[arch-commits] Commit in gnu-efi-libs/repos (8 files)
Tobias Powalowski
tpowa at archlinux.org
Mon Nov 3 20:03:45 UTC 2014
Date: Monday, November 3, 2014 @ 21:03:45
Author: tpowa
Revision: 225589
archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64, extra-i686
(from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch)
(from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch)
/PKGBUILD | 96 ++++
/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch | 296 +++++++++++++++
extra-i686/PKGBUILD | 55 --
extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch | 148 -------
extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 55 --
extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch | 148 -------
6 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)
Deleted: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:34 UTC (rev 225588)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
-# Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino <themolok at gmail.com>
-[[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="x86_64"
-[[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="ia32"
-pkgdesc="Library for building UEFI Applications using GNU toolchain"
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-options=('!strip' '!makeflags' 'staticlibs')
- 'gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch')
-prepare() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- patch -Np1 -R -i "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch"
-build() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- ## Unset all compiler FLAGS
- unset CFLAGS
- unset CPPFLAGS
- unset CXXFLAGS
- unset LDFLAGS
- make -j1
- make -j1 -C apps all
-package() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- make INSTALLROOT="${pkgdir}" PREFIX="/usr" LIBDIR="/usr/lib" install
- install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
- install -D -m0644 "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/apps"/*.efi "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
- '97ef85cd3d4aba2349aa1fab706568ab')
Copied: gnu-efi-libs/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
+# Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino <themolok at gmail.com>
+[[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="x86_64"
+[[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="ia32"
+pkgdesc="Library for building UEFI Applications using GNU toolchain"
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+options=('!strip' '!makeflags' 'staticlibs')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
+ ## Unset all compiler FLAGS
+ unset CFLAGS
+ unset CPPFLAGS
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ unset LDFLAGS
+ make -j1
+ make -j1 -C apps all
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
+ make INSTALLROOT="${pkgdir}" PREFIX="/usr" LIBDIR="/usr/lib" install
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
+ install -D -m0644 "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/apps"/*.efi "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
Deleted: extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch
--- extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:34 UTC (rev 225588)
+++ extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-commit 06744d69273de4945cf0ffcaa4a6abf7cec707b6
-Author: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
-Date: Fri Mar 14 13:47:39 2014 -0400
- From: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 05:18:14 +0100
- Subject: [PATCH] make install: Don't overwrite up-to-date files
- make install used to copy files unconditionnally to their destination.
- However, if the destination is used by another Makefile, it will always
- see modified files. "install" target now only update the files when they
- need to.
- Signed-off-by: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
- Signed-off-by: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
-diff --git a/gnuefi/Makefile b/gnuefi/Makefile
-index e99adbe..85a7db8 100644
---- a/gnuefi/Makefile
-+++ b/gnuefi/Makefile
-@@ -49,6 +49,19 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
- TARGETS = crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o libgnuefi.a
-+ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
-+ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds
-+ else
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
-+ endif
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- all: $(TARGETS)
- libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
-@@ -56,17 +69,14 @@ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
- clean:
- rm -f $(TARGETS) *~ *.o $(OBJS)
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
--ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
-- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- else
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- endif
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/%: % | $$(dir $$@)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(addprefix $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/,$(INSTALLTARGETS))
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
-diff --git a/inc/Makefile b/inc/Makefile
-index 273d303..297385b 100644
---- a/inc/Makefile
-+++ b/inc/Makefile
-@@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ TOPDIR = $(SRCDIR)/..
-+SRCHEADERS = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h) \
-+ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h) \
-+ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h)
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
-+ SRCHEADERS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/$(ARCH)/*.h)
-+HEADERS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%,$(SRCHEADERS))
- all:
- clean:
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
--ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/ia64/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
-+$(INCDIRINSTALL)/protocol \
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(INCDIRINSTALL)/%.h: %.h | $$(dir $$@)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(addprefix $(INCDIRINSTALL)/,$(HEADERS))
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
-diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
-index e9f604e..d2635ad 100644
---- a/lib/Makefile
-+++ b/lib/Makefile
-@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
- SUBDIRS = ia32 x86_64 ia64 runtime
- all: libsubdirs libefi.a
-+.PHONY: libsubdirs
- libsubdirs:
- for sdir in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$sdir; done
-@@ -71,9 +74,13 @@ libefi.a: $(patsubst %,libefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
- clean:
- rm -f libefi.a *~ $(OBJS) */*.o
--install: libefi.a
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 libefi.a $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a: libefi.a | $(LIBDIRINSTALL)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
Copied: gnu-efi-libs/repos/extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch (from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch)
--- extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+commit 06744d69273de4945cf0ffcaa4a6abf7cec707b6
+Author: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
+Date: Fri Mar 14 13:47:39 2014 -0400
+ From: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
+ Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 05:18:14 +0100
+ Subject: [PATCH] make install: Don't overwrite up-to-date files
+ make install used to copy files unconditionnally to their destination.
+ However, if the destination is used by another Makefile, it will always
+ see modified files. "install" target now only update the files when they
+ need to.
+ Signed-off-by: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
+ Signed-off-by: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
+diff --git a/gnuefi/Makefile b/gnuefi/Makefile
+index e99adbe..85a7db8 100644
+--- a/gnuefi/Makefile
++++ b/gnuefi/Makefile
+@@ -49,6 +49,19 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
+ TARGETS = crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o libgnuefi.a
++ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
++ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds
++ else
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
++ endif
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+@@ -56,17 +69,14 @@ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+ clean:
+ rm -f $(TARGETS) *~ *.o $(OBJS)
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+-ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
+- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- else
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- endif
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/%: % | $$(dir $$@)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(addprefix $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/,$(INSTALLTARGETS))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
+diff --git a/inc/Makefile b/inc/Makefile
+index 273d303..297385b 100644
+--- a/inc/Makefile
++++ b/inc/Makefile
+@@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ TOPDIR = $(SRCDIR)/..
++SRCHEADERS = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h) \
++ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h) \
++ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h)
++ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
++ SRCHEADERS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/$(ARCH)/*.h)
++HEADERS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%,$(SRCHEADERS))
+ all:
+ clean:
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
+-ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/ia64/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
++$(INCDIRINSTALL)/protocol \
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(INCDIRINSTALL)/%.h: %.h | $$(dir $$@)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(addprefix $(INCDIRINSTALL)/,$(HEADERS))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
+diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
+index e9f604e..d2635ad 100644
+--- a/lib/Makefile
++++ b/lib/Makefile
+@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
+ SUBDIRS = ia32 x86_64 ia64 runtime
+ all: libsubdirs libefi.a
++.PHONY: libsubdirs
+ libsubdirs:
+ for sdir in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$sdir; done
+@@ -71,9 +74,13 @@ libefi.a: $(patsubst %,libefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+ clean:
+ rm -f libefi.a *~ $(OBJS) */*.o
+-install: libefi.a
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 libefi.a $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a: libefi.a | $(LIBDIRINSTALL)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
Deleted: extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:34 UTC (rev 225588)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
-# Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino <themolok at gmail.com>
-[[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="x86_64"
-[[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="ia32"
-pkgdesc="Library for building UEFI Applications using GNU toolchain"
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-options=('!strip' '!makeflags' 'staticlibs')
- 'gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch')
-prepare() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- patch -Np1 -R -i "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch"
-build() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- ## Unset all compiler FLAGS
- unset CFLAGS
- unset CPPFLAGS
- unset CXXFLAGS
- unset LDFLAGS
- make -j1
- make -j1 -C apps all
-package() {
- cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
- make INSTALLROOT="${pkgdir}" PREFIX="/usr" LIBDIR="/usr/lib" install
- install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
- install -D -m0644 "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/apps"/*.efi "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
- '97ef85cd3d4aba2349aa1fab706568ab')
Copied: gnu-efi-libs/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
+# Contributor: Alessio 'mOLOk' Bolognino <themolok at gmail.com>
+[[ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="x86_64"
+[[ "${CARCH}" == "i686" ]] && _EFI_ARCH="ia32"
+pkgdesc="Library for building UEFI Applications using GNU toolchain"
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+options=('!strip' '!makeflags' 'staticlibs')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
+ ## Unset all compiler FLAGS
+ unset CFLAGS
+ unset CPPFLAGS
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ unset LDFLAGS
+ make -j1
+ make -j1 -C apps all
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/"
+ make INSTALLROOT="${pkgdir}" PREFIX="/usr" LIBDIR="/usr/lib" install
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
+ install -D -m0644 "${srcdir}/gnu-efi-${_pkgver}/apps"/*.efi "${pkgdir}/usr/share/gnu-efi/apps/${_EFI_ARCH}/"
Deleted: extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch
--- extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:34 UTC (rev 225588)
+++ extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-commit 06744d69273de4945cf0ffcaa4a6abf7cec707b6
-Author: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
-Date: Fri Mar 14 13:47:39 2014 -0400
- From: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 05:18:14 +0100
- Subject: [PATCH] make install: Don't overwrite up-to-date files
- make install used to copy files unconditionnally to their destination.
- However, if the destination is used by another Makefile, it will always
- see modified files. "install" target now only update the files when they
- need to.
- Signed-off-by: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
- Signed-off-by: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
-diff --git a/gnuefi/Makefile b/gnuefi/Makefile
-index e99adbe..85a7db8 100644
---- a/gnuefi/Makefile
-+++ b/gnuefi/Makefile
-@@ -49,6 +49,19 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
- TARGETS = crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o libgnuefi.a
-+ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
-+ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds
-+ else
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
-+ endif
-+ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
- all: $(TARGETS)
- libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
-@@ -56,17 +69,14 @@ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
- clean:
- rm -f $(TARGETS) *~ *.o $(OBJS)
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
--ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
-- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- else
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- endif
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/%: % | $$(dir $$@)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(addprefix $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/,$(INSTALLTARGETS))
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
-diff --git a/inc/Makefile b/inc/Makefile
-index 273d303..297385b 100644
---- a/inc/Makefile
-+++ b/inc/Makefile
-@@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ TOPDIR = $(SRCDIR)/..
-+SRCHEADERS = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h) \
-+ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h) \
-+ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h)
-+ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
-+ SRCHEADERS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/$(ARCH)/*.h)
-+HEADERS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%,$(SRCHEADERS))
- all:
- clean:
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
--ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/ia64/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
-+$(INCDIRINSTALL)/protocol \
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(INCDIRINSTALL)/%.h: %.h | $$(dir $$@)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(addprefix $(INCDIRINSTALL)/,$(HEADERS))
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
-diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
-index e9f604e..d2635ad 100644
---- a/lib/Makefile
-+++ b/lib/Makefile
-@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
- SUBDIRS = ia32 x86_64 ia64 runtime
- all: libsubdirs libefi.a
-+.PHONY: libsubdirs
- libsubdirs:
- for sdir in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$sdir; done
-@@ -71,9 +74,13 @@ libefi.a: $(patsubst %,libefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
- clean:
- rm -f libefi.a *~ $(OBJS) */*.o
--install: libefi.a
-- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-- $(INSTALL) -m 644 libefi.a $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
-+ mkdir -p $@
-+$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a: libefi.a | $(LIBDIRINSTALL)
-+ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
-+install: $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a
- include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
Copied: gnu-efi-libs/repos/extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch (from rev 225588, gnu-efi-libs/trunk/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/gnu-efi-3.0v-revert-makefile-commit.patch 2014-11-03 20:03:45 UTC (rev 225589)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+commit 06744d69273de4945cf0ffcaa4a6abf7cec707b6
+Author: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
+Date: Fri Mar 14 13:47:39 2014 -0400
+ From: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
+ Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 05:18:14 +0100
+ Subject: [PATCH] make install: Don't overwrite up-to-date files
+ make install used to copy files unconditionnally to their destination.
+ However, if the destination is used by another Makefile, it will always
+ see modified files. "install" target now only update the files when they
+ need to.
+ Signed-off-by: Sylvain Gault <sylvain.gault at gmail.com>
+ Signed-off-by: Nigel Croxon <nigel.croxon at hp.com>
+diff --git a/gnuefi/Makefile b/gnuefi/Makefile
+index e99adbe..85a7db8 100644
+--- a/gnuefi/Makefile
++++ b/gnuefi/Makefile
+@@ -49,6 +49,19 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
+ TARGETS = crt0-efi-$(ARCH).o libgnuefi.a
++ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
++ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds
++ else
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
++ endif
++ INSTALLTARGETS += elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+@@ -56,17 +69,14 @@ libgnuefi.a: $(patsubst %,libgnuefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+ clean:
+ rm -f $(TARGETS) *~ *.o $(OBJS)
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+-ifneq (,$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OS)))
+- ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_fbsd_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- else
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- endif
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/elf_$(ARCH)_efi.lds $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/%: % | $$(dir $$@)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(addprefix $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/,$(INSTALLTARGETS))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
+diff --git a/inc/Makefile b/inc/Makefile
+index 273d303..297385b 100644
+--- a/inc/Makefile
++++ b/inc/Makefile
+@@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ TOPDIR = $(SRCDIR)/..
++SRCHEADERS = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h) \
++ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h) \
++ $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h)
++ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
++ SRCHEADERS += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/protocol/$(ARCH)/*.h)
++HEADERS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%,$(SRCHEADERS))
+ all:
+ clean:
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/$(ARCH)/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/$(ARCH)
+-ifeq ($(ARCH),ia64)
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(SRCDIR)/protocol/ia64/*.h $(INSTALLROOT)$(PREFIX)/include/efi/protocol/ia64
++$(INCDIRINSTALL)/protocol \
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(INCDIRINSTALL)/%.h: %.h | $$(dir $$@)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(addprefix $(INCDIRINSTALL)/,$(HEADERS))
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
+diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
+index e9f604e..d2635ad 100644
+--- a/lib/Makefile
++++ b/lib/Makefile
+@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@ OBJS = $(FILES:%=%.o)
+ SUBDIRS = ia32 x86_64 ia64 runtime
+ all: libsubdirs libefi.a
++.PHONY: libsubdirs
+ libsubdirs:
+ for sdir in $(SUBDIRS); do mkdir -p $$sdir; done
+@@ -71,9 +74,13 @@ libefi.a: $(patsubst %,libefi.a(%),$(OBJS))
+ clean:
+ rm -f libefi.a *~ $(OBJS) */*.o
+-install: libefi.a
+- mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
+- $(INSTALL) -m 644 libefi.a $(INSTALLROOT)/$(LIBDIR)
++ mkdir -p $@
++$(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a: libefi.a | $(LIBDIRINSTALL)
++ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $(dir $@)
++install: $(LIBDIRINSTALL)/libefi.a
+ include $(SRCDIR)/../Make.rules
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