -i $srcdir/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)
-  done
-build() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  _bashconfig=(-DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE=\'\"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\"\'
-               -DSTANDARD_UTILS_PATH=\'\"/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\"\'
-               -DSYS_BASHRC=\'\"/etc/bash.bashrc\"\'
-               -DSYS_BASH_LOGOUT=\'\"/etc/bash.bash_logout\"\')
-  export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${_bashconfig[@]}"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses --enable-readline \
-    --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline
-  make
-check() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  make check
-package() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
-  ln -s bash ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sh
-  install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/
-  # system-wide configuration files
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bashrc
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bash_logout
-  # user configuration file skeletons
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bashrc
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_profile ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_profile
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_logout
-         'SKIP'
-         '027d6bd8f5f6a06b75bb7698cb478089'
-         '2902e0fee7a9168f3a4fd2ccd60ff047'
-         '42f4400ed2314bd7519c020d0187edc5'
-         '3546099a1b2f667adc9794f52e78e35b'
-         '472f536d7c9e8250dc4568ec4cfaf294'
-         '1100bc1dda2cdc06ac44d7e5d17864a3'
-         'SKIP'
-         '30e7948079921d3261efcc6a40722135'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9ea06decec43a198f3d7cf29acc602f8'
-         'SKIP'
-         'fb48f6134d7b013135929476aa0c250c'
-         'SKIP'
-         'e70e45de33426b38153b390be0dbbcd4'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ce4e5c484993705b27daa151eca242c2'
-         'SKIP'
-         '88d1f96db29461767602e2546803bda7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '24c574bf6d6a581e300823d9c1276af6'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4c5835f2fbab36c4292bb334977e5b6d'
-         'SKIP'
-         '0a51602b535ef661ee707be6c8bdb373'
-         'SKIP'
-         '58deacf3d57cbd75575444ff6a3b0806'
-         'SKIP'
-         '72d5059820015231483bb7415d09e9db'
-         'SKIP'
-         '608336ebe215984ef126e3c29d2d3409'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ed19da878e3f630834c62b9d9dcc6fce'
-         'SKIP'
-         '2d07daba0b8ca8f876d2aa052ff594b4'
-         'SKIP'
-         '53d246537e1fffd1aaa02ba5c056211c'
-         'SKIP'
-         '304fd129a58fee2d8a34f8b4704db0aa'
-         'SKIP'
-         '6921a0b4228fe89b6537a5c29f027c89'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1195d85447f3d048d2c9bcd075fa765c'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b09000bba08da6ac753124593850cdf7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '09d3f96a16b881334cfaee0cf320b47e'
-         'SKIP'
-         '597bf71a2aac6feb510b7505cdd3d4f7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '3fab459b4e09daea529cacad025b13b3'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4ad8d11e72afc6090e701073ff034cf4'
-         'SKIP'
-         'c7d2493e44490f01dd20bdc8feb0a6a7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9f19c199dd8d1fa9254eebe738759272'
-         'SKIP'
-         'a6ed82daf034587aee2f2581ba5fe829'
-         'SKIP'
-         'da9265aa2527fd4a7481baa3e0550287'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ec444d229e8899fbaaf6fc7de2d82ae6'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b4bc1c4dc1b508ff9cdfc44f1a5039b5'
-         'SKIP'
-         '89390ff6a3c2ef7e09dd4b8b097a8e56'
-         'SKIP'
-         'eee08003395c417f677d1a4bf8c548ee'
-         'SKIP'
-         '2fe070dd6d75d8ff16f269184a16e9c4'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4e610506c1711bf3483b965800ac3d5d'
-         'SKIP'
-         '7cd9bfdf7cbfd45274d07620ee94c8d9'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9c3142956064d175a880bcb186e51ef9'
-         'SKIP'
-         'c10692f447d4966c879f8fb8d7c8ebc9'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9ef3c308cde413e95866c1266cfb4e98'
-         'SKIP'
-         'cd48f57a404498d4e5c73a3501c4b1a5'
-         'SKIP'
-         '00a2371b6c05acbfce6bc850c6d982f8'
-         'SKIP'
-         '7bc4942a66ca4024ee964db7ede07896'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1cf7701017ebfc8e129de92c8f8b798c'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9e61168fca692d8d1a733c389a63712e'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b4b11d64b45ea9ec50dcc74c6c3861f6'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1661bcc83c4715f54368877452ff2247'
-         'SKIP')

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
+_patchlevel=045 #prepare for some patches
+pkgdesc="The GNU Bourne Again shell"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+backup=(etc/bash.bash{rc,_logout} etc/skel/.bash{rc,_profile,_logout})
+depends=('readline>=6.1' 'glibc')
+        dot.bashrc
+        dot.bash_profile
+        dot.bash_logout
+        system.bashrc
+        system.bash_logout)
+if [ $_patchlevel -gt 000 ]; then
+    for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
+        source=(${source[@]} http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-$_basever-patches/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p){,.sig})
+    done
+prepare() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
+    msg "applying patch bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)"
+    patch -Np0 -i $srcdir/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)
+  done
+build() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  _bashconfig=(-DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE=\'\"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin\"\'
+               -DSTANDARD_UTILS_PATH=\'\"/usr/bin\"\'
+               -DSYS_BASHRC=\'\"/etc/bash.bashrc\"\'
+               -DSYS_BASH_LOGOUT=\'\"/etc/bash.bash_logout\"\')
+  export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${_bashconfig[@]}"
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses --enable-readline \
+    --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline
+  make
+check() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  make check
+package() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+  ln -s bash ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sh
+  install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/
+  # system-wide configuration files
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bashrc
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bash_logout
+  # user configuration file skeletons
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bashrc
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_profile ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_profile
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_logout
+         'SKIP'
+         '027d6bd8f5f6a06b75bb7698cb478089'
+         '2902e0fee7a9168f3a4fd2ccd60ff047'
+         '42f4400ed2314bd7519c020d0187edc5'
+         '3546099a1b2f667adc9794f52e78e35b'
+         '472f536d7c9e8250dc4568ec4cfaf294'
+         '1100bc1dda2cdc06ac44d7e5d17864a3'
+         'SKIP'
+         '30e7948079921d3261efcc6a40722135'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9ea06decec43a198f3d7cf29acc602f8'
+         'SKIP'
+         'fb48f6134d7b013135929476aa0c250c'
+         'SKIP'
+         'e70e45de33426b38153b390be0dbbcd4'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ce4e5c484993705b27daa151eca242c2'
+         'SKIP'
+         '88d1f96db29461767602e2546803bda7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '24c574bf6d6a581e300823d9c1276af6'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4c5835f2fbab36c4292bb334977e5b6d'
+         'SKIP'
+         '0a51602b535ef661ee707be6c8bdb373'
+         'SKIP'
+         '58deacf3d57cbd75575444ff6a3b0806'
+         'SKIP'
+         '72d5059820015231483bb7415d09e9db'
+         'SKIP'
+         '608336ebe215984ef126e3c29d2d3409'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ed19da878e3f630834c62b9d9dcc6fce'
+         'SKIP'
+         '2d07daba0b8ca8f876d2aa052ff594b4'
+         'SKIP'
+         '53d246537e1fffd1aaa02ba5c056211c'
+         'SKIP'
+         '304fd129a58fee2d8a34f8b4704db0aa'
+         'SKIP'
+         '6921a0b4228fe89b6537a5c29f027c89'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1195d85447f3d048d2c9bcd075fa765c'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b09000bba08da6ac753124593850cdf7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '09d3f96a16b881334cfaee0cf320b47e'
+         'SKIP'
+         '597bf71a2aac6feb510b7505cdd3d4f7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '3fab459b4e09daea529cacad025b13b3'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4ad8d11e72afc6090e701073ff034cf4'
+         'SKIP'
+         'c7d2493e44490f01dd20bdc8feb0a6a7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9f19c199dd8d1fa9254eebe738759272'
+         'SKIP'
+         'a6ed82daf034587aee2f2581ba5fe829'
+         'SKIP'
+         'da9265aa2527fd4a7481baa3e0550287'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ec444d229e8899fbaaf6fc7de2d82ae6'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b4bc1c4dc1b508ff9cdfc44f1a5039b5'
+         'SKIP'
+         '89390ff6a3c2ef7e09dd4b8b097a8e56'
+         'SKIP'
+         'eee08003395c417f677d1a4bf8c548ee'
+         'SKIP'
+         '2fe070dd6d75d8ff16f269184a16e9c4'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4e610506c1711bf3483b965800ac3d5d'
+         'SKIP'
+         '7cd9bfdf7cbfd45274d07620ee94c8d9'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9c3142956064d175a880bcb186e51ef9'
+         'SKIP'
+         'c10692f447d4966c879f8fb8d7c8ebc9'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9ef3c308cde413e95866c1266cfb4e98'
+         'SKIP'
+         'cd48f57a404498d4e5c73a3501c4b1a5'
+         'SKIP'
+         '00a2371b6c05acbfce6bc850c6d982f8'
+         'SKIP'
+         '7bc4942a66ca4024ee964db7ede07896'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1cf7701017ebfc8e129de92c8f8b798c'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9e61168fca692d8d1a733c389a63712e'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b4b11d64b45ea9ec50dcc74c6c3861f6'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1661bcc83c4715f54368877452ff2247'
+         'SKIP')

Deleted: testing-i686/bash.install
--- testing-i686/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-post_upgrade() {
-  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
-  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
-  done
-pre_remove() {
-  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
-  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info --delete ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
-  done

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/bash.install (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/bash.install)
--- testing-i686/bash.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+post_upgrade() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
+    usr/bin/install-info ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done
+pre_remove() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
+    usr/bin/install-info --delete ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done

Deleted: testing-i686/dot.bash_logout
--- testing-i686/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bash_logout

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/dot.bash_logout (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_logout)
--- testing-i686/dot.bash_logout	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# ~/.bash_logout

Deleted: testing-i686/dot.bash_profile
--- testing-i686/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bash_profile
-[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/dot.bash_profile (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_profile)
--- testing-i686/dot.bash_profile	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# ~/.bash_profile
+[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

Deleted: testing-i686/dot.bashrc
--- testing-i686/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bashrc
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-alias ls='ls --color=auto'
-PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/dot.bashrc (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bashrc)
--- testing-i686/dot.bashrc	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ~/.bashrc
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+alias ls='ls --color=auto'
+PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

Deleted: testing-i686/system.bash_logout
--- testing-i686/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/bash.bash_logout

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/system.bash_logout (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bash_logout)
--- testing-i686/system.bash_logout	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# /etc/bash.bash_logout

Deleted: testing-i686/system.bashrc
--- testing-i686/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-i686/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/bash.bashrc
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
-PS2='> '
-PS3='> '
-PS4='+ '
-case ${TERM} in
-  xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|aterm|kterm|gnome*)
-    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
-    ;;
-  screen)
-    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033_%s@%s:%s\033\\" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
-    ;;
-[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion   ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

Copied: bash/repos/testing-i686/system.bashrc (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bashrc)
--- testing-i686/system.bashrc	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# /etc/bash.bashrc
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS3='> '
+PS4='+ '
+case ${TERM} in
+  xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|aterm|kterm|gnome*)
+    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
+    ;;
+  screen)
+    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033_%s@%s:%s\033\\" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
+    ;;
+[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion   ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

Deleted: testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
-_patchlevel=045 #prepare for some patches
-pkgdesc="The GNU Bourne Again shell"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-backup=(etc/bash.bash{rc,_logout} etc/skel/.bash{rc,_profile,_logout})
-depends=('readline>=6.1' 'glibc')
-        dot.bashrc
-        dot.bash_profile
-        dot.bash_logout
-        system.bashrc
-        system.bash_logout)
-if [ $_patchlevel -gt 000 ]; then
-    for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
-        source=(${source[@]} http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-$_basever-patches/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p){,.sig})
-    done
-prepare() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
-    msg "applying patch bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)"
-    patch -Np0 -i $srcdir/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)
-  done
-build() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  _bashconfig=(-DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE=\'\"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\"\'
-               -DSTANDARD_UTILS_PATH=\'\"/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin\"\'
-               -DSYS_BASHRC=\'\"/etc/bash.bashrc\"\'
-               -DSYS_BASH_LOGOUT=\'\"/etc/bash.bash_logout\"\')
-  export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${_bashconfig[@]}"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses --enable-readline \
-    --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline
-  make
-check() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  make check
-package() {
-  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
-  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
-  ln -s bash ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sh
-  install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/
-  # system-wide configuration files
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bashrc
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bash_logout
-  # user configuration file skeletons
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bashrc
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_profile ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_profile
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_logout
-         'SKIP'
-         '027d6bd8f5f6a06b75bb7698cb478089'
-         '2902e0fee7a9168f3a4fd2ccd60ff047'
-         '42f4400ed2314bd7519c020d0187edc5'
-         '3546099a1b2f667adc9794f52e78e35b'
-         '472f536d7c9e8250dc4568ec4cfaf294'
-         '1100bc1dda2cdc06ac44d7e5d17864a3'
-         'SKIP'
-         '30e7948079921d3261efcc6a40722135'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9ea06decec43a198f3d7cf29acc602f8'
-         'SKIP'
-         'fb48f6134d7b013135929476aa0c250c'
-         'SKIP'
-         'e70e45de33426b38153b390be0dbbcd4'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ce4e5c484993705b27daa151eca242c2'
-         'SKIP'
-         '88d1f96db29461767602e2546803bda7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '24c574bf6d6a581e300823d9c1276af6'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4c5835f2fbab36c4292bb334977e5b6d'
-         'SKIP'
-         '0a51602b535ef661ee707be6c8bdb373'
-         'SKIP'
-         '58deacf3d57cbd75575444ff6a3b0806'
-         'SKIP'
-         '72d5059820015231483bb7415d09e9db'
-         'SKIP'
-         '608336ebe215984ef126e3c29d2d3409'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ed19da878e3f630834c62b9d9dcc6fce'
-         'SKIP'
-         '2d07daba0b8ca8f876d2aa052ff594b4'
-         'SKIP'
-         '53d246537e1fffd1aaa02ba5c056211c'
-         'SKIP'
-         '304fd129a58fee2d8a34f8b4704db0aa'
-         'SKIP'
-         '6921a0b4228fe89b6537a5c29f027c89'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1195d85447f3d048d2c9bcd075fa765c'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b09000bba08da6ac753124593850cdf7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '09d3f96a16b881334cfaee0cf320b47e'
-         'SKIP'
-         '597bf71a2aac6feb510b7505cdd3d4f7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '3fab459b4e09daea529cacad025b13b3'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4ad8d11e72afc6090e701073ff034cf4'
-         'SKIP'
-         'c7d2493e44490f01dd20bdc8feb0a6a7'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9f19c199dd8d1fa9254eebe738759272'
-         'SKIP'
-         'a6ed82daf034587aee2f2581ba5fe829'
-         'SKIP'
-         'da9265aa2527fd4a7481baa3e0550287'
-         'SKIP'
-         'ec444d229e8899fbaaf6fc7de2d82ae6'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b4bc1c4dc1b508ff9cdfc44f1a5039b5'
-         'SKIP'
-         '89390ff6a3c2ef7e09dd4b8b097a8e56'
-         'SKIP'
-         'eee08003395c417f677d1a4bf8c548ee'
-         'SKIP'
-         '2fe070dd6d75d8ff16f269184a16e9c4'
-         'SKIP'
-         '4e610506c1711bf3483b965800ac3d5d'
-         'SKIP'
-         '7cd9bfdf7cbfd45274d07620ee94c8d9'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9c3142956064d175a880bcb186e51ef9'
-         'SKIP'
-         'c10692f447d4966c879f8fb8d7c8ebc9'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9ef3c308cde413e95866c1266cfb4e98'
-         'SKIP'
-         'cd48f57a404498d4e5c73a3501c4b1a5'
-         'SKIP'
-         '00a2371b6c05acbfce6bc850c6d982f8'
-         'SKIP'
-         '7bc4942a66ca4024ee964db7ede07896'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1cf7701017ebfc8e129de92c8f8b798c'
-         'SKIP'
-         '9e61168fca692d8d1a733c389a63712e'
-         'SKIP'
-         'b4b11d64b45ea9ec50dcc74c6c3861f6'
-         'SKIP'
-         '1661bcc83c4715f54368877452ff2247'
-         'SKIP')

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Aaron Griffin <aaron at archlinux.org>
+_patchlevel=045 #prepare for some patches
+pkgdesc="The GNU Bourne Again shell"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+backup=(etc/bash.bash{rc,_logout} etc/skel/.bash{rc,_profile,_logout})
+depends=('readline>=6.1' 'glibc')
+        dot.bashrc
+        dot.bash_profile
+        dot.bash_logout
+        system.bashrc
+        system.bash_logout)
+if [ $_patchlevel -gt 000 ]; then
+    for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
+        source=(${source[@]} http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-$_basever-patches/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p){,.sig})
+    done
+prepare() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  for (( p=1; p<=$((10#${_patchlevel})); p++ )); do
+    msg "applying patch bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)"
+    patch -Np0 -i $srcdir/bash${_basever//./}-$(printf "%03d" $p)
+  done
+build() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  _bashconfig=(-DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE=\'\"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin\"\'
+               -DSTANDARD_UTILS_PATH=\'\"/usr/bin\"\'
+               -DSYS_BASHRC=\'\"/etc/bash.bashrc\"\'
+               -DSYS_BASH_LOGOUT=\'\"/etc/bash.bash_logout\"\')
+  export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${_bashconfig[@]}"
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses --enable-readline \
+    --without-bash-malloc --with-installed-readline
+  make
+check() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  make check
+package() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-$_basever
+  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+  ln -s bash ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sh
+  install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/
+  # system-wide configuration files
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bashrc
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/system.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/bash.bash_logout
+  # user configuration file skeletons
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bashrc ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bashrc
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_profile ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_profile
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/dot.bash_logout ${pkgdir}/etc/skel/.bash_logout
+         'SKIP'
+         '027d6bd8f5f6a06b75bb7698cb478089'
+         '2902e0fee7a9168f3a4fd2ccd60ff047'
+         '42f4400ed2314bd7519c020d0187edc5'
+         '3546099a1b2f667adc9794f52e78e35b'
+         '472f536d7c9e8250dc4568ec4cfaf294'
+         '1100bc1dda2cdc06ac44d7e5d17864a3'
+         'SKIP'
+         '30e7948079921d3261efcc6a40722135'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9ea06decec43a198f3d7cf29acc602f8'
+         'SKIP'
+         'fb48f6134d7b013135929476aa0c250c'
+         'SKIP'
+         'e70e45de33426b38153b390be0dbbcd4'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ce4e5c484993705b27daa151eca242c2'
+         'SKIP'
+         '88d1f96db29461767602e2546803bda7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '24c574bf6d6a581e300823d9c1276af6'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4c5835f2fbab36c4292bb334977e5b6d'
+         'SKIP'
+         '0a51602b535ef661ee707be6c8bdb373'
+         'SKIP'
+         '58deacf3d57cbd75575444ff6a3b0806'
+         'SKIP'
+         '72d5059820015231483bb7415d09e9db'
+         'SKIP'
+         '608336ebe215984ef126e3c29d2d3409'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ed19da878e3f630834c62b9d9dcc6fce'
+         'SKIP'
+         '2d07daba0b8ca8f876d2aa052ff594b4'
+         'SKIP'
+         '53d246537e1fffd1aaa02ba5c056211c'
+         'SKIP'
+         '304fd129a58fee2d8a34f8b4704db0aa'
+         'SKIP'
+         '6921a0b4228fe89b6537a5c29f027c89'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1195d85447f3d048d2c9bcd075fa765c'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b09000bba08da6ac753124593850cdf7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '09d3f96a16b881334cfaee0cf320b47e'
+         'SKIP'
+         '597bf71a2aac6feb510b7505cdd3d4f7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '3fab459b4e09daea529cacad025b13b3'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4ad8d11e72afc6090e701073ff034cf4'
+         'SKIP'
+         'c7d2493e44490f01dd20bdc8feb0a6a7'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9f19c199dd8d1fa9254eebe738759272'
+         'SKIP'
+         'a6ed82daf034587aee2f2581ba5fe829'
+         'SKIP'
+         'da9265aa2527fd4a7481baa3e0550287'
+         'SKIP'
+         'ec444d229e8899fbaaf6fc7de2d82ae6'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b4bc1c4dc1b508ff9cdfc44f1a5039b5'
+         'SKIP'
+         '89390ff6a3c2ef7e09dd4b8b097a8e56'
+         'SKIP'
+         'eee08003395c417f677d1a4bf8c548ee'
+         'SKIP'
+         '2fe070dd6d75d8ff16f269184a16e9c4'
+         'SKIP'
+         '4e610506c1711bf3483b965800ac3d5d'
+         'SKIP'
+         '7cd9bfdf7cbfd45274d07620ee94c8d9'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9c3142956064d175a880bcb186e51ef9'
+         'SKIP'
+         'c10692f447d4966c879f8fb8d7c8ebc9'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9ef3c308cde413e95866c1266cfb4e98'
+         'SKIP'
+         'cd48f57a404498d4e5c73a3501c4b1a5'
+         'SKIP'
+         '00a2371b6c05acbfce6bc850c6d982f8'
+         'SKIP'
+         '7bc4942a66ca4024ee964db7ede07896'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1cf7701017ebfc8e129de92c8f8b798c'
+         'SKIP'
+         '9e61168fca692d8d1a733c389a63712e'
+         'SKIP'
+         'b4b11d64b45ea9ec50dcc74c6c3861f6'
+         'SKIP'
+         '1661bcc83c4715f54368877452ff2247'
+         'SKIP')

Deleted: testing-x86_64/bash.install
--- testing-x86_64/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-post_upgrade() {
-  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
-  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
-  done
-pre_remove() {
-  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
-  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info --delete ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
-  done

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/bash.install (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/bash.install)
--- testing-x86_64/bash.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/bash.install	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+post_upgrade() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
+    usr/bin/install-info ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done
+pre_remove() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for f in ${info_files[@]}; do
+    usr/bin/install-info --delete ${info_dir}/$f.gz ${info_dir}/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done

Deleted: testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bash_logout

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_logout)
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# ~/.bash_logout

Deleted: testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bash_profile
-[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bash_profile)
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bash_profile	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# ~/.bash_profile
+[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

Deleted: testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.bashrc
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-alias ls='ls --color=auto'
-PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/dot.bashrc)
--- testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/dot.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ~/.bashrc
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+alias ls='ls --color=auto'
+PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

Deleted: testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout
--- testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/bash.bash_logout

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bash_logout)
--- testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/system.bash_logout	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# /etc/bash.bash_logout

Deleted: testing-x86_64/system.bashrc
--- testing-x86_64/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:28:20 UTC (rev 186919)
+++ testing-x86_64/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/bash.bashrc
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
-PS2='> '
-PS3='> '
-PS4='+ '
-case ${TERM} in
-  xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|aterm|kterm|gnome*)
-    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
-    ;;
-  screen)
-    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033_%s@%s:%s\033\\" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
-    ;;
-[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion   ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

Copied: bash/repos/testing-x86_64/system.bashrc (from rev 186919, bash/trunk/system.bashrc)
--- testing-x86_64/system.bashrc	                        (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/system.bashrc	2013-06-01 00:30:45 UTC (rev 186920)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# /etc/bash.bashrc
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
+PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS3='> '
+PS4='+ '
+case ${TERM} in
+  xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|aterm|kterm|gnome*)
+    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
+    ;;
+  screen)
+    PROMPT_COMMAND=${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }'printf "\033_%s@%s:%s\033\\" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"'
+    ;;
+[ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion   ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

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