[arch-commits] Commit in kdebase-workspace/repos (24 files)

Andrea Scarpino andrea at nymeria.archlinux.org
Sat Mar 8 19:28:16 UTC 2014

    Date: Saturday, March 8, 2014 @ 20:28:16
  Author: andrea
Revision: 207422

archrelease: copy kde-unstable to kde-unstable-i686, kde-unstable-x86_64

    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/etc-scripts.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde-np.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdebase-workspace.install)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm-xinitrd.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.logrotate)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.service)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/khotkeys-qt4.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kscreensaver.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/terminate-server.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/etc-scripts.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde-np.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdebase-workspace.install)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm-xinitrd.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.logrotate)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.service)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/khotkeys-qt4.patch)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kscreensaver.pam)
    (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/terminate-server.patch)

 kde-unstable-i686/PKGBUILD                    |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kde-unstable-i686/etc-scripts.patch           |   11 ++
 kde-unstable-i686/kde-np.pam                  |   12 +++
 kde-unstable-i686/kde.pam                     |    8 ++
 kde-unstable-i686/kdebase-workspace.install   |   31 ++++++++
 kde-unstable-i686/kdm-xinitrd.patch           |   18 ++++
 kde-unstable-i686/kdm.logrotate               |    6 +
 kde-unstable-i686/kdm.service                 |    9 ++
 kde-unstable-i686/khotkeys-qt4.patch          |   22 +++++
 kde-unstable-i686/kscreensaver.pam            |    1 
 kde-unstable-i686/terminate-server.patch      |   11 ++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/PKGBUILD                  |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/etc-scripts.patch         |   11 ++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kde-np.pam                |   12 +++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kde.pam                   |    8 ++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kdebase-workspace.install |   31 ++++++++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm-xinitrd.patch         |   18 ++++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.logrotate             |    6 +
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.service               |    9 ++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/khotkeys-qt4.patch        |   22 +++++
 kde-unstable-x86_64/kscreensaver.pam          |    1 
 kde-unstable-x86_64/terminate-server.patch    |   11 ++
 22 files changed, 444 insertions(+)

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/PKGBUILD)
--- kde-unstable-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/PKGBUILD	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <pierre at archlinux.de>
+pkgdesc="Provides the interface and basic tools for the KDE workspace"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'FDL')
+# note on libxdamage:
+# 	not detected by namcap because libgl depends on it
+#	but nvidia providing libgl does not depend on libxdamage
+depends=("kdelibs>=${pkgver}" 'kdepim-runtime' 'lm_sensors' 'libraw1394'
+         'qimageblitz' 'polkit-kde' 'xorg-xprop' 'libxdamage' 'libqalculate'
+         'libxklavier' 'xorg-xsetroot' 'libxcomposite' 'libxinerama'
+         'xorg-xrdb' 'libxres' 'xorg-xrandr' 'xorg-xmessage' 'libusb-compat'
+         'kde-base-artwork' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'xcb-util-image' 'ttf-font'
+         'xcb-util-keysyms' 'xcb-util-wm' 'pciutils' 'glu')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'automoc4' 'boost' 'kdebindings-python2' 'networkmanager')
+optdepends=('kde-wallpapers: wallpapers for KDE Plasma Workspaces'
+            'appmenu-qt: menu applications over dbus')
+        'kde.pam' 'kde-np.pam' 'kscreensaver.pam' 'kdm.service' 'kdm.logrotate'
+        'etc-scripts.patch' 'terminate-server.patch' 'kdm-xinitrd.patch'
+        'khotkeys-qt4.patch')
+          '660eae40a707d2711d8d7f32a93214865506b795'
+          '6aeecc9e0e221f0515c6bf544f9a3c11cb6961fe'
+          '106635aa1aae51d6f0668b1853f6c49a4fe9d3d8'
+          'b6f8e8692737b11eec1f8022ce74b5b23e247b1b'
+          'bbe55f2000217474ce7246f12ee437ceaaf7e9ae'
+          'c079ebd157c836ba996190f0d2bcea1a7828d02c'
+          'ac7bc292c865bc1ab8c02e6341aa7aeaf1a3eeee'
+          'd509dac592bd8b310df27991b208c95b6d907514'
+          'aa9d2e5a69986c4c3d47829721ea99edb473be12')
+prepare() {
+        mkdir build
+        cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
+        # reads the shell scripts in /etc/kde/
+        patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}"/etc-scripts.patch
+        # FS#26120
+        patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/kdm-xinitrd.patch
+        # FS#39188
+        patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/khotkeys-qt4.patch
+        # KDEBUG#202629
+        patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}"/terminate-server.patch
+build() {
+        cd build
+        cmake ../${_pkgname}-${pkgver} \
+          -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+          -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \
+          -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON \
+          -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
+          -DWITH_Xmms=OFF \
+          -DWITH_libgps=OFF \
+          -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 \
+          -DWITH_CkConnector=OFF \
+          -DWITH_NepomukCore=OFF \
+          -DWITH_Soprano=OFF
+        make
+package() {
+	cd build
+	make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kde.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kde
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kde-np.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kde-np
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kscreensaver.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kscreensaver
+	install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/xsessions/
+	ln -sf /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde-plasma{,-safe}.desktop \
+      "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/xsessions/
+	install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}"/etc/kde/{env,shutdown}
+	install -d -g 135 -o 135 "${pkgdir}"/var/lib/kdm
+    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kdm.service \
+      "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/kdm.service
+    install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/kdm.logrotate "${pkgdir}"/etc/logrotate.d/kdm

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/etc-scripts.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/etc-scripts.patch)
--- kde-unstable-i686/etc-scripts.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/etc-scripts.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- startkde.cmake.orig	2009-01-15 14:24:44.000000000 +0100
++++ startkde.cmake	2009-01-15 14:33:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -206,7 +190,7 @@
+ # For anything else (that doesn't set env vars, or that needs a window manager),
+ # better use the Autostart folder.
+-libpath=`kde4-config --path lib | tr : '\n'`
++libpath=`kde4-config --path lib | tr : '\n'`$(echo -e '\n/etc/kde/lib/')
+ for prefix in `echo "$libpath" | sed -n -e 's,/lib[^/]*/,/env/,p'`; do
+   for file in "$prefix"*.sh; do

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kde-np.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde-np.pam)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kde-np.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kde-np.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auth		required	pam_tally.so	onerr=succeed file=/var/log/faillog
+auth		required	pam_shells.so
+auth		requisite	pam_nologin.so
+auth		required	pam_env.so
+auth		optional	pam_permit.so
+account		include      system-login
+password	include      system-login
+session		include      system-login

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kde.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde.pam)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kde.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kde.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+auth		include		system-login
+account		include		system-login
+password	include		system-login
+session		include		system-login

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kdebase-workspace.install (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdebase-workspace.install)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kdebase-workspace.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kdebase-workspace.install	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+post_install() {
+	groupadd -g 135 kdm &>/dev/null
+	useradd -u 135 -g kdm -d /var/lib/kdm -s /bin/false -r -M kdm &>/dev/null
+	chown -R 135:135 var/lib/kdm &>/dev/null
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q
+    genkdmconf --no-old --no-backup &>/dev/null
+post_upgrade() {
+	getent group kdm >/dev/null 2>&1 || groupadd -g 135 kdm &>/dev/null
+	getent passwd kdm >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -u 135 -g kdm -d /var/lib/kdm -s /bin/false -r -M kdm &>/dev/null
+	chown -R 135:135 var/lib/kdm &>/dev/null
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q
+    genkdmconf &>/dev/null
+post_remove() {
+	if getent passwd kdm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	  userdel kdm
+	fi
+	if getent group kdm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	  groupdel kdm
+	fi
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    if [ -d usr/share/apps/kdm/faces ]; then
+        rm -r usr/share/apps/kdm/faces
+    fi

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kdm-xinitrd.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm-xinitrd.patch)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kdm-xinitrd.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kdm-xinitrd.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- kde-workspace-4.7.2/kdm/kfrontend/genkdmconf.c~	2011-10-04 22:11:24.787771512 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.7.2/kdm/kfrontend/genkdmconf.c	2011-10-04 22:13:58.612702824 +0000
+@@ -742,6 +742,15 @@
+ "[ -f /etc/xprofile ] && . /etc/xprofile\n"
+ "[ -f $HOME/.xprofile ] && . $HOME/.xprofile\n"
+ "\n"
++"# run all system xinitrc shell scripts.\n"
++"if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then\n"
++"  for i in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/* ; do\n"
++"  if [ -x \"$i\" ]; then\n"
++"    . \"$i\"\n"
++"  fi\n"
++"  done\n"
+ "if [ -d /etc/X11/Xresources ]; then\n"
+ "  for i in /etc/X11/Xresources/*; do\n"
+ "    [ -f $i ] && xrdb -merge $i\n"

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kdm.logrotate (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.logrotate)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kdm.logrotate	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kdm.logrotate	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/var/log/kdm.log {
+    maxage 365
+    size=+1024k
+    notifempty
+    missingok

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kdm.service (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.service)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kdm.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kdm.service	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=K Display Manager
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/khotkeys-qt4.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/khotkeys-qt4.patch)
--- kde-unstable-i686/khotkeys-qt4.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/khotkeys-qt4.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/kcm_hotkeys/actions/dbus_action_widget.cpp~	2014-03-05 18:41:23.126818552 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/kcm_hotkeys/actions/dbus_action_widget.cpp	2014-03-05 18:42:05.563172036 +0000
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
+ void DbusActionWidget::launchDbusBrowser() const
+     {
+-    if( KRun::runCommand( "qdbusviewer", window()) == 0 )
++    if( KRun::runCommand( "qdbusviewer-qt4", window()) == 0 )
+         {
+         KMessageBox::sorry( window(), i18n( "Failed to run qdbusviewer" ));
+         }
+--- kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/actions/dbus_action.cpp~	2014-03-05 18:41:29.120107842 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/actions/dbus_action.cpp	2014-03-05 18:41:52.349936188 +0000
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+         }
+     kDebug() << "D-Bus call:" << _application << ":" << _object << ":" << _function << ":" << args_list;
+     KProcess proc;
+-    proc << "qdbus" << _application << _object << _function << args_list;
++    proc << "qdbus-qt4" << _application << _object << _function << args_list;
+     proc.startDetached();
+     }

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/kscreensaver.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kscreensaver.pam)
--- kde-unstable-i686/kscreensaver.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/kscreensaver.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+auth		required	pam_unix_auth.so

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-i686/terminate-server.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/terminate-server.patch)
--- kde-unstable-i686/terminate-server.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-i686/terminate-server.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- kdm/config.def	2009-08-27 10:17:39.000000000 +0200
++++ kdm/config.def	2009-10-31 00:40:21.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@
+ Key: TerminateServer
+ Type: bool
+-Default: false
++Default: true
+ User: core
+ Instance: #:*/!
+ Merge: xdm

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/PKGBUILD)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <pierre at archlinux.de>
+pkgdesc="Provides the interface and basic tools for the KDE workspace"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'FDL')
+# note on libxdamage:
+# 	not detected by namcap because libgl depends on it
+#	but nvidia providing libgl does not depend on libxdamage
+depends=("kdelibs>=${pkgver}" 'kdepim-runtime' 'lm_sensors' 'libraw1394'
+         'qimageblitz' 'polkit-kde' 'xorg-xprop' 'libxdamage' 'libqalculate'
+         'libxklavier' 'xorg-xsetroot' 'libxcomposite' 'libxinerama'
+         'xorg-xrdb' 'libxres' 'xorg-xrandr' 'xorg-xmessage' 'libusb-compat'
+         'kde-base-artwork' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'xcb-util-image' 'ttf-font'
+         'xcb-util-keysyms' 'xcb-util-wm' 'pciutils' 'glu')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'automoc4' 'boost' 'kdebindings-python2' 'networkmanager')
+optdepends=('kde-wallpapers: wallpapers for KDE Plasma Workspaces'
+            'appmenu-qt: menu applications over dbus')
+        'kde.pam' 'kde-np.pam' 'kscreensaver.pam' 'kdm.service' 'kdm.logrotate'
+        'etc-scripts.patch' 'terminate-server.patch' 'kdm-xinitrd.patch'
+        'khotkeys-qt4.patch')
+          '660eae40a707d2711d8d7f32a93214865506b795'
+          '6aeecc9e0e221f0515c6bf544f9a3c11cb6961fe'
+          '106635aa1aae51d6f0668b1853f6c49a4fe9d3d8'
+          'b6f8e8692737b11eec1f8022ce74b5b23e247b1b'
+          'bbe55f2000217474ce7246f12ee437ceaaf7e9ae'
+          'c079ebd157c836ba996190f0d2bcea1a7828d02c'
+          'ac7bc292c865bc1ab8c02e6341aa7aeaf1a3eeee'
+          'd509dac592bd8b310df27991b208c95b6d907514'
+          'aa9d2e5a69986c4c3d47829721ea99edb473be12')
+prepare() {
+        mkdir build
+        cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
+        # reads the shell scripts in /etc/kde/
+        patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}"/etc-scripts.patch
+        # FS#26120
+        patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/kdm-xinitrd.patch
+        # FS#39188
+        patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/khotkeys-qt4.patch
+        # KDEBUG#202629
+        patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}"/terminate-server.patch
+build() {
+        cd build
+        cmake ../${_pkgname}-${pkgver} \
+          -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+          -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \
+          -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON \
+          -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
+          -DWITH_Xmms=OFF \
+          -DWITH_libgps=OFF \
+          -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 \
+          -DWITH_CkConnector=OFF \
+          -DWITH_NepomukCore=OFF \
+          -DWITH_Soprano=OFF
+        make
+package() {
+	cd build
+	make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kde.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kde
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kde-np.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kde-np
+	install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kscreensaver.pam "${pkgdir}"/etc/pam.d/kscreensaver
+	install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/xsessions/
+	ln -sf /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde-plasma{,-safe}.desktop \
+      "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/xsessions/
+	install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}"/etc/kde/{env,shutdown}
+	install -d -g 135 -o 135 "${pkgdir}"/var/lib/kdm
+    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/kdm.service \
+      "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/kdm.service
+    install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/kdm.logrotate "${pkgdir}"/etc/logrotate.d/kdm

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/etc-scripts.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/etc-scripts.patch)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/etc-scripts.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/etc-scripts.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- startkde.cmake.orig	2009-01-15 14:24:44.000000000 +0100
++++ startkde.cmake	2009-01-15 14:33:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -206,7 +190,7 @@
+ # For anything else (that doesn't set env vars, or that needs a window manager),
+ # better use the Autostart folder.
+-libpath=`kde4-config --path lib | tr : '\n'`
++libpath=`kde4-config --path lib | tr : '\n'`$(echo -e '\n/etc/kde/lib/')
+ for prefix in `echo "$libpath" | sed -n -e 's,/lib[^/]*/,/env/,p'`; do
+   for file in "$prefix"*.sh; do

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kde-np.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde-np.pam)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kde-np.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kde-np.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auth		required	pam_tally.so	onerr=succeed file=/var/log/faillog
+auth		required	pam_shells.so
+auth		requisite	pam_nologin.so
+auth		required	pam_env.so
+auth		optional	pam_permit.so
+account		include      system-login
+password	include      system-login
+session		include      system-login

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kde.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kde.pam)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kde.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kde.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+auth		include		system-login
+account		include		system-login
+password	include		system-login
+session		include		system-login

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kdebase-workspace.install (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdebase-workspace.install)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kdebase-workspace.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kdebase-workspace.install	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+post_install() {
+	groupadd -g 135 kdm &>/dev/null
+	useradd -u 135 -g kdm -d /var/lib/kdm -s /bin/false -r -M kdm &>/dev/null
+	chown -R 135:135 var/lib/kdm &>/dev/null
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q
+    genkdmconf --no-old --no-backup &>/dev/null
+post_upgrade() {
+	getent group kdm >/dev/null 2>&1 || groupadd -g 135 kdm &>/dev/null
+	getent passwd kdm >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -u 135 -g kdm -d /var/lib/kdm -s /bin/false -r -M kdm &>/dev/null
+	chown -R 135:135 var/lib/kdm &>/dev/null
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    update-desktop-database -q
+    genkdmconf &>/dev/null
+post_remove() {
+	if getent passwd kdm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	  userdel kdm
+	fi
+	if getent group kdm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	  groupdel kdm
+	fi
+	xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &> /dev/null
+    if [ -d usr/share/apps/kdm/faces ]; then
+        rm -r usr/share/apps/kdm/faces
+    fi

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm-xinitrd.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm-xinitrd.patch)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm-xinitrd.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm-xinitrd.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- kde-workspace-4.7.2/kdm/kfrontend/genkdmconf.c~	2011-10-04 22:11:24.787771512 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.7.2/kdm/kfrontend/genkdmconf.c	2011-10-04 22:13:58.612702824 +0000
+@@ -742,6 +742,15 @@
+ "[ -f /etc/xprofile ] && . /etc/xprofile\n"
+ "[ -f $HOME/.xprofile ] && . $HOME/.xprofile\n"
+ "\n"
++"# run all system xinitrc shell scripts.\n"
++"if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then\n"
++"  for i in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/* ; do\n"
++"  if [ -x \"$i\" ]; then\n"
++"    . \"$i\"\n"
++"  fi\n"
++"  done\n"
+ "if [ -d /etc/X11/Xresources ]; then\n"
+ "  for i in /etc/X11/Xresources/*; do\n"
+ "    [ -f $i ] && xrdb -merge $i\n"

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.logrotate (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.logrotate)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.logrotate	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.logrotate	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/var/log/kdm.log {
+    maxage 365
+    size=+1024k
+    notifempty
+    missingok

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.service (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kdm.service)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kdm.service	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=K Display Manager
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/khotkeys-qt4.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/khotkeys-qt4.patch)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/khotkeys-qt4.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/khotkeys-qt4.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/kcm_hotkeys/actions/dbus_action_widget.cpp~	2014-03-05 18:41:23.126818552 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/kcm_hotkeys/actions/dbus_action_widget.cpp	2014-03-05 18:42:05.563172036 +0000
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
+ void DbusActionWidget::launchDbusBrowser() const
+     {
+-    if( KRun::runCommand( "qdbusviewer", window()) == 0 )
++    if( KRun::runCommand( "qdbusviewer-qt4", window()) == 0 )
+         {
+         KMessageBox::sorry( window(), i18n( "Failed to run qdbusviewer" ));
+         }
+--- kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/actions/dbus_action.cpp~	2014-03-05 18:41:29.120107842 +0000
++++ kde-workspace-4.11.7/khotkeys/libkhotkeysprivate/actions/dbus_action.cpp	2014-03-05 18:41:52.349936188 +0000
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+         }
+     kDebug() << "D-Bus call:" << _application << ":" << _object << ":" << _function << ":" << args_list;
+     KProcess proc;
+-    proc << "qdbus" << _application << _object << _function << args_list;
++    proc << "qdbus-qt4" << _application << _object << _function << args_list;
+     proc.startDetached();
+     }

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/kscreensaver.pam (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/kscreensaver.pam)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/kscreensaver.pam	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/kscreensaver.pam	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+auth		required	pam_unix_auth.so

Copied: kdebase-workspace/repos/kde-unstable-x86_64/terminate-server.patch (from rev 207421, kdebase-workspace/kde-unstable/terminate-server.patch)
--- kde-unstable-x86_64/terminate-server.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kde-unstable-x86_64/terminate-server.patch	2014-03-08 19:28:16 UTC (rev 207422)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- kdm/config.def	2009-08-27 10:17:39.000000000 +0200
++++ kdm/config.def	2009-10-31 00:40:21.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@
+ Key: TerminateServer
+ Type: bool
+-Default: false
++Default: true
+ User: core
+ Instance: #:*/!
+ Merge: xdm

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