[arch-commits] Commit in metacity/trunk (7 files)

Balló György bgyorgy at archlinux.org
Wed Jul 30 16:26:31 UTC 2014

    Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 @ 18:26:30
  Author: bgyorgy
Revision: 116594

upgpkg: metacity 3.12.0-1

Update to version 3.12.0


 PKGBUILD                      |   43 +------
 application-switcher.patch    |   26 ----
 enable_compositing.patch      |   12 --
 fix_compositing_startup.patch |   12 --
 fix_force_quit.patch          |  222 ----------------------------------------
 fix_shadows.patch             |   39 -------
 metacity.install              |    8 -
 7 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 355 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -3,49 +3,20 @@
 # Contributor: Jan de Groot <jgc at archlinux.org>
 pkgdesc="Legacy GNOME window manager"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('dconf' 'libcanberra' 'libgtop' 'libsm' 'gsettings-desktop-schemas' 'gtk2' 'startup-notification' 'zenity')
+depends=('dconf' 'libcanberra' 'libgtop' 'libsm' 'gsettings-desktop-schemas' 'gtk3' 'startup-notification' 'zenity')
 makedepends=('intltool' 'itstool')
-        fix_compositing_startup.patch
-        fix_force_quit.patch
-        fix_shadows.patch
-        enable_compositing.patch
-        application-switcher.patch)
-            '5094a0ffe3eb8289ed752829877c2e1b743eddf938ad3fc92fb4574b42765ae2'
-            '917760ac3375894ebb4052dfc7c8dff1ac556fb81033d7a7caf02123ceede50d'
-            'a0981477e9b3fd108fd03b7637bfd1f17a1f6cb13ec703d86b424b55076096f3'
-            'e53c1c20e19cd3d94d05d08045c7a9a373ce52051928ccc69bf3068081f30f9a'
-            '177ded8203c3ff25f59a24445145cb54da9aba4216a0014c34979b7c12f3c099')
-prepare() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658036
-  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/fix_compositing_startup.patch"
-  # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687938
-  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/fix_force_quit.patch"
-  # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=648340
-  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/fix_shadows.patch"
-  # Enable compositing by default (required for the desktop rendering feature of nautilus)
-  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/enable_compositing.patch"
-  # Rename switch-windows to switch-applications (required for GNOME 3.8 compatibility)
-  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/application-switcher.patch"
 build() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=/usr/lib/$pkgname \
               --disable-static --disable-schemas-compile
@@ -52,6 +23,6 @@
 package() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
   make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Deleted: application-switcher.patch
--- application-switcher.patch	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ application-switcher.patch	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/50-metacity-navigation.xml.in metacity-2.34.13/src/50-metacity-navigation.xml.in
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/50-metacity-navigation.xml.in	2012-10-15 20:06:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/50-metacity-navigation.xml.in	2013-04-23 02:35:18.000734619 +0200
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- 	<KeyListEntry name="move-to-workspace-down"
- 	              _description="Move window one workspace down" />
--	<KeyListEntry name="switch-windows"
-+	<KeyListEntry name="switch-applications"
- 	              _description="Switch applications"/>
- 	<KeyListEntry name="switch-group"
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/include/all-keybindings.h metacity-2.34.13/src/include/all-keybindings.h
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/include/all-keybindings.h	2012-02-09 19:07:40.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/include/all-keybindings.h	2013-04-23 02:34:22.632775305 +0200
-@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
- keybind (switch-group, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_GROUP, BINDING_REVERSES)
- keybind (switch-group-backward, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_GROUP,
--keybind (switch-windows, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_NORMAL, BINDING_REVERSES)
--keybind (switch-windows-backward, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_NORMAL,
-+keybind (switch-applications, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_NORMAL, BINDING_REVERSES)
-+keybind (switch-applications-backward, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_NORMAL,
- keybind (switch-panels, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_DOCKS, BINDING_REVERSES)
- keybind (switch-panels-backward, handle_switch, META_TAB_LIST_DOCKS,

Deleted: enable_compositing.patch
--- enable_compositing.patch	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ enable_compositing.patch	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml.in metacity-2.34.13/src/org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml.in
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml.in	2012-02-15 18:31:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/org.gnome.metacity.gschema.xml.in	2013-04-10 20:14:39.837033219 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-   <schema id="org.gnome.metacity" path="/org/gnome/metacity/"
-           gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@">
-     <key name="compositing-manager" type="b">
--      <default>false</default>
-+      <default>true</default>
-       <_summary>Compositing Manager</_summary>
-       <_description>
-         Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager.

Deleted: fix_compositing_startup.patch
--- fix_compositing_startup.patch	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ fix_compositing_startup.patch	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.5.orig/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c metacity-2.34.5/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c
---- metacity-2.34.5.orig/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.5/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c	2012-08-28 14:23:04.093750568 +0200
-@@ -3066,6 +3057,8 @@
- #endif
-   xrc->enabled = TRUE;
-+  xrc->show_redraw = FALSE;
-+  xrc->debug = FALSE;
-   g_timeout_add (2000, (GSourceFunc) timeout_debug, xrc);
-   return compositor;

Deleted: fix_force_quit.patch
--- fix_force_quit.patch	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ fix_force_quit.patch	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/delete.c metacity-2.34.13/src/core/delete.c
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/delete.c	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/core/delete.c	2012-11-08 21:36:48.373976906 +0100
-@@ -90,23 +90,41 @@
-       return;
-     }
--  window_title = g_locale_from_utf8 (window->title, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-+  /* This is to get a better string if the title isn't representable
-+   * in the locale encoding; actual conversion to UTF-8 is done inside
-+   * meta_show_dialog */
-+  if (window->title && window->title[0])
-+    {
-+      tmp = g_locale_from_utf8 (window->title, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-+      if (tmp == NULL)
-+        window_title = NULL;
-+      else
-+        window_title = window->title;
-+      g_free (tmp);
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      window_title = NULL;
-+    }
-   /* Translators: %s is a window title */
--  tmp = g_strdup_printf (_("<tt>%s</tt> is not responding."),
--                         window_title);
-+  if (window_title)
-+    tmp = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("<tt>%s</tt> is not responding."),
-+                                   window_title);
-+  else
-+    tmp = g_strdup (_("Application is not responding."));
-   window_content = g_strdup_printf (
-       "<big><b>%s</b></big>\n\n<i>%s</i>",
-       tmp,
-       _("You may choose to wait a short while for it to "
-         "continue or force the application to quit entirely."));
--  g_free (window_title);
-   dialog_pid =
-     meta_show_dialog ("--question",
--                      window_content, 0,
--                      window->screen->number,
-+                      window_content, NULL,
-+                      window->screen->screen_name,
-                       _("_Wait"), _("_Force Quit"), window->xwindow,
-                       NULL, NULL);
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/session.c metacity-2.34.13/src/core/session.c
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/session.c	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/core/session.c	2012-11-08 21:35:56.896216322 +0100
-@@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@
-                            "and will have to be restarted manually next time "
-                            "you log in."),
-                          "240",
--                         meta_screen_get_screen_number (meta_get_display()->active_screen),
-+                         meta_get_display()->active_screen->screen_name,
-                          NULL, NULL,
-                          None,
-                          columns,
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/util.c metacity-2.34.13/src/core/util.c
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/core/util.c	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/core/util.c	2012-11-08 21:36:41.373828115 +0100
-@@ -538,11 +538,30 @@
-     }
- }
-+/* Command line arguments are passed in the locale encoding; in almost
-+ * all cases, we'd hope that is UTF-8 and no conversion is necessary.
-+ * If it's not UTF-8, then it's possible that the message isn't
-+ * representable in the locale encoding.
-+ */
-+static void
-+append_argument (GPtrArray  *args,
-+                 const char *arg)
-+  char *locale_arg = g_locale_from_utf8 (arg, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-+  /* This is cheesy, but it's better to have a few ???'s in the dialog
-+   * for an unresponsive application than no dialog at all appear */
-+  if (!locale_arg)
-+    locale_arg = g_strdup ("???");
-+  g_ptr_array_add (args, locale_arg);
- GPid
- meta_show_dialog (const char *type,
-                   const char *message,
-                   const char *timeout,
--                  const gint screen_number,
-+                  const char *display,
-                   const char *ok_text,
-                   const char *cancel_text,
-                   const int transient_for,
-@@ -550,61 +569,58 @@
-                   GSList *entries)
- {
-   GError *error = NULL;
--  char *screen_number_text = g_strdup_printf("%d", screen_number);
-   GSList *tmp;
--  int i=0;
-   GPid child_pid;
--  const char **argvl = g_malloc(sizeof (char*) *
--                                (17 +
--                                 g_slist_length (columns)*2 +
--                                 g_slist_length (entries)));
--  argvl[i++] = "zenity";
--  argvl[i++] = type;
--  argvl[i++] = "--screen";
--  argvl[i++] = screen_number_text;
--  argvl[i++] = "--class";
--  argvl[i++] = "metacity-dialog";
--  argvl[i++] = "--title";
-+  GPtrArray *args;
-+  args = g_ptr_array_new ();
-+  append_argument (args, "zenity");
-+  append_argument (args, type);
-+  append_argument (args, "--display");
-+  append_argument (args, display);
-+  append_argument (args, "--class");
-+  append_argument (args, "metaicty-dialog");
-+  append_argument (args, "--title");
-   /* Translators: This is the title used on dialog boxes */
--  argvl[i++] = _("Metacity");
--  argvl[i++] = "--text";
--  argvl[i++] = message;
-+  append_argument (args, _("Metacity"));
-+  append_argument (args, "--text");
-+  append_argument (args, message);
-   if (timeout)
-     {
--      argvl[i++] = "--timeout";
--      argvl[i++] = timeout;
-+      append_argument (args, "--timeout");
-+      append_argument (args, timeout);
-     }
-   if (ok_text)
-     {
--      argvl[i++] = "--ok-label";
--      argvl[i++] = ok_text;
-+      append_argument (args, "--ok-label");
-+      append_argument (args, ok_text);
-      }
-   if (cancel_text)
-     {
--      argvl[i++] = "--cancel-label";
--      argvl[i++] = cancel_text;
-+      append_argument (args, "--cancel-label");
-+      append_argument (args, cancel_text);
-     }
-   tmp = columns;
-   while (tmp)
-     {
--      argvl[i++] = "--column";
--      argvl[i++] = tmp->data;
-+      append_argument (args, "--column");
-+      append_argument (args, tmp->data);
-       tmp = tmp->next;
-     }
-   tmp = entries;
-   while (tmp)
-     {
--      argvl[i++] = tmp->data;
-+      append_argument (args, tmp->data);
-       tmp = tmp->next;
-     }
--  argvl[i] = NULL;
-+  g_ptr_array_add (args, NULL); /* NULL-terminate */
-   if (transient_for)
-     {
-@@ -615,7 +631,7 @@
-   g_spawn_async (
-                  "/",
--                 (gchar**) argvl, /* ugh */
-+                 (gchar**) args->pdata,
-                  NULL,
-                  NULL, NULL,
-@@ -626,8 +642,7 @@
-   if (transient_for)
-     unsetenv ("WINDOWID");
--  g_free (argvl);
--  g_free (screen_number_text);
-+  g_ptr_array_free (args, TRUE);
-   if (error)
-     {
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/include/util.h metacity-2.34.13/src/include/util.h
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/include/util.h	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/include/util.h	2012-11-08 21:36:27.206860608 +0100
-@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
- void  meta_free_gslist_and_elements (GSList *list_to_deep_free);
- GPid meta_show_dialog (const char *type,
--                       const char *title,
-                        const char *message,
--                       gint timeout,
-+                       const char *timeout,
-+                       const char *display,
-                        const char *ok_text,
-                        const char *cancel_text,
-                        const int transient_for,

Deleted: fix_shadows.patch
--- fix_shadows.patch	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ fix_shadows.patch	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c metacity-2.34.13/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c
---- metacity-2.34.13.orig/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c	2011-11-10 15:14:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ metacity-2.34.13/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c	2012-11-09 13:51:42.492411570 +0100
-@@ -905,35 +905,6 @@
-       }
-     }
--  /* Never put a shadow around shaped windows */
--  if (cw->shaped) {
--    meta_verbose ("Window has no shadow as it is shaped\n");
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  /* Don't put shadow around DND icon windows */
--  if (cw->type == META_COMP_WINDOW_DND ||
--      cw->type == META_COMP_WINDOW_DESKTOP) {
--    meta_verbose ("Window has no shadow as it is DND or Desktop\n");
--    return FALSE;
--  }
--  if (cw->mode != WINDOW_ARGB) {
--    meta_verbose ("Window has shadow as it is not ARGB\n");
--    return TRUE;
--  }
--  if (cw->type == META_COMP_WINDOW_MENU || 
--      cw->type == META_COMP_WINDOW_DROP_DOWN_MENU) {
--    meta_verbose ("Window has shadow as it is a menu\n");
--    return TRUE;
--  }
--  if (cw->type == META_COMP_WINDOW_TOOLTIP) {
--    meta_verbose ("Window has shadow as it is a tooltip\n");
--    return TRUE;
--  }
-   meta_verbose ("Window has no shadow as it fell through\n");
-   return FALSE;
- }

Modified: metacity.install
--- metacity.install	2014-07-30 16:12:51 UTC (rev 116593)
+++ metacity.install	2014-07-30 16:26:30 UTC (rev 116594)
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
 post_install() {
     glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
-pre_upgrade() {
-    if [ -f /usr/share/gconf/schemas/$pkgname.schemas ]; then
-        /usr/sbin/gconfpkg --uninstall $pkgname
-    fi
 post_upgrade() {

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