[arch-commits] Commit in ipython/trunk (PKGBUILD)

Balló György bgyorgy at nymeria.archlinux.org
Wed Jan 8 20:07:57 UTC 2014

    Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 @ 21:07:57
  Author: bgyorgy
Revision: 103652

python2-pyzmq is required for ipython notebook also (FS#37983)


 PKGBUILD |   16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2014-01-08 19:58:08 UTC (rev 103651)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-01-08 20:07:57 UTC (rev 103652)
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 makedepends=('python-setuptools' 'python2-setuptools' 'sqlite')
 optdepends=("wxpython: needed for ipythonx and ipython-wx"
             "python-nose: if you want to run IPython's test suite"
-            "python-pyqt4: for ipython-qtconsole"
-            "python-sip: for ipython-qtconsole"
-            "python-pygments: for ipython-qtconsole"
-            "python-pyzmq: for ipython-qtconcole"
+            "python-pyqt4: for ipython qtconsole"
+            "python-sip: for ipython qtconsole"
+            "python-pygments: for ipython qtconsole"
+            "python-pyzmq: for ipython notebook and ipython qtconcole"
             "python-tornado: for ipython notebook"
             "python-jinja: for ipython notebook"
             "haskell-pandoc: ipython notebook conversion")
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
               "python2-foolscap: for IPython's parallel computing features"
               "python2-pexpect: for irunner"
               "python2-nose: if you want to run IPython's test suite"
-              "python2-pyqt4: for ipython-qtconsole"
-              "python2-sip: for ipython-qtconsole"
-              "python2-pygments: for ipython-qtconsole"
-              "python2-pyzmq: for ipython-qtconsole"
+              "python2-pyqt4: for ipython qtconsole"
+              "python2-sip: for ipython qtconsole"
+              "python2-pygments: for ipython qtconsole"
+              "python2-pyzmq: for ipython notebook and ipython qtconsole"
               "python2-tornado: for ipython notebook"
               "python2-jinja: for ipython notebook"
               "haskell-pandoc: ipython notebook conversion")

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