[arch-commits] Commit in python-irc/repos/community-any (7 files)

Kyle Keen kkeen at nymeria.archlinux.org
Wed May 21 01:04:53 UTC 2014

    Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 @ 03:04:53
  Author: kkeen
Revision: 111614

archrelease: copy trunk to community-any

    (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/jaraco.py)
    (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/python-irc.install)
    (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/python2-irc.install)

 PKGBUILD            |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 jaraco.py           |   16 ++++++
 python-irc.install  |   96 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 python2-irc.install |   96 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 4 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2014-05-21 01:04:25 UTC (rev 111613)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Kyle Keen <keenerd at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at vdwaa.nl>
-# Contributor: Pierre Chapuis <catwell at archlinux.us>
-# Contributor: Stefano Esposito <ragnarok at email.it>
-pkgname=('python-irc' 'python2-irc')
-pkgdesc="IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol client library for Python"
-makedepends=('python-setuptools' 'python2-setuptools')
-checkdepends=('python-pytest' 'python2-pytest')
-build() {
-  cd "$srcdir"
-  cp -a "irc-$pkgver" "irc2-$pkgver"
-  depends=('python2-six')
-  install='python2-irc.install'
-  cd "$srcdir/irc2-$pkgver"
-  python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=0
-  find "$pkgdir/" -name '*.pyc' -delete
-  depends=('python-six')
-  install='python-irc.install'
-  cd "$srcdir/irc-$pkgver"
-  export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
-  python3 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=0
-  find "$pkgdir/" -name '*.pyc' -delete
-  find "$pkgdir/" -type d -empty -delete
-  cd "$srcdir/irc-$pkgver"
-  export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
-  python3 setup.py test 
-  cd "$srcdir/irc2-$pkgver"
-  python2 setup.py test 

Copied: python-irc/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Kyle Keen <keenerd at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at vdwaa.nl>
+# Contributor: Pierre Chapuis <catwell at archlinux.us>
+# Contributor: Stefano Esposito <ragnarok at email.it>
+pkgname=('python-irc' 'python2-irc')
+pkgdesc="IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol client library for Python"
+makedepends=('python-setuptools' 'python2-setuptools')
+checkdepends=('python-pytest' 'python2-pytest')
+        jaraco.py)
+         '90a2ebb75d5b5263ea8f688f024a93d5')
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir"
+  # todo, convince author not to use his own misc lib
+  cp jaraco.py "irc-$pkgver/irc/"
+  pushd "irc-$pkgver"
+  sed -i 's/jaraco.util.itertools/irc.jaraco/' irc/client.py
+  sed -i '25i irc/jaraco.py' irc.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+  popd
+  cp -a "irc-$pkgver" "irc2-$pkgver"
+  depends=('python2-six')
+  install='python2-irc.install'
+  cd "$srcdir/irc2-$pkgver"
+  python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=0
+  find "$pkgdir/" -name '*.pyc' -delete
+  depends=('python-six')
+  install='python-irc.install'
+  cd "$srcdir/irc-$pkgver"
+  export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+  python3 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=0
+  find "$pkgdir/" -name '*.pyc' -delete
+  find "$pkgdir/" -type d -empty -delete
+  cd "$srcdir/irc-$pkgver"
+  export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+  python3 setup.py test 
+  cd "$srcdir/irc2-$pkgver"
+  python2 setup.py test 

Copied: python-irc/repos/community-any/jaraco.py (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/jaraco.py)
--- jaraco.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ jaraco.py	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Sometimes parts of https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jaraco.util
+leak into the python-irc package.  Instead of making a whole
+new package for these util functions, let's embed them
+instead.  Reconsider this when there is more than a dozen
+lines of code.
+def always_iterable(item):
+    "taken from jaraco.util-10.0.2"
+    if item is None:
+        item = ()
+    if isinstance(item, six.string_types) or not hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
+        item = (item,)
+    return item

Deleted: python-irc.install
--- python-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:25 UTC (rev 111613)
+++ python-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# clean up for anyone silly enough to run this as root
-# it would be great if pkgname and not just pkgver was passed in the arg list
-post_upgrade() {
-  while read _f; do
-    if [[ "${_f:(-3)}" != ".py" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -f "$_f" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_f}c" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_f}c"
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_f}o" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_f}o"
-    fi
-    _thisdir="$(dirname "$_f")/__pycache__"
-    if [[ ! -d "$_thisdir" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    _thisfile="$(basename "$_f")"
-    _thisfile="${_thisfile/%.py/.${_cpython}.py}"
-    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c"
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o"
-    fi
-    # no good way to test for empty dir
-    # would be 25% faster if there were
-    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$_thisdir" &> /dev/null
-  done <<<  "$(pacman -Qql $_pkg | grep '\.py$')"
-post_install() {
-  post_upgrade $1
-pre_remove() {
-  post_upgrade $1

Copied: python-irc/repos/community-any/python-irc.install (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/python-irc.install)
--- python-irc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ python-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# clean up for anyone silly enough to run this as root
+# it would be great if pkgname and not just pkgver was passed in the arg list
+post_upgrade() {
+  while read _f; do
+    if [[ "${_f:(-3)}" != ".py" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -f "$_f" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_f}c" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_f}c"
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_f}o" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_f}o"
+    fi
+    _thisdir="$(dirname "$_f")/__pycache__"
+    if [[ ! -d "$_thisdir" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    _thisfile="$(basename "$_f")"
+    _thisfile="${_thisfile/%.py/.${_cpython}.py}"
+    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c"
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o"
+    fi
+    # no good way to test for empty dir
+    # would be 25% faster if there were
+    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$_thisdir" &> /dev/null
+  done <<<  "$(pacman -Qql $_pkg | grep '\.py$')"
+post_install() {
+  post_upgrade $1
+pre_remove() {
+  post_upgrade $1

Deleted: python2-irc.install
--- python2-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:25 UTC (rev 111613)
+++ python2-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# clean up for anyone silly enough to run this as root
-# it would be great if pkgname and not just pkgver was passed in the arg list
-post_upgrade() {
-  while read _f; do
-    if [[ "${_f:(-3)}" != ".py" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -f "$_f" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_f}c" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_f}c"
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_f}o" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_f}o"
-    fi
-    _thisdir="$(dirname "$_f")/__pycache__"
-    if [[ ! -d "$_thisdir" ]]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    _thisfile="$(basename "$_f")"
-    _thisfile="${_thisfile/%.py/.${_cpython}.py}"
-    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c"
-    fi
-    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o" ]]; then
-      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o"
-    fi
-    # no good way to test for empty dir
-    # would be 25% faster if there were
-    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$_thisdir" &> /dev/null
-  done <<<  "$(pacman -Qql $_pkg | grep '\.py$')"
-post_install() {
-  post_upgrade $1
-pre_remove() {
-  post_upgrade $1

Copied: python-irc/repos/community-any/python2-irc.install (from rev 111613, python-irc/trunk/python2-irc.install)
--- python2-irc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ python2-irc.install	2014-05-21 01:04:53 UTC (rev 111614)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# clean up for anyone silly enough to run this as root
+# it would be great if pkgname and not just pkgver was passed in the arg list
+post_upgrade() {
+  while read _f; do
+    if [[ "${_f:(-3)}" != ".py" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -f "$_f" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_f}c" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_f}c"
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_f}o" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_f}o"
+    fi
+    _thisdir="$(dirname "$_f")/__pycache__"
+    if [[ ! -d "$_thisdir" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    _thisfile="$(basename "$_f")"
+    _thisfile="${_thisfile/%.py/.${_cpython}.py}"
+    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}c"
+    fi
+    if [[ -e "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o" ]]; then
+      rm -f "${_thisdir}/${_thisfile}o"
+    fi
+    # no good way to test for empty dir
+    # would be 25% faster if there were
+    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$_thisdir" &> /dev/null
+  done <<<  "$(pacman -Qql $_pkg | grep '\.py$')"
+post_install() {
+  post_upgrade $1
+pre_remove() {
+  post_upgrade $1

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