[arch-commits] Commit in bluez/trunk (PKGBUILD bluetooth.conf.d rc.bluetooth)

Tom Gundersen tomegun at nymeria.archlinux.org
Tue Mar 26 10:32:42 UTC 2013

    Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 @ 11:32:42
  Author: tomegun
Revision: 180783

update to bluez-5.3

Not pushing the package as we want to wait for a few more users to be converted.


 PKGBUILD         |  116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 bluetooth.conf.d |   30 -------------
 rc.bluetooth     |   93 ------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2013-03-26 10:30:32 UTC (rev 180782)
+++ PKGBUILD	2013-03-26 10:32:42 UTC (rev 180783)
@@ -3,81 +3,75 @@
 # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
 # Contributor: Geoffroy Carrier <geoffroy at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('bluez' 'bluez-utils' 'bluez-libs')
-pkgdesc="Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('dbus-core' 'python2' 'systemd-tools')
-makedepends=('gstreamer0.10-base' 'libusb-compat' 'libsndfile' 'libusbx')
-optdepends=("gstreamer0.10-base: bluetooth GStreamer support"
-            "alsa-lib: Audio bluetooth devices support"
-            "python2-dbus: to run bluez-simple-agent"
-            "python2-gobject: to run bluez-simple-agent"
-            "libusb-compat: USB adapters support"
-            "cups: CUPS backend")
-conflicts=('bluez-libs' 'bluez-utils')
-provides=('bluez-libs' 'bluez-utils')
-replaces=('bluez-libs' 'bluez-utils')
-        'etc/conf.d/bluetooth' 'etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf')
-        'bluetooth.conf.d'
-	'rc.bluetooth')
+makedepends=('libusb-compat' 'dbus' 'libical' 'systemd')
 build() {
   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-    --sysconfdir=/etc \
-    --localstatedir=/var \
-    --libexecdir=/lib \
-    --enable-gstreamer \
-    --enable-alsa \
-    --enable-usb \
-    --enable-tools \
-    --enable-bccmd \
-    --enable-dfutool \
-    --enable-hid2hci \
-    --enable-hidd \
-    --enable-pand \
-    --enable-dund \
-    --enable-cups \
-    --enable-wiimote \
-    --disable-test \
-    --with-systemdunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd/system
+  ./configure \
+          --prefix=/usr \
+          --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+          --sysconfdir=/etc \
+          --localstatedir=/var \
+          --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
+          --enable-library # this is deprecated
-package() {
+package_bluez() {
+  pkgdesc="Daemons for the bluetooth protocol stack"
+  depends=('libical' 'dbus' 'glib2')
+  optdepends=("cups: CUPS backend")
+  backup=('etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf')
+  conflicts=('obexd-client' 'obexd-server')
+  provides=('obexd-client' 'obexd-server')
+  replaces=('obexd-client' 'obexd-server')
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
-  install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/rc.bluetooth ${pkgdir}/etc/rc.d/bluetooth
-  install -d ${pkgdir}/etc/bluetooth
-  install -m644 network/network.conf \
-                input/input.conf \
-                audio/audio.conf \
-                serial/serial.conf \
-    ${pkgdir}/etc/bluetooth/
-  install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/bluetooth.conf.d \
-    ${pkgdir}/etc/conf.d/bluetooth
+  ### split out bluez-utils
+  rm -rf "$srcdir/_utils"
+  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/share/man
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1 "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/share/man/
+  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/bin
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/{bccmd,ciptool,hciattach,hciconfig,hcidump,hcitool,l2ping,l2test,rctest,rfcomm,sdptool}\
+          "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/bin/
+  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/lib
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/udev "$srcdir"/_utils/usr/lib/
-  # FS#27630
-  install -Dm755 test/simple-agent "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-simple-agent
-  install -Dm755 test/test-device "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-test-device
-  install -Dm755 test/test-input "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-test-input
-  sed -i 's#/usr/bin/python#/usr/bin/python2#' \
-    "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-simple-agent \
-    "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-test-device \
-    "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/bluez-test-input
+  ### split out bluez-libs
+  rm -rf "$srcdir/_libs"
+  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_libs/usr/lib/
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/{pkgconfig,libbluetooth*} \
+          "$srcdir"/_libs/usr/lib/
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/include \
+          "$srcdir"/_libs/usr/
-         '7412982b440f29fa7f76a41a87fef985'
-         '864cbd24e6efc3592e9284b0b5fb2cfd')
+package_bluez-libs() {
+  pkgdesc="Deprecated libraries for the bluetooth protocol stack"
+  depends=('glibc')
+  mv "$srcdir/_libs"/* "$pkgdir"
+package_bluez-utils() {
+  pkgdesc="Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack"
+  depends=('systemd' 'libusb-compat')
+  conflicts=('bluez-hcidump')
+  provides=('bluez-hcidump')
+  replaces=('bluez-hcidump')
+  mv "$srcdir/_utils"/* "$pkgdir"

Deleted: bluetooth.conf.d
--- bluetooth.conf.d	2013-03-26 10:30:32 UTC (rev 180782)
+++ bluetooth.conf.d	2013-03-26 10:32:42 UTC (rev 180783)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Bluetooth configuraton file
-# Bluetooth services (allowed values are "true" and "false")
-# Run the bluetoothd daemon (default: true)
-# Run the sdp daemon (default: false)
-# If this is disabled, hcid's internal sdp daemon will be used
-# Run the bluetooth HID daemon (default: false)
-# Activate rfcomm ports (default: false)
-# Run bluetooth dial-up networking daemon (default: false)
-# Run bluetooth PAN daemon (default: false)
-# rfcomm configuration file (default: /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf)
-# Options for hidd, dund and pand (default: none)

Deleted: rc.bluetooth
--- rc.bluetooth	2013-03-26 10:30:32 UTC (rev 180782)
+++ rc.bluetooth	2013-03-26 10:32:42 UTC (rev 180783)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Start/stop the Bluetooth daemons
-. /etc/rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.d/functions
-[ -f /etc/conf.d/bluetooth ] && . /etc/conf.d/bluetooth
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    stat_busy "Starting bluetooth subsystem:"
-    if [ "$DAEMON_ENABLE" = "true" -a -x "$DAEMON_EXEC" ] ; then
-      stat_append " $DAEMON_NAME"
-      sleep 1
-    fi
-    if [ "$HIDD_ENABLE" = "true" -a -x "$HIDD_EXEC" ]; then
-      stat_append " $HIDD_NAME"
-    fi
-    if [ "$RFCOMM_ENABLE" = "true" -a -x "$RFCOMM_EXEC" -a -f "$RFCOMM_CONFIG" ]; then
-      stat_append " $RFCOMM_NAME"
-      $RFCOMM_EXEC -f $RFCOMM_CONFIG bind all
-    fi
-    if [ "$PAND_ENABLE" = "true" -a -x "$PAND_EXEC" -a -n "$PAND_OPTIONS" ]; then
-      stat_append " $PAND_NAME"
-    fi
-    if [ "$DUND_ENABLE" = "true" -a -x "$DUND_EXEC" -a -n "$DUND_OPTIONS" ]; then
-      stat_append " $DUND_NAME"
-    fi
-    add_daemon bluetooth
-    stat_done
-    ;;
-  stop)
-    stat_busy "Stopping bluetooth subsystem:"
-    stat_append " $DUND_NAME"
-    killall $DUND_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1
-    stat_append " $PAND_NAME"
-    killall $PAND_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1
-    if [ -x "$RFCOMM_EXEC" ]; then
-      stat_append " $RFCOMM_NAME"
-      $RFCOMM_EXEC release all >/dev/null 2>&1
-    fi
-    stat_append " $HIDD_NAME"
-    killall $HIDD_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1
-    stat_append " $DAEMON_NAME"
-    killall $DAEMON_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1
-    rm_daemon bluetooth
-    stat_done
-    ;;
-  restart)
-    $0 stop
-    sleep 1
-    $0 start
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"  
-exit 0

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