[arch-commits] Commit in sauerbraten-data/repos/community-any (6 files)
Laurent Carlier
lcarlier at nymeria.archlinux.org
Fri Mar 8 16:33:31 UTC 2013
Date: Friday, March 8, 2013 @ 17:33:31
Author: lcarlier
Revision: 85895
archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
(from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/fix-indirect-linking.diff)
(from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/license.txt)
PKGBUILD | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
fix-indirect-linking.diff | 40 +++++++++++------------
license.txt | 68 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
3 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2013-03-08 16:33:16 UTC (rev 85894)
+++ PKGBUILD 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Laurent Carlier <lordheavym at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Jaroslaw Swierczynski <swiergot at aur.archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Roman Kyrylych <Roman.Kyrylych at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler <csi at gmx.ch>
-# Contributor: Jesse Young <jesse at eon.jlyo.org>
-pkgdesc="Improved version of the Cube engine - datas files"
-makedepends=('sdl_mixer' 'sdl_image' 'libgl' 'glu' 'mesa')
- license.txt)
- 'cf46cd0148f03b7477f7c54aec865abe')
-build() {
- cd ${srcdir}/sauerbraten/src
- make
-package() {
- cd ${srcdir}/sauerbraten
- install -d ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
- cp -r data ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
- cp -r packages ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
- # make namcap happy
- #chmod -R go+rx ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten/packages/argh
- install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/license.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/license.txt
Copied: sauerbraten-data/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Laurent Carlier <lordheavym at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Jaroslaw Swierczynski <swiergot at aur.archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Roman Kyrylych <Roman.Kyrylych at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler <csi at gmx.ch>
+# Contributor: Jesse Young <jesse at eon.jlyo.org>
+pkgdesc="Improved version of the Cube engine - datas files"
+makedepends=('sdl_mixer' 'sdl_image' 'glu' 'mesa-libgl')
+ license.txt)
+ 'cf46cd0148f03b7477f7c54aec865abe')
+build() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/sauerbraten/src
+ make
+package() {
+ cd ${srcdir}/sauerbraten
+ install -d ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
+ cp -r data ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
+ cp -r packages ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten
+ # make namcap happy
+ #chmod -R go+rx ${pkgdir}/opt/sauerbraten/packages/argh
+ install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/license.txt ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/license.txt
Deleted: fix-indirect-linking.diff
--- fix-indirect-linking.diff 2013-03-08 16:33:16 UTC (rev 85894)
+++ fix-indirect-linking.diff 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Index: sauerbraten/Makefile
---- sauerbraten.orig/Makefile 2010-07-29 21:24:21.000000000 -0400
-+++ sauerbraten/Makefile 2010-07-29 21:26:15.717746486 -0400
-@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
- CLIENT_LIBS= -mwindows -Llib -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lzdll -lopengl32 -lenet -lws2_32 -lwinmm
- else
- CLIENT_INCLUDES= $(INCLUDES) -I/usr/X11R6/include `sdl-config --cflags`
--CLIENT_LIBS= -Lenet/.libs -lenet -L/usr/X11R6/lib `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lz -lGL
-+CLIENT_LIBS= -Lenet/.libs -lenet -L/usr/X11R6/lib `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lz -lGL -lX11
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Linux)
- CLIENT_LIBS+= -lrt
- endif
-+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),GNU/kFreeBSD)
-+CLIENT_LIBS+= -lrt
- shared/crypto.o \
- shared/geom.o \
Copied: sauerbraten-data/repos/community-any/fix-indirect-linking.diff (from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/fix-indirect-linking.diff)
--- fix-indirect-linking.diff (rev 0)
+++ fix-indirect-linking.diff 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Index: sauerbraten/Makefile
+--- sauerbraten.orig/Makefile 2010-07-29 21:24:21.000000000 -0400
++++ sauerbraten/Makefile 2010-07-29 21:26:15.717746486 -0400
+@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
+ CLIENT_LIBS= -mwindows -Llib -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lzdll -lopengl32 -lenet -lws2_32 -lwinmm
+ else
+ CLIENT_INCLUDES= $(INCLUDES) -I/usr/X11R6/include `sdl-config --cflags`
+-CLIENT_LIBS= -Lenet/.libs -lenet -L/usr/X11R6/lib `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lz -lGL
++CLIENT_LIBS= -Lenet/.libs -lenet -L/usr/X11R6/lib `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lz -lGL -lX11
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Linux)
+ CLIENT_LIBS+= -lrt
+ endif
++ifeq ($(PLATFORM),GNU/kFreeBSD)
++CLIENT_LIBS+= -lrt
+ shared/crypto.o \
+ shared/geom.o \
Deleted: license.txt
--- license.txt 2013-03-08 16:33:16 UTC (rev 85894)
+++ license.txt 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Sauerbraten game engine source code, any release.
-Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Wouter van Oortmerssen.
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-The license covers the source code found in the "src" directory of this
-archive, the included enet network library which sauerbraten uses is covered by
-an MIT-style license, which is however compatible with the above license for all
-practical purposes.
-Game media included in the game (maps, textures, sounds, models etc.)
-are NOT covered by this license, and may have individual copyrights and
-distribution restrictions (see individual readmes).
Copied: sauerbraten-data/repos/community-any/license.txt (from rev 85894, sauerbraten-data/trunk/license.txt)
--- license.txt (rev 0)
+++ license.txt 2013-03-08 16:33:31 UTC (rev 85895)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Sauerbraten game engine source code, any release.
+Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Wouter van Oortmerssen.
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+The license covers the source code found in the "src" directory of this
+archive, the included enet network library which sauerbraten uses is covered by
+an MIT-style license, which is however compatible with the above license for all
+practical purposes.
+Game media included in the game (maps, textures, sounds, models etc.)
+are NOT covered by this license, and may have individual copyrights and
+distribution restrictions (see individual readmes).
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