[arch-commits] Commit in lib32-systemd/repos/multilib-x86_64 (PKGBUILD PKGBUILD)

Laurent Carlier lcarlier at archlinux.org
Sun Dec 13 09:59:26 UTC 2015

    Date: Sunday, December 13, 2015 @ 10:59:26
  Author: lcarlier
Revision: 153155

archrelease: copy trunk to multilib-x86_64

    (from rev 153154, lib32-systemd/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD |  139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2015-12-13 09:59:20 UTC (rev 153154)
+++ PKGBUILD	2015-12-13 09:59:26 UTC (rev 153155)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Dave Reisner <dreisner at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: Tom Gundersen <teg at jklm.no>
-pkgdesc="system and service manager (32-bit)"
-license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1' 'MIT')
-depends=('lib32-libgcrypt' 'lib32-xz' 'lib32-libcap' 'lib32-acl' 'lib32-libidn' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'systemd')
-makedepends=('lib32-gcc-libs' 'gcc-multilib' 'lib32-libidn' 'lib32-glib2' 'intltool' 'gperf'
-             'lib32-curl' 'lib32-bzip2' 'git')
-prepare() {
-  cd systemd
-  ./autogen.sh
-build() {
-  export CC="gcc -m32"
-  export CXX="g++ -m32"
-  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig"
-  cd systemd
-  local timeservers=({0..3}.arch.pool.ntp.org)
-  ./configure \
-    --libexecdir=/usr/lib32 \
-    --libdir=/usr/lib32 \
-    --localstatedir=/var \
-    --sysconfdir=/etc \
-    --enable-compat-libs \
-    --disable-audit \
-    --disable-tests \
-    --disable-ima \
-    --disable-seccomp \
-    --disable-pam \
-    --disable-kmod \
-    --disable-networkd \
-    --disable-blkid \
-    --disable-libiptc \
-    --disable-manpages \
-    --without-python \
-    --disable-libcryptsetup \
-    --with-sysvinit-path= \
-    --with-sysvrcnd-path= \
-    --with-ntp-servers="${timeservers[*]}"
-  make
-package() {
-  cd systemd
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/{etc,var}
-  rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{bin,include,lib,share}
-  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses"
-  ln -s systemd "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/lib32-systemd"

Copied: lib32-systemd/repos/multilib-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 153154, lib32-systemd/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2015-12-13 09:59:26 UTC (rev 153155)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Dave Reisner <dreisner at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Tom Gundersen <teg at jklm.no>
+pkgdesc="system and service manager (32-bit)"
+license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1' 'MIT')
+depends=('lib32-libgcrypt' 'lib32-xz' 'lib32-libcap' 'lib32-acl' 'lib32-libidn' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'systemd')
+makedepends=('lib32-gcc-libs' 'gcc-multilib' 'lib32-libidn' 'lib32-glib2' 'intltool' 'gperf'
+             'lib32-curl' 'lib32-bzip2' 'git')
+prepare() {
+  cd systemd
+  ./autogen.sh
+build() {
+  export CC="gcc -m32"
+  export CXX="g++ -m32"
+  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig"
+  cd systemd
+  local timeservers=({0..3}.arch.pool.ntp.org)
+  ./configure \
+    --libexecdir=/usr/lib32 \
+    --libdir=/usr/lib32 \
+    --localstatedir=/var \
+    --sysconfdir=/etc \
+    --enable-compat-libs \
+    --disable-audit \
+    --disable-tests \
+    --disable-ima \
+    --disable-seccomp \
+    --disable-pam \
+    --disable-kmod \
+    --disable-networkd \
+    --disable-blkid \
+    --disable-libiptc \
+    --disable-lz4 \
+    --disable-manpages \
+    --without-python \
+    --disable-libcryptsetup \
+    --with-sysvinit-path= \
+    --with-sysvrcnd-path= \
+    --with-ntp-servers="${timeservers[*]}"
+  make
+package() {
+  cd systemd
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/{etc,var}
+  rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{bin,include,lib,share}
+  install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses"
+  ln -s systemd "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/lib32-systemd"

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