[arch-commits] Commit in dart/repos (4 files)

Alexander Rødseth arodseth at nymeria.archlinux.org
Mon Nov 4 12:04:12 UTC 2013

    Date: Monday, November 4, 2013 @ 13:04:12
  Author: arodseth
Revision: 100438

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64, community-i686

    (from rev 100437, dart/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 100437, dart/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 /PKGBUILD                 |  170 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-i686/PKGBUILD   |   80 --------------------
 community-x86_64/PKGBUILD |   80 --------------------
 3 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:03:55 UTC (rev 100437)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:04:12 UTC (rev 100438)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: T. Jameson Little <t.jameson.little at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Usagi Ito <usagi at WonderRabbitProject.net>
-# Contributor: siasia <http://pastebin.com/qsBEmNCw>
-# Contributor: Julien Nicoulaud <julien.nicoulaud at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc='The dart programming language (includes SDK and editor)'
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-license=('BSD' 'EPL')
-depends=('java-runtime' 'gtk2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'gconf')
-makedepends=('gendesk' 'setconf')
-if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then
-  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-64.zip"
-          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
-  sha256sums=('230d53fc95f873e4d2e7cd2377706693196dbfc154c80493d57cf409d2908d72'
-              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
-  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-32.zip"
-          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
-  sha256sums=('4752ad56ca58611cf67474d3ebb979a2e5f26e477a3c508cf5847c7207e837a1'
-              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
-prepare() {
-  # Fix permissions
-  find "$pkgname" -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' + \
-    -or -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' +
-  chmod +x "$pkgname/DartEditor"
-  chmod +x "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/"*
-  # Remove dartium (available in the dart-editor package on AUR)
-  rm -r "$pkgname/chromium"
-  # Prepare a desktop shortcut
-  gendesk -n -f --pkgname 'darteditor' --name 'Dart Editor' \
-    --exec 'darteditor %U' --pkgdesc 'Editor for the dart programming language'
-  # Fix paths
-  cd "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dart2js BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dart2js PROG_NAME "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js"
-  setconf dartanalyzer SCRIPT_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dartdoc BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-package() {
-  # Create directories
-  install -d "$pkgdir"{"/opt/$pkgname",/usr/{bin,"share/doc/$pkgname"}}
-  # Package the files
-  cp -a dart/* "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/"
-  # Set up symbolic links for the executables
-  for f in dart dart2js dartanalyzer dartdoc pub; do
-    ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$f"
-  done
-  ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/darteditor"
-  # Package samples and documentation
-  for f in samples about.html about_files; do
-    echo mv "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
-  done
-  # Set up a symbolic link for the configuration
-  echo ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/darteditor.ini"
-  # Package desktop shortcut and icon
-  install -Dm644 'darteditor.desktop' "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
-  install -Dm644 'darteditor.png' "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/darteditor.png"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: dart/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 100437, dart/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:04:12 UTC (rev 100438)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: T. Jameson Little <t.jameson.little at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Usagi Ito <usagi at WonderRabbitProject.net>
+# Contributor: siasia <http://pastebin.com/qsBEmNCw>
+# Contributor: Julien Nicoulaud <julien.nicoulaud at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='The dart programming language (includes SDK and editor)'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+license=('BSD' 'EPL')
+depends=('java-runtime' 'gtk2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'gconf')
+makedepends=('gendesk' 'setconf')
+if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then
+  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-64.zip"
+          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
+  sha256sums=('230d53fc95f873e4d2e7cd2377706693196dbfc154c80493d57cf409d2908d72'
+              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
+  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-32.zip"
+          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
+  sha256sums=('4752ad56ca58611cf67474d3ebb979a2e5f26e477a3c508cf5847c7207e837a1'
+              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
+prepare() {
+  # Fix permissions
+  find "$pkgname" -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' + \
+    -or -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' +
+  chmod +x "$pkgname/DartEditor"
+  chmod +x "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/"*
+  # Remove Dartium (takes 309,31 MB, available in the dartium-bin package on AUR)
+  rm -r "$pkgname/chromium"
+  # Prepare a desktop shortcut
+  gendesk -n -f --pkgname 'darteditor' --name 'Dart Editor' \
+    --exec 'darteditor %U' --pkgdesc 'Editor for the dart programming language'
+  # Fix paths
+  cd "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dart2js BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dart2js PROG_NAME "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js"
+  setconf dartanalyzer SCRIPT_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dartdoc BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf pub BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf pub SDK_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk"
+  # Fix missing "fi" and missing newline
+  echo -e "fi\n" >> pub
+package() {
+  # Create directories
+  install -d "$pkgdir"{"/opt/$pkgname",/usr/{bin,"share/doc/$pkgname"}}
+  # Package the files
+  cp -a dart/* "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/"
+  # Set up symbolic links for the executables
+  for f in dart dart2js dartanalyzer dartdoc pub; do
+    ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$f"
+  done
+  ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/darteditor"
+  # Package samples and documentation
+  for f in samples about.html about_files; do
+    echo mv "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
+  done
+  # Set up a symbolic link for the configuration
+  echo ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/darteditor.ini"
+  # Package desktop shortcut and icon
+  install -Dm644 'darteditor.desktop' "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
+  install -Dm644 'darteditor.png' "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/darteditor.png"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:03:55 UTC (rev 100437)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:04:12 UTC (rev 100438)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: T. Jameson Little <t.jameson.little at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Usagi Ito <usagi at WonderRabbitProject.net>
-# Contributor: siasia <http://pastebin.com/qsBEmNCw>
-# Contributor: Julien Nicoulaud <julien.nicoulaud at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc='The dart programming language (includes SDK and editor)'
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-license=('BSD' 'EPL')
-depends=('java-runtime' 'gtk2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'gconf')
-makedepends=('gendesk' 'setconf')
-if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then
-  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-64.zip"
-          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
-  sha256sums=('230d53fc95f873e4d2e7cd2377706693196dbfc154c80493d57cf409d2908d72'
-              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
-  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-32.zip"
-          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
-  sha256sums=('4752ad56ca58611cf67474d3ebb979a2e5f26e477a3c508cf5847c7207e837a1'
-              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
-prepare() {
-  # Fix permissions
-  find "$pkgname" -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' + \
-    -or -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' +
-  chmod +x "$pkgname/DartEditor"
-  chmod +x "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/"*
-  # Remove dartium (available in the dart-editor package on AUR)
-  rm -r "$pkgname/chromium"
-  # Prepare a desktop shortcut
-  gendesk -n -f --pkgname 'darteditor' --name 'Dart Editor' \
-    --exec 'darteditor %U' --pkgdesc 'Editor for the dart programming language'
-  # Fix paths
-  cd "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dart2js BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dart2js PROG_NAME "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js"
-  setconf dartanalyzer SCRIPT_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-  setconf dartdoc BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
-package() {
-  # Create directories
-  install -d "$pkgdir"{"/opt/$pkgname",/usr/{bin,"share/doc/$pkgname"}}
-  # Package the files
-  cp -a dart/* "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/"
-  # Set up symbolic links for the executables
-  for f in dart dart2js dartanalyzer dartdoc pub; do
-    ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$f"
-  done
-  ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/darteditor"
-  # Package samples and documentation
-  for f in samples about.html about_files; do
-    echo mv "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
-  done
-  # Set up a symbolic link for the configuration
-  echo ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/darteditor.ini"
-  # Package desktop shortcut and icon
-  install -Dm644 'darteditor.desktop' "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
-  install -Dm644 'darteditor.png' "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/darteditor.png"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: dart/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 100437, dart/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2013-11-04 12:04:12 UTC (rev 100438)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: T. Jameson Little <t.jameson.little at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Usagi Ito <usagi at WonderRabbitProject.net>
+# Contributor: siasia <http://pastebin.com/qsBEmNCw>
+# Contributor: Julien Nicoulaud <julien.nicoulaud at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='The dart programming language (includes SDK and editor)'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+license=('BSD' 'EPL')
+depends=('java-runtime' 'gtk2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'gconf')
+makedepends=('gendesk' 'setconf')
+if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then
+  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-64.zip"
+          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
+  sha256sums=('230d53fc95f873e4d2e7cd2377706693196dbfc154c80493d57cf409d2908d72'
+              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
+  source=("https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-editor-archive-integration/latest/darteditor-linux-32.zip"
+          'darteditor.png::https://www.dartlang.org/tools/images/dart-logo-48.png')
+  sha256sums=('4752ad56ca58611cf67474d3ebb979a2e5f26e477a3c508cf5847c7207e837a1'
+              'd90f14b0cfa2dd36502ed5e5854466d54c8d0cf0ac9a5d9ec823274c1a33a00e')
+prepare() {
+  # Fix permissions
+  find "$pkgname" -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' + \
+    -or -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' +
+  chmod +x "$pkgname/DartEditor"
+  chmod +x "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/"*
+  # Remove Dartium (takes 309,31 MB, available in the dartium-bin package on AUR)
+  rm -r "$pkgname/chromium"
+  # Prepare a desktop shortcut
+  gendesk -n -f --pkgname 'darteditor' --name 'Dart Editor' \
+    --exec 'darteditor %U' --pkgdesc 'Editor for the dart programming language'
+  # Fix paths
+  cd "$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dart2js BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dart2js PROG_NAME "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js"
+  setconf dartanalyzer SCRIPT_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf dartdoc BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf pub BIN_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin"
+  setconf pub SDK_DIR "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk"
+  # Fix missing "fi" and missing newline
+  echo -e "fi\n" >> pub
+package() {
+  # Create directories
+  install -d "$pkgdir"{"/opt/$pkgname",/usr/{bin,"share/doc/$pkgname"}}
+  # Package the files
+  cp -a dart/* "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/"
+  # Set up symbolic links for the executables
+  for f in dart dart2js dartanalyzer dartdoc pub; do
+    ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/dart-sdk/bin/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$f"
+  done
+  ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/darteditor"
+  # Package samples and documentation
+  for f in samples about.html about_files; do
+    echo mv "$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/$f" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
+  done
+  # Set up a symbolic link for the configuration
+  echo ln -s "/opt/$pkgname/DartEditor.ini" "$pkgdir/etc/darteditor.ini"
+  # Package desktop shortcut and icon
+  install -Dm644 'darteditor.desktop' "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
+  install -Dm644 'darteditor.png' "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/darteditor.png"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

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