[arch-commits] Commit in tint2/trunk (3 files)

Alexander Rødseth arodseth at nymeria.archlinux.org
Sat Mar 15 10:43:01 UTC 2014

    Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014 @ 11:43:01
  Author: arodseth
Revision: 107236

upgpkg: tint2 0.11-7


 PKGBUILD                    |   33 -
 add-power-now-support.patch |    6 
 graph.patch                 |  753 ------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 780 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2014-03-15 09:42:59 UTC (rev 107235)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-03-15 10:43:01 UTC (rev 107236)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
 # Contributor: Bartłomiej Piotrowski <bpiotrowski at archlinux.org>
 # Contributor: Blue Peppers <bluepeppers at archlinux.us>
 # Contributor: Stefan Husmann< stefan-husmann at t-online.de>
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
 pkgdesc='Basic, good-looking task manager for WMs'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
 conflicts=('ttm-svn' 'tint')
@@ -19,15 +20,12 @@
-        'graph.patch'
-         '6cfcad028f1bd2f69812167f5395f890'
+         '448beead6c9d44b864f99e08a027cb56'
-         '2866ebde44be8d48efd1e59ded5c5534'
@@ -35,24 +33,12 @@
 prepare() {
   cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # making all the patches apply is a work in progress
-  for f in "$srcdir"/*.patch; do
+  # Applying all patches, even some that only applies partially.
+  # Tint2 works fine with these, but a new release from upstream would be nice.
+  for f in ../*.patch; do
+    echo -e "--- ${f##*/} ---\n"
+    patch -Np1 -i $f && echo "${f##*/} OK!" || echo "${f##*/} FAILED!"
-    echo "--- ${f##*/} ---"
-    echo
-    if [[ ${f##*/} == add-power-now-support.patch ]]; then
-      patch -Np2 -i $f && echo "${f##*/} OK!"
-    elif [[ ${f##*/} == src-task-align.patch ]]; then
-      continue
-    elif [[ ${f##*/} == launcher_apps_dir-v2.patch ]]; then
-      continue
-    elif [[ ${f##*/} == graph.patch ]]; then
-      continue
-    elif [[ ${f##*/} == clock.patch ]]; then
-      continue
-    else
-      patch -Np1 -i $f && echo "${f##*/} OK!"
-    fi
   # python2 fix
@@ -67,13 +53,12 @@
   cd build
   cmake .. \
 package() {
-  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver/build" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Modified: add-power-now-support.patch
--- add-power-now-support.patch	2014-03-15 09:42:59 UTC (rev 107235)
+++ add-power-now-support.patch	2014-03-15 10:43:01 UTC (rev 107236)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-diff -rup ../tint2-0.11.orig/src/battery/battery.c ./src/battery/battery.c
---- ../tint2-0.11.orig/src/battery/battery.c	2010-12-02 23:56:11.313403140 +0100
-+++ ./src/battery/battery.c	2010-12-02 23:57:22.266956142 +0100
+diff -rup trunk/src/battery/battery.c ./src/battery/battery.c
+--- trunk/src/battery/battery.c	2010-12-02 23:56:11.313403140 +0100
++++ trunk/src/battery/battery.c	2010-12-02 23:57:22.266956142 +0100
 @@ -184,8 +184,14 @@ void init_battery()

Deleted: graph.patch
--- graph.patch	2014-03-15 09:42:59 UTC (rev 107235)
+++ graph.patch	2014-03-15 10:43:01 UTC (rev 107236)
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-Index: CMakeLists.txt
---- trunk/CMakeLists.txt	2011-09-19 12:38:01.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/CMakeLists.txt	2011-09-19 12:46:47.169791175 +0200
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
-                      src
-                      src/battery
-                      src/clock
-+                     src/graphs
-                      src/systray
-                      src/taskbar
-                      src/launcher
-@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
-              src/server.c
-              src/tint.c
-              src/clock/clock.c
-+             src/graphs/graphs.c
-              src/systray/systraybar.c
-              src/launcher/launcher.c
-              src/launcher/xsettings-client.c
-Index: trunk/src/config.c
---- trunk/src/config.c	2011-09-19 12:38:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/src/config.c	2011-09-19 12:59:08.365524951 +0200
-@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- #include "systraybar.h"
- #include "launcher.h"
- #include "clock.h"
-+#include "graphs.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "window.h"
- #include "tooltip.h"
-@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
- 			// monitor specified by name, not by index
- 			int i, j;
- 			for (i=0; i<server.nb_monitor; ++i) {
--				if (server.monitor[i].names == 0) 
-+				if (server.monitor[i].names == 0)
- 					// xrandr can't identify monitors
- 					continue;
- 				j = 0;
-@@ -220,6 +221,8 @@
- 			}
- 			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'C')
- 				clock_enabled = 1;
-+			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'G')
-+				graphs_enabled = 1;
- 		}
- 	}
- 	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_margin") == 0) {
-@@ -341,7 +344,7 @@
- 				g_free( panel_items_order );
- 				panel_items_order = tmp;
- 			}
--			else 
-+			else
- 				panel_items_order = g_strdup("C");
- 		}
- 		if (strlen(value) > 0) {
-@@ -401,6 +404,78 @@
- 			clock_rclick_command = strdup(value);
- 	}
-+	/* Graphs */
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_items") == 0) {
-+		int j;
-+		for (j = 0; j < strlen(value); j++) {
-+			if (value[j] == 'C' && graphs_cpu_pos == -1) {
-+				graphs_cpu_pos = graphs_ncurves;
-+				graphs_curves_per_pos[graphs_ngraphs] = 2;
-+				graphs_ngraphs++;
-+				graphs_ncurves+=2;
-+			}
-+			else if (value[j] == 'M' && graphs_mem_pos == -1) {
-+				graphs_mem_pos = graphs_ncurves;
-+				graphs_curves_per_pos[graphs_ngraphs] = 2;
-+				graphs_ngraphs++;
-+				graphs_ncurves+=2;
-+			}
-+			else if (value[j] == 'N' && graphs_net_pos == -1) {
-+				graphs_net_pos = graphs_ncurves;
-+				graphs_curves_per_pos[graphs_ngraphs] = 2;
-+				graphs_ngraphs++;
-+				graphs_ncurves+=2;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_use_bars") == 0) {
-+		graphs_use_bars = atoi(value);
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_graph_width") == 0) {
-+		int w = atoi(value);
-+		graphs_graph_width = (w <= 200 && w >= 10) ? w : 50;
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_netiface") == 0) {
-+		if (strlen(value) > 0)
-+			graphs_netiface = strdup(value);
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_netmaxup") == 0) {
-+		int s = atoi(value);
-+        graphs_netmaxup = s;
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_netmaxdown") == 0) {
-+		int s = atoi(value);
-+        graphs_netmaxdown = s;
-+	}
-+	else if (strncmp (key, "graphs_color", 12) == 0) {
-+		int idx = key[12]-48;
-+		if (idx >= 0 && idx < MAXCURVES) {
-+			extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
-+			get_color (value1, panel_config.graphs.g[idx].color);
-+			if (value2) panel_config.graphs.g[idx].alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
-+			else panel_config.graphs.g[idx].alpha = 0.5;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp (key, "graphs_padding") == 0) {
-+		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
-+		panel_config.graphs.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.graphs.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
-+		if (value2) panel_config.graphs.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
-+		if (value3) panel_config.graphs.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp (key, "graphs_background_id") == 0) {
-+		int id = atoi (value);
-+		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
-+		panel_config.graphs.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_lclick_command") == 0) {
-+		if (strlen(value) > 0)
-+			graphs_lclick_command = strdup(value);
-+	}
-+	else if (strcmp(key, "graphs_rclick_command") == 0) {
-+		if (strlen(value) > 0)
-+			graphs_rclick_command = strdup(value);
-+	}
- 	/* Taskbar */
- 	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_mode") == 0) {
- 		if (strcmp (value, "multi_desktop") == 0) panel_mode = MULTI_DESKTOP;
-@@ -752,7 +827,7 @@
- 		}
- 	}
- 	fclose (fp);
- 	// append Taskbar item
- 	if (new_config_file == 0) {
- 		taskbar_enabled = 1;
-@@ -761,7 +836,7 @@
- 			g_free(panel_items_order);
- 			panel_items_order = tmp;
- 		}
--		else 
-+		else
- 			panel_items_order = g_strdup("T");
- 	}
-diff -ruN tint2.orig/src/graphs/graphs.c tint2.mine/src/graphs/graphs.c
---- trunk/src/graphs/graphs.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ trunk/src/graphs/graphs.c	2011-09-19 13:54:02.833338438 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
-+* Tint2 : graphs
-+* Copyright (C) 2011 Francisco J. Vazquez (fjvazquezaraujo at gmail.com)
-+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
-+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+* GNU General Public License for more details.
-+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <cairo.h>
-+#include <cairo-xlib.h>
-+#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <ctype.h>
-+#include "window.h"
-+#include "server.h"
-+#include "panel.h"
-+#include "graphs.h"
-+#include "timer.h"
-+#include "common.h"
-+#define CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT 5
-+#define NET_SAMPLE_COUNT 5
-+int graphs_enabled;
-+int graphs_ngraphs;
-+int graphs_ncurves;
-+int graphs_cpu_pos;
-+int graphs_mem_pos;
-+int graphs_net_pos;
-+int graphs_curves_per_pos[MAXGRAPHS];
-+int graphs_use_bars;
-+int graphs_graph_width;
-+int graphs_cpu_nsamples_avg;
-+int graphs_net_nsamples_avg;
-+char *graphs_netiface;
-+int graphs_netmaxup;
-+int graphs_netmaxdown;
-+char *graphs_lclick_command;
-+char *graphs_rclick_command;
-+float **graph_values;  // circular array list
-+static int pos_x = 0;  // current position in graph_values
-+static timeout* graphs_timeout;
-+void default_graphs()
-+	graphs_enabled = 0;
-+	graphs_ngraphs = 0;
-+	graphs_ncurves = 0;
-+	graphs_cpu_pos = -1;
-+	graphs_mem_pos = -1;
-+	graphs_net_pos = -1;
-+	graphs_use_bars = 0;
-+	graphs_graph_width = 50;
-+	graphs_cpu_nsamples_avg = 1;
-+	graphs_net_nsamples_avg = 2;
-+	graphs_netiface = 0;
-+    graphs_netmaxup = 0;
-+    graphs_netmaxdown = 0;
-+	graphs_timeout = 0;
-+	graphs_lclick_command = 0;
-+	graphs_rclick_command = 0;
-+void cleanup_graphs()
-+	if (graphs_netiface) g_free(graphs_netiface);
-+	if (graphs_lclick_command) g_free(graphs_lclick_command);
-+	if (graphs_rclick_command) g_free(graphs_rclick_command);
-+	if (graphs_timeout) stop_timeout(graphs_timeout);
-+	int i;
-+	for (i = 0; i < graphs_ncurves; i++)
-+	{
-+		free(graph_values[i]);
-+	}
-+	free(graph_values);
-+int update_cpugraph()
-+	if (graphs_cpu_pos == -1) return 0;
-+	struct cpu_info {
-+		unsigned long long last_total;
-+		unsigned long long last_active_total, last_wait_total;
-+		int cur_idx;
-+		double active[CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT], wait[CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT];
-+		float active_perc, wait_perc;
-+	};
-+	static struct cpu_info cpu = { .cur_idx=0 };
-+	FILE *fp;
-+	if ((fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r")) == NULL) {
-+		return 0;
-+	}
-+	char buf[256];
-+	while (!feof(fp)) {
-+		if (fgets(buf, 255, fp) == NULL) {
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3) == 0) {
-+			unsigned long long cpu_user;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_system;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_nice;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_idle;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_iowait;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_irq;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_softirq;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_steal;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_total;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_active_total;
-+			unsigned long long cpu_wait_total;
-+			sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu",
-+				   &cpu_user, &cpu_nice, &cpu_system, &cpu_idle,
-+				   &cpu_iowait, &cpu_irq, &cpu_softirq, &cpu_steal);
-+			cpu_total = cpu_user + cpu_nice + cpu_system + cpu_idle +
-+					cpu_iowait + cpu_irq + cpu_softirq + cpu_steal;
-+			cpu_active_total = cpu_user + cpu_nice + cpu_system + cpu_steal;
-+			cpu_wait_total = cpu_total - cpu_active_total - cpu_idle;
-+			double time = (cpu_total - cpu.last_total);
-+			cpu.active[cpu.cur_idx] = (cpu_active_total - cpu.last_active_total) / time;
-+			cpu.wait[cpu.cur_idx] = (cpu_wait_total - cpu.last_wait_total) / time;
-+			cpu.last_total = cpu_total;
-+			cpu.last_active_total = cpu_active_total;
-+			cpu.last_wait_total = cpu_wait_total;
-+			double curtmp1 = 0;
-+			double curtmp2 = 0;
-+			int i;
-+			// Average the samples
-+			for (i = 0; i < graphs_cpu_nsamples_avg; i++) {
-+				int idx2 = (cpu.cur_idx + CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT - i) % CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT;
-+				curtmp1 += cpu.active[idx2];
-+				curtmp2 += cpu.wait[idx2];
-+			}
-+			cpu.active_perc = curtmp1 / (float) graphs_cpu_nsamples_avg;
-+			cpu.wait_perc = curtmp2 / (float) graphs_cpu_nsamples_avg;
-+			cpu.cur_idx = (cpu.cur_idx + 1) % CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT;
-+			break; // Ignore the rest
-+		}
-+	}
-+	fclose(fp);
-+	graph_values[graphs_cpu_pos][pos_x] = cpu.active_perc;
-+	graph_values[graphs_cpu_pos+1][pos_x] = cpu.active_perc + cpu.wait_perc;
-+	return 0;
-+int update_memgraph()
-+	if (graphs_mem_pos == -1) return 0;
-+	long long unsigned int memtotal = 0, memfree = 0, buffers = 0, cached = 0;
-+	FILE *fp;
-+	if ((fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r")) == NULL) {
-+		return 0;
-+	}
-+	char buf[256];
-+	while (!feof(fp)) {
-+		if (fgets(buf, 255, fp) == NULL) {
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		if (strncmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9) == 0) {
-+			sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &memtotal);
-+		} else if (strncmp(buf, "MemFree:", 8) == 0) {
-+			sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &memfree);
-+		} else if (strncmp(buf, "Buffers:", 8) == 0) {
-+			sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &buffers);
-+		} else if (strncmp(buf, "Cached:", 7) == 0) {
-+			sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &cached);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	fclose(fp);
-+	long long unsigned int used = memtotal - memfree;
-+	long long unsigned int bufcach = buffers + cached;
-+	graph_values[graphs_mem_pos][pos_x] = (used - bufcach) / (float) memtotal;
-+	graph_values[graphs_mem_pos+1][pos_x] = used / (float) memtotal;
-+	return 0;
-+int update_netgraph()
-+	if (graphs_net_pos == -1 || graphs_netiface == NULL) return 0;
-+	struct net_stat {
-+		long long last_down, last_up;
-+		int cur_idx;
-+		long long down[NET_SAMPLE_COUNT], up[NET_SAMPLE_COUNT];
-+		double down_rate, up_rate;
-+		double max_down, max_up;
-+	};
-+	static struct net_stat net = { .cur_idx=0, .max_down=0, .max_up=0 };
-+	double max(double v1, double v2) { return v1 > v2 ? v1 : v2; }
-+	double min(double v1, double v2) { return v1 < v2 ? v1 : v2; }
-+	FILE *fp;
-+	if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"))) {
-+		return 0;
-+	}
-+	char buf[256];
-+	// Ignore first two lines
-+	fgets(buf, 255, fp);
-+	fgets(buf, 255, fp);
-+	static int first_run = 1;
-+	while (!feof(fp)) {
-+		if (fgets(buf, 255, fp) == NULL) {
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		char *p = buf;
-+		while (isspace((int) *p)) p++;
-+		char *curdev = p;
-+		while (*p && *p != ':') p++;
-+		if (*p == '\0') continue;
-+		*p = '\0';
-+		if (strcmp(curdev, graphs_netiface)) continue;
-+		long long down, up;
-+		sscanf(p+1, "%lld %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %lld", &down, &up);
-+		if (down < net.last_down) net.last_down = 0; // Overflow
-+		if (up < net.last_up) net.last_up = 0; // Overflow
-+		net.down[net.cur_idx] = (down - net.last_down);
-+		net.up[net.cur_idx] = (up - net.last_up);
-+		net.last_down = down;
-+		net.last_up = up;
-+		if (first_run) {
-+			first_run = 0;
-+			break;
-+		}
-+		unsigned int curtmp1 = 0;
-+		unsigned int curtmp2 = 0;
-+		// Average the samples
-+		int i;
-+		for (i = 0; i < graphs_net_nsamples_avg; i++) {
-+			curtmp1 += net.down[(net.cur_idx + NET_SAMPLE_COUNT - i) %
-+                                NET_SAMPLE_COUNT];
-+			curtmp2 += net.up[(net.cur_idx + NET_SAMPLE_COUNT - i) %
-+                              NET_SAMPLE_COUNT];
-+		}
-+		net.down_rate = curtmp1 / (double) graphs_net_nsamples_avg;
-+		net.up_rate = curtmp2 / (double) graphs_net_nsamples_avg;
-+        if (graphs_netmaxdown > 0)
-+        {
-+            net.down_rate /= (float) graphs_netmaxdown;
-+            net.down_rate = min(1.0, net.down_rate);
-+        }
-+        else
-+            {
-+            // Normalize by maximum speed (a priori unknown,
-+            // so we must do this all the time).
-+            if (net.max_down < net.down_rate)
-+            {
-+                for (i = 0; i < graphs_graph_width; i++)
-+                {
-+                    graph_values[graphs_net_pos][i] *= (net.max_down /
-+                                                        net.down_rate);
-+                }
-+                net.max_down = net.down_rate;
-+                net.down_rate = 1.0;
-+            }
-+            else if (net.max_down != 0) net.down_rate /= net.max_down;
-+        }
-+        if (graphs_netmaxup > 0)
-+        {
-+            net.up_rate /= (float) graphs_netmaxup;
-+            net.up_rate = min(1.0, net.up_rate);
-+        }
-+        else
-+        {
-+            if (net.max_up < net.up_rate)
-+            {
-+                for (i = 0; i < graphs_graph_width; i++)
-+                {
-+                    graph_values[graphs_net_pos+1][i] *= (net.max_up /
-+                                                          net.up_rate);
-+                }
-+                net.max_up = net.up_rate;
-+                net.up_rate = 1.0;
-+            }
-+            else if (net.max_up != 0) net.up_rate /= net.max_up;
-+        }
-+		net.cur_idx = (net.cur_idx + 1) % NET_SAMPLE_COUNT;
-+		break; // Ignore the rest
-+	}
-+	fclose(fp);
-+	graph_values[graphs_net_pos][pos_x] = net.down_rate;
-+	graph_values[graphs_net_pos+1][pos_x] = net.up_rate;
-+	return 0;
-+void update_graphs(void* arg)
-+	update_cpugraph();
-+	update_memgraph();
-+	update_netgraph();
-+	int i;
-+	for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++)
-+		panel1[i].graphs.area.redraw = 1;
-+	panel_refresh = 1;
-+void init_graphs()
-+	if (!graphs_enabled || !graphs_ngraphs)
-+		return;
-+	graphs_timeout = add_timeout(10, 1000, update_graphs, 0);
-+	int i;
-+	graph_values = (float **) malloc(graphs_ncurves * sizeof(float *));
-+	for (i = 0; i < graphs_ncurves; i++)
-+	{
-+		unsigned int gsize = graphs_graph_width * sizeof(float);
-+		graph_values[i] = malloc(gsize);
-+		memset(graph_values[i], 0, gsize);
-+	}
-+void init_graphs_panel(void *p)
-+	if (!graphs_enabled || !graphs_ngraphs)
-+		return;
-+	Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
-+	Graphs *graphs = &panel->graphs;
-+	if (graphs->area.bg == 0)
-+		graphs->area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
-+	graphs->area.parent = p;
-+	graphs->area.panel = p;
-+	graphs->area._draw_foreground = draw_graphs;
-+	graphs->area.size_mode = SIZE_BY_CONTENT;
-+	graphs->area._resize = resize_graphs;
-+	graphs->area.resize = 1;
-+	graphs->area.on_screen = 1;
-+void draw_graphs (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
-+	Graphs *graphs = obj;
-+	cairo_set_line_width (c, 1.0);
-+	int i, i2, g, cv;
-+	int x = graphs->area.paddingxlr + graphs->area.bg->border.width + 1;
-+	int y1 = graphs->area.height - graphs->area.bg->border.width - graphs->area.paddingy;
-+	for (g = 0, cv = 0; g < graphs_ngraphs; g++)
-+	{
-+		for (i2 = 0; i2 < graphs_curves_per_pos[g]; i2++, cv++)
-+		{
-+			cairo_set_source_rgba (c, graphs->g[cv].color[0], graphs->g[cv].color[1],
-+									  graphs->g[cv].color[2], graphs->g[cv].alpha);
-+			for (i = 0; i < graphs_graph_width; i++)
-+			{
-+				int idx = (pos_x + 1 + i + graphs_graph_width) % graphs_graph_width;
-+				int y2 = y1 - graph_values[cv][idx] * (y1 - graphs->area.bg->border.width -
-+									graphs->area.paddingy);
-+				if (graphs_use_bars) cairo_move_to (c, x + i, y1);
-+				cairo_line_to (c, x + i, y2);
-+			}
-+			cairo_stroke (c);
-+		}
-+		x += graphs->area.paddingx + graphs_graph_width;
-+	}
-+	pos_x = (pos_x + 1) % graphs_graph_width;
-+int resize_graphs (void *obj)
-+	Graphs *graphs = obj;
-+	int ret = 0;
-+	graphs->area.redraw = 1;
-+	if (panel_horizontal) {
-+		int new_size = (2*graphs->area.paddingxlr) + (2*graphs->area.bg->border.width) +
-+				   graphs_ngraphs * (graphs_graph_width) +
-+				   (graphs_ngraphs - 1) * (graphs->area.paddingx);
-+		if (new_size != graphs->area.width) {
-+			graphs->area.width = new_size + 1;
-+			ret = 1;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	return ret;
-+void graphs_action(int button)
-+	char *command = 0;
-+	switch (button) {
-+		case 1:
-+		command = graphs_lclick_command;
-+		break;
-+		case 3:
-+		command = graphs_rclick_command;
-+		break;
-+	}
-+	tint_exec(command);
-diff -ruN tint2.orig/src/graphs/graphs.h tint2.mine/src/graphs/graphs.h
---- trunk/src/graphs/graphs.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ trunk/src/graphs/graphs.h	2011-09-19 13:36:45.158311161 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-+* Copyright (C) 2011 Francisco J. Vazquez (fjvazquezaraujo at gmail.com)
-+#ifndef GRAPHS_H
-+#define GRAPHS_H
-+#include <sys/time.h>
-+#include "common.h"
-+#include "area.h"
-+#define MAXGRAPHS 3
-+#define MAXCURVES 6
-+typedef struct Graphs {
-+	// always start with area
-+	Area area;
-+	char *netdev;
-+	Color g[MAXCURVES];
-+} Graphs;
-+extern int graphs_enabled;
-+extern int graphs_ngraphs;
-+extern int graphs_ncurves;
-+extern int graphs_cpu_pos;
-+extern int graphs_mem_pos;
-+extern int graphs_net_pos;
-+extern int graphs_curves_per_pos[MAXGRAPHS];
-+extern int graphs_use_bars;
-+extern int graphs_graph_width;
-+extern char *graphs_netiface;
-+extern int graphs_netmaxup;
-+extern int graphs_netmaxdown;
-+extern char *graphs_lclick_command;
-+extern char *graphs_rclick_command;
-+void default_graphs();
-+void cleanup_graphs();
-+void init_graphs();
-+void init_graphs_panel(void *panel);
-+void draw_graphs (void *obj, cairo_t *c);
-+int resize_graphs (void *obj);
-+void graphs_action(int button);
-diff -ruN tint2.orig/src/panel.c tint2.mine/src/panel.c
---- trunk/src/panel.c	2011-09-19 12:38:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/src/panel.c	2011-09-19 12:46:47.171791151 +0200
-@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
- 	init_systray();
- 	init_launcher();
- 	init_clock();
-+	init_graphs();
- 	init_battery();
- #endif
-@@ -178,6 +179,8 @@
- 				init_launcher_panel(p);
- 			if (panel_items_order[k] == 'T')
- 				init_taskbar_panel(p);
-+			if (panel_items_order[k] == 'G')
-+				init_graphs_panel(p);
- 			if (panel_items_order[k] == 'B')
- 				init_battery_panel(p);
-@@ -398,6 +401,8 @@
- 			for (j=0 ; j < p->nb_desktop ; j++)
- 				p->area.list = g_slist_append(p->area.list, &p->taskbar[j]);
- 		}
-+		if (panel_items_order[k] == 'G')
-+			p->area.list = g_slist_append(p->area.list, &p->graphs);
- 		if (panel_items_order[k] == 'B') 
- 			p->area.list = g_slist_append(p->area.list, &p->battery);
-@@ -676,6 +681,20 @@
- }
-+int click_graphs(Panel *panel, int x, int y)
-+	Graphs gr = panel->graphs;
-+	if (panel_horizontal) {
-+		if (gr.area.on_screen && x >= gr.area.posx && x <= (gr.area.posx + gr.area.width))
-+			return TRUE;
-+	} else {
-+		if (gr.area.on_screen && y >= gr.area.posy && y <= (gr.area.posy + gr.area.height))
-+			return TRUE;
-+	}
-+	return FALSE;
- int click_clock(Panel *panel, int x, int y)
- {
- 	Clock clk = panel->clock;
-diff -ruN tint2.orig/src/panel.h tint2.mine/src/panel.h
---- trunk/src/panel.h	2011-09-19 12:38:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/src/panel.h	2011-09-19 12:46:47.171791151 +0200
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- #include "common.h"
- #include "clock.h"
-+#include "graphs.h"
- #include "task.h"
- #include "taskbar.h"
- #include "systraybar.h"
-@@ -103,6 +104,8 @@
- 	// clock
- 	Clock clock;
-+	Graphs graphs;
- 	// --------------------------------------------------
- 	// battery
-@@ -151,6 +154,7 @@
- Launcher *click_launcher (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
- LauncherIcon *click_launcher_icon (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
- int click_padding(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
-+int click_graphs(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
- int click_clock(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
- Area* click_area(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
-diff -ruN tint2.orig/src/tint.c tint2.mine/src/tint.c
---- trunk/src/tint.c	2011-09-19 12:38:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ trunk/src/tint.c	2011-09-19 12:46:47.172791139 +0200
-@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
- 	default_battery();
- #endif
- 	default_clock();
-+	default_graphs();
- 	default_launcher();
- 	default_taskbar();
- 	default_tooltip();
-@@ -160,6 +161,7 @@
- 	cleanup_systray();
- 	cleanup_tooltip();
- 	cleanup_clock();
-+	cleanup_graphs();
- 	cleanup_launcher();
- 	cleanup_battery();
-@@ -427,6 +429,14 @@
- 			break;
- 	}
-+	if ( click_graphs(panel, e->xbutton.x, e->xbutton.y)) {
-+		graphs_action(e->xbutton.button);
-+		if (panel_layer == BOTTOM_LAYER)
-+			XLowerWindow (server.dsp, panel->main_win);
-+		task_drag = 0;
-+		return;
-+	}
- 	if ( click_clock(panel, e->xbutton.x, e->xbutton.y)) {
- 		clock_action(e->xbutton.button);
- 		if (panel_layer == BOTTOM_LAYER)

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