[arch-commits] Commit in libmodplug/trunk (3 files)

Eric Bélanger eric at nymeria.archlinux.org
Sun Mar 23 21:49:56 UTC 2014

    Date: Sunday, March 23, 2014 @ 22:49:56
  Author: eric
Revision: 208525

upgpkg: libmodplug

Upstream update, Remove old patches


 PKGBUILD                           |   17 +-----
 libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch |   42 ---------------
 libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch |   95 -----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2014-03-23 21:26:50 UTC (rev 208524)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-03-23 21:49:56 UTC (rev 208525)
@@ -2,25 +2,16 @@
 # Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
 pkgdesc="A MOD playing library"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-        libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch)
-          'daee7fba80f633236a3d09ad19225c57013140e9'
-          '2e870747261a86dce5056cbf077c5914e9e8b287')
-prepare() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  patch -p2 -i "${srcdir}/libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch"
-  patch -p2 -i "${srcdir}/libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch"
 build() {
   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   ./configure --prefix=/usr

Deleted: libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch
--- libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch	2014-03-23 21:26:50 UTC (rev 208524)
+++ libmodplug-CVE-2013-4233-Fix.patch	2014-03-23 21:49:56 UTC (rev 208525)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From c4d4e047862649a75f6dba905c613aff0df81309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Konstanty Bialkowski <konstanty at ieee.org>
-Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:15:27 +1000
-Subject: [PATCH] CVE-2013-4233 Fix
-Integer overflow in j variable
--- reported by Florian "Agix" Gaultier
- libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp | 7 ++++---
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp b/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-index 9f4b328..ecb7b62 100644
---- a/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-+++ b/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-@@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@ static int abc_extract_tempo(const char *p, int invoice)
- static void	abc_set_parts(char **d, char *p)
- {
--	int i,j,k,m,n;
-+	int i,j,k,m,n,size;
- 	char *q;
- #ifdef NEWMIKMOD
- 	static MM_ALLOC *h;
-@@ -1852,10 +1852,11 @@ static void	abc_set_parts(char **d, char *p)
- 			i += n-1;
- 		}
- 	}
--	q = (char *)_mm_calloc(h, j+1, sizeof(char));	// enough storage for the worst case
-+	size = (j + 1) > 0 ? j+1 : j;
-+	q = (char *)_mm_calloc(h, size, sizeof(char));	// enough storage for the worst case
- 	// now copy bytes from p to *d, taking parens and digits in account
- 	j = 0;
--	for( i=0; p[i] && p[i] != '%'; i++ ) {
-+	for( i=0; p[i] && p[i] != '%' && j < size; i++ ) {
- 		if( isdigit(p[i]) || isupper(p[i]) || p[i] == '(' || p[i] == ')' ) {
- 			if( p[i] == ')' ) {
- 				for( n=j; n > 0 && q[n-1] != '('; n-- )	;	// find open paren in q

Deleted: libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch
--- libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch	2014-03-23 21:26:50 UTC (rev 208524)
+++ libmodplug-CVE-2013-4234-Fix.patch	2014-03-23 21:49:56 UTC (rev 208525)
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-From 5de53a46283e7c463115444a9339978011dab961 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Konstanty Bialkowski <konstanty at ieee.org>
-Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:15:09 +1000
-Subject: [PATCH] CVE-2013-4234 Fix
-Heap overflow in abc_MIDI_drum + abc_MIDI_gchord
--- reported by Florian "Agix" Gaultier
- libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp b/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-index ecb7b62..dd9cc6b 100644
---- a/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-+++ b/libmodplug/src/load_abc.cpp
-@@ -3205,27 +3205,33 @@ static void abc_MIDI_chordname(const char *p)
- static int abc_MIDI_drum(const char *p, ABCHANDLE *h)
- {
- 	char *q;
--	int i,n,m;
-+	int i, n, m, len;
- 	while( isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 	if( !strncmp(p,"on",2) && (isspace(p[2]) || p[2] == '\0') ) return 2;
- 	if( !strncmp(p,"off",3) && (isspace(p[3]) || p[3] == '\0') ) return 1;
--	n = 0;
-+	n = 0; len = 0;
- 	for( q = h->drum; *p && !isspace(*p); p++ ) {
- 		if( !strchr("dz0123456789",*p) ) break;
--		*q++ = *p;
--		if( !isdigit(*p) ) {
--			if( !isdigit(p[1]) ) *q++ = '1';
-+		*q++ = *p; len++;
-+		if( !isdigit(*p) && len < sizeof(h->drum)-1 ) {
-+			if( !isdigit(p[1]) ) { *q++ = '1'; len ++; }
- 			n++; // count the silences too....
- 		}
-+		if (len >= sizeof(h->drum)-1) {
-+			// consume the rest of the input
-+			// definitely enough "drum last state" stored.
-+			while ( *p && !isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+			break;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	*q = '\0';
- 	q = h->drumins;
- 	for( i = 0; i<n; i++ ) {
- 		if( h->drum[i*2] == 'd' ) {
--			while( isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+			while( *p && isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 			if( !isdigit(*p) ) {
- 				m = 0;
--				while( !isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+				while( *p && !isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 			}
- 			else
- 				p += abc_getnumber(p,&m);
-@@ -3236,10 +3242,10 @@ static int abc_MIDI_drum(const char *p, ABCHANDLE *h)
- 	q = h->drumvol;
- 	for( i = 0; i<n; i++ ) {
- 		if( h->drum[i*2] == 'd' ) {
--			while( isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+			while( *p && isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 			if( !isdigit(*p) ) {
- 				m = 0;
--				while( !isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+				while( *p && !isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 			}
- 			else
- 				p += abc_getnumber(p,&m);
-@@ -3254,13 +3260,19 @@ static int abc_MIDI_drum(const char *p, ABCHANDLE *h)
- static int abc_MIDI_gchord(const char *p, ABCHANDLE *h)
- {
- 	char *q;
-+	int len = 0;
- 	while( isspace(*p) ) p++;
- 	if( !strncmp(p,"on",2) && (isspace(p[2]) || p[2] == '\0') ) return 2;
- 	if( !strncmp(p,"off",3) && (isspace(p[3]) || p[3] == '\0') ) return 1;
- 	for( q = h->gchord; *p && !isspace(*p); p++ ) {
- 		if( !strchr("fbcz0123456789ghijGHIJ",*p) ) break;
--		*q++ = *p;
--		if( !isdigit(*p) && !isdigit(p[1]) ) *q++ = '1';
-+		*q++ = *p; len++;
-+		if( !isdigit(*p) && len < sizeof(h->gchord)-1 && !isdigit(p[1]) ) { *q++ = '1'; len ++; }
-+		if (len >= sizeof(h->gchord)-1) {
-+			// consume the rest of the input
-+			// definitely enough "drum last state" stored.
-+			while ( *p && !isspace(*p) ) p++;
-+		}
- 	}
- 	*q = '\0';
- 	return 0;

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