[arch-commits] Commit in ddclient/repos (7 files)

Jonathan Steel jsteel at nymeria.archlinux.org
Thu May 30 16:26:02 UTC 2013

    Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013 @ 18:26:01
  Author: jsteel
Revision: 91974

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-any

    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ChangeLog)
    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ddclient.install)
    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ddclient.service)
    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/iproute2.patch)
    (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/usrbin.patch)

 ChangeLog        |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 PKGBUILD         |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ddclient.install |   37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ddclient.service |   11 +++++++++++
 iproute2.patch   |   29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 usrbin.patch     |   13 +++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 182 insertions(+)

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/ChangeLog (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ChangeLog)
--- community-staging-any/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/ChangeLog	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+2012-06-08	Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com>
+	* ddclient 3.8.1-4
+	Added the systemd unit from the soon-to-be-defunct systemd-arch-units
+	package.
+2012-03-12	Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com>
+	* ddclient 3.8.1-3
+	Applied a patch to use iproute2, rather than net-tools.
+2012-02-17	Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com>
+	* ddclient 3.8.1-2
+	Signed package.
+2011-07-19	Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com>
+	* ddclient 3.8.1-1
+	New upstream version.
+2011-07-05	Chris Brannon <chris at the-brannons.com>
+	* ddclient 3.8.0-3
+	Fixed handling of the PID in the rc script.
+	  When run as a daemon with the default config file, ddclient writes
+	  its pid to /var/run/ddclient.pid.  So no need to call pidof
+	  when stopping the daemon.  Fixes FS#24677.
+2008-08-07	Abhishek Dasgupta <abhidg at gmail.com>
+	* ddclient 3.7.3-2
+	* added /etc/conf.d/ddclient for modifying
+	  daemon poll frequency. This overrides the
+	  setting specified in /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
+	  when ddclient is called as an rc script.
+2007-08-08  Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino <themolok at gmail.com>
+	* ddclient-3.7.3-1
+	* version bump
+	* GPL -> GPL2
+	* shortened pkgdesc
+2007-07-02  tardo <tardo at nagi-fanboi.net>
+	* Built for x86_64
+2007-06-29  Georg Grabler (STiAT) <ggrabler at gmail.com>
+	* Version Bump to 3.7.2

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-any/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/PKGBUILD	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Jonathan Steel <mail at jsteel.org>
+# Contributor: Abhishek Dasgupta <abhidg at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: David Rosenstrauch <darose at darose.net>
+pkgdesc="Update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on many dynamic DNS services"
+depends=('perl-io-socket-ssl' 'perl-digest-sha1')
+        ddclient.service
+        iproute2.patch
+        usrbin.patch)
+         'fde631ff027c03179e9cdd483def324d'
+         'e0c8a07e9b7a69e73cecd8626f16e8f0'
+         '65e294485a18b8d3f752a124913579f1')
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir"/ddclient-$pkgver
+  patch -p1 < "$srcdir"/iproute2.patch
+  patch -Np0 -i "$srcdir"/usrbin.patch
+package() {
+  cd "$srcdir"/ddclient-$pkgver
+  # core files
+  install -Dm755 ddclient "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ddclient
+  install -Dm600 sample-etc_ddclient.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
+  install -d "$pkgdir"/var/cache/ddclient
+  # additional instructions, sample configs
+  install -Dm644 README "$pkgdir"/etc/ddclient/samples/README
+  install -Dm644 sample-etc_cron.d_ddclient "$pkgdir"/etc/ddclient/samples/sample-etc_cron.d_ddclient
+  install -Dm644 sample-etc_dhcpc_dhcpcd-eth0.exe "$pkgdir"/etc/ddclient/samples/sample-etc_dhcpc_dhcpcd-eth0.exe
+  install -Dm644 sample-etc_ppp_ip-up.local "$pkgdir"/etc/ddclient/samples/sample-etc_ppp_ip-up.local
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname.service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/ddclient.install (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ddclient.install)
--- community-staging-any/ddclient.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/ddclient.install	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+cat << EOM
+If you want to use ddclient with dhcpcd, cron or pppd,
+see /etc/ddclient/samples for further instructions.
+If you have ddclient in the DAEMONS array of /etc/rc.conf:
+- Change /etc/conf.d/ddclient according to your needs.
+- This setting OVERRIDES any setting in
+  /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_upgrade() {
+if [ -f /etc/ddclient/ddclient.cache ]; then
+	echo -n "Moving ddclient.cache from /etc/ddclient/ to /var/cache/ddclient/."
+	mv /etc/ddclient/ddclient.cache /var/cache/ddclient/
+	echo " (done)"
+if [ "$(vercmp $2 3.7.3-2)" -lt 0 ]; then
+cat << EOM
+If you have ddclient in the DAEMONS array of /etc/rc.conf:
+- Change /etc/conf.d/ddclient according to your needs.
+- This setting OVERRIDES any setting in
+  /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/ddclient.service (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/ddclient.service)
--- community-staging-any/ddclient.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/ddclient.service	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=Dynamic DNS Update Client
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon 300 -syslog -pid /run/ddclient.pid

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/iproute2.patch (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/iproute2.patch)
--- community-staging-any/iproute2.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/iproute2.patch	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+--- a/ddclient.orig	2012-02-17 13:12:29.000000000 +0000
++++ b/ddclient	2012-02-27 13:03:02.357329432 +0000
+@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
+     [ "ip",          "=s", "-ip address           : set the IP address to 'address'" ],
+     "",			     
+     [ "if",          "=s", "-if interface         : obtain IP address from 'interface'" ],
+-    [ "if-skip",     "=s", "-if-skip pattern      : skip any IP addresses before 'pattern' in the output of ifconfig {if}" ],
++    [ "if-skip",     "=s", "-if-skip pattern      : skip any IP addresses before 'pattern' in the output of ip addr show {if}" ],
+     "",
+     [ "web",         "=s", "-web provider|url     : obtain IP address from provider's IP checking page" ],
+     [ "web-skip",    "=s", "-web-skip pattern     : skip any IP addresses before 'pattern' on the web provider|url" ],
+@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@
+     {
+ 	local $opt{'use'} = 'if';
+-	foreach my $if (grep {/^[a-zA-Z]/} `ifconfig -a`) {
++	foreach my $if (grep {/^[a-zA-Z]/} `ip addr show`) {
+ 	    $if =~ s/:?\s.*//is;
+ 	    local $opt{'if'} = $if;
+ 	    printf "use=if, if=%s address is %s\n", opt('if'), define(get_ip('if'), 'NOT FOUND');
+@@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@
+     } elsif ($use eq 'if') {
+ 	$skip  = opt('if-skip', $h)  || '';
+-	$reply = `ifconfig $arg 2> /dev/null`;
++	$reply = `ip addr show $arg 2> /dev/null`;
+ 	$reply = '' if $?;
+     } elsif ($use eq 'cmd') {

Copied: ddclient/repos/community-staging-any/usrbin.patch (from rev 91973, ddclient/trunk/usrbin.patch)
--- community-staging-any/usrbin.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-any/usrbin.patch	2013-05-30 16:26:01 UTC (rev 91974)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- sample-etc_cron.d_ddclient.orig	2013-05-12 13:04:10.958327840 +0100
++++ sample-etc_cron.d_ddclient	2013-05-12 13:04:38.588178156 +0100
+@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
+ ######################################################################
+ ## force an update twice a month (only if you are not using daemon-mode)
+ ##
+-## 30 23 1,15 * *	root    /usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon=0 -syslog -quiet -force
++## 30 23 1,15 * *	root    /usr/bin/ddclient -daemon=0 -syslog -quiet -force
+ ######################################################################
+ ## retry failed updates every hour (only if you are not using daemon-mode)
+ ##
+-## 0 * * * *	root    /usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon=0 -syslog -quiet retry
++## 0 * * * *	root    /usr/bin/ddclient -daemon=0 -syslog -quiet retry

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